Analyzing Plot and Character Development in Star Wars Storyline

The Star Wars story takes place in a galaxy that is going to face numerous threats. The viewers are introduced to main characters, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi that have to complete a mission and meet various allies during their long journey. Damaged by the Federation, their ship needs to be repaired, and they begin their search for parts. The meeting with Anakin Skywalker, a human slave, is a crucial point of the story.

It is necessary to say that becoming a pilot was the boy’s greatest dream. The presence of force within Anakin has been noted, yet Council thinks that it may be too late to train him, and he should not be free. The company has to look for other ways to solve the problem. Although it was not a simple task, the boy won a race against other competitors and was able to guarantee his freedom. Searching for a ship on a space station has been not simple with the presence of enemies. However, the heroes did not have time to waste, and they were not noticed. Anakin is going to be trained as a padawan, an adolescent that has the potential to become a future Jedi.

One of the most powerful characters in the story, Yoda, agrees that it is necessary. It needs to be said that he has all the necessary qualities to succeed. The idea to be a Jedi inspires the boy and others are ready to help him. Against all odds, the team has been able to complete the mission. The story ends with a celebration of freedom. The storylines within the first episode will be continued in the next movies. Overall, it is one of the greatest masterpieces in history that will be viewed even by the next generations.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, December 21). Analyzing Plot and Character Development in Star Wars Storyline.

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StudyCorgi. 2020. "Analyzing Plot and Character Development in Star Wars Storyline." December 21, 2020.

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