The Use of Human Resource Management Systems


The main function of human resource management or human resource management departments is administrative and usually common to all organizations. Institutions may be having formalized evaluation, selection, and pay role processes. Effective and efficient management of human capital has been the major topic of concern because it is the core process that determines the production of the business activity or the firm in general.

The basic or primary function of human resource management is therefore to increase the contribution and effectiveness of employees in the attainment of organizational goals and objectives. This has been possible through the use of Human Resource Management systems which encompass areas such as payroll, benefits administration, recruiting, training, performance records. The following are the specific issues involved in Human Resource Management;

EEO and Affirmative Action

“Provisions from HRCI cover an extensive collection of employment and workforce scheduling issues which are inclusive of those that directly affect worker rights for example the EEO and affirmative action for workers. The HRCI provisions are globally acknowledged as the principles for the industry’s assessment of the competencies of HR Professionals “(Ivancevich, 2009) HRCI being an affiliate of HRM society which provides examination and certification services stipulates that Human Resource Professionals are responsible for ensuring that employment practices of a company are equitable and fair and that they are in line with the recommended policies, practices and regulations.

The employee should be guarded against employment discrimination and should be aware of the affirmative action stipulated in the international labor laws. Knowledge of affirmative action and EEO will assist me in my workplace in the future in that I will be able to safeguard employee rights by treating them fairly and equally in terms of remuneration, promotions, working conditions, retirement benefits, and also workload should I become appointed in the Human Resource Department. This knowledge will also assist me in bargaining for equal treatment in my workplace if am appointed elsewhere (Ivancevich, 2009).

Human Resource Planning, Recruitment and Selection

These are the activities preceding the filing of a vacant position in the workplace. Recruitment should be preceded by a critical analysis of the work to be done. This is done by studying analytically the tasks lying ahead and their core factors. This should be under the job description to aid the selectors in knowing what mental and physical characteristics should be possessed by the applicants, and what attitudes and qualities are desirable as well as those characteristics that are considered to be a disadvantage to that job. In the case of replacing staff, the critical question should be whether there is a need to recruit after all.

This is because replacement is not always an automatic process. Some firms involve external proficient consultants in recruitment and selection since bad buys are always very expensive. Effectual choice of staff is taken to be an acquisition of an employee whereby the fee is the employee’s wage multiplied by the estimated years of service. The personnel responsible for this important activity must be well conversant with judging the appropriateness of an applicant for a placement. Poorly performed placements cause huge losses to the firm.

The main source of selection and recruitment are;

  • Internal introduction and inductions
  • Career officers
  • University appointed boards
  • Employment agencies
  • Advertisement

Before sending any letters of appointment the medical fitness as well capacity of the applicant should be ascertained by requiring the individual to attend a medical fitness test. Interviews are carried out by supervisors or heads which are in form of sequential interviews. Instructing in assessing and interviewing candidates is essential for effective placement. Knowledge of planning, recruitment and selection will assist me in the recruitment of staff in my workplace when assigned the role. This knowledge also assists me in getting the right job or the job of my choice by binging out the attributes that the job requires when called for an interview.

Human Resource Development

“HR development can be illustrated as the formulation of aiding the workforce to expand their organizational and individual understanding, skills and capability. It takes into consideration activities such as opening for employee training, expansion and administration of performance, job expansion of the employee, importance of a worker recognition, instruction, & organizational expansion, progression planning and tuition assistance” (Ivancevich, 2009).

The main spotlight of all features in HRD is an expansion and coming up with the most proficient workforce so that each employee, as well as the firm, can realize their objectives in service to customers.

Human Resource Development is mainly formal for example training in class, taking a college course and a planned organizational change effort or it can be informal such as employee coaching by a supervisor or manager (Ivancevich, 2009).

Human Resource Development is core to the growth of an organization since it ensures that new ideas and strategies are learned and applied by the employees. This promotes service delivery since it relieves employees of boredom which can be caused by working out things the normal traditional way. Knowledge of Human Resource Development will assist me in my job in first understanding the importance of Human Resource Development and also in developing my career to promoting service delivery. This knowledge will also assist me in promoting human resource development in the organization.

Compensation and benefits

Employee benefits and compensation refer to health life insurance, retirement plans, life insurance, vacation, disability insurance, and plans for employee stock ownership. Since benefits are always increasing and their expenses also increasing for organizations, the range of benefits for many organizations is rapidly changing with many organizations opting for the lesser expensive benefits to include flexible benefit plans.

Compensation usually involves either wages or salary. It is therefore the fee a worker gets in return for their involvement in the activities of the firm. This payment is in form of tips, wages, and salaries and is normally given as either base pay, variable pay, or both. Base pay is dependent on the function of the organization as well as the market of the expertise needed to perform that function. Variable pay depends on the individual’s performance in that function, for example, variable pay for how well an individual performed and achieved his goals in a certain period. Variable pay takes into account inducement plans and bonus plans

Organizations usually relate payment to the kind of work staff is assigned in that organization. These assortments are composed of minimum as well as the maximum sum of money one can earn annually in that role.

Workers have some monies subtracted from their payrolls check to take care of issues such as state tax, federal tax donations, and in meeting the worker cost in certain benefits for example retirement insurance. Knowledge of employee compensation and benefits the employee is accrued by the firm will assist me in bargaining for my rightful pay or commensuration for my services in the firm. It will also assist me in decision-making concerning the employees’ benefits and compensation in the organization should I be faced with such a situation (Ulrich, 1996).

Safety and Health

The safety and health of the employee should be safeguarded at all times in the workplace. The employer should ensure that the employee is not exposed to substances that are harmful to him without proper precautions. The organization must adhere to the regulations safeguarding the employee’s health and safety and also the stipulated working conditions. Employees should be safeguarded against possible accidents and any accident should be reported to the Safety and Health Executive.

The employee should be aware of the legal safety and health duties and guidance towards reporting hazards and accidents in the workplace. Employee’s rights on suspension or expulsion from the job on medical grounds such as compensation should be adhered to. Precaution measures should be undertaken when employees are using computers in the workplace. Knowledge on employee safety and health in the workplace will assist me in providing safe working for employees under my supervision and also will give me the grounds to demand the proper working conditions in my workplace in the future.

Employee and labor relations

The director of an organization in the industrial relations department forms labor policy that negotiates collectively employee’s bargaining agreements and coordinates the procedures of handling the disputes and complaints from employees. The director collaborates with other managers in drawing up union contracts. Employees join the onions so that they can get collective bargaining power in airing their views. Knowledge of labor relations will assist me in an understanding of the importance of labor laws and labor relations in my workplace (Ulrich, 1996).


Effective and efficient management of human capital has been the major topic of concern because it is the core process that determines the production of the business activity or the firm in general. All the aspects discussed above work together for the achievement of the effective contribution of employees in the attainment of organizational goals and objectives.

Employees must be treated equally for them to have the zeal to work. In addition, they should have the appropriate qualification for the job and get the correct remuneration for their services. For the employee to have job security then there should be career development and safety in the workplace. The Human Resource Personnel should integrate all the above-discussed factors to shape organizational and employee behavior because they are equally important.


Ivancevich, John. (2009). Human resource management (11th ed.). McGraw-Hill Higher Education Publisher.

Legge, K. (2004). Human Resource Management: Rhetorics and Realities (Anniversary ed.). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Ulrich, D. (1996). Human Resource Champions. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.

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