“To Kill a Mockingbird” by Lee’s Should Not Be Disqualified in Schools


Book censoring and banning transpire to prevent teenagers from being exposed to explicit topics that are not fit for children. To Kill a Mockingbird transpires in the fictional city of Maycomb in the Great Depression. The central character is Jean Louise (“Scout”) Finch, a bright though unconventional young lady whose age ranges from six to nine years in the novel (Haggerty, 2010). Jean is brought up alongside her brother, Jeremy Atticus, by their single father, Atticus Finch. There exist several disputes regarding whether the book should be barred or taught in schools. To Kill a Mockingbird should not be disqualified in schools since it conveys moral values, clarifies historical life, and explains why people present things differently.

Good Morals

Individuals may argue that institutes should eliminate To Kill a Mockingbird because of the uncouth verbal used in this story. For instance, words such as “nigger, whore, goddamn, whore-lady, hell, and damn” have been debated to be obscene (Haggerty, 2010, p. 90, 94, 221). Some individuals might argue that this novel encourages cursing and is tolerable, but the book does the opposite in reality. Schools should not ban this book because it teaches readers moral values. For instance, when Scout questions Atticus whether he defends “niggers’’, Atticus dissuades her from using words such as “nigger’’ (Haggerty, 2010, p. 85).

Scout refrains from using the word “nigger’’ but starts using a phrase such as “whore-lady, hell, and damn” (Haggerty, 2010, p. 90, 94, 221). Scout thinks Atticus might stop sending her to school if she talks that way since she learned those words while in school.

To kill a mockingbird gives purpose and meaning to the life of a child. It enables children to develop their behaviors towards fulfilling and beneficial activities. Individuals who live according to moral values form favorable interactions with other people. Children with good moral values have built their characters at an early age, and the moral values become part of their moral beliefs (Sari, 2013). For instance, Atticus understands what Scout is trying to do, so he ignores it, assuming that she will stop when Scout recognizes it is unnecessary. When Scout uses words like “damn” to her uncle, Jack, he sits her down and tells her that he does not like such words (Haggerty, 2010, p. 90). The novel also has many truths that individuals should know; the author Harper Lee has outstandingly brought the facts through the eyes of a child.

Life in the Past

To Kill a Mockingbird instills students with knowledge regarding how life was in the past. Individuals should open their eyes to the truth; the evil surrounds them. Harper Lee portrays that sin via the eyes of a young girl and tells individuals how to counter that evil. Therefore, utilizing this novel in schools will open learners’ eyes to the truths they need to know. People of a different color still receive judgments from other people. Teaching learners in schools using To Kill a Mockingbird educates children on the prejudices and racial activities in the 1930s. One of the racial activities learners will be aware of is racism towards individuals of black color.

Racism is apparent in the finger-pointing at Tom Robinson because he was staring at Mayella; black people were not allowed to stare at others. This novel will teach learners that it is unethical to accuse a black person of committing misconduct and make many people believe it (Sastrawijaya, 2021). Bob Ewell was involved in the raping of Mayella, and Tom Robison was not involved in the incident. Mayella did not want to tell the truth since she understood that nobody would help the family if she imprisoned her father. Mayella was also embarrassed about her deeds and desired to defend herself. If she were exposed to the court of law that she advanced on Tom Robison, the Maycomb people would scorn her.

Why Things Are the Way, They Are Presented

This novel should not be abolished in public schools since its words do not offend the reader. The author has used the phrases to narrate and illustrate how the situation was in the 1930s. For instance, the term, ‘you’re gettin’ more like a girl every day is important because it depicts the book tries to draw a picture of how the situation was in the 1930s in readers’ minds (Haggerty, 2010, p. 53). To Kill a Mockingbird tries to illustrate that people were sexist and racist, which many individuals were born to be.

Hence, learners will understand that racism has been there since the past, and they should not engage in activities that encourage racial inequality. When an individual stays in contact with mean people, they also become among them eventually. Therefore, the story will also enable learners to be selective on whom they choose to be around because some individuals may adapt to destructive behaviors.


Schools should continue teaching learners using To Kill a Mockingbird because it helps them learn moral values, including the phrases they should use when talking to adults. It teaches students how life used to be in the past, such as how people of different color used to be discriminated against, enabling learners to be aware of the activities they should not engage in to avoid racist activities. Lastly, using this book in schools will allow students to know how other people’s habits impact their behaviors. It enables learners to be aware of how the individuals they stay in contact with influence their behaviors.


Haggerty, A. (2010). Harper Lee: To Kill a Mockingbird. Marshall Cavendish.

Sari, N. (2013). The importance of teaching moral values to the students. Journal of English and Education, 1(1), 154-162. Web.

Sastrawijaya, M. D. (2021). The character and moral values in “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee. Inference: Journal of English Language Teaching, 3(1), 81-87. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2024, September 19). “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Lee’s Should Not Be Disqualified in Schools. https://studycorgi.com/to-kill-a-mockingbird-by-lees-should-not-be-disqualified-in-schools/

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1. StudyCorgi. "“To Kill a Mockingbird” by Lee’s Should Not Be Disqualified in Schools." September 19, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/to-kill-a-mockingbird-by-lees-should-not-be-disqualified-in-schools/.


StudyCorgi. "“To Kill a Mockingbird” by Lee’s Should Not Be Disqualified in Schools." September 19, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/to-kill-a-mockingbird-by-lees-should-not-be-disqualified-in-schools/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "“To Kill a Mockingbird” by Lee’s Should Not Be Disqualified in Schools." September 19, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/to-kill-a-mockingbird-by-lees-should-not-be-disqualified-in-schools/.

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