Tinto Wine Bar’s Business Plan and Marketing Project

Executive Summary

Tinto, the Story of a Flying Pig, or, How the Dream Began:

A dream is something you aspire to…something that seems so easy, yet intangible. A dream is something that combines all elements that you christen the perfect blend of wonderful things that will make your world and everyone else’s a more beautiful and promising place to exist. This perfect blend is a beautiful place to bring people together, a sanctuary of purity, hope, fear, and an enjoyable reality. Well, that’s our dream, and how we began to conceptualize Tinto.

Tinto is the culmination of two dreams – two women, both working as inner-city school counselors. It is the reality of our end of the day processing over a glass of wine, and the vision of better things to come. It is a business of our own, a place to fundraise and raise awareness. It is that creation of a moment in time we hope our customers never forget, and return to relive. Tinto is to us, simply, a creation of our passion, blended with our desire for wholeness, peace, love and joy. It is a culmination of two worlds, two women, and a project we thought would happen “when pigs fly.” We know now that it is time to take flight.

Tinto will be a full-service wine bar, tasting place and retail seller. Our wine selection will consist of hand-picked wines that meet only the highest expectation and quality of value. Our service will be intimate, with a true interest in our customer’s palate and being, providing an atmosphere of welcome and intrigue…a place to meet old and new friends, and a place to feel the ease of contentment of comfort.

Both managers/owners will be on the floor most nights to ensure that customer service is no less than excellent, and meets the high expectations that are at the basis for our business. Staff members that are hired into the Tinto family will be well trained and expected to serve and work as a part of the Tinto family, representing the business respectfully, in a professional manner that extends a pleasant blend of good cheer and knowledgeable service. This confident aura and pleasant acceptance will be a most welcoming factor in our establishment. We shall pursue that this ambience extends itself to any person who finds themselves in the mood to enter our establishment.

Our wine selection will be delineated in a way that customers can easily interpret type, body, sugar content, primary flavors, and personality. Customers can keep track of their selections if they so choose, noting their likes and dislikes. This will be a good way for our customers to track their tastes and also to help them to select a bottle from our retail area that they might want to take home.

Tinto will feature community outreach such as our monthly specials that benefit a selected charity. We will also sponsor local academic institutes in various ways that are meaningful to the lives and children and their families in the community. We will inform the community of Tinto endeavors with a monthly newsletter of events that have occurred and are to come, also engaging the community in our purpose of social activism and local business entrepreneurial ship, combining with the welcome and relaxation that Tinto provides as a community business.

Partners Wendy and Susan graduates of the University of California Master’s in Business Administration Both women have been working with children in families in inner-city schools for over seven years in an effort to support children of poverty, families afflicted by gang affiliation, domestic violence, drug abuse, and sexual and physical abuse. Wendy and Susan both have experience working in the restaurant industry for many years. Both have been involved in customer service, working directly with people, and initiating programs and change for many years. With a passion for wine, and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, Wendy and Susan will combine their strengths and passion to enhance community and business in South Park, San Diego. Our model customer service, incredibly welcoming and warm atmosphere, effective and interesting advertising combined with word of mouth advertising, and efforts to include and build community will prove Tinto a successful entrepreneurial endeavor full of intelligence and passion.

Mission Statement

Tinto Wine bar, or Tinto, is a corporation built on the realization of a dream. It is an endeavor created by heart and soul that aims to mesh the diversity and passions of the South Park community, and create a space where integrity and comfort reign. What does this mean? How does a wine bar enrich a community or mesh the passion of others along with one’s own passion? Why would this be desirable to others?

Our endeavor is aimed at creating an experience for our customers is something that we personally have searched for in the city of San Diego on a regular basis. It is a combination of our favorite places to dine and spend time, including our own homes, weekend getaways, and favorite dog walks. It is a place that combines that special feeling of weightlessness and contentment all at once. Tinto is a place away from home that equally invites your nose, palate, heart, and mind. Tinto will envelope all of your senses, from a sense of serenity revealing itself in the welcoming atmosphere and décor, to the excitement of a new taste you encounter, and the possibility of bringing home a bottle to enjoy with friends.

Tinto will realize this goal by offering customers an opportunity to feel the South Park neighborhood ambience through wine and local charm. Customers will explore a world of comfort and accessibility through reasonably priced wine, imported bottles of beer, and various food selections such as cheese boards, cold cuts, and desserts purchased from local shops. Our intent is to include other local businesses in our daily sales exchanges as much as possible. For example, local butchers such as the Linkery, artisan cheese shops such as Venissimo, bakeries such as Sweet Cheeks, and a non-profit local women’s organization that makes and sells gourmet foods as a way to escape poverty and re-enter the work force, are all possible partners with Tinto in a symbiotic exchange to support each other and local business owners in San Diego.

Most importantly, our wine selection will embody hand-picked bottles from around the world that reflect the manager’s expectations for quality, taste, and affordability. Our wine selection will be accessible both by the glass or bottle in the shop, or retail. An unparalleled service to customers will be a priority, as will the desire to enhance the taste and desire for wine.

Overall, Tinto will strive for the unique blend of customer affability and community cohesiveness in an exciting experience centrally focused on wine enhanced by social comfort, interaction, and acceptance. Affordability, customer loyalty, and unique experiential atmosphere only strengthen the vitality and success of Tinto in South Park, San Diego.

Products and Services

Wine and Beer

Tinto will offer hand-picked wines from a variety of countries that meet the Owners’ expectations of quality and value. Although the wine inventory will be fluid based on availability and experience, the focus will be on glasses of or near $7.50. Wine will be offered in-store by the taste, flight, glass and bottle. In addition, bottles may be purchased for off-premises consumption. Wine flights will be offered based on season and stock as well as a build-your-own flight that will be available at times. All wines in the store can be opened for a glass. In addition to wine offerings, a limited menu of premium beers will be offered by the bottle at an average price of $6 for those customers who are not persuaded to indulge in the staff’s passion for wine.

Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages

Tinto will serve prepared gourmet foods to compliment the wines being served, but will not feature a full-service kitchen. Tinto will partner with neighborhood catering businesses that will provide food items to be kept in short-term refrigerated storage in the store. Among the items initially planned for sale are: cheese plates, cured meat plates, olives, nuts, fresh and dried fruits, prepared spreads such as hummus or cheese spreads, crackers, breads, chocolates and individual cakes and tarts. In addition, Tinto will offer bottled water, and a small assortment of premium soda by the bottle.

Miscellaneous Merchandise

Tinto will offer miscellaneous merchandise for sale as a means of keeping with the mission of increasing the role of wine in the culture of the neighborhood as well as complimenting core sales with high margin impulse items. Logo T-shirts, hats, glasses and other wine-related items may be presented for sale in the store.


Themed wine tastings, wine classes, and excursions to local wineries will be offered on a regular basis and open to the public. In addition, Tinto will solicit private parties and tastings to be hosted at the store. This will benefit the community as Tinto will offer a unique experience for a private parties and public events where the consumer will have not only an attractive atmosphere for socializing, but an opportunity to team build together in a common and enjoyable learning experience.

Customer Service

Customer service at Tinto will prove to be our greatest selling point. In researching market competition, customer service albeit generally friendly, did not meet the warm, inviting expectations of the Owners. At Tinto, one of the Owners or the General Manager will be on the floor at all times to shrare their expertise and extend a hearty welcome to ensure that each customer has a truly quality experience regardless of their history with wine. In the future of Tinto as servers are hired to assist, each will be trained to ensure the staff’s wine knowledge meets the Owners’ minimum standards. In addition to the knowledge and passion that the owners and staff will emanate, the store will display extensive information regarding wine varietals and regions to assist customers in understanding, identifying with and becoming self-sufficient in comparing and selecting wines from around the world.


Tinto’s customers are from a broad spectrum of demographics across generations, professions, genders, and ethnic backgrounds. However, there are a few general guidelines that can be applied to define the Tinto customer:

  • Of legal drinking age (21+)
  • At least occasional consumer of alcoholic beverages
  • Earns middle class income and up
  • Has attained some level of post-secondary education
  • Enjoys food and dining experiences
  • Enjoys public socializing
  • Enjoys leisure time and activities

San Diego is an extremely well-suited environment for this type of customer as it is a diverse and growing city experiencing a revitalization of commercial and residential growth, adding to a customer base already rich with target demographics. San Diego is home to multiple military installations, universities, a thriving tourism industry, maritime operations, and state government.

Marketing Plan


Tinto will provide a relaxing yet stimulating sanctuary for people of all demographics to unwind and enjoy a glass of wine at their leisure. In addition, Tinto’s wine education offerings will engage and enlighten the community through understanding and experiencing the positive influences of wine. These assets will make an impact on the community and will likely keep community members coming back for more.


At Tinto Wine Bar we will dismiss any notion that the passion of wine is connected to pretension. We genuinely care about wine and each of our customers’ experience with wine. The owners of Tinto believe that wine consumption is intended to be a fun and relaxing cultural experience, therefore our atmosphere will be as comfortable as home yet stimulating to the senses.

Word of Mouth Advertising

The owners of Tinto have an extensive network of friends and associates in a variety of industries in the San Diego area. Through this network, Tinto will receive a significant amount of pre-opening and opening “buzz.” Our methods of communication with our word of mouth network will include: email updates of progress as opening night nears, invitation to join a preferred customer list, invitations to host private events, and a grand opening invitation.

Local News Article

Tinto will solicit the San Diego Union Tribune, the San Diego Reader, San Diego Magazine and a multitude of local websites, newstations and magazines to write stories about emergence of the local wine culture.

Paid Advertising

Tinto will have its website up and running two months prior to opening. To ensure various internet search engines will point potential customers to Tinto’s website, multiple rounds of testing will occur. Tinto will look to advertise in the local publications listed above as well as the University of San Diego periodical and a multitude of local websites such as signonsandiego.com. Flyers will be distributed and posted throughout the community.

Grand Opening Event

Tinto will hold a grand opening night inviting friends, family and the public from around the country, but focusing on the local San Diego area. This event will feature free food, wine and live music. The goal of opening night is to generate enthusiasm for Tinto by providing an exciting and enjoyable evening to mingle, meet the Owners, become acquainted with products, sign up for our email list and get a sense for what Tinto is all about.

Promotional Budget

The following bullets describe the categories and associated budgets for the initial promotional expense to get the business up and running. The advertising budget for ongoing operations is included in the operating expenses line item found in the financial plan.

  • Paid Advertising
  • Website
  • Newspaper/Magazine Ads
  • Flyers
  • Grand Opening Event


Market trends

Currently trends in the market reveal an increased trend in the United States wine market and consumption per capita. Economically, the wine market experienced a milestone year in 2006 in the United States, exceeding 250 million cases for the first time ever. Adult per capita also set a record high, soaring from 1 plus gallons consumed to over two and one half gallons, complementing an increased consumption run of 13 years in a gaining market for wine sales. Historically, the U.S. wine market belies measured decade-long ups and downs, surging in the 1970’s, only to falter in the 1980’s, and rise again in the mid 1990’s that continues through 2008. The outlook for the expansion of the U.S. wine market looks to be extremely positive.

When revisiting the interest of table wine in the United states from 1960, one may assert that consumption has been on the rise, and that the estimated sales of table wine will only continue to increase as medical studies continue to verify the health benefits of wine. Consumption and driving the increased consumption of wine drinkers age 61 and up. Between 2005 and 2008, San Diego wine drinking trends indicate that the demand for wine went up due to increased exposure of youths to wine drinking. At the3 age of 21 plus, a person was allowed to drink alcohol. This plus other reasons were very instrumental for the growth of sales for wines and beers. Discotheques, decent clubs, bashes or parties plus other events were warmly welcomed in San Diego during this period. All generation types were involved in drinking, hence was not a big issue so long as one was aged 21 plus (Small, Couturier & Godfrey, 2011).

In the US, wine consumption between 2005 and 2008 was remarkable. Consumption increased overtaking the demand for beer and spirits. The baby boomers aged between 47 and 65 were instrumental to the rise of wine consumption in the US with researches showing that one in every four bottles of wine consumed in the US is consumed by the baby boomers. The generational trends show that 6 % of the millennial aged between 17 to 34, that is about 70 million were drinking wine daily in the US, 26 % drunk it several times a week and 19 % drunk it once a week. The generation X aged between 35 and 46 and they accounted to 44 million people were also instrumental to the rise of wine consumption. 62 per cent of generation x were core wine drinkers, an increase from 41 per cent the previous years.

Those aged 65 years and above, the then largest proportion of the daily wine drinkers also facilitated the increased wine consumption. Of all the generation trends, the millennial and the generation X segments were the core drivers who enhanced the growth of the wine market. Another instrumental factor that facilitated the growth of the wine consumption was consumer direct and the social media. Through the media, people got to see or gather information about a certain brand of wine using the internet. Through the direct purchasing habits, the consumer the sellers had typical tasting rooms where the consumers would enter and taste wines giving reasons why they would or wouldn’t buy the manufactured wines. The use of Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and You tube facilitated the growth (Brostrom & Brostrom, 2009).

The consumption of wine in the United States is currently holding at an all time high in reference to per capita consumption. In comparison to other countries, however, wine sales measures far less. If we compare the US with other countries for example the Uruguay, France, Italy and the UK, the US lags behind. There are reasons as to why the US lags behind which include; the historical perception of wine in the US market, the high cost of wine domestically in the US and the Neo prohibitionist sentiments in much of the US. Before the US became a major producer of wine, it used to import only two kinds of wine namely the French wine and the Italian wine which were expensive. The domestic wines were of poor quality.

The other countries used to produce wine locally and their prices were affordable everyday wines hence managed to beat the US in terms of sales. The second reason was because the US domestically produced wines were very expensive. In Australia, the wine production techniques coupled with an oversupply of grapes made it easy for the country to do well in the market and led to competitive pricing. The third reason or factor that makes the other countries to beat US in terms of wine sales is that wine consumption in most of the Midwest. The concentration of wine markets in the US is only centered major markets because of nice restaurants, more hotels tourists among many others. There are some places in the US you will find that people hardly drink alcohol of any kind and this affects the market of wine (American brewers’ review, (n.d.).

The demographic of the South Park area within a one to five mile radius of the business address is 60.05% ages between 21 years and 64 years.

Barriers to Market Entry

Current research shows that interest and patronage to Tinto will be substantiated, though there are a few possible barriers to entry in the market we are targeting. Relatively high rent costs and limited availability of retail space in the targeted areas and in San Diego countywide may prove difficult for the proposed location.

A second concern lies in obtaining a proper license for been and wine sales in the city of San Diego. Businesses zoned for alcohol sales as the primary source of revenue versus revenue from food, or through purchasing an existing license are more difficult to obtain in the city of San Diego due to the current stance of the city Chief of Police and the number of alcohol related incidents. Alcohol related incidents have been numerous, therefore taking police force off of patrol in residential areas.

Interaction with the Food and Beverage Administration of San Diego must be according to law, and licensing procedures must be adhered to properly. In order to acquire the necessary licensing and documentation in order to correctly and accurately move forward with this endeavor, we have been seeking consult from lawyers and friends involved in the management and ownership of local clubs and restaurants. Our mentors in this arena have proved incredibly helpful and immensely knowledgeable in regards to our efforts and have given us accurate and obtainable information necessary to move forward. It is our desire to operate our business legally and most diligently, and in the manner of an establishment that provides a community with a model of not only local pride, but countywide excellence, as well.

Other Barriers

  • High capital costs
  • High marketing costs
  • Consumer acceptance and brand

We will overcome these barriers by providing high quality service, reasonable prices, and local enthusiasm. Our market may be affected by changes in the housing market, a drop in the local economy.

Market Risks

Current trends in local economy show that even though the housing market and real estate ventures are decreasing in strength, many people are still investing in them. This may significantly affect the sales and profit of the company as disposable and discretionary funds become more limited for customers on a regular basis. Recreational activities, including socializing at local establishments, may feel the threat of local and nation wide economic downturns.


Our products and services from our customers’ point of view

Features and Benefits

Tinto will feature a widely varied and accessible wine list that entices even the most novices of wine connoisseurs. Our establishment is not about how much you know, but about how much you can enjoy and learn from the experience. We are interested only in opening up an enjoyable taste and product to people that may want to experience something enticing. We are as much about providing great wine at a great price as we are about providing an unequivocally comforting atmosphere and welcoming place to enjoy compatibility, conversation and relaxation.

The intimate atmosphere will boast a classic yet modern décor that is widely appealing to the senses, and that encourages comfort. Pricing will be a main factor in developing our wine list and weekly specials, encouraging customers to try different wines. The lack of pretense and the feeling of warmth that presides throughout the establishment will encourage even the most reluctant customer to come on in for a quiet and special moment.

Major products or services

Major Product/Services Important Features – Why is this special to us? Benefits – what does this do for our customers?
Different kinds of Wine Red, White, and sparkling
Glass,.5 bottle, bottle
Featured Wines, Flights, Tastes, and Listed by taste?
Allows customers to try things they have never had before and to re-experience things they have loved before and want to love again
Beer Bottled: Heinikin, Amstel Light, Buff beer, Boulder Beer, others
Beer of the month
Non-Wine drinkers that want to hang out in our incredible spot with their wine loving friends
Eat / Food
      • Bruschetta – Kinds
      • Burratta
      • Chocolate divinity
      • Fruit/cheese/meat
      • Desserts
To accompany our wonderful wine selections
Non-Alcoholic Drinks Pellegrino, bottled soda Not everyone wants a drink…
Retail Wine/Beer Take something home
Atmosphere Welcoming, a place where you just want to be, cozy, low key A place to gather with friends at the end of the day, where you are recognized for you and everyone is special. You get what you want.
Service/Hospitality Interest in the community; collaborating with local businesses Interest, detail, concern, humor, unity, entrepreneurial

Customer Demographics

  • Location: South Park, San Diego, California. 2226 Fern Street, 92102
  • Age: targeting 21 and up – South Park highest population by age:
  • Gender: not required
  • Income level: median SD household 1/1/2007 income is $61,250.00

Business Demographics

  • Space Size: 1000 square feet
  • Building Type: Historical building in restoration phase. One of three buildings in process of restoration – project name Firehouse No. 9
  • Zoning: liquor sales permitted – wine/beer license and retail sales


Tinto will have several primary competitors represented by competing wine bars and premium wine shops in the area, as well as some secondary competitors represented by wine bars and premium wine shops outside of the vicinity, high-end and large-scale grocery chains (Whole Foods/Trader Joe’s/Albertson’s/Von’s/Ralph’s) and big box merchandise stores carrying large inventories of premium wine (Costco/Cost Plus World Market). The primary wine bar competitors, as across the board competitors, are the focus of direct research conducted by the owners for traffic, quality of service and sales numbers. The local high-end wine stores will compete only in that they will carry similar wines for retail sale at competitive prices. Among the secondary competitors, the grocery and big box stores may carry some similar labels but will not offer the level of full service nor experience that Tinto offers. Although there are several wine bars and wine shops outside of the mid-city area that may offer similar service, they are not concerning due to their distance from Tinto’s core customer base.

Primary Competitors: South Park

  • Proprietor’s Reserve, 4711 34th Street, San Diego, CA 92116
  • Kensington Vine, 4191 Adams Avenue, San Diego, CA 92116
  • Vagabond, 2310 30th Street, San Diego, CA 92104

Secondary Competitors

Secondary Competitors

Secondary Competitors

Competitive Advantages

Tinto has several competitive advantages over our competition:

Product Variety

Tinto will encourage our customers to open and taste any bottle on our menu in keeping with the mission of increasing our community’s interest and appreciation of wine. In researching Tinto’s primary competitors, it was discovered that a number of wine bars push particular wine flights and discourage interested consumers from requesting glasses from the “bottle” menu. Wines will be selected from virtually every major wine region around the world that is suitable to the owners’ expectations of quality and value.


The owner’s of Tinto embrace the truth that wines of excellent quality can be found at affordable glass and bottle prices, and this will be showcased through the selections we make available to our customers. In researching our direct competitors, a notable trend of four to eight reasonably priced glasses of wine exist on a list of twenty or more wines. At Tinto we believe that our customers will value experiencing more options for superb quality wines at a more competitive price than direct competitors provide.


Tinto’s commitment to high quality customer service will stand out among all competitors. At least one of the owners will be on the floor at all times to share expertise and extend a warm, personal welcome to customers. It is of the utmost importance to the owners that all customers feel comfortable at Tinto, regardless of previous experience/knowledge of wine. After all, the goal is to ignite a passion for wine in the community.

Appearance and Feel

Tinto will draw in customers with a warm and comfortable feeling atmosphere that embodies an edge of sophistication. The owners believe strongly in the importance of creating an environment that is relaxing to the mind yet exciting to the senses. In researching local competitors, the owners found a general shortage of locations that offer the type of environment Tinto customers will embrace.

Table 1: Competitive Analysis (Estimated Importance to each, 1=critical; 5=not very important).

Factor Tinto Strength Weakness Competitor A(WineSteals) Competitor B(Vagabond) Importance to Customer
Products 1 X 2 2 2
Price 1 X 2 3 1
Quality 1 X 2 3 1
Selection 1 X 2 2 1
Service 1 X 3 3 1
Reliability 1 X 2 3 1
Stability 2 1 2 1
Expertise 2 1 4 3
Company Reputation 1 X 1 2 1
Location 1 2 1 1
Appearance 1 X 2 1 1
Sales Method 1 X 2 2 2
Credit Policies 2 2 2 2
Advertising 1 X 2 3 2
Image 1 X 1 1 1


Promoting our business is extremely important. Promotion will be accomplished in various ways; local and city-wide newspaper advertisements posted in the Wednesday food section and the entertainment section on Thursdays of the SD Union Tribune, as well as a Sunday blurb for additional highlights. Internet website and advertisement, community door to door distribution of flyers, word of mouth, and local friends in the business such as Bella Italia in Pacific Beach, Buon Appetito and Sogno di Vino in Little Italy will be including promotional inserts in their menus. Our grand opening event will be an event that is extremely well advertised and promoted, with a number of friends and acquaintances attending an event that will help to engage the interest and palate of the community

Community publications include: The Urban Spoon, The Mission Hills Inspiration newsletter, and our own community newsletter – Tinto

Our website will be running approximately two months prior to opening. A wide spread and cultural variety of friends will be attending the grand opening event, and each has been asked to bring friends with them. An email list will be going out to those that we have been collecting for over two years to advertise the upcoming opening of Tinto, and our grand opening on opening night. This list encompasses 800+ possible attendees/customers.

As well as having a large number of friends, family and acquaintances that are eager to support Tinto, we also have a number of friends that are currently in the San Diego restaurant businesses. These restarants include: Caffe Bella Italia, Trattoria itrulli, Buon appetite, Arrivederci, and La Pizzeria. The friends/owners of these phenomenal local favorites are eager to support us in our endeavor, and will help to promote our start in the business.

We will project an image of accessibility; a place where all different kinds of people can come together in a safe and unifying space that encourages peace, equality and individual appreciation. We look forward to, and are exited to create a place of possibility, hope, and the representation of a world that we are proud in which to exist.

Our inspiration and graphic logo consists of none other than a bronze-ish/rust colored flying pig! “When Pigs fly!” was the phrase associated to our dream of opening a wine bar. Well, it is time that that they take flight. The pig has flown. Tinto, our pig of inspiration and metal sculpture of the infamous flying pig, was discovered and purchased at the North Park Street fair in 2007. We decided then and there that our dream was a reality and that we would begin the process of opening our place immediately. Our logo is attached. Our business cards, menus, napkins, outside sign, checks, t-shirts, announcement postcards and letterhead will all proudly display Tinto the pig. Douglas A. Skoglin with the design firm Donghia, will provide direction for our interior creation. Mr. Skoglin has been a part of Tinto from the conception and has visualized and drawn up the interior of our space. He will implement the design of our space accordingly.


The best method for Tinto is value based pricing. Competitive pricing may not be a good idea in this case because it may affect the business negatively. With value based pricing, people will buy our wines because they will value the good quality and best services they shall receive when they buy from us. The average prices that are not too high or too low plus the quality wines and services offered will put Tinto on a competitive edge. The price fits with what was revealed in our competitive analysis. Compared to the other competitors, Tinto’s prices are fair to customers because the competitor as price is a bit higher and that of competitor B is very high. Price is an important competitive factor because of a number of reasons which may include; emphasizing to consumers that the products or services for instance, the Tinto wines, are of good quality or emphasis on bargains. In this case, the consumers may tend to buy from places where the prices are fair and the goods and services are of good quality. Some consumers are price conscious so if the products or services they want to purchase are expensive to them, they may tend to purchase them from sellers who quote cheaper prices. In case of demand shifts, the marketer can change the price quickly to in order to gain a competitive edge. As aforementioned, customers really make their purchasing decisions mostly guided by the price factor (Schmidgall, Hayes, Ninemeier, Baker & Taylor, 2002).

Customer service is a necessity for any business that wants to succeed, as in it is the best way or method to use when one wants to retain customers. Some consumers may pay more because they want to receive exponential services. Tinto’s employees, the wait staff and the bartenders should be care givers. They should make sure that the bar customers are served well by developing customer service relationships with them so that they may feel at home when they come into the wine bar. The wine bar employees being the hosts, entertainers should also be the wine bar’s business representatives, so they should at all times smile and greet people warmly as they welcome them to the bar. They should also try to read their customers by paying attention to their needs. They can also learn the names of the regular customers, their tastes and where they usually sit, because customers feel so good when they are recognized. Another customer service in Tinto shall be that of conflict resolution. Customer complaints should not be ignored, the employees should make sure that they apply good personal boundary skills as well as skills for conflict resolution. In cases where a customer gets sop drunk that he starts to misbehave, the employees in Tinto should stay firm and say no where necessary but in a convincing way try to explain to their customers why they are against their opinions (Hayes & Dredge, 1998).

The Tinto Wine Bar is ready to offer her services and wines on credit but should be limited. We shall accept easy credit terms as this will boost our sales as well as attract and retain our customers. Just like any other credit policy, the Tinto’s credit policy shall address the following; credit limits, credit terms, deposits, credit cards and personal checks, customer information and documentation (Besley & Brigham, 2008).

Proposed Location

The location of Tinto is very important for the customers because if it is not in an accessible location, it is definite that the business plan will not be effective. Tinto will be based in San Diego, an extremely well-suited environment for this type of business. Being a home for multiple military installations, universities, a thriving tourism industry, maritime operations and staff governments, San Diego has all types of generations, who are wine and beer drinkers. Tinto will have a large area set aside for customer’s parking and the bar’s interior space is also large and spacious to disallow congestion. We shall also ensure that it is very accessible since the best infrastructure in the area allows customers to easily access it, as in the entry and exit will be well defined for customers with their motor vehicles. The location is consistent with our image and customers will really like it. The competition will be stiff since there are several wine bars adjacent to where Tinto will be located but the way Tinto has been strategized will ensure that it will gain a competitive edge. Furthermore, competition is of great importance to Tinto as it will foster its growth and of course with the best qualities offered by Tinto employees, there is a likelihood that Tinto will outdo many competitors and may be worth some time be in the lead (Strauss, 2003).

Distribution Channels

As aforementioned, Tinto will offer hand-picked wines from a variety of countries that meet the Owners’ expectations of quality and value. They will be sold in the bar where the wine is purchased and consumed at the same place. Tinto will also consider selling her products directly with them through a mail order or mailing-list clientele whereby Tinto shall interact directly with the clients. As Tinto continues to grow, it will find many other ways to distribute her products and services which will also be effective, as this will help Tinto to diversify her sales hence making a lot of profits (Dent, 2011).

Sales Forecast

Best guess

Product Quantity in one month Price per unit Total
Black wine 3000 $7000 21000
Red wine 4000 $8000 32000
Craft beer 9000 $5000 45000

Worst guess

Product Quantity Price per unit Total
Black wine 3000 $7000 21000
Red wine 2000 $8000 16000
Craft beer 4000 $5000 20000

Operational Plan


As explained earlier in this document, Tinto will offer wines selected from virtually every major wine region around the world in keeping with the expectations of quality and value of the Owners. The focus will be predominantly in the $7 to $8 per glass price range. These wines will be procured from importers and both large and small distributors.


Tinto will be located in a commercial section in one of the Mid-City neighborhoods of Mission Hills or South Park. The locations are chosen because of their central location in the city of San Diego as well as the aggressive commercial and residential growth and popularity of the area by locals. Our location is extremely important, as a high number of pedestrian traffic and adequate street visibility are essential. Several mixed-use buildings are developing in both neighborhoods and offer excellent possibilities for serving residents of the area. In addition, the type of surrounding businesses will factor into finding the ideal location for Tinto when taking into account our customer base and parking facilities.

The following are some physical requirements of the space:

  • Amount of space- approximately 1,000 SF
  • Type of building-1st floor retail with potential outdoor patio area, convertible to serving area
  • Zoning-liquor sales permitted-zoning that allows for daily sales of wine and beer

It is expected that Tinto will construct some changes to the interior of the leased space for necessities such as a bar and small kitchen/appliance/storage areas, in addition to cosmetic enhancements of walls and flooring. With a facility renting at the average going rate of $2.50 per square foot for leased commercial retail properties, the estimated cost of construction and interior decoration is approximately $100,000. This includes but is not limited to: wall treatments, lighting, floor, decoration, table and chairs, bar and bar stools, small kitchen appliances and dishwashers, wine glasses, tableware and linens.

Business Hours

The following business hours are designed to maximize sales and profits by capturing the happy hour-to-after the dinner rush, where the bulk of business will be realized. Hours will be extended on weekends for the obvious reason of expected increases in the afternoonn and late night patronage. 3pm-11pm (M-Th), 12pm-1am (F-Sa), 12pm-10pm (Su).

Legal Environment

Licensing requirements

Multiple liquor-related licenses must be obtained from the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) as well as the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) in order to do business. In addition, there are state, county and local permit requirements related to health, fire and public service. The known licensing requiremtns are as follows:

  • Federal and state liquor licenses to sell beer and wine for on-premise consumption
  • Federal and state liquor licenses to sell beer and wine for off-premise consumption
  • License to host live music and play recorded music
  • Food service license
  • Fire code inspections and related permits-The city fire department will inspect and approve the space for public use
  • Health code inspections and related permits-The city health department will have to inspect and approve the space for public use
  • Building code inspections and related permits-The site chosen for this business must be zoned and/or coded to allow a ‘bar/tavern’ business.
Insurance coverage

Liability insurance will be required and will need to cover alcohol service.

Trademarks, copyrights, or patents

The Tinto ‘Tinto’ the flying pig logo is submitted for trademark.


Tinto will begin with 3 employees.

  • Managers- The general Managers will act as owners, managers, servers, accountants and maintenance personnel. Tasks to be performed by these members of staff include:
    • Opening tasks-open register, prepare daily deposit, take inventory and prepare wine orders, prepare food orders, pick up food from the day
    • Closing tasks-balance register, handle cash and lock safe, cleaning bathrooms, lock up
    • Rush tasks-Serve wine, prepare and serve food trays, keep serving areas clean
    • Non-rush tasks-solicit event sales, book live music artists, deal with vendors, prepare orders, deal with advertising, pay bills, prepare tax filings, bank deposits, payroll, sales forecasting
  • Server- 1 full time server will be hired to share the role of bartender, cocktail server, food server, and bus server. This employee will be honest, reliable, engaging, willing to share the Owners’ passion for wine and willing to learn as wine knowledge training will be extensive. In addition, these servers must have a reasonable amount of bar/restaurant service experience. Pay structure for this position will be minimum wage plus tips. Tasks to be performed by this staff member include:
    • Rush tasks-Serve wine, prepare and serve food trays, keep serving area clean
    • Non-rush tasks-clean glasses and dishes
    • Closing tasks-close out tabs and turn in receipts, clean countertops and floors
Training methods and requirements

The Owners are in the process of creating training materials and testing for wine knowledge in-house.


Opening inventory is expected to total $20,000 for wine and $5000 for food, beer and merchandise creating a total of $25,000.

Key suppliers of Tinto

Tonto shall source her supply of wine from the top leading countries for the supply of wine which include; GIV wine company in Italy, whose office address is Villa Belvedere, Villa Belvedere, and 37011 Calmasino, Italy, Castel in France, and China’s Wine Opener Manufacturers and Suppliers. As we grow, we shall extend our wine generation to the other top countries leading in the manufacture of wines. The three companies come from the top leading countries of wine production. These suppliers are reliable for Tinto because they were started many years ago , their history is recommendable and their experience in the field, being stable and leading companies in wine supply make Tinto to be assured or else convinced about their services as suppliers and that is why they have been put on the forefront. Moreover, they produce different varieties of wines which are of good quality. Many people living in San Diego prefer wines from these three countries so this assures Tinto that her wines will be highly demanded by customers hence putting Tinto in a competitive edge. According to the researches done in ensuring that the three suppliers are reliable, their records in supply show that they are countries or companies to be relied on. The evidence is confirmed after correlating the records with the companies they supply to, hence they are suppliers which cannot be doubted (Weele, 2010).

Type and amount of inventory furnished


Brand Quantity Price per unit Total Cost
Red wine 8 $1000 $8000
Black wine 6 $900 $5400
Craft beer 10 660 $6600
total 20,000

Credit and delivery policies

The supplier delivers all the goods purchased. The supplier provides insurance for the goods purchased. Defect goods to be returned to the supplier and the Suppliers can give credit when necessary

Should you have more than one supplier for critical items (as a backup)?

It is very important for Tonto to have more than one supplier for critical suppliers as a back up because in case one supplier fails Tinto, it will be easier for her to source products from the other suppliers. Then again, by having many suppliers, it will be easier for Tinto to source quality products at a cheaper price.

Do you expect shortages or short-term delivery problems?

Shortages or short term delivery problems are common while outsourcing products but Tinto will strategically plan to avoid such cases during deliveries by her suppliers. Tinto can organize with the suppliers or use their shipment records to predict when to expect the shortages to hence buy the products in large quantities to avoid being affected with the shortages.

Are supply costs steady or fluctuating? If fluctuating, how would you deal with changing costs?

The supply cost tends to be fluctuating because of the changes in demand and supply of the wines and the other products. Tinto is aware about this and will do her best to ensure that it is not affected negatively about the fluctuating supply costs. If it chances that the market supply is steady, the rise in demand for the wines will result to high prices of the wines and vice versa. Tinto will try her best to offer her customers a steady supply and a steady price by ensuring that it reaches a fixed long term agreements with the suppliers. This will provide a greater security to Tonto, her customers and the producers (Curry, 2009).

Management and Organization

The two Owners will act as Managers and will manage the business hands on each day. At all times at least one of the Owners will be present, on the floor during operating business hours. Both Owners bring to the table a developed knowledge and passion for wine as well as a distinct knack for encouraging and including others to enjoy the wonderful world of wine. As former educators and mental health professionals, the Owners have excellent skills for relating to people and creating a warm and inviting environment. In addition, the Owners have several years of experience from previous years of food and beverage service to depend on. Out of this past has grown a network of friends and occupational acquaintances who are highly supportive of the realization of Tinto and willing to assist should the company ever have a need for assistance.

As stated, Tinto will have two Managers (Owners). Their primary responsibilities will include all opening and closing tasks, managing food orders, inventory, accounting, tax reporting, advertising, entertainment, bartending, serving customers, and maintaining the cleanliness of the bar.

In addition, Tinto will begin with one full-time Server. This person will be responsible for assisting with closing tasks, cleaning of surfaces and facilities, assisting as a bartender as well as food and beverage service.

Professional and Advisory Support

List the following:

  • Attorney-Tinto will have an attorney for all necessary legal documentation and representation needs
  • Accountant-Tinto will utilize the professional services of an accountant to assist with financial forecasts; tax preparation
  • Insurance Agent-Tinto will contract with an insurance agent to secure liability insurance for the establishment.
  • Banker-Tinto will bank with US bank or California Bank and Trust
  • Consultant or consultants
  • Mentors and key advisors

Personal Financial Statement

Balance sheet (Wendy)

Balance sheet (Wendy)

Start-Up Expenses

Start – Up Expenses

Start – Up Expenses

Start – Up Expenses

Break-Even Analysis

A break-even analysis predicts the sales volume, at a given price, required to recover total costs. In other words, it’s the sales level that is the dividing line between operating at a loss and operating at a profit.

Expressed as a formula, break-even is:

Break-even Sales = Fixed Costs
1- Variable Costs

= 2,000


The variable costs are uniform and they can be computed


Include details and studies used in your business plan; for example:

  • Brochures and advertising materials
  • Industry studies
  • Blueprints and plans
  • Maps and photos of location
  • Magazine or other articles
  • Detailed lists of equipment owned or to be purchased
  • Copies of leases and contracts
  • Letters of support from future customers
  • Any other materials needed to support the assumptions in this plan
  • Market research studies
  • List of assets available as collateral for a loan

Refining the Plan

Service Businesses

  • Service businesses sell intangible products. They are usually more flexible than other types of businesses, but they also have higher labor costs and generally very little in fixed assets.
  • What are the key competitive factors in this industry?
  • Your prices
  • Methods used to set prices
  • System of production management
  • Quality control procedures. Standard or accepted industry quality standards.
  • How will you measure labor productivity?
  • Percent of work subcontracted to other firms. Will you make a profit on subcontracting?
  • Credit, payment, and collections policies and procedures
  • Strategy for keeping client base

Retail Business

  • Company image
  • Pricing:
    • Explain markup policies.
    • Prices should be profitable, competitive, and in accordance with company image.
  • Inventory:
    • Selection and price should be consistent with company image.
    • Inventory level: Find industry average numbers for annual inventory turnover rate (available in RMA book). Multiply your initial inventory investment by the average turnover rate. The result should be at least equal to your projected first year’s cost of goods sold. If it is not, you may not have enough budgeted for startup inventory.
    • Customer service policies: These should be competitive and in accord with company image.
    • Location: Does it give the exposure that you need? Is it convenient for customers? Is it consistent with company image?
    • Promotion: Methods used, cost. Does it project a consistent company image?
    • Credit: Do you extend credit to customers? If yes, do you really need to, and do you factor the cost into prices?


Besley, S., & Brigham, E. F. (2008). Principles of finance. Mason, Ohio: South-Western.

Brostrom, G., & Brostrom, J. (2009). The business of wine: An encyclopedia. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Curry, J. E. (2009). A short course in international economics: Understanding the dynamics of the international marketplace. Petaluma, CA: World Trade Press.

Dent, J. (2011). Distribution channels: Understanding and managing channels to market. London: Kogan Page.

Hayes, J., & Dredge, F. (1998). Managing customer service. Aldershot, Hampshire, England: Gower

Schmidgall, R. S., Hayes, D. K., Ninemeier, J. D., & Baker & Taylor, Inc. (2002). Restaurant financial management basics. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Small, R. W., Couturier, M., & Godfrey, M. (2011). Beverage basics: Understanding and appreciating wine, beer, and spirits. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.

Strauss, S. D. (2003). The business start-up kit: [everything you need to know about starting and growing your own business]. Chicago, Ill: Dearborn.

Weele, A. J. (2010). Purchasing & supply chain management: Analysis, strategy, planning and practice. Andover: Cengage Learning.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, April 5). Tinto Wine Bar’s Business Plan and Marketing Project. https://studycorgi.com/tinto-wine-bars-business-plan-and-marketing-project/

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StudyCorgi. "Tinto Wine Bar’s Business Plan and Marketing Project." April 5, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/tinto-wine-bars-business-plan-and-marketing-project/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Tinto Wine Bar’s Business Plan and Marketing Project." April 5, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/tinto-wine-bars-business-plan-and-marketing-project/.

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