Policy on National Security and Terrorism in the USA

Background to the Public Administration Issue On September 11, 2001, the world woke up to the devastating news of a major terrorist attack on the USA soil that claimed over 5,000 lives and numerous injuries. At the time, the USA was viewed as the most secure country. It never crossed...

Countering Terrorist Recruitment in the United States

The ISIS and other terror groups have enhanced operations making it difficult for law enforcement agencies to monitor and thwart their activities. Today, it is easy for the groups to recruit and operate terror organizations in countries that were initially regarded as terrorist free. It is imperative to understand that...

Historical Essay: America and the Great War

Events that Led to the Great War Among the key causes of World War I (WWI), there are such movements as imperialism, nationalism, and militarism. The 1910s are characterized by the grew of the class struggle and the national liberation movement. A huge influence on the rise of the struggle...

The First World War and America’s Contribution

Introduction The First World War occurred in Europe in 1914 and lasted for almost five years. This global conflict had many reasons and consequences. Historians throughout the world still discuss causes of the Great War. The main goals of this paper are to analyze aspects that led to the war...

WWI and Interwar Military Innovations

Sentence Outline How did World War I influence interwar military innovation? Discuss the implications of your answer for today’s military professional? Thesis: WWI influenced interwar military innovations by fostering the availability of tactical air support, prompting the need for using machine guns, and fueling the emergence of tanks. The deployment...

Wartime and Postwar Violence Analysis

Executive Summary The research aims to study the wartime and post-war case of violence. For the purpose of the study, we undertake the case of Bosnia-Herzegovina (hereafter referred to as Bosnia), Croatia, and Serbia. The period for the study undertaken is from 1991 to 1998. The aim of the research...

Al-Qaeda and Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Comparison

Introduction Islamic terrorism is widely seen to be one of the most substantial threats to the national security of the United States (Bullock, Haddow, & Coppola, 2016). The power of extreme Islamic terrorist groups seems to be enormous to the people of the U.S. and Europe; however, it is far...

Terrorism in the USA

Introduction After the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack, the United States of America implemented more stringent policies to counter terrorism, especially within its borders. Since the attack, the government has spent billions of dollars in funding programs that aim to annihilate jihad terrorists around the world. America’s policy on counterterrorism...

Arab Spring, Terrorism and Libyan Political Changes

Introduction The Arab Spring refers to a wave of protests, coups, demonstrations, and civil wars that took place in several African and Asian countries between 2010 and 2012. The protests affected countries in North Africa and the Middle East. The countries affected include Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Iraq, and Syria. The...

America Role in the Great War

Introduction The expanding rivalry between European countries for power and status through the globe led to fatal competitions that exploded into World War 1. Nationalism, militarism, and colonialism are the main thrusts that led countries into the bloody war (Heyman, 1997, p. 12). Military coalitions formed to help countries guard...

Problem of Terrorism in Modern World

Terrorism is a global threat that each country has to deal with. Every continent has been affected by terrorists. As a result, many countries have developed “terrorism preparedness strategies” that assist their countries in detecting, preventing, and counterattacking terrorism. However, terrorists can conduct their attacks successfully sometimes. As a result,...

The Treaty of Versailles

How various provisions would hurt the economy Germany suffered great economic losses during the First World War, and the Treaty of Versailles compounded the problem. First, Germany was required to pay reparations of up to £6,600 billion, which the country could not afford at the time (Graebner & Bennett, 2011)....

Decontamination Plan in the Local High School

In case of a chemical attack, a decontamination plan is what can save people’s lives. Decontamination is defined as a set of procedures aimed at eliminating the danger caused by the natural environment, industry, or people (Maniscalco & Christen, 2011). Peculiarities of chemical terrorism include a large specter of action...

Terrorism’s Serious Problems: Can It Be Justified?

Introduction Terrorism may be defined as an act of instilling fear in innocent people using unlawful threats and violence. By and large, terrorists use cruel strategies to realize political change, create fear, or perpetuate their political ideals. In modern-day society, terrorism is ranked at the top of the list of...

Homeland Security and Terrorist Attack Prevention

Introduction Despite a significant increase in peace efforts since the last world war, physical aggression and intimidation still exist in modern human society. Terrorism still presents one of the most important threats to public safety in many countries around the world including the United States. Few people have not heard...

The Role of Homeland Security in Terrorism and Disaster Management

Article Summary Waugh’s (2004) article on “Terrorism, Homeland Security and the National Emergency, Management Network”, provides information on the ability and potential of the federal, state, and local agencies to respond to terrorist activities and natural disasters like earthquakes. This includes an overview of the Homeland Security department, which is...

Pan-Slavism in Fueling World War I

There are a variety of opinions regarding the causes of the World War I (the Great War, the First World War, or WWI); however, the consensus has been reached that WWI resulted from the expanding military power, imperialism, and nationalism. This meant that the desire to serve one’s country led...

Islamic State of Iraq and Syria on US-Mexico Border

Introduction The topic of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) threatens the world by its terrorist attacks and other violent actions. The article under analysis highlights the issue associated with ISIS in Mexico and a range of facts expressed by different people regarding its potential entrance on the...

American Military Approaches in the East

Korea: Rebirth of Limited War The Korean War was triggered by the miscalculations of the North Korean Communist military by crossing the 38th Parallel. This army crossed into South Korea without any permission and further invaded the non-Communist South Korea. Since the North Korean Communist military had superior weaponry and...

Extremist Groups and Domestic Terrorism in the US

Introduction Law enforcement officers across the world face an increasingly facing complex combination of problems due to the emerging worldwide coordinated criminal networks. The modern day criminals continue to prove their prowess in the ownership of the world most sophisticated weapons and intelligence networks. In order to counteract this, local...

Terrorist Hazards and Education Role in Security

Introduction Since the new hazards connected to terrorism have a great impact on many states globally, they have been recognized as the core threats to tranquility and national security (Kamien, 2012). ‘Terrorism’ originated from the term ‘terror’, which is attributable to the fact that the main plan of terrorists is...

How Do We Prepare for Future Terrorist Attacks?

Introduction Terrorist attacks are treated as a critical issue for the USA, as they pose a threat to the whole country, its infrastructures, and the population. Particular initiatives aimed at mineralization of the possibility of future attacks are implemented at all levels including, national, state, local, and personal ones (Riffkin,...

The United States’ Involvement into World War I

Introduction World War I (initially named the Great War) changed the course of global warfare forever. The war had significant implications on global relationships, imperialism, and nationalism. The end of the war precipitated new disputes that would play a major role in the development of another global conflict. The “assassination...

World War I: Franz Ferdinand’s Death and Alliances

The Great War caused the death of at least 8.5 million soldiers and 7 million civilians (Erlanger 1). The Great War maimed and injured 20 million people. Aside from the horrific casualties, significant economic losses deprived many people the chance to acquire a decent livelihood. In the aftermath of World...

Extreme Islamic Terrorist Groups in Comparison

Introduction Al Qaeda and the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) represent two generations of terrorism threats faced by the United Sates and the rest of the world. Al Qaeda has provoked an extensive U.S.-led war on terror in 2000s; ISIS, on the other hand, is the new threat...

World Trade Center Disaster and Anti-Terrorism

Introduction The 9/11 attacks in the United States led to the World Trade Center disaster, which was a major wake-up call for the authorities in the security field of the nation. The disaster influenced the development of the Department of Homeland, which was aimed at enhancing security for the major...

World War I: Nationalism and the US Impact

Considering the belief that loyalty should be the greatest when it comes to nation and culture, nationalism is a way to describe this attitude. In the case of WWI, nationalism led to the development of a competitive worldwide environment where each country felt the urge to overpower its closest rivals....

Terrorism Financing and Combating Methods

Abstract Terrorism financing (TF) is a significant offense that supplies terrorists with resources. Being a rather resource-consuming activity, terrorism depends on multiple sources of TF, which means that the analysis and control of TF are of primary importance for combating terrorism. TF methods include both legal and illegal ways of...

Terrorist Activity in the United States

The rights of detainees suspected of terrorist activities are a topic of active debates. Despite significant efforts on a legal level, the humanity of detention practices remains questionable. The following paper covers the legal aspects of terrorism-related practices in the United States. The first status used to justify the detainment...

Religion as a Root of Terrorism

Introduction Research is consistent that many causes of terrorism seem to be reinforced by historical and political phenomena, economic and social grievances, as well as ideological and religious factors (Spindlove & Simonsen, 2013; Tan, 2008). The religion factor, in particular, has been cited as a central driving force to recent...

Counterterrorism and American Presence Overseas

Introduction Ever since the attack on the World Trade Center, the American government has been pursuing a proactive approach to counterterrorism. Besides gathering intelligence and preventing terror attacks on American soil, various agencies, including the CIA and the FBI, work to identify, study, and eliminate terrorist threats outside the country....

Global War on Terrorism: Main Challenges

Introduction Terrorism has been a menace for the past decades. It has generated some impacts on many countries globally particularly the developed countries. In fact, developing countries have not been spared either. Apparently, it is critical for all governments to reassess the strategies that have been previously implemented in combating...

Kristallnacht: Massacre of Jews in Nazi Germany

Kristallnacht was the murder and persecution of Jews, who lived in Germany. The name Kristallnacht owes its origin to the German word ‘crystal night’, which represents broken crystals of glass evident from the burning down and demolishing of Jewish property. Remarkably, the persecution and massacre took place in 1938 after...

Outbreak of World War I

The beginning of the 20th century could be characterized by the great tension in the international relations. The leading states of that period of time had entered the new century with their own goals and intentions, trying to promote the increase of their power and preserve the current position. For...

The First World War or the Great War

The First World War is sometimes referred to as the Great War. This term was often used in the 1920s (Boyer et al. 627). The war earned this name as it involved the countries from all continents and it led to the death of millions of people. Europe was simply...

Aviation Security and Al-Qaeda in Yemen

Weaknesses in Homeland Security Exploited by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula Al-Qaeda is one of the most dangerous radical terrorist organizations designated as such by many countries, including the US. Al-Qaeda has many groups, one of which poses a particular danger to the US. This group is called al-Qaeda in...

Terrorist Attacks: Death and Horrifying Effects on Innocent People

The perception of terrorist attacks is highly recognized across the globe and is among the frequently cited issues of the current society. Since such attacks affect many nations internationally, they have been perceived as the main threats to peace and national security. The word ‘terrorism’ emanated from the expression ‘terror’...

The Allies’ Last Horrible Triumph

Introduction World War I is considered to be the most harmful and disastrous war in the history of humanity. The use of chemical weapons has officially made the WWI the cruelest war. Many believe that the way in which World War I was completed by the European countries resulted in...

Winston Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech Analysis

Question 1: Churchill believes the Soviet Union “desires the fruits of war and the indefinite expansion of their power and doctrines.” How might those expansionist desires challenge the Western principle of national political self-determination, a cause it championed during World War 2? Churchill did not believe that Soviet Russia wanted...

The Sinews of Peace by Winston Churchill

As a wise and experienced politician, Churchill could not but realize the fact that being a state which contributed to the defeat of Nazi Germany most of all, the USSR expected to obtain the fruits of war and compensate for all losses. Moreover, possessing an overwhelming military power, the Soviet...

The Great War and America’s Entry and Contribution

How the Forces of Nationalism, Imperialism, and Militarism Led to World War I? The contribution of Militarism Before the start of World War I in 1914, there was already a considerable military buildup among the nations of Germany, France, and Russia. Weigel (2014) described it best by calling it a...

Great War, US Participation, and Versailles Treaty

Introduction World War I was one of the most important wars in global history. The war led to the identification of world superpowers and showed how politics and economy are intertwined. Various reasons led to the start of the war. For instance, the assassination of Franz Ferdinand was the breaking...

Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and Its Threats

At the edge of centuries, the world faced great changes. The tendencies in war also became different. A shift of power resulted in the increase of substate groups influence (Medina, & Hepmer, 2013). One of the biggest and the most influential terrorist organizations today is the Islamic State of Iraq...

Cultural Revolution: Soviet Union and Kosovo

Introduction The following paper is a transcript of two interviews. The first one was made with a 40-year old female Russian resident. The other interview featured a 28-year old male Kosovo resident. The transcript presents the views of the two interviewed on the cultural revolutions, the dissolution of the Soviet...

American Neutrality and Contribution in the Great War

Introduction The Great War is an important event, which influenced the flow of the history Nonetheless, a combination of the factors such as the development of nationalism, militarism, and imperialism in Europe and establishment of the alliance system could be regarded as the critical drivers for the advancement of the...

Designing a Museum Display for Pearl Harbour

THESIS: A museum display for Pearl Harbour is an important part of the teaching of the national history, demonstration of bravery, and invincible courage of the nation. World War II and attack on Pearl Harbour as its first event for the United States lead to the transformation of the structure...

Holocaust Denial and Antisemitism Ideas

Introduction Antisemitism has existed for centuries and taken different forms. This is a very dangerous phenomenon as it often resulted in cruel pogroms and even legal persecutions. The ideas of antisemitism are spread in most countries and accepted and cultivated by millions of people. This contagious concept is even supported...

Fascism in Nazi Germany and Islamic States

Volkswagen as a fascist object Post-war Germany appeared to be a very miserable habitat, as the enormous war compensations had to be reimbursed. These expenditures have altered the economy of the nation, and poverty was prevalent. As a result, a lot of citizens were not able to afford a car,...

Terrorism Evolution from 1972 to 2016

Abstract Terrorism has evolved over time from being a domestic threat to an intractable global concern. Globally, no country is immune to the heinous acts of terror meted out on innocent people by a minority group, who are hell-bent on advancing their ideologies through unorthodox means. Due to the extent...

Germany and the US: Problems and Causes

In 1933, both Germany and the US suffered from economic collapse and needed leadership changes. In his opening statement, Adolf Hitler states the capitulation of Germany in the First World War as the reason for the collapse, the German people having “lost touch with honor and freedom, thereby losing all”...

Cuban Revolution and Seven-Step War Model

Introduction The Cuban Revolution can be considered one of the most famous events in the history of Cuba. The name of Fidel Castro is also known throughout the whole world. The revolutionary’s actions towards the Cuban government reshaped Cuban politics and reformed the country. It is safe to assume that...

The Great War Outbreak: Nationalism, Militarism, and Imperialism

Introduction The First World War was one of the most bloody and large-scale conflicts in human history. It began July 28, 1914, and ended November 11, 1918. This conflict involved 38 countries. The causes of the First World War were versatile; it can be argued that the serious economic contradictions...

Terrorism Definition and Motivation

Abstract This paper defines the notion of terrorism according to the UN General Assembly Resolution as well as outlines three main reasons people make terrorist attacks on innocent members of society. Nevertheless, no matter whether a terrorist attack was driven by ideology or a political strategy, a person that is...

World War I Aftermath for the United States

Introduction World War 1 is one of the darkest moments in the modern time. It erupted in 1914 with the world powerful nations forming opposing alliances. The causes of word war1 were among others economic rivalries, competition for colonies in Africa and rising sense of militarism. It effects included death...

World War II, The Cold War and New Europe

There are many various examples from the history of humanity which show that force has always been one of the main methods to solve problems at the international level. States and their leaders considered war to be the best way to enlarge the territory, achieve some advantage, or just to...

Versailles: The Allies’ Last Horrible Triumph

Provisions of the Treaty that will Hurt Germany’s Economy Germany’s economy will be hurt by several provisions of the Treaty of Versailles. According to authors of the Comments of the German Delegation to the Paris Peace Conference on the Conditions of Peace (1919) document, the statement of “the consideration that...

State Terrorism vs. Critical Terrorism

Nowadays, it became a commonplace practice among many political scientists to suggest that the concept of state terrorism can no longer be discussed within the methodological framework of the Realist (Positivist) paradigm of international relations. It is also being commonly suggested that namely the application of Constructivist/Critical inquiry, in this...

European Alliances, Wars, Dictatorships and Depression

The decades leading to World War I had unusual alignments. The European nations were still scrambling for Asia, Africa and parts of undeveloped Europe. The situations leading to World War I and the aftermath conditions showed that greed was still alive. Before the World War I, many European dominant nations...

Iraq and Afghanistan Wars for American Safety

Introduction After the September 11 attacks, the USA started paying much attention to the protection of its population from terrorists. One of the most significant initiatives implemented for this purpose was the War on Terror. In its framework, several military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq were developed. The US considered...

America and the Great War

The Great War (also known as the First World War) was sparked by the sudden assassination of Austria-Este’s Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 (Lowe, 2012). However, the outstanding fact is that numerous forces played a critical role towards the development of the war. Historians have argued that the rivalries experienced...

Terrorism Definitions in the US Legislation System

Introduction Today, terrorism is a topic that bothers many people globally. Though the word “terrorism” was on all lips, its definitions and impact remain unclear from different perspectives (Whittaker, 2013). In this paper, special attention to the statutory definitions of international and domestic terrorism, criminal penalties, and the essence of...

The Battle of Yorktown

Introduction The war of Yorktown is an important event in history of the United State since it marks a significant turnaround of events that led to independence of the nation from the British Colonialists. The war was orchestrated by the declaration of independence by the thirteen British Colonies in the...

World War I and Political World Domination

Scholarly Literature on the Origins of World War I The first source under consideration is William Mulligan’s “The origins of the First World War,” a large-scale investigation of the causal aspects that led to the outbreak of the Great War. The author focuses primarily on the history of international diplomatic...

Guantanamo Bay as a Terrorists’ Location

Introduction Guantanamo Bay is a place where people who threatened the USA and its population are held. Many individuals argue whether this detention camp should be used further or it is time to close it (Buncombe, 2016). The problem is that while it was created in order to imprison criminals,...

The Concept of Terrorism

Introduction The concept of terrorism is well-known all around the world. Also, it is one of the most commonly mentioned problems in modern society. Terrorism has been seen as a major threat to the world’s peace and national security in many states. It currently affects a wide range of countries...

Events of 9/11 and an Era of New Terrorism

Introduction The appropriate definition for the term “terrorism” has proven to be a daunting task for sociology scholars. Primarily, the ideas and motives of terrorists complicate the ideals that believers of this concept hold. Although the individual or political freedom of a group is often the reason for the heinous...

The US Intelligence Community Role in Countering Terror Threats

The U.S. intelligence community is comprised of many agencies that integrate their efforts to fight crime and terror. Since the 9/11 attacks, the United States charged the Department of Homeland Security with the responsibility for ensuring that the nation was secured through the development of different lines of defense. Homeland...

James Deem’s Auschwitz: Voices from the Death Camp

Introduction The goal of James Deem’s book Auschwitz: Voices from the Death Camp is to draw the reader’s attention to the problem of the Holocaust and realities of living in Auschwitz, the largest Nazi concentration camp and the greatest killing center ever created. Instead of providing the detailed description of...

Did America Over Reacted to the 9/11 Attacks?

Introduction September 11, 2001, was the day when terrorists changed American’s history. The terrorists potentially delivered merciless attacks on US soil and claimed thousands of innocent lives. To this day, some of the victims are still missing. After the malicious attacks, American people grew closer and offered each other helping...

History of East Asia from 1600 to the Present

The period of time from 1600 to the present days is very large in the terms of a state history. Naturally, a great number of changes happen in the human history regardless of the selected country. This paper focuses on the research and exploration of the changes experienced by the...

The Ku Klux Klan and Its Terroristic Features

Introduction The infamous Ku Klux Klan is an example of when an organization with clear terrorist overtones has not been officially recognized as terroristic. It should be noted that the supporters of the clan terrorized and killed no fewer Americans than the Islamic terrorists. Despite this fact, the oldest American...

Bayeux Tapestry and the Battle of Hastings

Choice of Topic This paper seeks to prepare a personal letter describing the experience gained with regards to Bayeux Tapestry. In this case, the preparation lies in the assumptions that the war is an individual and actual experience in which there was direct involvement. As such, this letter will contain...

Terrorism: Irish Republican Army History and Ideologies

Abstract According to the Council on Foreign Affairs (2010), the official or Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) was formed after conflicts occurred between the members of the larger IRA. The initial IRA group was known for its efforts to fight the reign of the British rule in Ireland. In the...

Terrorist Bomb Attacks in France

Friday 13th in November 2015 has become another black night in the history of France. A series of coordinated bomb and gun attacks claimed lives of 130 civilians in Paris not to mention seven perpetrators themselves and hundreds of wounded people. This tragedy became another red flag pointing to the...

Anti-Terrorist Attitudes and Measures in the US

One famous English writer, George Orwell, once had a vision that there would be a government that would not allow individual freedom and would make every individual under that government a subordinate of every authority of the government. Many years after Orwell’s prediction, the consequences of such a totalitarian government...

US – Japan Economic Relations in WWII

Introduction Japan is located in the Pacific Ocean towards the Far East; it has a culture, an economy, and a history that disproves its tiny footprint. The United States (U.S.) and Japan are the two largest economic powers in the globe. Theodore (11) argues that when the Gross Domestic Products...

America and the Great War: Fundamental Drivers

The Great War had a vehement impact on American society and the future history of the country. Nonetheless, a primary goal of this essay is to discover fundamental drivers, which contributed to the American participation in the World War I. Such aspects as nationalism, imperialism, and militarism were the primary...

The First World War Beginning: Causes and Reasons

The First World War, considered as one of the deadliest confrontations in the world’s history, started on July 28, 1914, and finished on November 11, 1918. Almost all the major players on the political scene of that time were involved in this confrontation. The War took place all over Europe,...

United States in the Great War

The Great War was one of the most large-scale military conflicts, which surpassed all the preceding wars in the history of mankind. Parties to the conflict were two opposing state alliances, the Entente (comprising of Russia, Great Britain, and France) and the Quadruple Alliance (including Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, and Bulgaria)....

Race’ Role in the Understanding of Fascism

Fascism is traditionally defined as a method of radical authoritarian nationalism, which achieved great eminence in Europe at the beginning of the 1900s. It originally was established in Italy in the course of the World War I as an antagonistic form of organizing a nation to liberalism. Moreover, it is...

Tokyo Terrorist Attack in 1995: Stakeholders and Effects

Tokyo Attack is a Scandalous Terrorist Act in the History of Japan In 1995, the capital of Japan was stirred by a dreadful terrorist attack that produced a damaging impact on the world community. According to the reports, the members of a scandalous religious group dropped the bags with sarin...

The Era of Nazi Party Ruling: The Third Reich

Quotes and analysis The story called “Lieutenant Gustl” was written by Arthur Schnitzler in 1901. This work was created in a form of an inner monologue of a young military officer, the development of the story happens over a short period of time – basically, one evening, when Lieutenant Gustl...

Terrorism, Its History and Constituents

Introduction The number and frequency of terrorist attacks have increased drastically since the twentieth century. Nowadays, the notion of terrorism is known to everyone. Terrorist attacks on the September 11 changed the understanding of terrorism and demonstrated its devastating threat. All countries face the difficulty of choosing the most appropriate...

Germany and Its Position in the First World War

Germany was in beneficial position at the beginning of the World War I, but it experienced significant damage as the consequences have been applied by the other states (Hewitson, 2014). Firstly, it remains evident that the treaty tends to hurt Germany’s economy by isolating it from the other countries and...

Role of the U.S. and the USSR in the Korean War

This paper explores the particulars of the Korean War (1950-1953), as the proxy war that the USSR fought against the U.S., and describes the effects of this War on the formation of the socio-cultural and geopolitical aspects of the Cold War era. The Korean War of 1950-1953 is now being...

Crimes in America: The 9/11/01 Terrorist Attacks

Crime has affected people in different ways. Neither I nor my parents and relatives have been victims of crime. Consequently, I have not been impacted by crime in any manner. The 9/11/01 terrorist attacks The 11th day of September 2001 will remain a dark day in memory of many Americans....

Supreme Court’s and Habeas Corpus War on Terror

Though the concept of a judicial review has been an integral part of the American legislation for an impressive number of decades, a closer look at the phenomenon in question will reveal a range of controversies surrounding the subject. On the one hand, the idea of having a board of...

9/11 Terrorist Attacks and Its Effect on Muslims

Introduction On September 11 2011, a group of 19 Islamic extremists with links to the Al-Qaida terrorist network took control of four transcontinental airplanes and crashed them into strategic locations in the United States of America, killing thousands of civilians and maiming many more (Abdo 7-8). The main intention of...

World Fascism: A Historical Definition

The issue of fascism is considered to be quite berated and misinterpreted throughout the entire twentieth century. The fascism of pre-war period has been described trough the prism of the public democratic mass media and innumerable performances of political discussions. Nowadays the genesis of the fascism appears to be discounted;...

Syria’s Conflict: Putin’s vs. Obama’s Position

Introduction Syria had been involved in a serious and devastating conflict for more than four years now. Despite the fact that the conflict refers to the Syrian government and its opposition, there are numerous countries that are involved in this was as well. Russia and the United States of America...

The Great War and the Position of the USA

The First World War in the Context of European Reforms Nationalism, Militarism, and Imperialism as Contributing Factors The end of the 19th century was marked by the multiple tendencies that included economic globalization, disarmament conferences, and national leagues. In his book, Fromkin describes the consequences of such reformation in the...

Constituents of Security Issue to the American Government

Introduction National security issues were redefined after the September eleven attacks. They were characterised by greater pre-emption rather than deterrence in what is now known as the Bush doctrine, this was done after it had been ascertained that the attacks had been caused by Al Qaeda. A campaign against global...

War on Terrorism: Reasons, Essence, and Social Outcomes

War on terrorism is the one of the most notable phenomena observed in the world today. The roots of this war lie, allegedly, in the severe threat to the security and lives of civil citizens of numerous countries of the world. The war itself started as the reaction of the...

Counter-Terrorism: Constitutional and Legislative Issues

Abstract This paper provides a brief synopsis of the article Should the ticking bomb terrorist be tortured? A case study in how democracy should make tragic choices by Alan Dershowitz and identifies what can be considered this article’s main discursive deficiencies. Introduction One of the main aspects of a contemporary...

Peacekeeping by Global Powers and Organizations

Power, international law, and peacekeeping form a major aspect of the global talk, forums, and discussions; as a threat to global security, stability, and understanding, especially from the rise in the terrorist attacks; and the armed conflicts witnessed in today’s political global affairs. This work is an analysis of the...

Terrorism: Definition, History, Countermeasures

Introduction Terrorism has been of social life since the early history of humankind. Nevertheless, the concept of terrorism gained new meaning after the mass-destruction attack on the United States on September 11, 2001. The terrorist attack was carefully planned and resulted in thousands of deaths of civilian people. Terrorism is...

Intelligence Implications for Self-Radicalized Terrorism

Introduction Since the 9/11 terrorist attack, violent criminal tactics used by extremists have evolved drastically. Self-radicalized terrorism is gaining prevalence in the USA. Consequently, the policies and practices guiding the prevention of criminal threats are changing to keep pace with the evolving criminal environment (Carter & Carter, 2012, p.138). Carter...