The social construction of reality can significantly impact how people shape their traditions and cultural aspects, which may interact through categories such as race, gender, or class. People’s social environment can shape how they perceive their environment and themselves. It is, therefore, essential to identify the critical features of this process by referring to how people react to their cultural and social environment. Thus, the use of various theories and tactics can help in understanding the process of formation of an objective social structure.
Applying Sociological Concepts to Understanding of the Social Construction of Reality
The categories of race, gender, and class may precede the self-definition of all major categories and aspects of a person’s character. Hjelm (2019) states that Berger and Luckman determine that all variables, such as gender, race, and cultural background, can influence current attitudes in shaping social behavior. People are divided into different categories that determine what they can be and how they react to all the significant events in their lives. Social class determines how wealth and specific opportunities can influence their perception of themselves and others.
Rethinking one’s reality and variables can be necessary for a person to feel comfortable in the future. However, in some cases, self-determination in gender categories may entail social sanctions. This is manifested in the fact that society cannot always be tolerant towards people who go beyond the certain boundaries in which they were born (Haryono et al., 2023). So, this can hinder how people can define their variables. If a change in class component is not condemned by society, then self-determination of race and gender can significantly affect a person’s perception.
In conclusion, it is essential to note that social construction can significantly impact how sound individuals can adapt to different societies. Changes in certain initial variables can negatively affect how they get along with other individuals. At the same time, the importance of the initial environment is determined by the fact that basic parameters such as race, gender, and class can contribute to personality development.
Haryono, H., Legiani, W. H., & Carolina, M. (2023). The social construction of reality: Junior high school studentsbrawl in Balaraja tangerang. JCIC: Jurnal CIC Lembaga Riset dan Konsultan Sosial, 5(1), 13-20. Web.
Hjelm, T. (2019). Rethinking the theoretical base of Peter L. Berger’s sociology of religion: Social construction, power, and discourse. Critical Research on Religion, 7(3), 223-236. Web.