The Story Behind Hailey Sinclair Foundation


The story of a 13-year-old girl who resolved to commit suicide after bullies turned her life into a living hell, and many like that, is the reason for establishing a helping foundation, Hailey Sinclair Foundation. Sharon’s (pseudonym) long trail to death started after she requested to join the journalism club. During registration, I turned to her and shouted that she was wasting her time as ugly girls could not pretend to answer follow-up questions. The bullies had stopped shouting and let her practice in the club like the rest of the people. Sharon was shocked when she realized that someone had logged in to her Facebook account and posted the awful video of her trying to read like a journalist. Worse still, many people were making mean comments, calling her too ugly, fat, and black to a news anchor.

The following day, Sharon looked sad with swollen eyes caused by crying for a long time. The class teacher punished the two girls who started the bullying. However, Sharon remained somber for the better time of that day. In the evening, when children typically attend clubs that they are registered with, the people notice that she is not there. Everyone assumed she was okay and would soon be found, but she never did and remained in the classroom. When the students returned from the clubs, they saw Sharon lying down and unresponsive. Near her was a note with the words, “Thank you for proving to me that I was never good enough; I knew I had to end my misery.” The issue was reported, and the teachers and school nurse took her to the hospital. However, she was pronounced dead on arrival after taking an overdose of her anti-depression drugs. It was sad for every person, including the perpetrators, to accept her death.

Many people who witnessed the case would have done a follow-up the next day and even provided a mental health professional. Their regret was compounded by the fact that Sharon was still young and would have lived to enhance diversity in the media industry.

The Hailey Sinclair Foundation was started against Sharon’s experience and desire to enforce justice so that no other young person ever has to die without a listening ear.

The mission of the organization is to educate, fight for and care for all young adults likely to become bullying victims. The founders believe that since social media strongly reinforces bullying behavior, it will be instrumental in ending the vice. The foundation wants to ensure that no other young person fails to fulfill their dream because they listened to the negative voices when there was no single word of encouragement. The core values of caring, anonymity, and justice ensure that no child is left behind and that every vision is valid.

Initiatives to Stop Bullying

Training in Bullying Prevention and Response

Many adults, including teachers, religious leaders, and parents, are not conversant with the nature, effects, and appropriate responses that can help to minimize bullying. Yet, they are supposed to be actively involved in preventing bullying. At Hailey Sinclair Foundation, we are committed to training stakeholders such as school staff to understand the different types of bullying and the appropriate responses in case of known or suspected bullying. Particularly, the foundation will organize monthly training where interested persons can register, after which they receive physical or virtual training and get relevant resources.

Community Events

Hailey Sinclair Foundation recognizes that to be successful in its endeavors to end bullying, it is crucial to receive support from the community. Resultantly, the organization will partner with organizations that support cultural and sports development to create events to create awareness of bullying. For example, we can encourage actors to integrate the theme of bullying into their drama. In addition, the Hailey Sinclair Foundation will provide attire like T-shirts with messages on ending bullying. The rationale for such initiatives is to sensitize people and promote public discourse on the subject such that it will no longer be perceived as a taboo. The implication is that it will be easier for victims to come out and tell their stories to find rescue and help other victims.

Strengthening Skills and Knowledge of Youths and Children

Some youths and children become perpetrators of bullying due to peer pressure, personality issues, or lack of respect for themselves and others. Therefore, our foundation will have a solely dedicated program to the children through mentorship and afterschool programs that help them to be disciplined. The children who have already been exposed to bullying are offered psychotherapy to ensure that they heal from the trauma. In cases of physical bullying, our organization intends to partner with hospitals to treat children with injuries. Notably, mentorship will be from the community partners who have received training and have the resources to help the children. The intention is to establish a strong and traceable follow-up program when assisting the victims or even the perpetrators.

Afterschool Programs

The foundation will start a range of afterschool programs, including music, drama, poetry, arts, painting, and any other talent activity. When children engage in valuable activities, they are likely not to find the time or resources to indulge in bullying. Moreover, the afterschool programs are intended to help young people appreciate their diversity and work as teams in making art. Once they start cooperating in doing constructive afterschool activities, it will be impossible for them to be perpetrators of bullying.

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StudyCorgi. (2024, March 25). The Story Behind Hailey Sinclair Foundation.

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