Health Promotion to Reduce Lung Cancer: Grant Proposal Template

Executive Summary The grant proposal covers reducing lung cancer among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults in South Australia. Indigenous people had slightly high rates of lung cancer than non-Indigenous. Hence, the project aims to reduce the rate of lung cancer infection and deaths among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander...

Quasi-Experimental Research: Nutrition

Bartholomew, Miller, Ciccolo, Atwood, and Gottlieb (2008) used the quasi-experimental design to evaluate the Walk Texas clinical counseling guide for nutrition. The quasi-experimental design was appropriate for the study because the authors focused on evaluating the efficacy of the intervention on specific demographics – women, infants and children (WIC). In...

Primary Care Clinic Case Study

Businesses are affected by internal and external forces to attain and maintain competitiveness business leaders have to make strategic decisions that address prevailing challenges. In the medical care industry, there are different regulatory bodies that govern how the industry should be managed. In the case of Primary Care Clinic, the...

Perceived Self-Efficacy Effect on Student Nurses Performance

Abstract The purpose of the proposed study is to investigate the effects of student nurses’ self-efficiency levels on their actual performance. Based on Albert Bandura’s theory of self-efficiency, the proposed research will compare the perceived abilities of the participants before and after they were exposed to the orientation course. Perceived...

Anaemia in Primary Health Care

Introduction Primary health care is a concept that is set to ensure quality healthcare for everyone and the WHO provide five elements to enable achievement of this goal. Reduction of social disparities, increasing stakeholder involvement, integration of medical services in all sectors, pursuing collaborative program and tailoring health services based...

Dementia of Alzheimer’s Type: Signs and Symptoms

Abstract The world today is faced with many diseases and conditions, some of which have given medical researchers sleepless nights. Among the complicated diseases is Alzheimer’s disease, which is a complication in the brain that leads to memory loss. This paper seeks to analyze dementia that comes about as a...

Pharmaceutical Industry: Drug Development

Introduction Despite the pharmaceutical industry successfully identifying the active molecule against a certain disease target, many drugs still fail to enter the market mainly due to toxicity challenges. As such, the manufacturers have to assess the safety profile of the lead compounds during the drug development process. This poses a...

Theoretical Foundations of Nursing: Self-concept

I am a strong, attractive, and medium-sized young adult with many talents such as striving talents (achiever, competence, ethics, and belief), thinking talents (focus, problem-solving, strategic thinking, and creativity), and relating talents (team-player, positivity, and individualized perception). On the other hand, my personal skills include self-management (planning, time-management, self-awareness), independent...

Ethical Decision-Making Model

The Ethical Dilemma The ethical dilemma here is that there is a conflict of interest between the child’s parents regarding the treatment of the child. This case entails parental refusal and deferment of medically important treatment based on religious belief that illnesses have underlying spiritual aspects that need prayers to...

Research Proposal on Justice in Health Care

Abstract Justice is a very vital component in healthcare as it is in other forms of business. There are disputes that can occur in health care that needs to be handled through the law. This is despite the presence a set code of conducts that the health care professions needs...

Oral Hygiene in Hospital Patients: Preventing Infectious Diseases

Summary The comfort of patients is the responsibility of every medical facility. To ensure that patients are at ease, the hospital administration has to adopt a holistic approach in caring for patients. Oral hygiene is one of the important things that must be addressed by hospitals. A study of existing...

Aspects of Nursing Education

Concept of Excellence as it Relates to Nursing Education The concept of excellence in nursing education refers to the practice of ensuring that nurses who graduate with diplomas, associate degrees, baccalaureate, master’s degree or doctoral degrees not only have the theoretical knowledge but also practical experience to handle patients (Wittmann-Price,...

Good Manufacturing Practices for Pharmaceuticals

Creating conditions for the safe production of pharmaceuticals is a practice that has evolved significantly due to the introduction of modern approaches to the manufacturing process. As effective measures aimed to establish control in this industry, various measures are promoted to ensure the operation of pharmacological enterprises. These practices include...

Criticism of Medical Model of Psychological Disorders

Introduction Psychological disorders are one of the global problems of our time. For example, depression has been encountered by almost every person -either in person or in a friend’s experience. Lots of people are continually living with anxiety disorders. Such disorders are generally considered mental illnesses. At the same time,...

Human Papilloma Virus Infection

Statement of the Problem Human papilloma virus (HPV) denotes the most widespread sexually transmitted infection (STI). It is so widespread that almost every sexually active person acquires it at some point in the course of their lives (Giuliano et al., 2015). It can be transmitted even in cases that an...

Developing an Implementation Plan

Method of obtaining necessary approval and securing support At first, it is necessary to submit a written report to the administrators of the hospital since they should decide whether an intervention can be launched. This report will include several elements. In particular, one should explain the nature of the problem...

Medical Examination for Children with Allegations of Child Abuse

There are several functions of medical examination. They include collecting and documenting physical evidence of child abuse, providing treatment to the abused children, and collecting history relevant in making the diagnosis a success. They also reassure children by addressing serious concerns, help the Child Protective Services (CPS) in making decisions,...

Negative Effects of Antidepressants

Abstract The effects of antidepressant drugs have been a topic of discussion over a long period of time. Medical experts and other scholars have tried to justify that the effects act as a means to an end claiming that they are bearable consequences geared towards a good cause. However, as...

Strategies to Decrease Nursing Student Anxiety

Research Problem In her article “Interventional Strategies to Decrease Nursing Student Anxiety in the Clinical Learning Environment”, Moscaritolo focuses on the importance of support for students, who experience anxiety and doubts entering the clinical environment. The author introduces the problem of students’ inabilities to cope with their emotions during the...

Physician’s Assistant vs. Nurse Practitioner

Introduction Nurse Practitioners (NP) and Physician Assistants (PA) are both feasible substitutes in the medical schools. They are equally essential professions in the delivery of worthy healthcare. However, the two occupations have similarities as well as differences when viewed from different perspectives. For instance, NP is a listed nurse qualified...

The Dynamic of Suicide and Suicide Lethality

The Dynamic of Suicide There are several suicide dynamics. The first dynamic is the precipitating condition. It entails the overwhelming of the suicidal individuals leaving them helpless and hopeless. The next dynamic of suicide is the search for a solution. Another dynamic is stimulus, which is an unendurable stress level...

Schizophrenia: Definition and Symptomps

Introduction Schizophrenia is one of the most prolific mental disorders that is characterized by people having an abnormal interpretation of reality. Individuals face some combination and forms of hallucinations, psychosis, delusions, and cognitive impairment which impacts daily functioning and often leads to social exclusion. Although schizophrenia requires lifelong treatment, early...

Healthcare Leader Interview With Professor Alison Kitson

Introduction Dr. Alison Kitson, a Ph.D. holder is a former Nursing Executive director at the Royal College of Nursing. In her career, Dr. Alison has managed to enjoy a prosperous and blissful career in the field of nursing and has been working nationally and internationally for the last 20 years...

Type II Diabetes: Disease Analysis

Introduction The symptoms experienced by Mrs Possingham over the last two weeks are the typical case of diabetes. From the case study, it is revealed that Mrs Possingham had shown some symptoms that can be linked with the complication of diabetes mellitus. The objective of this paper is to confirm...

Infusion Nurse for Weekend Coverage

Executive Summary Many factors have influenced the disbandment of hospital-based infusion therapies over the past sixty-five years. The laws of the state initially required hospital caregivers to provide all four infusion therapies. However, the rules changed at the beginning of the 1960s (Bolton, 2009). Due to these legal changes, there...

Electronic Health Records: Advantages and Disadvantages

Abstract Electronic Health Records refers to the process of systematically collecting and recording of patients’ health details electronically as opposed to the use of the traditional paper charts (Ajami & Arabchadegani, 2013). Often, the electronic health record system relies on real-time record information about a patient, as well as contains...

Finding Knowledge in the Digital Library Haystack

It is apparent that nursing knowledge is complicated to define, as its characteristics are rather sophisticated and complex. Moreover, it might seem that Google search engine and online library databases provide different kind of information regarding the same matter. It might be assumed that the online scholarly databases have a...

Research Designs: Quantitative Reasoning and Analysis

Introduction The choice of the research design is extremely important. Before getting down to conducting a research, it is important to review the information about possible research designs and state which one is the most appropriate for a particular case. All the problems which exist in the society are considered...

Ethical Decision-Making: Case Studies

Ethical problems often arise in healthcare practice, since the health and lives of patients depend on the decisions of medical staff. For this reason, national associations create guidelines and ethical codes to guide and help doctors and nurses make the right decision. In this paper, I will examine three ethical...

Gerontology Nursing: Schizophrenia

What is Schizophrenia? People with schizophrenia tend to hear funny voices that do not even exist. Schizophrenia is, therefore “a chronic and disabling brain condition that affects many people” (Birchwood, Spencer, & McGovern, 2000, p. 93). The affected patients believe strongly that other people are manipulating or controlling their minds....

Lead Poisoning in Toddlers

Introduction Lead poisoning is a major problem affecting large numbers of toddlers in the country. The teaching plan aims to provide information to the parents regarding this health problem, which can potentially affect toddlers in their families. It includes sections such as the significance of the topic and resources available...

Continuous Probability Distributions in Biostatistics and Public Health

In oral health settings, continuous probability distributions are often used by researchers and practitioners to measure variables such as the occurrence of dental caries in a particular population, level of hypoglycemia in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, and optimal orthodontic bonding system in the treatment of teeth irregularities (Kim &...

Film Critique: Erin Brockovich

Introduction Survey Research Discussion The paper discusses the movie about a famous American activist, Erin Brockovich, who demonstrated an extreme devotion to her community and managed to protect her native city from a major public health offense. Thus, the film is based on a real story and connects the U.S....

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program

Introduction Debate concerning the education standards necessary to enroll into the nursing practice in the United States has been going on for several decades now among all stakeholders, in particular the nurses and the legislators. The idea of having at least two thirds of the nursing workforce enroll for a...

Nursing Education Analysis

Nursing is known as one of the most stressful career fields, and so is nursing education. To keep the earners motivated but not to turn them away from this career field an educator needs to distinguish the main challenges they face and to avoid the students’ intimidation. Nursing education is...

Ethical Decision Making in Nursing

Nursing practice is associated with the need to make evidence-based ethical decisions that may have diverse effects on patients, nurses’ colleagues, and their healthcare facilities. One of the most recent situations related to ethical decision-making involved communication aspects. I administered the medications in accordance with the developed treatment plan for...

Nursing Personnel Role in Burn Care

Research Goals The first goal of this study is to explore the experiences and perceptions of nurses who offer psychological care to victims of burns in healthcare institutions. The second goal of the study is to highlight areas within the healthcare sector that require assessment, improvement or complete reforms to...

Organizational Values in a Healthcare Institution

Introduction Organizational values are essential for the success of a healthcare institution. They define the vision and mission of the organization. Similarly, nurse values are vital for patient handling and maintenance of good relationships in the clinical workplace. Nursing aims at ensuring the wellness of patients by providing safe and...

Community-Based Health Promotion: Anytown Community

Problem Identification Anytown community is a small town located in the southern region of the U.S., and it has a population of 10,000 people with diverse ethnic and cultural inclinations. According to available assessment data, a family of four people in the community earns an average income of $31,012 per...

How to Develop an Effective Nursing Course Design

Introduction Developing a nursing course design requires an understanding of the fundamental concepts relevant to the changing nursing environment. It is clear from the analysis of the three assignments that the nursing environment has changed due to the changes brought about by technology. In order to develop an effective nursing...

Pain Prevalence, Assessment and Management

Pain is a salient symptom for most conditions that are usually treated in the acute settings. Reasons for this pain are varied, and most patients prefer to endure their pain until they cannot put up with it any longer. The hospital environment does not seem to soothe patients, and, alongside...

The Philosophy of Nursing Communication

Introduction The Philosophy of Nursing Communication is a new theory that defines the central role of nurses in the healthcare system. According to Grossman (2013), nurses play a very important role in the provision of care to patients. They also act as a bridge between patients, their friends and relatives...

Hypertension and Chronic Kidney Disease: Correlation

Introduction Studies indicate that high blood pressure is a frequent occurrence among the patients with both acute and chronic kidney disease (Hilgers & Mann, 2014; Mann, 2014; Tedla et al., 2011). Such studies also indicate that hypertensions have been found to occur mostly among patients with glomerular or vascular disorders...

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Description of Pathology Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a medical condition characterized by a frequent flow of stomach acid back into the esophagus. The backwash is known as acid reflux or acid indigestion irritates the lining of the esophagus and can cause a number of physiological issues as well as...

The Role of Chief Nursing Officer

Abstract A Chief Nursing Officer can only transform an organization’s vision using strong leadership skills. From bedside roles, nurses can grow into responsible boardroom partners tasked with the delivery of high-quality care. I have learned that strong leadership skills can help CNOs realize their vision for a care organization. With...

Nightingale’s Environmental Theory

Introduction It is evident to a modern person that treatment of patients should be accompanied by a versatile and careful medical intervention, which involves not only surgical operation or prescription of drugs, but also post-clinical examination. Not least, the environment surrounding the patient plays a role in overall recovery. Examples...

Vark Learning Style Assessment Analysis

Introduction and Definition Individuals exist in different personalities, exhibiting different capabilities and interests. The differences in people’s behaviors and attitudes have been studied in the area of education and the learning process. As a result, studies note that different people have different ways of efficiently learning and retaining new information....

Healthy Nutrition Policy within a Workplace

The hot bar options present several challenges because some selections are not heart-healthy. Dr. Weinstock outlines come critical points within hot bar selections, such as high-calorie rate in fat content and, thus, low in nutrition menu. The grill section is undoubtedly a healthier choice that includes specific nutrition information and...

Concepts of Medical Uses of Electromagnetic Radiation

Introduction Primarily electromagnetic radiation implies a wave propagating itself from an electromagnetic source. As the wave propagates, it does so under the influence of matter and energy. This wave carries a significant amount of energy and matter, which it transfers to the object it may encounter during the process of...

Causes and Consequences of Osteoporosis

Introduction Osteoporosis is a condition in which an individual is often susceptible to bone fractures. It is a condition of decreased bone density leading to bone weaknesses. The condition leads to the abnormally porous bone that can be compressible as with the case of a sponge. This condition predisposes individuals...

Nursing Professional Standards Among Newly Graduated Registered Nurses

Overview Nursing standards are an important structure in the provision of quality nursing care and the attainment of associated outcomes. When faced with adversity and uncertainty, nursing standards are meant to help nursing professionals to get insight on what they should do and fit in an ever-changing health care environment....

Analysis of Leadership in the Intensive Care Unit

This is a critical analysis of leadership in the intensive care unit (ICU). According to van Schijndel and Burchardi, scholars have not paid much attention to practical management in the intensive care medicine (van Schijndel & Burchardi, 2007). As a result, there is little evidence-based research to support management practices....

Human Transport System: Blood and Heart

The human blood is made up of red cells, white cells, platelets, and plasma. The red blood cells, also known as erythrocytes are microscopic cells that do not contain the nucleus. They are produced by stem cells in the bone marrow. They contain hemoglobin, the red pigment which is useful...

Cardiovascular Diseases: Effects of Diet and Exercise

Abstract Among a variety of health problems that challenge humans, cardiovascular disease has always been a leading cause of death. People of different ages and both genders are frequently diagnosed with myocardial infarction, stroke, or ischemic heart disease. In addition to individual characteristics, there are many risk factors, including diabetes,...

Professional Values of Nursing and Professionalism

Professionalism and professional values of nursing are expressed via ethical and moral values of nurses. In most cases, the moral rules and values are presented by the hospital where nurses are working. The social norms are also important as in this case the norms of conduct are included as the...

Palliative Care in Nursing

Introduction Palliative care refers to specialized care given to people suffering from terminal illnesses in order to improve their quality of life and reduce suffering. Generally, people suffering from terminal illnesses are incapable of supporting themselves, either physically or psychologically, thus tending to require a lot of support from family...

Family Safety Guidelines: The Safety Measures

A home is meant to be a place where people find peace and security (Hockenberry, 2012). However, careless handling of certain household equipment can pose a great risk to children. Home safety is vital especially when young children are involved. Careless mistakes can easily compromise their safety. This essay seeks...

Prevention of Pressure Ulcer

Introduction A pressure ulcer can be described as a site of localized damage to the skin and the fundamental tissue caused by pressure, cut, rubbing and/or a mixture of these (EPUAP, 2003). Although it is typically preventable, pressure ulcers are frequently unfavorable events and correspond to a very serious health...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Universal Health Care Reform

Introduction Universal health care has elicited a wave of heated debate since it was kicked off by President Obama. It has been received with mixed reactions from different sides causing serious divisions between democrats and their republican counterparts. Battista & McCabe (Para. 1) say that the US is the only...

The Rulemaking of Health Policies

Creating a specific health policy is a long mundane procedure that requires an analysis of many factors. The writing itself falls into several steps of careful consideration of the existing standards and policies, including objectives and reviewing the policy drafts. The process may seem like an ordinary activity, however, creating...

Coping Strategies in Job Related Stress in Nurses

Abstract Job-related stress among nurses is an issue that has raised massive concern among contemporary scholars. Nurses are forced to undergo very traumatizing environmental factors that are directly contributed by the nature of their job. Some issues such as pressure from the doctors, patients, relatives and, the administration affect nurses...

The New Cancer Cure

Introduction Cancer is one of the leading killer diseases in the world and there aren’t any 100 percent effective treatments for it, as a result it has troubled many scientists who have been working towards finding a cure for it. Cancer is caused by cells that grow out of control...

Trends and Issues in Nursing: Workload Stress

Introduction Stress is the second most ubiquitous health predicament after backache. Work-related strain contributes to reduced job performance in the nursing profession. These may be as a result of less self-sufficiency and failure to deal with time constraints. A work-related strain occurs under various circumstances, but it is more of...

The Training Effects of Foam Rolling Pre and Post Exercise

Introduction For centuries, people believed that the structure of the human body depended only on skin and bones, yet in the 19th century, fascia was discovered and soon linked to the movement system performance. Fascia constitutes a sheet of connective tissue in the human body which forms under the skin...

Practice in the Field of Healthcare: Literature Review

Introduction The topic that will be focused on in the literature review will be the way evidence supports practice in the field of health care. The review will involve determining how evidence supports health care practices as well as the problems that exist with this approach. The research will also...

Mediastinotomy and the Current Procedural Terminology Codes

An effective mediastinotomy combines the selection of the appropriate CPT Codes for the procedure and the comprehensive consideration of all relevant information. Mediastinotomy is an invasive diagnostic procedure where a doctor makes an incision on a patient’s chest to examine the organs and tissues located between the lungs, the breastbone,...

Teamwork and Collaboration in Healthcare

Successful health outcomes are best attained when there are teamwork and collaboration among the individuals involved. It entails the passage of correct information across health professionals, consultations on best care practices, and sharing responsibilities to ensure quality service and optimal health outcomes. The paper, thereby, seeks to discuss some of...

Australian Social Determinants of Health

Introduction The disparity in the range of life expectancy within and between countries is a well documented issue. For instance, life expectancy in Russia stands at 58.4 years. This is a clear difference of 21 years in comparison to life expectancy in Sweden which stands at 80. On the other...

Healthy Aging and Diet: Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices

Methodology Aim and Objectives The aim of the study is to describe the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of older adults regarding the role of diet in healthy aging. To reach the aim of the study, the following objectives are set: To assess the older adults’ knowledge on the role of...

The Role of Epidemiology in Public Health

In Reassessing the Role of Epidemiology in Public Health, Savitz, Poole, and Miller (1999) assert the following: “…public health draws on epidemiology.. however certain definitions confuse the relationship between public health and epidemiology” (p. 1158). One of the main ideas the authors wanted to deliver is that “epidemiological studies cannot...

Traffic Accidents and Infant Safety Seats

Numerous countries have become extremely dependent on cars, as most of the infrastructure and the way of life itself imply that people are expected to drive to work, shopping malls, universities, hospitals, and other institutions. Traffic collisions happen too often on the roads to undermine the importance of infant safety...

Locating Credible Databases and Research Nursing

Promoting evidence-based practice among nursing staff is a responsible task for the management of healthcare institutions. As an example of such an activity, the case of a nurse from the surgical department will be reviewed. She asked to clarify the peculiarities and ambiguous aspects of such a diagnosis as a...

Incivility Within the Healthcare Metaparadigm

The healthcare system has always been an extremely complex phenomenon, as multiple spheres constitute its core. All medical workers encounter an enormous amount of stress daily. Therefore, it is of major importance to provide them with the opportunity to work in proper conditions which are free of excessive stress factors....

Hand Hygiene as Best Practice in Adult Nursing

Introduction The idea of getting nurses and physicians to observe hand hygiene is not new. The Hungarian physician, Ignác Fülöp Semmelweis (1818–1865) first tried this approach in the 1840s when he elaborated the importance of hand hygiene among physicians to prevent the spread of pathogens (Samuel, Almedom, Hagos, Albin &...

Pharmacogenetics in Clinical Practice

Introduction Within the rapid growth and development of the healthcare industry, pharmacogenetics (PGx) addresses critical difficulties concerning data integration into clinical practice. It is necessary to design simple and convenient to use bioinformatics means to assist the clinicians in the fast access and usage of data in clinical decision-making. Weitzel,...

Forces as Magnetism: Nurses as Teachers

Introduction Early magnet research showed that nurses are very appreciative and value their teaching roles a great deal. They, therefore, have several roles working as teachers, mentors, supporters, and developers. The role of nurses begins from the time they are in nursing school and when they are employed in a...

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: Issues

Introduction The three categories of the government; local, state and national, in the United States carry out particular health programs directly. For instance, there are the state mental hospital, local government hospitals and federal department hospitals. In addition, being the channel where approximately half of the medical payment is paid,...

Emergency Divert Status: Case Study

Discussion Background Statement In this scenario, several serious problems are unacceptable for the professional clinical practice of the ambulance team. In short, as paramedics, Roy and Robert were unable to provide proper care for two patients who were in a critical situation, which resulted in the death of one of...

Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle

Clinical problem Based on the WHO – CDC standard for body weight in proportion to height, the patient, Ms. Jones, is classified as overweight and possibly suffering from the effects of slight muscle degeneration due to her sedentary lifestyle and diet. Based on the case data apparently Ms. Jones does...

Quality Improvement Plan of the Emergency Department

Quality improvement has been described as the activities prepared via the use acquired date to facilitate the direct enhancement in specific aspects of the delivery of health services. Some of the activities included in quality improvement include nursing sensitive indicators, performance measures and compliance checks. Performance measures refer to the...

The Healthcare Information: Security and Privacy

Teaching Hospital Employees The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is the primary legislation that regulates how personal health-related information is managed by healthcare institutions. Because of the increasing number of privacy-related issues concerning this data, it is imperative that all employees have the necessary knowledge and training to...

Older Adults Patient Education Issues

Introduction The healthcare system of a given country dictates the quality of services available to its citizens. The American government offers adequate resources and support to ensure that more people receive high-quality services. This report gives a detailed summary of the responses obtained after interviewing one of my family members....

Nursing. Journey North: A Virtual Experience

Journey North provides a great experience of living and working in a northern community. Although the nursing station there resembles any other in the country, the working conditions can be described as extremely tough. The nurses are expected to withstand an enormous amount of stress and be ready to rely...

Promoting Effective Communication in Nursing Practice

Introduction and Problem Identification It is impossible to imagine a competent medical system without adequate communication. Medical institutions whose leaders promote effective communication among their followers find it easier to solve emerging challenges and improve patient outcomes. Thus, the purpose of this project is to explain how to achieve effective...

Hypertension Prevention: Problem Identification

A patient, family, or population health problem and realistic goals that are relevant to personal practice Hypertension is an extremely common long-term condition characterized by the persistent presence of high blood pressure. This condition severely affects a person’s general well-being and can contribute to the risks of life-threatening conditions, including...

Patient Care Standards Application

Standards of care as developed both in local organizations and through state and federal policy are critical to maintaining a safe and high-quality level of patient care. These standards of care are commonly based on evidence-based research or the experience of health care professionals. Healthcare organizations are expected to provide...

Limitations and Solutions Related to Diseases

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a spectrum of diseases related to long-term breathing problems and airflow blockage. It appears to be quite widespread: as Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates (2017), 16 million Americans suffer from this spectrum of diseases. Moreover, there is a problem of undiagnosed patients,...

The Specialization of Nurses

Introduction The specialization of nurses directly depends on the chosen clinical settings for work. The oncology nurse is involved in the diagnosis of cancers that require remission after treatment. Specialist certification for this position requires a bachelor’s degree or an associate’s degree in nursing. Then the oncology nurse undergoes an...

Negligence – Medical Malpractice

Introduction Negligence is a serious concern especially in the medical field and it continues to gain greater importance in medical malpractice cases in several nations ranging from the Asia, the US, and Europe. There is a concern of patient-doctor interaction with two dominant models. The first deals with the doctrine...

Postpartum Psychological Disorders

Postpartum psychological disorders include mild conditions, known as “baby blues,” postpartum depression, and postpartum psychosis. The risks of complications increase due to the history of psychological disorders, labor complications, unintended pregnancy, unmarried status, or marital discord (Perry & Hockenberry, 2018). Postpartum psychosis requires significant attention as “infanticide and suicide are...

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Rates in Prince George’s County

Community “Prince George’s County continues to have the second-highest rate of sexually transmitted diseases in Maryland and the second-highest number of reported AIDS and HIV cases, according to the county’s top health official.” (Wiggins, 2009) As it can be understood from the above statement this paper will focus on the...

Reflective Journal. Nursing Ethics

Reflective practices are crucial as they enable the healthcare personnel to identify their strengths and weaknesses. According to Butts and Rich (2019), healthcare practitioners need to evaluate their daily performance to deliver the best care services to patients. Watching the videos on live birth, postpartum hemorrhage, pregnancy complications, postpartum assessment,...

Health Care Inequality: The Socio-Economic Factors

The problem of inequality in various aspects of socio-economic life and the problems of overcoming it are increasingly becoming the subject of discussions in politics, scientific research, and social policy. The United Nations and the European Union devote much attention to these problems (Costa-Font and Cowell 172). They emphasize the...

The Iowa Model of EBP

In this discussion post, the committee’s approach presented in the video will be evaluated according to the Iowa Model, and additional steps will be offered for the improvement of evidence-based policies. Evidence-based practice (EBP) committees are often established by healthcare agencies to ensure patient safety and promote quality care through...

“Stents in the Cardiac Cath Lab” Case Study Analysis

Introduction The case “Stents in the cardiac cath lab” is written by Dale Buchbinder. The case study in question is an example of professional misconduct, which harmed the patient and resulted in a collective lawsuit against the hospital and the responsible cardiologist. The cardiac surgeon had ties with a cardiac...

The Use of the Removable Partial Dentures

Introduction The use of removable partial dentures is often associated with problems of comfort, bacterial danger, and increased care. In some measure, the use of dentures is regarded to be harmful because of bacteriological and physiological factors. First, it is necessary to give the details of prosthetic procedures, to clarify...

Evidence-Based Practice: Evaluation of Process

Abstract In the current essay, an evaluation plan is developed for the final evidence-based practice project. The present paper consists of several parts to provide a comprehensive and concise piece of writing. First of all, the rationale for the methods used in collecting the outcome data is described. Secondly, how...

Self-Assessment in Dental Hygiene

Dental hygiene is crucial for people’s health, and self-assessment is an essential part of hygiene. It is worth mentioning in the curriculum because hygienists must have these skills for self-improvement and personal growth in the profession. The value of that practice will help to monitor both their health and their...

Dementia – The Disease of the Older Generation

Introduction Dementia was an illness which consisted of a group of symptoms characterized by reduction in memory, impairment in the reasoning skills and slow decline of skills required for daily living. Changes in the brain, both structural and biochemical, caused these illnesses. The condition was defined as “a syndrome due...

Application of Pender’s Health Promotion Model

The health promotion model was introduced by N. J. Pender, who defined ‘health’ as an everchanging state. Moreover, her definition does not imply merely the absence of disease (Murdaugh, Pender, & Parson, 2018). The author’s health promotion ideas were aimed at improving patient’s well-being. The model suggested that the cognitive,...

The Benefits of Vaccination Outweigh the Risks

Introduction Human beings are at a constant threat of numerous diseases that can cause sudden death. Luckily, scientists and medical researchers have succeeded in producing vaccines to help bodies fight pathogens that might overwhelm them. This primary prevention triggers the immune system to identify and eliminate organisms that might be...

Multiple Sclerosis: Pathophysiology

Introduction Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a condition that severely impairs a person’s ability to function. This disease alters the normal pathophysiology of the human body. The cells of the brain cannot work properly and transfer information if affected by MS. This impairment leads to multiple complications as the brain can...

Infection Prevention and Control in Nursing

Introduction Healthcare-associated infections (HCAI) are the main contributors to mortality and death and hospitals’ sickness rates. In recent years, there has been a success in the control of infections in the hospital setting. However, HCAI is one of the significant burdens facing the healthcare sector globally (Swanson, 2020). The public...

Lillian Wald and Community Health Nursing

Introduction Lillian Wald lived between 1867 and 1940. She was born at Ohio in a place known as Cincinnati. Her family later moved Rochester York in 1878. She attended Cruuttenden’s school which offered English and French. She later joined New York‘s school of nursing in 1981. She started her nursing...

The Effectiveness of Peer-Mediated Intervention for Young Children with Autism

Introduction Children with autism often suffer from a lack of social integration and fail to engage meaningfully with their peers. Peer-mediated intervention is a prominent technique for developing social skills and fostering involvement in children suffering from autism. Such children usually have fewer social connections, especially in the school environment,...

Computer Provider Order Entry (CPOE) Quality Improvement

Focus and Problem CPOE helped eliminate paper-based orders that were cumbersome, could get lost, and had illegible handwriting. Furthermore, it greatly improved safety due to built-in systems of enhanced patient safety in medication interaction checks as well as point-of-care clinical decision support. There are significant concerns regarding the user interface...

Mycobacterium Tuberculosis: Pathogenesis and Epidemiology

Introduction Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mt) is the organism that is responsible for causing tuberculosis (TB). This disease that existed as from the Neolithic era has been a quagmire to the medical field scientists even after the identification of the causative agent. This paper discusses M. tuberculosis with special focus on its...

Spiritual Needs Assessment

Spirituality, according to Wallace (2007) is “the essence of our being, which permeates our living and infuses our unfolding awareness of who and what we are, our purpose in being, and our inner resources; and shapes our life journey”. There has been a renewed interest in the healthcare profession about...

Developments in Global Tobacco and Alcohol Policy

The health of the nation is one of the major concerns of any state. Healthy populations guarantee the ability of a country to evolve and move towards the achievement of new goals. However, today the situation remains complex because of multiple problems and health issues linked to the environmental or...

Diabetes in American Society

Everyone knows that American society is challenged by a variety of diseases. Some of them could be predicted, controlled, and treated, and some illnesses remain incurable because even the most advanced technologies are not effective and helpless. Diabetes is one of such public health concerns, with no particular cure. People...

The Challenges in the Continuum of Long-Term Care

Introduction The issue of staffing has been an ongoing challenge for the United States healthcare system. Nursing homes are facilities that provide long-term care for their residents, the majority of whom are older people. Certified nursing assistants (CNAs) are employed in these healthcare establishments. This paper will explore the problem...

Human Transport Systems: The Lymphatic System

Introduction Background of the Study The lymphatic system is part of the cardiovascular transport system which aids in fat digestion and its transport into the liver and other storage sites in the body. In addition, the lymphatic system supports other body immune functions. It is also involved in the transport...

Diabetes Mellitus Overview and Analysis

Introduction Diabetes which is medically referred to as diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder that occurs due to the lack of production or action of insulin in the body. Insulin is a hormone that enables blood sugar in form of glucose to generate energy in the body. It is a...

Choice of Career: Health Information Management

It is impossible to underestimate the role of a healthcare practitioner in the process of establishing the quality standards of provided medical services. However, it is not limited to caregiving and implies a range of other tasks that are equally important for a positive outcome. The present-day world dictates conditions...

School Nurse Role in Providing School Health Services

Reaching Out a Solution In the course of a high-school athletic event, a person experienced a cardiac arrest. As time was essential, the coach of the home team rushed to the medical office to bring an automatic emergency defibrillator (AED). Nevertheless, the appliance was not at the expected location, which...

Pandemics in History

Introduction The world would not have been as safe and immune to numerous diseases if pandemics did not occur in the past. Although major historical virus outbreaks fastened the development and resulted in the advanced modern healthcare and medicine systems, many people continue to suffer from well-known illnesses. The World...

Evidence for Healing Therapy: Art Therapy

Women undergoing breast reconstruction experience pain after the surgical process (Consentino, 2009). Several preventive measures have been tried to remedy this situation. Stress and depression are other symptoms related to the diagnosis and treatment of the medical complication. Strategies to help women cope with such plastic surgery issues are therefore...

The Aspects and Causes of Myopia

Myopia is a visual dysfunction from which more and more people start suffering due to the development of computer technologies. Myopia usually occurs “when an eye is too long when the cornea is too steeply curved when the eye’s lens is unable to relax enough to provide accurate distance vision,...

Nursing: Basic Care and Comfort

Nutrition and Oral Hydration: Resuming Postoperative Diet The first diet doctors usually prescribe after an operation is a clear liquid diet. It is fat-free and based on water and juices. A soft diet corresponds to the next stage in recovery and contains limited solid foods. Eventually, a patient can gradually...

Nursing Leadership and Management Styles Analysis

The question of leadership is one of the most urgent issues in current nursing care as there is a burning need for effective leaders to organize properly the professional and personal lives of society (Murray, 2004). In this paper, the article by Eric Harris and Kristen Maceli (2010) about health...

Cash vs. Accrual Accounting for Healthcare Organization

Hospitals and home care organizations have two distinctly different modes of operation. Whereas hospitals offer a plethora of treatments ranging from rudimentary health check-ups to long-term ambulatory care, home care organizations namely provide visiting nurses to perform procedures, provide instructions, and generally oversee the state of health of the patient...

Should We Withhold Life Support?

It goes without saying that the expediency of life-sustaining treatment for terminally ill patients currently raises multiple ethical questions. According to recent studies, the majority of Western clinicians regard the withholding of life support as acceptable under specific conditions (Phua, et al., 2015). However, regardless of “the influential development of...

The Jean Watson Theory: Human Caring Philosophy

Description of the Jean Watson Theory Human Caring Philosophy This section will focus on Jean Watson Theory, best described as a theory of human caring due to her contribution to physicians’ role in the healthcare hierarchy (Black, 2019, p 203). This philosophy is based on human-to-human relations as applied by...

Change as a Concept in Contemporary Nursing Practice

Introduction The purpose of writing this essay is to fulfill the requirements of the module “Contemporary Nursing Practice” in the MSc program that the author is undertaking. The author chose this concept to investigate looking back into the problems he faced with the nurses being moved from one institution to...

Disorder of Hemostasis Case

A flight from Minnesota to Sydney lasts about 19,5 hours. When individuals travel by plane, especially during long periods, they remain relatively immobile, which is not the best state for those with CVS diseases. Stasis results in the accumulation of platelets and clotting factors. Moreover, immobility causes a decrease in...

Cohort Study in Medicine

A cohort study is referred to as a medical type of research that studies the cause of an illness and explores connections between risk factors and health outcomes. As the word cohort implies a group of people, the type of study focuses on a group of individuals (MacGill, 2018). Moreover,...

Replication and Its Importance in Healthcare Research

Replication is a crucial step in scientific research which is commonly a repetition of the same experiment to determine whether the results are consistent. The regularity in the results in turn determines if the efficiency and reliability of the test under question (Resnick, 2018 par.1). Some experiments in the medical...

Patient Consultation About Bariatric Surgery

Mr. C is a patient in the hospital for consultation for bariatric surgery but is displaying many other concerning clinical manifestations that highlight his health status. At his height and weight, Mr. C. has a high BMI of 45, which indicates morbid obesity but could be expected considering the initial...

Small Bowel Obstruction: Management and Treatment

The disease under consideration, small bowel obstruction, is a blockage of the small intestine, which implies a disruption of the digestive system. Its development is characterized by the accumulation of swallowed air instead of intestinal fluids, in contrast to the normal intestine functions related to the absorption of nutrients, electrolytes,...

Adult Obesity: Treatment Program

Introduction The occurrence of obesity is growing around the globe at a disturbing rate in both developed as well as developing countries (World Health Organization, 2000). In the European countries, the prevalence of obesity ranges between 10 and 20% in men and between 15 and 25% in women, while in...

Crohn’s Disease: A Patient Education Plan

Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory disease that affects different parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Crohn’s disease ruins the small intestines, but it can occur anywhere from the larynx to the anus. It is considered an immune disease and produces inflammation of the tract. The usual age of patients is 20-30...

Community Health: Assessment of New York’s Chinatown

Introduction Good health is a necessity for all individuals because it determines their quality of life and productivity. The government takes necessary measures to ensure that the community has healthy living. Nevertheless, health disparities among communities living in New York, a city that contributes significantly to the American economy, continues...

Sleep Stages, Brain Waves, and the Neural Mechanisms of Sleep

The human sleep structure includes two phases: non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. During the sleep period, these phases are in rotation and replace each other several times (Hassan & Subasi, 2017). Sleep phases changes primarily are characterized by different brain waves, which are recorded...

MRNA COVID-19 Vaccines: Advantages and Disadvantages

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in late 2019, scientists worldwide have been working on developing a vaccine. While usually, it can take a few years to go through all the stages of the process, the critical situation in many countries forced governments to speed up the approval procedures....

The Banner Health Care System Strategic Plan

Introduction Strategic planning involves looking into an organization’s future and identifying issues and trends to align it with its competitors in the healthcare industry. The establishment of a proper strategic plan enables a firm to remain competitive while also ensuring consumer satisfaction. The company chosen for study is Banner Healthcare,...

Health Promotion: Coronary Heart Disease Prevention

Assessment The client is a 57-year-old over-weight Caucasian male. Assessment of the clinical history of the patient shows that the patient had demonstrated an elevated blood pressure level five years back, which is under control with medication. In addition, the patient suffers from hyperuricemia, which is again under control with...

Depression: Types, Symptoms, Etiology & Management

The Concept of Depression Depression is a complex mental disorder that is still not completely understood by scientists. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this condition is widespread, and there are more than 264 million people of different ages suffering from this disease all over the world (1). Depression...

Analyzing the Notion of Wound Care through the Prism of SWOT

Background Wound care management has now become of the most challenging aspects of nursing on a global level due to the increasing pattern of wound incidence caused by various chronic diseases and accidents (Powers et al., 2016). Thus, the tendencies of would care between different facilities are now being modified...

Collaboration and Leadership Reflection in Nursing

Interprofessional collaboration implies the engagement of several healthcare experts with different backgrounds and specializations to work with patients and their families to enhance the quality of their treatment. The current video describes my experience of such collaboration. Apart from that, the video presents suggestions on how to improve the quality...

Binge Eating Disorder: Information for Patients

Introduction If you have been diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder BED, it means that your eating behaviors are complicated by the presence of rather frequent episodes of uncontrolled overeating. BED is more widespread compared to other eating disorders. You should know that it may cause susceptible weight gains if not...

Enhancing Quality and Safety of the Patient

Patient safety is among the primary concerns in healthcare settings, and one of the safety issues is patient falls. A fall is defined as “an unplanned descent to the floor (or extension of the floor [e.g., trash can or other equipment]) with or without injury to the patient and with...

Verbal Orders in Medicine: Challenges, Problems and Solutions

Introduction Quality health care is the primary goal of any health institution, and it highlights patient safety as the chief principle. Quality patient care implies avoiding errors, learning from the mistakes made, and applying safety practices to deliver proper care. It is necessary to state that several factors condition the...

Mental Health Stigma for Military Man and Civilians

Cederbaum, J., Wilcox, S., Sullivan, K., Lucas, C., & Schuyler, A. (2017). The Influence of Social Support on Dyadic Functioning and Mental Health Among Military Personnel During Post-deployment Reintegration. Public Health Reports (1974-), 132(1), 85-92.  This article is relevant to my study as it discusses the military personnel’s mental health...

Applying Ethical Principles: Ethical Problems in Nursing Management

Analyzing ethical issues that healthcare professionals face requires adhering to relevant approaches and models to find adequate solutions. To assess a specific problem objectively, healthcare leaders should apply appropriate assessment models and communication principles to build productive relationships with all stakeholders. As an example of such an activity, a specific...

Ethical and Legal Issues in Healthcare Services

Ethical and Legal Issues in Healthcare Services. Ethical issues Legal Issues What is the issue? (ethical and/or legal) Recommendation Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Scenario: A patient who has been dealing with a back injury for the past 2 months runs out of pain medication and asks his PCP for a...

Shortcomings of Western Medicine

Introduction An objective comparison of approaches that Eastern and Western medicine takes toward health and treatment is necessary for conducting a further evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of Western medicine. The emergence of the Western approach to medicine in the developed world follows the way of hypothetical deduction, while...

Fall Prevention among Older Adults

Aging is an inevitable process in the life of every human. From the physiological point of view, such a process is impossible to avoid or delay. Older adults are constantly at risk groups concerning many issues; however, one of the most serious and common is falling. With lower mobility and...

Meningitis Is a Serious Illness With Consequences

Introduction Recent increased interest in Meningitis is caused by the presentation of many children with a provisional but erroneous diagnosis of meningitis in America. In many cases, it is impossible to make a specific aetiological diagnosis in fever-associated headache, and it is significant not to traumatize the child or an...

Assignment on Cardiovascular Disease

Prolonged chest pain is a symptom that can indicate different conditions and requires immediate attention from a healthcare professional. Charles Bennington experienced a severe case of crushing chest pains that did not resolve after forty minutes. Additionally, the patient reports dyspnea, dizziness, and nausea when unloading his truck, which can...

Clinical Narrative: Conversation With a 30-Years-Old Woman With Diabetes

Nurse of the future and the path in which nursing will develop in the following years is an interesting topic because this healthcare system needs to be transformed to address the needs of the citizens. A conversation with a 30 years old woman who was recently diagnosed with diabetes and...