The Value of Elderly Contributions in Society: Insights from Jared Diamond’s TED Talk


Jared Diamond’s TED Talk highlights the importance of older people in society. The talk How Societies May Grow Older and Better discusses how they contribute pricelessly in terms of wisdom, experience, and knowledge. According to Diamond, people in traditional societies often regard their elders more because they understand how important they are to preserving social order (Diamond, 2013). However, the overall approach to the elderly is not the same across countries, with some nations neglecting the seniors, which necessitates action.


I found the video by Jared Diamond to be immensely insightful. The speaker pointed to two ways the elderly are treated depending on the country, with people either neglecting them until they die or valuing the seniors (Diamond, 2013). Such a video made me emotional but, at the same time, aware of the prevalent issues.

I agree with Diamond’s contention that, regardless of the social setting, older folks have a crucial societal role. Older people have many knowledge and life experiences that can be useful to younger generations and society. Older people are admired for their contributions to their communities and are seen as valuable members of society in many cultures, including mine. In my culture, the elderly are respected, and the older the person is, the more respect and appreciation they have. I find this vital to any community and would like to promote such an approach for younger generations.


Older folks can access a wide selection of activities that can help them maintain and strengthen their social connections. Examples of opportunities to contact younger people, learn from them, and impart their expertise and wisdom include volunteering in their communities or participating in family gatherings. Additionally, they can meet other like-minded people, stay active, and give back to society by joining clubs or organizations that share their interests. Moreover, older folks can use technology to communicate with distant relatives and friends, preserving their social networks.


In conclusion, Jared Diamond’s thesis emphasizes the critical importance of valuing and appreciating older people’s contributions to society. To everyone’s advantage, communities may become more inclusive and cohesive by fostering intergenerational relationships and giving older people chances to keep contributing to society. By appreciating the wisdom and experience of senior citizens, we can gather a variety of viewpoints and build a more vibrant and flourishing society.


Diamond, J. (2013). Jared Diamond: How societies can grow old better [Video]. TED. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "The Value of Elderly Contributions in Society: Insights from Jared Diamond’s TED Talk." October 16, 2024.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "The Value of Elderly Contributions in Society: Insights from Jared Diamond’s TED Talk." October 16, 2024.

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