Three Procedures of Implementing and Using Groupware Systems Efectively

Setting up an architecture for the existing labour procedures

Establishing process architecture is the preliminary phase of automation because it encompasses the description of the initial preparations such as definition of specific organization architecture or a framework that has various defined principals. The preliminary phase’s purpose is to involve establishments and various objectives that existing process architecture has to address. First, review of current organization’s context must address the impact that such implementation may have on various business stakeholders, thus the ability to find out the requirements, priorities, necessary or anticipated work behaviours as well as the relationship between the stakeholders and the enterprise.

In line with IEEE Computer Society (IEEE) (1), this process of automation also avails information of those who are involved especially their point-of-view. The process assists in finding out whether users support or have commitment to a successful implementation since they may be against the procedure. They are also able to supply information regarding work requirements for the affected business sectors.

Thirdly, establishing process architecture assists in identification and scaling of the affected elements, thus the ability to define the responsibilities, work methodologies, determine possible constrains and assumptions.

Lastly, it is important to come-up with a strong implementation approach, a good enterprise-based architectural plan have an organizational context, a requirement matrix, implementation principles and managerial frameworks.

Building up prerequisite arrangements within the architecture

According to the IEEE Computer Society (IEEE) (1) ISO/IEC stipulations indicates that system organization is fundamental because of its embodiment into the components of the enterprise, its environment and the principles that governs the evolutionary design. The prerequisite arrangements in this case include planning for the technological standards thus assisting to determine the right form of technology to implement. There is also need to review designing and resource acquisition plans. The procedure assists in finding out how well the plan aligns with contemporary and future plans. The analysts are furthermore able to find opportunities and resources for reuse and possible cost-effective services.

Technical and enterprise architectures are the two fundamental form of planning that require these prerequisite arrangements. The technical aspects assist in alignment of technology plans with enterprise goals, business processes and plans, while the enterprise architecture works on a general term by aligning the business processes, plans and technology with the enterprise goals.

The requirement for architectural implementation must scope the business resource obligations as well as outcomes, thus need to bring out the information requirements for the business or strategies for the enterprise architecture such as cultural objectives, forecast financial prerequisite, strategic and organization’s intentions. One or a combination of these strategies comes in handy to assist in identification of the stakeholders and request for architectural work.

Designing meaning of groupware into the technological architecture

Workflow and functions of groupware have to be in line with the information and communication technology. The technological support group integrates some general elements to hold up virtual tasks such as ability to work without time and locations constrains and still interact with co-workers and consult different organizations. The groupware therefore eventually comprises of the network, workflow management system and the communication technology.

The network architecture involves availability of internet for separate services such as electronic mailing and the intranet for the internal management of private information. Designing the function of groupware into the structural design also requires that different sub domains of the network have appropriate procedures of access as security measures, such as firewalls.

The main reason for integration of groupware into the technology architecture is to support collaboration through electronic discussions and information exchange for brainstorming to achieve business success.


IEEE Computer Society (IEEE). Software Architecture Review: Computing Practices. IEEE Xplore Digital Library. 2009. Web.

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