The Surface Features of the Heart


The heart is one of the most important organs in the human body, responsible for all processes happening in the organism. The organ’s structure is complicated, making it even more powerful due to its diverse functionality. Interestingly, the heart starts developing during week 3 of pregnancy when many women are unaware of their condition, and epicardium plays a significant role in this process (Quijada et al., 2020). The responsibility of the epicardium is to connect cells and form other layers of the heart till the end of its development in the embryo.

The construction of a human fetus in the early stages of development is simple, and the processes are interconnected. Consequently, the different parts of the developing body send signals step-by-step to start creating new organs. According to Battista et al. (2017), primitive blood vessels receive a message from the cardiogenic area, and the development of endocardial tubes starts. These parts are increasing, and more arteries and venous appear. By week 35, the growth of such important parts of the heart as the right and left atriums stop, and this step of fetus development allows further creation of other organs.

Critical Thinking

The heart structure can be related to the house as it has several layers of walls, windows, and rooms, and every part is responsible for different organism functions (Whitaker, 2018). For instance, heart layers known as the epicardium, myocardium, and endocardium protect the inner structure of the organ (Whitaker, 2018). Windows allow blood to move to a different body part, ensuring the flow’s stability. This topic is crucial for society as people should be conscious about their health, understand their organs’ importance, and protect their initial structure by leading a healthy lifestyle. This explanation is closely related to the concept of layers of tasks, and the basis provided in this text can help study this topic more deeply.


Battista, N. A., Lane, A.N., & Liu, J. (2017). Fluid dynamics in heart development: Effects of hematocrit and trabeculation, Mathematical Medicine and Biology: A Journal of the IMA, 35(4), 493-516.

Quijada, P., Trembley, M. A., & Small, E. M. (2020). The role of the epicardium during heart development and repair, Circulation Research, 126(3), 377-394.

Whitaker, R. H. (2018). Anatomy of the heart. Medicine, 46(8), 423-426.

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