The Treatment of Asians and Asian-American Groups in the US


Asians and the Asian-American population have rapidly continued to be on the rise, especially in North America. The Chinese Filipinos are the first Asians to settle in the United States, after which many Asians have moved there (Tessler et al., 2020). Asians are diverse in language, culture, values, and ethnicities. Asians and Asian Americans face persecution and discrimination from the locals based on their race, as every other minority group in America, although not as much as their other counterparts, such as the Hispanic and black American races (Lee & Waters, 2020). This study, therefore, seeks to elucidate the similarities and differences in how Asians and Asian-Americans are treated compared to other minority groups in the US.

Similarities Between Asian Origins

The Asian and the Asian Americans have three significant philosophies that are Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism. Under these three principles, the family unit is hierarchical and highly structured, and paternal. The young ones are taught to uphold family virtues such as integrity and honor, and social and financial welfare are essential to the family. Furthermore, the principles of peace, harmony, and balance are stressed. However, they face the challenge of keeping their culture and values alive with the influence and the pressure of being assimilated by the Native American cultures.

Differences Between Asian Origins

In addition, Asians have diverse cultural values different from other ethnicities in the United States. Census has shown that persons of Asian Origins are the largest group in the whole world, making up 59% of the world’s population (Wong-Padoongpatt et al., 2017). There are six major origin groups of Asians in the United States: Indonesians, Chinese, Philippines, Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, and Laotian. However, other minority groups account for about 2% of the Asian population (Lee & Waters, 2020).

Similarities and Differences Between Asian and Other Minority Groups

Despite the diversity in the origin of the Asians, they bear several similarities within themselves, including their common belief in the importance of high performance in their endeavor, mainly in the economic sector. They, therefore, believe in the power of having an excellent education and form a larger group of the academic elite group. Asians are driven by shared values of hard work and excellence and peace and harmony with each other, more so with fellow Asians.

Asians have been subjected to discrimination and persecution just like any other minority group in America based on race (Ryan et al., 2019). Asian Americans are the most prosperous, learned, and successful ethnic group in America. Asians surpass even the Caucasians and native Americans in numbers at almost every education level, which allows them to be treated almost equally to native Americans, and reduces racial discrimination against them.

However, the Asian and Asian-American populations also share their differences, depending on their difference. Perhaps the most notable differences are in terms of religion. Asians of Indian origin mainly comprise Hindus and Muslims, with a smaller segment made up of Christians. It is important to note that despite the significance that these populations attach to religion, some are atheists, not having a religion or beliefs in God. Asians from China practice different religious practices such as Buddhism, Christianity, and Taoism (Mukkamala & Suyemoto, 2018).

Despite Asians’ major influence in America and the high population, Asians are discriminated against just like any other minority group, such as the people of color and Hispanic. The onset of the Corona Virus disease has seen mass racial discrimination against Asians of Chinese origins, where the virus is believed to have begun. Reports of them being labeled as corona have been frequent, and they have been associated with the virus. Viral videos asking them to leave America heavily stigmatized this population. Most of their businesses and restaurants, especially in New York City, reported having closed following racial discrimination and fear by the misinformed public who thought they could contract the virus by associating with the Chinese (Imamura, 2020).

Some Asians have also been associated with terrorism and terrorist activities, further enforcing discrimination. Like the Latinos and black Americans, Asian populations have been viewed as intruders in the United States. Therefore, they have received few privileges, especially in leadership opportunities in government positions (Breslau et al., 2017). Asians also share equal language barriers, immigrant experiences, and similar rapid population growth (Katzenstein, 2018). However, they are awarded better privileges than Latinos and black people. They live in wealthy neighborhoods and have well-paying jobs, unlike the other minority groups. They are also given managerial positions in large corporations. The Asian populations are also well educated. They have a good representation in government, unlike blacks and Latinos.

The Asians share similarities with native Americans. Both populations are highly educated compared to Hispanic and black populations and Latinos. They also have better representation in the government than other populations. Asians have a better chance of working in large corporations than their counterparts and form the largest populations.

The Asians share similarities with Native Americans (Ruiz et al., 2020). Both populations are highly educated compared to Hispanic and black populations and Latinos. They also have better representation in the government than other populations. They have a better chance of working in large corporations than their counterparts and form the largest populations. While Latinos and Black populations heavily rely on religion, these two population groups heavily invest in science.

They have come up with crucial scientific contributions that have changed the world’s outlook (Langøien et al., 2017). However, they do not have equal privileges to the Native Americans. For instance, the Native American population has still had a heavy dominance in vital economic sectors and holds crucial government positions (Peterson et al., 2018). The Native Americans have high representation in both representative houses. Additionally, racial discrimination from the Native Americans against these populations is still prevalent, though not against the black and Latino communities.

The Increment of Discrimination against the Asians and Asian Americans in the US

The continuous Covid-19 has inclined and expanded the many segregation prejudices and savagery discrimination against Asians and Asian Americans. Reports of disdain of breach in a more significant number that is up to 100 dailies. Many Asian Americans have revealed persevering to the discrimination of their race, which makes them being subjected to an illegitimate work environment. Facing physical brutality being spat on, being removed outrageously as the media officials and the government continuously defame and hold them in custody for the covid 19 spreading. The online platform has provided a hostile platform that increases their discrimination with reports on the assumptions made on the Asian’s supposition of increased cases against Asians that has spread and Asian Americans fighting disdain in every way on the social media.

Utilizing the incorporated danger hypothesis, this study investigates the connections between bias/disdain toward Asians-Americans, specifically Chinese, and online media use. Three key outcomes arose out of the study. To start with, the more a web-based media client accepts their most utilized day-by-day online media is reasonable. This presents current realities and is worried about the general population (web-based media accept).

The almost certain that client is to trust the Chinese represents a practical and representative danger to America. Second, people essentially varied in various sorts of discrimination. The males are the most affected, and the ladies are affected by emblematic and physical danger such as rape and insults. And for the people who do not use social media are more subject to uncertainty than those on social media who see the Chinese people as very dangerous individuals. Suggestions and proposals for professionals, well-being laborers, and government are proposed.

Our reality is defying the novel (Covid-19) pandemic. As of May 2020, the World Health Organization (2020) pronounced more than 3,000,000 affirmed instances of Covid-19 out of 213 nations, regions, and domains (Wong-Padoongpatt et al., 2017). The episode of Covid-19 has sent very many to lockdowns billions of individuals on lockdown, wellbeing e administrations into emergency, and economies into unrest in the US.

Very many people usually do not think of the family as the owners of our culture. People generally relate cultures with where they come from, for example, their countries and their ethnic groups. The family’s norms and virtues always mold children from the time they are born to their adulthood. When the children are growing up, their reasoning on what is right or wrong, they reflect on what they believe in, their virtues, and the traditions of the family’s culture.

As they grow up, many people take families for granted and grow up to their adulthood very many behaviors and attitudes that they acquire from childhood. Those who deny the family’s culture later come to know that what they do in their life is entirely from what was initiated in their childhood, even though they may rum from their culture. However, still, they will behave and even make the mistakes of the families they come from. Some family attitudes and responses are only ingrained in the members of a family but will still influence the way they think and behave.

Importance of Family

The family has a massive identifiable picture of the culture we have even though they are not static. Family is a ground state of transition as every family member will go through life as the family develops; birth, marriage death, and divorce can change the constellation of the filing ways that are profound and alters the culture of the family. The social, economic, and political forces can also trigger changes in a family’s culture; for instance, the social revolution in 1940 altered the expectations and attitudes on the women and men’s roles in the family (Wang et al., 2019).

What is Taught in the School System?

The school system is segregated based on color and ethnic origins. For example, there is the establishment of Indian schools in the US, which focuses on training learners on Indian cultures. Asian Americans are termed as immigrants, refugees, and descendants of Asian immigrants. They tried electing their leaders to major offices of the government and expected to be recognized for them electing their leaders, but this bared no fruits.

Donald Trump, the former US president, showed toxicity on the political influence that could be seen. He clearly showed the rising of the wave of ant I Asian that many cases involved massive shootings that involved around eight people out of which 6 were Asians (Hudda et al., 2017). US media houses spreading out the news that China is the source of covid 19 that has affected the whole world has ravaged the world, creating the hatred on the group of Asians and US family has increased the domestic woes and discrimination.

Recent Political Influence

Many attacks have grown, and the vulnerable groups, such as the frameless and the elderly, have been subjected to discrimination against Asian Americans. Many Asians have died from the attacks by racists in the area bay in the last few months. According to the AAPI Hate from February, there have been reports being received of about 4000 on discrimination against Asian Americans (Salas-Wright et al., 2019).

The reports explain the frequent attacks the Chinese have undergone, leading to an increment of 42.2 % (Kenning et al., 2017). The spokesperson of the Chinese ministry of foreign affairs has pinpointed that the administration of President Donald Trump and a group of politicians’ words and what they do have highly contributed to the United States being domestically hostile to the Asian Americans.


In conclusion, there are significant differences in Asians’ treatment and Asian Americans’ in political, social, and economic spheres. People of Asian origin continue to grow and thrive in the United States. An Asian population is a diverse group of people originating from different countries such as Japan, China, and Vietnam. Despite their different origins, they share common similarities, such as their beliefs in quality education and output in what they do. They have suffered racial discrimination from Native Americans, though the resentment is not as much as that of their counterparts, black Americans and Latinos.

Racial discrimination in recent times has mainly been directed towards the Chinese, with the onset of COVID-19, which originated from China, causing stigmatization of Asians of Chinese origin. Asians, however, have better representation, unlike black and Latino communities, and they are also more educated. They have better job opportunities than these minority groups, and they live in wealthy neighborhoods.


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