The Use of Conversational Devices in Communication


The introductory part’s central idea is that people can use different conversational devices to establish communication. By using a variety of linguistic phenomena, individuals can control how others utilize reasoning to justify their claims. Arguments maps can be created by several means, which is curious to observe in arguing (Facione & Gittens, 2016). The most valuable thought of the introduction is that preschoolers frequently ask why questions. In turn, they receive an explanation and reasons, which adds knowledge and impacts their worldview. It is the children’s curiosity that leads to the exploration of the world. Therefore, people must ask such a question to obtain an answer that meets their interests.

Critical Thinking

Some statements are challenging to analyze because several factors cause misunderstanding. For example, problematic vagueness, a word or phrase with an imprecise meaning lacking clear boundaries, can impede an interpretation (Facione & Gittens, 2016). The sentence “we are looking for those witnessing the murder” sounds vague because “those witnessing the murder” can refer to numerous individuals, including the murderer. In addition, no specific details present an obstacle to its analysis. The other impending concept is problematic ambiguity since some inconsistencies lead to unexpected outcomes (Facione & Gittens, 2016). This aspect “can have multiple meanings such that uncertainty about which meaning applies in a given context for a given purpose results in troublesome misunderstanding” (Facione & Gittens, 2016, p. 72). In this case, two people may present varying opinions regarding the subject since they use their projections of it, which causes misinterpretation.


Throughout life, people are exposed to the formation of different beliefs. Some of them are inherited, while others are imposed by society. Nonetheless, individuals choose to believe in something for many reasons. For example, I am convinced of many ideas due to my cultural heritage. In addition, most of my current views are imposed by my surroundings – school, job, and peers. Additionally, my thoughts are partially formed by the influence of social media. Namely, I believe that everyone has the right to express their opinion on any social network freely. The other reason is the deep knowledge obtained in the process of education which is a major source of information for a modern person. Every time I had to learn new facts, I processed them carefully to filter out something that did or did not fit my worldview. Having sorted out the data, I gained enough evidence to make sure my beliefs were propped by credible evidence. It is crucial to indicate what fits one’s worldview to shape specific outlooks on different aspects of life.


For instance, I sincerely believe that good sleep is an efficient means of sustaining one’s mental and physical health and it contributes to the success of a person. According to Maslow’s pyramid of human needs, sleep is one of the basic needs that has to be met. A person loses sleep or ignores its deprivation causing severe health complications. Initially, they become increasingly inattentive and suffer from headaches. Then, they may gain psychological and physical disorders which are difficult to treat. When one has enough sleep, they are likely to be more active and attentive and thrive in completing everyday tasks. As a result, this chain of arguments helps me understand why I believe in the suggested idea as it provides a logical explanation of the facts.


Facione, P., & Gittens, C. A. (2015). THINK Critically (3rd Ed.). Pearson Education (US).

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