The Teacher: A Film About Power and Corruption in 1980s Slovakian Schooling


The Teacher, directed by Jan Hřebejk, is a thought-provoking film that tells a compelling story of power, manipulation, and morality in a 1980s Slovakian school (Hrebejk, 2015). The film’s content is meticulously and artistically presented, with Zuzana Mauréry delivering a stirring performance as the titular character. This manipulative and corrupt teacher exploits her students and their parents for personal favors.

Film Message

The film’s overall message is a critique of corruption and the abuse of power, particularly in a system that should be built on trust, fairness, and the pursuit of knowledge. The film uses the microcosm of a school to depict the broader issues of societal and political corruption that were prevalent in communist-era Czechoslovakia (Hrebejk, 2015). It also explores the moral dilemmas faced by the student’s parents, who must choose between protecting their children’s welfare and standing up against a corrupt system.

Personal Reaction

I had a thoroughly positive reaction to The Teacher. Hřebejk’s direction was masterful at creating an atmosphere of tension and suspense, and Mauréry’s villain portrayal was remarkable, authentically depicting malevolent and controlling behavior. The film conveyed the feeling of dread and helplessness of the parents effectively, making it a heartbreakingly relatable experience. Though its narrative is compelling, pacing can feel slow at times and repetition of certain scenes may tire some viewers. Nevertheless, these minor criticisms do not significantly detract from its overall impact.


Overall, The Teacher is a powerful exploration of corruption and the abuse of power, with a strong central performance and a thought-provoking narrative. It is a film, that is likely to linger in the minds of viewers long after the credits roll, prompting reflection on the insidious nature of corruption and the courage required to stand against it. A poignant reminder that even when facing significant challenges, people still have the capacity to make a difference.


Hrebejk, J. (Director). (2015). The teacher [Film].

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StudyCorgi. "The Teacher: A Film About Power and Corruption in 1980s Slovakian Schooling." March 19, 2025.


StudyCorgi. 2025. "The Teacher: A Film About Power and Corruption in 1980s Slovakian Schooling." March 19, 2025.

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