The “Teach Us Your Name” Book by Huda Essa

The book “Teach Us Your Name” by Huda Essa is a story about diversity, and the author teaches children to pay attention to the cultural differences between themselves and their peers. This is achieved by outlining a lesson for children, where they ask other students to introduce themselves and discuss the meaning of their names and their cultural background. “Teach Us Your Name” is a valuable resource that helps children between the ages of 6 and 8 to be more mindful of how their culture differs from that of other students.

Hence, the book that will be used in the lesson plan is “Teach Us Your Name.” The goal of the lesson is to teach children about multiculturality. The objective is to use the book by Essa (2016) to show how a person’s name indicates their cultural heritage and how asking a question about the name can help children gain insight into the person’s culture. The standard of this lesson relates to the issue of multicultural education for children between the ages of 6 and 8. Other resources include a song titled “We are all amazing” by London Rhymes (2020) and two poems, which are “Black is beautiful” by Sharon D. Brown-Rogers and “Harmony day poem” by Twinkl (Pollard, 2022). Thus the main book can be used with other resources to support the lesson’s theme.

These are small poems and a fun-sounding tune that will be easy for the children to memorize. The book and the three additional resources both teach children that they are surrounded by people who come from different backgrounds and ethnicities, and therefore, they should be mindful of cultural differences. Additionally, this lesson and the three resources should encourage the students to be curious about other cultures and ask appropriate questions to find out more about them.


Essa, H. (2016). Teach us your name. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

London Rhymes. (2020). We’re all amazing [Youtube].

Pollard, M. (2022). Diversity poems for children

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