The Tru Royalty Travel Company’s Information

Tru Royalty Travel (TRT) is an end-to-end booking service provider with an optimistic financial outlook. TRT’s key partners include managerial employees at different hierarchical levels, individual/corporate investors, and communications specialists. TRT seeks to perform diverse activities, including engaging in communication with clients, supporting information exchange between diverse departments, and promoting the innovative uses of IT in the travel industry, thus improving the field’s tech savviness. TRT’s key resources are convertible, technology, and human resources, as well as interpersonal/managerial skills. The company’s value proposition incorporates extensive target market research, flexibility in service provision, building an extensive and diverse client base, time management, and hierarchical flexibility.

TRT’s customer relationships approach contributes to its anticipated profitability in the long-term perspective. TRT prioritizes serving students and young people aged 15-29 and will structure its activities with an emphasis on politeness and the demonstration of client-orientedness. It will apply high diversity-related expectations to its services and show concern for eliminating prejudice against minority groups seeking travel services. Internet-mediated communication will support TRT in building stable relationships with the target market. Concerning the channels, the venture will make use of meetings and interviews with customers, social networks, including Facebook, and e-mail communication. Regarding the segmentation, it is planned to serve clients at TRT’s head physical office and branch offices, which creates two client subgroups.

The cost structure incorporates resource utilization (HR and equipment) and partnerships (LLC start-up fees, InteleTravel fees, income taxes, entertainment, and initial/operating costs). The internal costs are labor expenses, taxation, marketing, hypothetical costs, communication service, materials, equity, and capital resources. Regarding revenue streams, TRT will generate income from travel services for youth/students and business trips for a wealthier customer demographic, serving at least 24 and 3 such clients, respectively, every year. TRT has been valued at $1,477,707 (or $1,260,000 for 85% of the company), resulting from a 15% 5-year revenue growth rate, average risks, and $120,000 in current year revenues. For justification, investing in TRT would be a wise decision due to revenue growth forecasts, limited HR expenses, and unique services.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, July 7). The Tru Royalty Travel Company’s Information.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "The Tru Royalty Travel Company’s Information." July 7, 2023.

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