The Venus Figurines Statuettes Analysis

The Venus figurines are mysterious small statuettes, 2-8 inches tall, which anthropologists found throughout Europe, dating as far back as 35,000 to 40,000 years ago. From visual arts prehistoric, by anatomy, the figurines coincide with the Homo Sapiens neanderthalensis replacement, which presents images of modern human-like form at the start of the Upper Paleolithic prehistoric era (Visual Art, n.d.). Moreover, the article’s analysis of the figurines shows them as the oldest human art form that testifies the significance of female fertility in hunters and gathers’ minds by emphasizing female sexual features (Reilly, 2007). One common understanding in the analyses is that they represent a prehistoric notion of feminine beauty with some added perception they signified some form of religion.

The analyses emphasize hunters and gather an understanding of female beauty and fertility. The standard features associated with the figurines were their similar shapes and designs, which were wide-fat-bellied, lozenge-shaped, and had no facial detail, arms, or feet (Visual Art, n.d.). Moreover, Pelengaris (2011) shows they had strange genitalia shapes with huge size large breasts, massive buttocks, and protruding valleys that some honored them for their believed religious connection. The analysts’ interpretations of the statuettes are based on the hunters’ and gathers’ understanding of female fertility and the significance they had in the minds of these people (Reilly, 2007). Moreover, since they appeared near alters next to charred bones, which suggested animal sacrifice, the figurines’ interpretations are considered to have had religious meaning to the hunters and gathers (Reilly, 2007). Throughout history, religion was synonymous with sacrifices, and as shown in the article, the appearance of the figurines next to charred bones indicates a strong relationship between the images and some form of religion. Therefore, I think the figurines represented some female goddess, one the hunters and gathers sacrificed for thanksgiving.


Pelengaris, H. (2011). The emergence of human culture: Venus figurines podcast. [YouTube].

Reilly, K. (2007). The West and the world: A history of civilization from the ancient world to 1700. Wiener Publication.

Visual Art. (n.d.). Venus Figurines, Prehistoric: Definition, Characteristics, Interpretation.

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