The US Fertility Rate Issue: Causes and Solutions for Low Birth Rates

Problem Identification

In the US, the total fertility rate is less than 2.0, below the “recovery” level. This means that a growing percentage of our population will be old. We are already seeing the baby boom generation retire, and there are not enough people to fill all our jobs. Thus, the problem of low fertility is highly relevant.

Challenges of Low Fertility Rates: Impact on Society and Economy

The factors leading to low fertility rates vary, including economic, political, and cultural traits. For example, many women pursue careers and want to have children once they reach a certain age. In addition, many marriages end before couples decide to have children. In some cases, social norms may also influence the decision to have children (Kearney & Levine, 2022). Numerous measures must be taken to improve financial support and access to quality services for families to increase the U.S. fertility rate. These measures will help people make informed decisions about their fertility potential and improve living standards for families with children.

Although the reasons for low fertility rates vary, the main reasons include increased costs of children, decreased financial support for children, lack of access to quality child care, fewer families choosing to have children, and high demands on quality of life. All these reasons lead to people choosing not to have children or having fewer children, which leads to low fertility rates.

Strategies to Increase Fertility Rates: Policies and Solutions

To increase the fertility rate, it is necessary to take suitable steps to solve this problem. National and local governments should give women more options to balance careers and children. National and local governments must provide more resources to women to encourage marriage and family planning (Kearney & Levine, 2022). Thus, women can have children in more favorable conditions. In addition, it is necessary to ensure access to health services and resources necessary for family planning. This will allow young couples to have children in a safer and healthier environment.


Kearney, M. S., & Levine, P. B. (2022). The Causes and Consequences of Declining US Fertility. Aspen Institute.

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StudyCorgi. 2025. "The US Fertility Rate Issue: Causes and Solutions for Low Birth Rates." March 3, 2025.

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