Carrying out the essential quality assurance procedures is a rather complicated task for the member of the Quality Assurance Department at the Sikorsky Aircraft Organization. Apart from making sure that every single detail meets a series of specific and rigid criteria, the quality assurance stage involves dealing with careful planning; therefore, the necessity to apply decision-making skills is required (Kubiak & Benbow, 2009).
The diagram below represents the map of the QA process at Sikorsky Aircraft. It should be borne in mind, though, that the QA process is much more complex than the model below is (Crumrine, n. d.). Particularly, the stage involving the analysis of the aircraft parts’ quality demands especial care and a detailed evaluation of the product. In order to enhance the safety rates of the aircraft produced, the members of the QA department, in general, and the Quality Assurance assistant, in particular, must plan the assessment process carefully (SA 908, 2016).

As the map drawn above shows, the QA process involves five primary stages, i.e., data collection and validation, the creation of the conceptual design and its following validation by the stakeholders, the application of the criteria, and submitting the outcomes of the assessment to the manager so that the information could be processed and the required actions should be undertaken (Kinnison & Siddiqui, 2012).
Therefore, it is desirable that the basic principles of decision-making should be taught to the QA members. Seeing that the quality evaluation process may become rather convoluted, and that certain disagreements may emerge in the process, a set of negotiation tools and a leadership strategy should be incorporated into the QA procedures. As soon as the possible sources of conflict are identified and removed, the process of QA can be carried out at a much faster and more efficient rate.
Reference List
Crumrine, R. (n. d.). International quality management systems and aviation system standards (AVN). Web.
Kinnison, H., & Siddiqui, T. (2012). Aviation maintenance management. (2nd ed.). New York, NY : McGraw-Hill Professional.
Kubiak, T. M., & Benbow, D. W. (2009). Process characteristics. In The Certified Six Sigma Black Belt handbook (pp. 80-89). Milwaukee, WI: ASQ Quality Press.
SA 908, (2016). Web.