The Uses and Modifications of Ancient Mythologies

Mythology refers to a branch of knowledge that deals with myths, especially the sacred tales and fables told by different religions, cultures, and traditions. Mythos tell various stories regarding the crucial elements of human life: the origin of humans, the meaning of life, good and evil, death, and life after death. What people describe as mythology in the present day was a religion and culture in the ancient past. Mythos preached the concept of the existence of a higher, mysterious, and powerful entity outside oneself that gave people a sense of belonging and protection. The paper discusses the modifications and uses of ancient mythologies in contemporary society.

Mythologies still have overbearing importance in the modern world. Greek philosophy laid the foundation for various schools of thought that significantly shaped present-day society’s development. Prominent psychologists, such as Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud, based their works on religion and myths to develop the psychoanalysis theory. These researchers studied myths and religious literature, which consequently shaped their theories on dreams and human consciousness. The psychoanalysis theory is still relevant in the modern-day psychiatric practice.

The myths are currently illustrated in modern movies, TV shows, novels, and scholarly works. Literature works borrow characters from various mythologies, then change and shape the narrative to appeal to the contemporary audience. Modifying mythological characters has heightened the popularity of myths and widespread recognition. Hercules, a legendary figure in Greek mythology, is an example of mythology that has been popularized by the present-day works. Star Wars also owes its global recognition and success to mythological features and symbols. Pre-historic features, such as tombs and monuments, have inspired modern-day architecture. For instance, buildings of the State Library of Victoria and St George’s Church in Australia were inspired by Greek architecture.

To sum up, ancient mythologies are still pertinent and significant in contemporary society. Greek mythos continue to have a substantial effect and influence in modern culture. The myths have been mainly adopted in movies, scholarly works, and modern literature, such as novels, to entertain people. Medieval society’s prehistoric building designs still impact modern-day architecture. Researchers whose works are still relevant in modern-day society, e.g., Sigmund Freud, also borrowed ideas from the myths.

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