The Royal Flying Doctor Service


The Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) offers a wide range of specialized services to Australians who live in remote and rural locations. The RFDS has grown to become one of the world’s biggest and most complete aeromedical organizations since its founding in 1928 (RFDS, n.d.). The RFDS provides emergency and rescue services in addition to being a vital lifeline for many remote areas. Generally, these include primary medical care, dental work, mental health treatment, and other services.


The RFDS provides an essential service for many isolated and rural communities in Australia. Every day, the RFDS assists more than 1000 people (RFDS, n.d.). In essence, the RFDS is a lifeline for many Australians who otherwise would not have access to healthcare. The response time to calls for help has been easier since RFDS’ most expensive innovation of jet aircraft was launched. According to Dowling (2022), the groundbreaking, Beechcraft King Air, will expand the service’s scope. Although improvements in transportation, medical technology, and information technology will continue to improve patient care, the RFDS service is distinguished by the dedication and ties of its highly qualified employees.

RFDS must now compete commercially to further improve its service delivery to its clientele, as government departments are moving towards competitively tendering traditional service contracts on the open market. Studies have shown that competition has a consistently positive impact on healthcare quality (Strumann, Geissler, Busse, and Pross, 2022). Nonetheless, this is a difficult transition from a service focus to a corporate one.


Essentially, this will supplement the cost of service provided; thus, it should be bravely considered as an income source, as is the case with many charitable service organizations. The management skill set within the corporation will be impacted by the capacity to collaborate with private businesses and give quantitative measures on their investment return.


Dowling, H. (2022) RFDS unveils new fixed-wing livery. Web.

Strumann, C., Geissler, A., Busse, R. and Pross, C. (2022) ‘Can competition improve hospital quality of care? A difference-in-differences approach to evaluate the effect of increasing quality transparency on hospital quality.’ The European Journal of Health Economics.

The Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia (RFDS). (n.d.) About Royal Flying Doctor Service. Web.

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