The Story “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” by Marquez

Mysticism and reality are two opposing concepts that have a close relationship in work. Even in the first paragraph, mysterious elements are introduced, demonstrating the surreal character of the older man with huge wings. Marquez & Tornaritis (2007) immediately destroys all thoughts of a powerful and holy angel, placing him in the mud, helpless and unable to untangle himself. In some parts of the story, the author’s tone seems to lament that humanity often does not appreciate the ‘magic’ that is part of life. Using magical realism, Marquez & Tornaritis (2007) takes the natural tendencies of humanity and intertwines them with supernatural elements, creating scenes that suggest whether magic can penetrate the world. For example, the angel is so real that the local priest, Father Gonzaga, notes that he looks too much like a man. He stinks, and everything about him is the opposite of anything that could be called holy. However, looking closely, the qualities of an angel in the pages of the story can be seen.

It should be mentioned that the main protagonist, like a real angel, sustained much suffering. Some personalities threw leftover food into the man’s birdcage, while others plucked feathers from his wings, believing they would help cure illnesses. A few people cauterized the older man with the iron they used to mark animals to see if he reacted to pain (Marquez & Tornaritis, 2007). Thus, the story follows the pattern of biblical suffering, which again allows for the argument that the older man was the personification of the angel. It is a sign of the angel’s supernatural origins-his being in the midst of trauma. Thus, the protagonist was a manifestation of the unknown to the public, which permitted him to be categorized as a sacred monster.


Marquez, G. G., & Tornaritis, N. (2007). A very old man with enormous wings. GradeSaver LLC.

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