The University of Benedictine’s Main Features

The choice of an institute is not an easy matter since applicants look at the university’s philosophy in addition to the quality of education. The University of Benedictine has several features that significantly distinguish it from other universities.

The first principle is prayer because it develops human spirituality. It is not necessarily related to faith since we show respect for all religions. Spirituality can be acquired by following the principles of mindfulness or meditation.

The second difference is obedience, which helps to stop and think in time. In addition to studying, everyone should find time to listen to their feelings and admit to those who need it.

The third point is stability, which helps one move forward every day. It arises from life experiences, successes, and losses (Annala et al., 2021). In other words, the student must keep going despite the setbacks.

Discipline is the fourth dimension that is welcomed at the University of Benedictine. It is essential to instill in students the habit of self-disciplining and incorporating this into everyday life (Jung et al., 2017).

The fifth criterion is stewardship because it contributes to the personality formation of students. The challenge for the professors is to create respect for the beauty and kindness of creation.

Humility is the sixth difference, that is aimed at the awareness of responsibility for people’s actions. According to Van Tongeren et al. (2019), it is characterized by being aware of one’s limitations and interpersonal position.

The seventh point is the order of conduct in the community; it also affects interpersonal relationships. In other words, the rule is aimed at peaceful coexistence and cooperation in searching for the common good with others.

The eighth dimension is hospitality since it allows one to develop ideas through others. Doors are always open for strangers since we open our arms and hearts to them.

The ninth point is a conversation, which enables one to interact with students and professors effectively. Any issue or conflict can be resolved through communication and critical argumentation.

The last difference is love, and it refers to the message of Jesus Christ about the need to love the neighbor. The value and dignity of each person are one of the most critical factors of existence in the community.

Features of the University of Benedictine fully meet modern standards of morality and ethics. They aim to develop each student’s personality, comfortable coexistence and striving for a common goal.


Annala, J., Mäkinen, M., Lindén, J., & Henriksson, J. (2021). Change and stability in academic agency in higher education curriculum reform. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 1-17.

Jung, K. R., Zhou, A. Q., & Lee, R. M. (2017). Self-efficacy, self-discipline and academic performance: Testing a context-specific mediation model. Learning and Individual Differences, 60, 33–39.

van Tongeren, D. R., Davis, D. E., Hook, J. N., & Witvliet, C. V. (2019). Humility. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 28(5), 463–468.

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