High-Quality Nursing Care in the Nursing Home

Introduction Nursing homes are established to provide care services to older adults and individuals with disabilities who cannot be cared for at home but do not require hospital care. Similar to other healthcare sectors, nursing homes emphasize patient dignity and care quality and implement measures to promote a culture of...

Hospital-Acquired Infections: Leadership Action Plan

Overview of hospital-acquired infections Hospital-acquired or nosocomial infections are conditions that patients develop while in a healthcare facility and were absent at the time of admission. They are exacerbated by factors, such as the environment in which care is provided, and the condition and susceptibility of the patient (Khan et...

Advancing New Technology for Radiology and Imaging

Introduction New technological advancements in any field are always met with some form of resistance due to precautions and concerns regarding the safety of use. It is especially true in the field of radiology and imaging, which is primarily reliant on technology for its proper functioning. Imaging developments made a...

A Dissemination Plan on Adolescent Obesity and Falls in Elderly Population

Research on clinical diagnoses and conditions is essential for obtaining practical information and adjusting current intervention strategies. Fall incidents in the elderly population, diabetes, and adolescent obesity are medical concepts that require definite prevention practices. This study is essential for specialists in emergency and hospital care, as many factors predict...

First Nations Communities Water Resources

Introduction Drinking water is by no means an infinite resource, and while in some countries, people feel like they have it in abundance and use it carelessly, there are places in the world where women and children spend hours each day just to collect it. However, even in developed countries,...

The Importance of Moral Courage in the Healthcare

Introduction Moral courage is a significant trait for all healthcare professionals as they often face ethical issues that need to be addressed correctly. However, moral courage is critical for administrators because they inspire and guide their subordinates and create a supportive work environment by their example. However, medical institutions often...

Major Third-party Payers to Healthcare Providers

In the USA, healthcare services are partially or fully reimbursed by insurance carriers referred to as third-party payers (Fordney, 2015). Third-party payers that include private and public organizations reimburse healthcare services to healthcare providers such as hospitals, nurses, physicians, pharmacists, and other professionals providing care. The major third-party providers in...

The Birth and Fertility Rates in the USA

Introduction Fertility and birth rates are influential on the lives of the world’s population, so it cannot be denied that the subject is worth discussing. The size of the workforce depends on both the number of consumers and the number of people who can be employed. As a result, the...

The Social Purpose of Nursing

Introduction Nursing is a kind of profession that requires passion and love to serve one’s patients as good as possible. Each nurse in their practice tends to develop their own philosophy, which is a fusion of principles, beliefs, and moral values. Every nurse’s unique philosophy begins with the evaluation of...

Comparison and Contrasting of Nursing Theories: Elisabeth Kubler-ross and Hildegard Peplau

The philosophy of nursing The philosophy of nursing, which underlies all nursing and non-nursing theories, describes a system of views on the relationship between a nurse, a patient, society, and the environment. The philosophy of nursing is a theoretical foundation of the nursing profession, revealing the main provisions that determine...

Health Promotion Among Hispanic-Latino Population

Introduction The Hispanic/Latino population is one of the multiple minority groups living in the United States. According to the U.S. Census Bureau population estimate, there were 59,6 million Hispanic or Latino individuals in 2018, making them the second-largest ethnic group in the country (U.S. Census Bureau, 2018). This paper aims...

Asthma: Causes and Treatment

Asthma is a chronic disease that impacts more than 300 million people around the world. There is evident heterogeneity in the pathogenesis of asthma in the phenotypes of visible traits and endotypes of molecular mechanisms. Asthma is directly correlated with immune system activation as well as airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR), mucus...

Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competency: Quality Improvement

Introduction In the modern world, technology plays a more and more significant role, and many human manual jobs become substituted by robots that assist other people in their professional activities. Due to that fact, there is a constant change in the requirements set by employers towards competencies in many professions....

The Concept of a Health Maintenance Organization and Its Types

The value of a health insurance in modern society cannot be overestimated. Common health insurance plan implies payments to a health care organization, in which the patient has received treatment, by an insurance company, with which the patient has a contract. In such a case, the insurance fees are rather...

Developing Patient Treatment Plan

Introduction/Identification Findings: Alcohol: The patient admits that he drinks alcohol. Depression: The patient claims that he often feels anxious and depressed. Prescribed medicines: Prescribed medicines have a lot of unpleasant side effects. Lifestyle: According to the interview, the patient does not work and obviously leads a passive lifestyle. Reasons: The alcohol has a negative...

A Care Plan for Pediatric Patient with Cystic Fibrosis

As a person involved in caring for patients and promoting the best possible health outcomes, I regard the proper use of evidence as a cornerstone for high-quality care that is compatible with patients’ interests and needs. In this paper, I will discuss the case of Caitlynn, a pediatric patient with...

Chiropractic Therapy for Pain Management in Athletes

Introduction Pain can be defined as a distasteful sensory or emotional feeling that is linked to possible tissue damage as a result of physical, chemical, mechanical, or thermal stimuli. It is a common symptom that accompanies many illnesses and is responsible for many hospital visits (Drazin et al., 2016). Pain...

A Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

Ms. P. C., a young white female patient, reported a history of a heavy, malodorous vaginal discharge, lower abdominal pain, emesis, and nausea. On the basis of patient data, patient intake, clinical manifestations, and the vaginal discharge’s microscopic examination, it is possible to conclude that the most probable diagnosis for...

Billing and Coding Regulations in Medicine

In order to assure timely and orderly reimbursement, healthcare providers need to be compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) (Harrington, 2020). Insurance companies, Medicare, and Medicaid, reimburse expenses based on the coded information about the diagnosis and performed procedures. Currently, care providers utilize ICD-10 diagnosis codes...

Willowbrook: Consequences and Prospects

The Willowbrook State School, a psychiatric facility that mistreated its patients in an unspeakable manner, represents a dark chapter in American history. Exposed by journalist Geraldo Rivera in 1972, the misdeeds of Willowbrook became known as a catalyst for change in legislation in order to protect the civil rights of...

Cash Versus Accrual Accounting Methods in Healthcare Organizations

Managing finances occupies a substantial area in all healthcare organizations due to the significance of real numbers to determine future practices, investments, and expenditures. Two different methods are used in various types of healthcare institutions, which are cash and accrual accounting basis. Still, most healthcare providers use the accrual method...

Arts and the Black Death

In mid-14th century, the Black Death plague swept across Europe, killing more than 40% of the population. While the continent experienced economic growth and a cultural flourishing in early years, towards the middle of the century, Europe was in crisis from war, famine and disease. However, cultural change continued to...

Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Description

Introduction As time goes by, people are more likely to encounter memory problems. This can be both a natural sign of aging or illness. In most cases, cognitive changes that are connected with growing older do not cause serious problems in daily life. However, if lapses in memories begin to...

Medicine Factory Case Study

Today, pharmaceutical manufacturing is a prospering industry, which is strictly controlled and highly regulated by governmental authorities. Pills manufacturing is an extremely complex process that includes several sections: mixing, granulation, drying, tablet punching, coating, capsule filling, packaging section, and so on (Manufacturing of Solid Dosage Form i.e. Tablet Manufacturing and...

Nursing Profession and Personal Philosophy

Nursing refers to the sovereign duty of managing persons with different health problems in society. Caring takes into consideration a diverse group of persons within the society who require attention for their well-being. Therefore, it encompasses caring for sick individuals and those who require any attention related to health. Nursing...

Health and Physical Education Curriculum

Learning Ambassadors in the sphere of health and professional education have enriched schools with their vast experience and contributed to the development of standardised physical education in a range of elementary schools. One of the examples became Sandusky city school in Ontario. The weakness of that was that it lacked...

Childhood Obesity: Problem Analysis

Introduction Changes in lifestyle, coupled with poor feeding habits and lack of physical exercise have contributed to the rise in the cases of childhood obesity. There are various causes of childhood obesity that health care providers and parents or families need to understand to guarantee the well-being of their lids....

Psychopathology: Mary White’s Factitious Disorder

Advanced Psychopathology Case Study Abstract Mary White suffers from 300.19 (F68.10) Factitious Disorder Imposed on Self. There is evidence to support the idea that Mary is inclined to cause harm to herself and seek the attention of the medical staff. Nevertheless, Mary does not follow the doctors’ recommendations and seems...

Applying Middle Range Nursing Theories

Introduction Obesity becomes one of the most critical problems among children worldwide, especially in some populations. The surveys regarding Mexican-American school-age children in the US reveal the fact that this population is more prone to obesity compared to the White population. Several reasons affect the rapidly growing rates of obesity...

Day Care Centers: Health Risks

Introduction In the world today, most families have both parents going to work to make to boost family income. Their children, with no one to take care of them, end up at childcare facility centers, where they spend substantial time during the day. The advantages associated with daycare centers about...

The UAE Healthcare Services Access for Disabled

Background Human health is more important than all other aspects of life. Nations and individuals have different ways of preventing the spread of diseases and managing them to ensure they do not have serious effects on them (Gaad 57). This essay presents a report of the research conducted in Abu...

Prevention of Health Care Fraud and Abuse

Introduction The health care fraud and abuse are activities which involve a fraudulent acquisition of healthcare programs’ funds or property. The abuse is an unintentional practice resulting in the overpayment by a healthcare program. Such activities are widespread and common. They include billing for services not provided, providing unnecessary service...

Childhood Mental Disorders: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

A critical review of the case Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a childhood disorder that thrives from adolescence to adulthood. It is characterized by difficulties in staying focused and paying attention among children, problems in behavior control, and more prominently, hyperactivity. The symptoms may entail distractions, difficulty in comprehending and...

Sale of Human Organs Should Be Legalized

Human Organ Business In my personal opinion, the business of human organs is, however, considered illegal, yet a large number of people believe that they have the right to sell their body parts and have an ethical point of view in this regard that states the issue of their freedom...

The Colon Cancer: Main Aspects

Introduction Colon cancer is characterized by cancerous growth of tumor in the colon. The growths are benign but can progress into cancer as time progresses. Colonoscopy is normally used to diagnose colon cancer found in specific regions. Surgery can be used as a curative measure for invasive cancers. When invasive...

How to Reduce Obesity and Maintain Health?

Health and Obesity Health is becoming a matter of grave concern, especially the health of teenagers and adolescents, who are becoming increasingly overweight and obese. Obesity is now being regarded as an epidemic by the World Health Organization (WHO, 2000) due to the increasing occurrence of obesity among children and...

Marketing Plan Based on Convenient Care Clinics

Introduction Every health care organization has to formulate an effective marketing plan. This process is not usually easy, since the environment in which heath care is practiced continue to undergo changes in various fronts. Though these changes are occurring in the external health care organizations, these changes could and have...

Diabetes in Children: The Prevalence and Prevention

Outline Diabetes is a very common disease among children in Canada. Several studies have shown that genetic factor and inactive lifestyle plays an important role in the prevalence of the disease among Canadian children. Several programs have been initiated at the community level that has proved successful in preventing the...

Proper Education Through Music for Youth for HIV, AID Prevention

Youths love music whether gospel or secular. It is noted that American young people spend about four to five hours each day watching and listening to music. This is more time than the youths spend in the company of their friends. Music is highly valued by adolescents and older youths...

Research Approaches in Health and Social Care

Social research is done for the in-depth investigation of a problem of health care or cultural behavior or society. Empirical social research is either qualitative or quantitative basically (Peters, 2008, p. 157). The choice of method, chronology, design selected, the sample of participants chosen, and the instruments used to evaluate...

Development and Management of Autism

Outline Autism is a disorder that affects the development of children and it is presented in form of abnormal functioning in the areas of socialization, self-direction, and communication. Autism is caused by a variety of factors which include the environmental as well as genetic factors. Autism symptoms are accelerated by...

Cancer: Symptoms and Consequences

Introduction The problem of cancer disease is spread all over the world because of global difficulties of its treatment. The identification of the notion “cancer” is not strictly fixed in the sphere of medicine. It combines thousands different types of cancer forms affecting almost every organ of human organism. The...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Treatment Protocols

When Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) begets acute exacerbations, symptoms deteriorate, and patients experience breathlessness and overall reduced quality of life. A lot of resources go into ensuring that COPD patients receive the necessary care to lessen the exacerbations. There has been a paradigm from the traditional management of COPD...

Hospital-Acquired Pressure Ulcers in US Healthcare Organizations

Executive Summary The topic of the project is the current state of rates of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers (HAPUs) in US healthcare organizations. The problem of the project is the alarming prevalence rates of HAPUs in Kings County Hospital Center in comparison with the benchmark set by the New York State...

Baxter International Inc. Case Study

Introduction Baxter International Inc. is a healthcare company that leads in the manufacture of drugs and medical equipment. The company makes medical products with its three divisions such as drugs and vaccines, dialysis equipment, and IV supplies. The bioscience or biotechnology division of Baxter specifically manufactures protein and plasma therapies...

Information Technology Training in Primary Care by Alpay et al.

Introduction The article “Information technology training in primary care” by L. Alpay, L. and A. Russell describe the role and importance of information systems and information system’s training in primary care settings. The authors pay a special attention to changing demands and needs of patients and multidimensional approaches used in...

The Role of the Nurse in a Palliative Care Setting.

Introduction Nurses play a crucial role in Palliative Care Setting providing communication and patients’ support for diverse patients groups. Palliative care has grown rapidly during the last two decades. Stimulated by the development of life-saving and monitoring techniques requiring specialized personnel and equipment, palliative care units developed in a relatively...

Obesity in Children and Adolescents: Quantitative Methods

Research question Obesity in children and adolescents has increasingly become prevalent in the recent past and is now a major problem in most developed countries. In what ways can we determine the main causes of obesity in this age group and whom should the blame be placed on? The Problem...

The Concept of Artificial Hydration

Introduction Artificial hydration refers to the medical practice of introducing nutritional fluids and water into a patient’s body by means of tubes, catheters or needles. The issue of artificial hydration in the context of patients who are terminally ill is an emotional one for many patients and families because giving...

Mindful Eating Intervention and Diabetes Self-Management Intervention

Introduction Healthy eating and following the key guidelines may be some of the most difficult changes to make for people with diabetes. At that, they might need health workers’ guidance and mentorship to help them make a smooth transition and accept the struggles that come with having the said condition....

Ensuring Children’s Mental Health

Introduction Mental health problems and potentially traumatic experiences that may cause them in young patients are often overlooked, which causes the development of serious mental health issues in the future. Therefore, it is critical to ensure that mental health issues in children are identified quickly and treated accordingly to prevent...

Reducing CAUTI: The Quality Improvement Project for Nurses

Abstract Because of their negative outcomes, catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) are a significant and rather widespread problem in long-term care. One of the potential interventions is daily bathing with 2% chlorhexidine gluconate washcloths. This intervention was used in a 100-bed long-term care facility unit with the intent of reducing...

Health Needs of a Community

Thorough identification of particular health needs of a community is one of the essential elements of community health improvement by means of healthcare organizations that is capable of benefiting the whole nation. Demographics of the state of Florida are characterized by a significant number of Hispanic/Latino residents. According to the...

Utilization of Nephrostomy Catheter on Renal Compromised Patients

Introduction In renal compromised patients, the use of nephrostomy catheters becomes necessary to address the problem of blockage. This tube is usually inserted through the skin to the affected kidney in order to ensure that urine is drained effectively. Individuals should be able to maintain their catheters or receive timely...

Project Design, Methods, and Budget: Patient Falls

With the growing number of older adult patients in the US, the problem of their management becomes critical. As reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately $50 billion is spent annually for non-fatal and $754 – for fatal falls in adults who are aged 65 and...

Science-Based Theories in Nursing

The application of science-based theories in nursing represents an opportunity for nurses to combine experience-associated knowledge with evidence developed on the basis of scientific rigor. The first science-based nursing theory was developed by Martha Rogers and is called the Science of Unitary Human Beings, emphasizing both the scientific nature of...

Virtue Ethics in the Wrong-Operation Doctor Case

In the case of a doctor operating on a patient and making a crucial mistake of not checking the details of the operation, the question of professional integrity can be raised. It can be argued that failures are inevitable and occur from time to time. However, for a medical professional,...

Sexual Health: Teaching Plan for Students

Teaching Plan The topic of the class is sexual health. During this class, students will be presented an opportunity to improve their understanding of central challenges in sexual health promotion, racial and socioeconomic disparities in sexual health, and fundamental principles of health promotion. The class is suitable for first-year students...

Limited Access to Health Insurance for Low-Income Families

Introduction Even though many people in the US have access to health insurance, there is a significant number who have no coverage and cannot take advantage of that. Therefore, the potential for a crisis, especially for needy families, remains. There is a problem with the high rate of uninsured low-income...

Epidemiology and Clinical Presentation of Pressure Ulcers

Introduction The present project aims to identify the epidemiology and clinical presentation of pressure ulcers as one of the most disturbing issues that may develop in patients staying in bed for a long time. The definition of pressure ulcer, as well as its complications and diagnosing procedures, will be presented....

Diabetes Mellitus and Self-Care Education

Introduction Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is one of the chronic conditions that most worries the health professional. Referring in particular to DM type II, we see that it primarily affects those over 65 years of age (Kirkman et al., 2012). According to several of research already carried out in this regard,...

Adolescent Mental Health: Depression

Adolescence is characterized by numerous physical, emotional, and psychological changes in people. Sometimes, teens’ behaviors can be predicted by taking the necessary measures. However, in some cases, it turns out to be hard for children aged between 12 and 17 years to understand their emotional or physiological needs, which leads...

Nursing Research Designs and Applications

Nursing research is an integral part of the scholarly exploration, as it helps specialists in the profession find the most effective practices of improving the care for patients. Research is also instrumental in responding to changes in the healthcare environment, governmental regulations, and populations of patients. The understanding of the...

Healthcare Robotics Impact

Introduction Today, robotics enters many spheres of life, including education, social life, and healthcare. The use of robots in healthcare allows advancing patient care and achieving better health outcomes. These physical systems that may change treatment processes, diagnostics, and patient monitoring provide an opportunity to assist more people. In general,...

Information Systems in Healthcare

Introduction Considering the rapid development of technology, it is possible to say that in the nearest future, the majority of medical professionals will work closely with robots. The systematic utilization of robotics in healthcare will potentially allow for improved patient outcomes, an increase in the quality of care, and the...

Major Components of Medicaid and Medicare

Introduction Government-sponsored insurance is a critical source of medical costs covered in the United States. Medicare and Medicaid are two main types of insurance available from the U.S. government, and each of them applies to different patient populations. Together with the Social Security program, they provide assistance to vulnerable populations...

Ethical Issues in Oncology Nurses’ Practice

Oncology nurses encounter numerous legal and ethical issues whenever providing services to their patients. The selected article reveals that the common ones include patient care, end-of-life, and human rights issues (Park, 2009). These challenges make it impossible for them to formulate evidence-based or timely decisions throughout the care delivery process....

Quality Improvement Paper on Hand Hygiene

Issue of Hand Hygiene Washing hands properly is a health requirement so basic that it barely warrants discussion, yet the recent increase in the demand for high-quality care has defined stricter guidelines and standards for care. Thus, the problem of hand hygiene has risen as one of the issues that...

Personal Philosophy of Culturally Competent Nursing

Personal philosophy is the cornerstone of any nursing practice. Without it, the effort becomes meaningless, leading to the loss of purpose, existential crisis, and burnout. My personal philosophy has been shaped by my studies as well as the overarching goals and missions of the educational facility. Barry University seeks to...

Ethical Principles in a Psychiatric Facility

As a future professional in the field of psychology, knowing the code of conduct as well as the general principles of ethics is essential for ensuring that patients receive the care they deserve. After reviewing the American Psychological Association, APA (2016) Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, the...

The Concept of Hildegard Peplau’s Nursing Care Model

Introduction The work in a healthcare setting requires much educational and professional preparation, presupposes the possession of specific skills, and is rather demanding yet rewarding. In order to make the professional care about patients easier for nurses, several nursing care models have been identified and explained by scholars and nursing...

Pressure Ulcers Protocols: Literature Review

The population that is at high risk of developing pressure ulcers includes critically ill patients who experience problems with taking care of themselves. Therefore, these patients usually require specific care and the implementation of certain interventions to prevent the development of pressure ulcers. One of the approaches to preventing pressure...

Nurse Leader in a Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit

Leadership is one of the critical competencies that nurses should have as they prepare to advance their careers. Nurse leaders play an essential role in determining the quality of care given to patients as they carry the vision of the facility where they work. In addition, such individuals act as...

Calgary Family Assessment Model in Practice

Family Assessment The given paper is devoted to the in-depth analysis of a family with a member having type 2 diabetes. The are several reasons for the completion of this assessment. Today, the given chronic disease becomes one of the core problems of the healthcare sector. Poor health literacy, along...

Unionization and Magnet Accreditation in Healthcare

Introduction I myself have never partaken in the union organizing process. Yet, literature research has made me quite knowledgeable on the subject and recent trends and dynamics. It seems that there is a clear rationale behind unions. Through starting, joining, or choosing to be represented by one, workers and employees...

Public Health Policies for Disease Prevention

Public Health Policies and Interventions: Effects on People’s Daily Life Public health issues have become more numerous, with emergent threats posing new challenges. Therefore, timely public health policies have a crucial role in preventing an epidemic from happening in a community. Health policies and interventions aimed at addressing public health...

Childhood Obesity Prevention: The Role of Nursing Education

Introduction Nowadays, many healthcare facilities and independent researchers admit the growth of childhood obesity as a global epidemic problem. The role of a medical worker is frequently discussed to underline a possibility to monitor a body mass index (BMI), evaluate co-morbidities, and give counseling (Dabas & Seth, 2018). Nursing knowledge...

Interprofessional Collaboration in Healthcare

The Importance of Interprofessional Collaboration in Healthcare Teamwork in healthcare contributes to better patient health outcomes. Clinical staff and administration of healthcare organizations must work collaboratively. Alignment with the guidelines for effective interprofessional collaboration is key to performance improvement. Adherence to four competencies of interprofessional collaboration sets high service quality...

Importance Skills in Healthcare Environment

The importance of research skills, practical knowledge, and experience for developing leadership in the healthcare environment can hardly be disputed. However, emotional intelligence (EI) is a valuable social skill medical students, researchers, nurses, physicians, healthcare managers, and executives should possess to become effective leaders in their professional field. Many studies...

Integrative Review on Adherence in Haitians With Diabetes

Topic Chronic kidney failure is a complex disorder that affects thousands of people every day. People from impoverished areas such as Haiti are especially vulnerable to the threat. Lacking the financial resources, as well as facing language difficulties and, thus, often being incapable of vocalizing their problem, they may face...

Organizational Communication and Conflict Management in the Healthcare

The unavoidability of disagreements in domains such as the family, work, and the society suggests the need for developing mechanisms that can help to address conflicts in these areas. Some of the strategies that have been applied to manage conflicts that result from change implementation processes include collaboration, compromising, competing,...

Creating a Safe and High-Quality Health Care Environment

Introduction The sphere of health care is among the fastest-growing in the United States economy, which points to the need for recognizing its key problems and improving the quality of care provided to a large population of patients. In the assignment, the topic of safe and high-quality care environments was...

Veteran Treatment and Florida’s State Strategies

Rationale The accessibility of health management services has been an issue for numerous vulnerable groups in Miami, FL. Therefore, considering the reform that was expected to handle the described concern and propose a solution to it seems quite legitimate. The needs of veterans living in Miami, FL, have been addressed...

Prevention of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are common consequences of operations and anesthesia, which delay the recovery of the body and worsen people’s well-being. Patients are usually offered antiemetic medications to relieve symptoms; however, aromatherapy is also an effective and safe alternative to medicines. In this work, a PICOT question will be used...

Professional Development of Nurses

The Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) report has become a document that offers the most comprehensive range of recommendations and changes for improving and transforming healthcare. Its main points are aimed at reforming the education and practice of nurses since they are the most numerical in medicine and have the broadest...

The Importance of Nurse Delegation Policies

Introduction The practice problem selected for this project is that insufficient nurse staffing leads to medication errors. A medication error is a preventable occurrence in the hands of a healthcare provider leading to or causing inappropriate medication use, potentially resulting in patient harm. Medication errors in healthcare environments may occur...

Nurse Managers’ Leadership Styles

Introduction Nursing is an integral part of the healthcare system, and the nursing staff is currently the largest category of health workers. The role, functions, and organizational forms of activities of the nursing unit – nurses are extensive. In modern conditions, it is worth highlighting such features of nurses as...

Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction Among Oncology Nurses

Introduction Although the needs of nurses are often overlooked in a hospital setting, staff members may face serious health issues due to an inadequate schedule, workplace pressure, and similar factors increasing stress. Thus, tools for handling the problem and reducing the pressure under which nurses are forced to work is...

What Is Orem’s Self-Care Theory?

Meaning of the Theory In the process of care delivery, there are multiple instances when patients are advised to put in their most beneficial qualities despite dealing with an illness for long periods of time. In environments where health care relies on patients being independent, Dorothea Orem’s self-care nursing theory...

Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory

Meaning For the purposes of this assignment, Dorothea Orem’s self-care deficit nursing theory is chosen. It is based on several principal assumptions, which are the following: a “theory created for a practical science such as nursing encompasses not only the What and Why, but also the Who and How;” nurses...

The Relationship Between Understaffing of Nurses and Patient Safety in Hospitals

Introduction It could be hardly doubted that the healthcare system should be in compliance with numerous factors of a different kind to provide proper adherence to treatment and medication for every individual who is seeking help (Junttila, Koivu, Fagerström, Haatainen, & Nykänen, 2016). As it is stated by Glette, Aase,...

Margaret Newman’s Theory of Health as Expanding Consciousness

Introduction The application of various nursing models in practice is not only a possible technique of care but a necessity caused by the uniqueness of each patient and the obligation to provide qualified assistance in accordance with a specific situation. One of such techniques is the nursing theory of health...

ICare & Interprofessional Teams in Oncology Units

Introduction The work setting selected for this assignment is the field of oncology in one of the cancer clinics in the region. Interprofessional teams are present in the workplace as nutritionists, radiologists, nurses, and other support staff members are involved in the day-to-day running of the facility. One of the...

American Nurse Today: Accountability and Ownership

Promoting professional accountability and ownership among nurses is one of the primary challenges of the modern healthcare system. These two concepts constitute an internally driven professional mindset that prompts health workers to take responsibility for their actions. The objective of the present paper is to provide a summary of the...

Interprofessional Teams and iCare in Intensive Care Units

The intensive care unit (ICU) is a highly complex dynamic work environment that requires highly sophisticated and engaged interprofessional team functioning. Interprofessional contributions and expertise are necessary for effective treatment and patient safety in ICU. There are a variety of teams, including nurses, technical support, clinicians, and specialists which collaborate...

Interprofessional Teams and iCare in General Hospitals

It is valid to say that interprofessional collaboration can benefit any type of clinical setting. It can improve patient outcomes by minimizing the incidence of preventable adverse drug reactions, reducing morbidity and mortality rates, and optimizing medication dosages (Bosch & Mansell, 2015). In the present paper, a general service hospital...

Patient Advocacy and Safe Practice in Nursing

Introduction Patient advocacy is a significant component of nursing practice, as nurses are the part of the medical workforce that spends the most time in direct contact with people undergoing treatment. As such, it is their responsibility to ensure that the patients are treated in a manner that maximizes their...

Telenursing: Implementation of the Research Project

Introduction Integration of information and communication technologies in the nursing process is supposed to contribute to more effective care delivery. Though not being considered as a revolutionary advancement, telenursing has all chances to become an indispensable part of nursing curricula due to expected positive outcomes (Reierson, Solli, & Bjørk, 2015)....

The Negative Impact of Long Working Shifts on Nurses’ Efficient Practice and Health

Introduction The nursing profession is often associated with working long shifts and being available on-call. Even though having employees present for long hours may aid work processes at medical facilities, staff might be suffering from adverse psychological and physiological outcomes of such a schedule. Nursing practice requires a high degree...

Transcultural Assessment and Questions Planning

The proposed date and location of the assessment The proposed date for this assessment will be December 1, 2018. The respondent will be encouraged to sign an informed consent form (Mackey & Bassendowski, 2017). The best location is the interviewee’s home. I will visit the individual at their place in...

Horizontal Violence and Bullying in Nursing

The term horizontal violence refers to the aggressive behavior of one or several members of the group to another member of the same group, also includes provoking conflicts and personal bullying. Unfortunately, this problem is widespread in the nursing environment, and it leaves a negative impact on care quality and...

Culturally Competent Nursing for Asian Americans

Introduction To deliver proper healthcare services, a nurse has to be aware of culture-specific factors that affect a target group. Therefore, learning the essential components of cultural competence is critical to the management of people’s needs. For this paper, a representative of the Asian American community was interviewed and asked...

Unified Model of Patient Safety and Nursing Care

Introduction In the modern and complex healthcare systems, models serve as the basis of nursing practice to ensure the delivery of high-quality and accessible care that meets the needs and demands of the patient. Models are developed by nurses who use their experience and expertise to devise frameworks of care...

Pressure Ulcer Intervention and Its Effectiveness

Abstract The paper focuses on one of the biggest problems of the modern healthcare system: pressure ulcers. Although considerable breakthroughs in medicine have enabled medical workers to save people’s lives and provide them with the highest quality of care, a viable approach to managing pressure ulcers has not been found...

Contemporary Nursing Practice in the US and World

Introduction The nursing profession is among the most significant ones both in the US and in the world. This medical personnel provides care for the patients in hospitals and other healthcare settings while assisting doctors with treatments. However, it is evident that the nature of practice for nurses has evolved...

Collaborative Care Model in Nursing Practice

Choosing a nursing model that fits a specific team and facility is likely to improve the quality of care delivered to patients. The organization of care delivery is usually predetermined by such factors as leadership styles, staff retention and recruitment rates, and relevant economic conditions in healthcare facilities. This assignment...

Magnet Recognition Program in Healthcare

Executive Summary A new model comprising global issues in nursing and healthcare is presented by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). This Magnet Recognition Program comprises five major components, such as “transformational leadership, structural empowerment, exemplary professional practice, new knowledge, innovations, and improvements,” and, finally, “empirical outcomes” (“Magnet model,” n.d.,...

Abusive Relationships and Domestic Violence Treatment

The issue of abusive relationships, manipulative behavior, and domestic violence in contemporary society could hardly be overlooked. These problems manifest themselves in various forms, and they influence diverse spheres of social interactions. One of the most apparent examples of how exposure to abusive relationships can have adverse outcomes is the...

Nursing Degree and Its Benefits

Introduction Nursing remains one of the most challenging and rewarding careers for practitioners and patients. Caregivers are expected to make a difference in patients’ lives and empower them to achieve their potential. Since registered nurses (RNs) are the major providers of care, they should possess adequate competencies and knowledge in...

Team Nursing Care Delivery Model’s Pros and Cons

The model that perfectly fits the objectives is team nursing. Within the framework of this model, healthcare professionals are divided into groups so as to provide care on a number of different levels at the same time (for example, acute care, nurse practitioners, inpatient setting professionals, and many others). Even...

Core Competencies for Nurses

According to the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) website, this organization is willing to enhance the quality and safety of healthcare through the improved education of future nurses. To make this goal easier to achieve, QSEN created a range of six competencies that focus on “the knowledge, skills,...

Betty Neuman’s Theory and Implementation in Nursing

Introduction Various theories of nursing care center on the person as the primary target for nursing practice. For example, the theorists Roy and Neuman have similar representations of patients in their theoretical frameworks. However, other aspects of their teachings, connected to the assessment, diagnosis, and intervention, are different. This paper...

Human Becoming Theory in Patient-Nurse Relationships

The theory of human becoming was developed at the end of the 20th century. The theory places the major stress on patients’ quality of life as well as relationships between nurses and patients. The medical and biological aspects are not the priority. One of the central assumptions of this theory...

Patients With Lower Back Pain

I agree with all red flags discussed by Aimee and would like to add that any history of trauma could help determine whether the patient has a strain or a sprain or a more severe condition. Urinary incontinence can be present relatively often in patients with lower back pain, especially...

Cross-Cultural Healthcare and Its Implications

Introduction There has been growing awareness among many healthcare providers on the issue of culture and the need for health providers to develop appropriate skills necessary to respond to the diverse health needs of the society. Cultural backgrounds of clients and demographic changes have become some of the areas of...

Systems Theory in Nursing Department

The present paper is devoted to the investigation of the Nursing Department of the State University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn (NDS) from the perspective of the systems theory. The understanding of systems is essential for healthcare professionals because the analysis of varied events, phenomena, and institutions...

Exploring and Storming Phase for Veterans with PTSD

Introduction Interaction is one of the remarkable features of group counseling. It is also an important premise and a type of therapy that helps participants to solve certain issues. All groups go through four major stages such as forming, storming, norming, and performing that are characterized by different kinds of...

Nursing Theories of Watson, Nightingale et al.

Jean Watson’s Nursing as Caring Theory Meaning A description of the main ideas of the theory (assumptions) The Jean Watson nursing theory is based on the caring relationships that characterize humanity and life experiences in general. Specifically, Jean Watson’s theory is concentrated on relationships between caregivers and patients (Lukose, 2011)....

Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner: Typical Duties

Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner (AGNP) provides healthcare services to people aged 65 and older. These professionals may be involved in such settings as emergency departments, specialty clinics, intensive care units, and acute wards. The scope of duties may vary across the states. Typical Duties and Responsibilities Typical duties and responsibilities of...

Conflict Theory in Nursing Practice

Introduction In this reflective journal entry, I would like to elaborate on some issues that nurses face in their daily practice (specifically in the case of Natalie) as well as what theories can support them when resolving the arising problems. The Conflict Theory will be given some consideration with regards...

Health Assessment of a Nuclear Family

Introduction People should be aware of the health challenges facing them to seek adequate medical support or services. They should also assess their conditions periodically to identify risk factors for poor health outcomes. Practitioners should also assess the health needs of different families in an attempt to develop the best...

The Internet of Things (IoT) and Healthcare

Introduction The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term that defines the way objects (things) can be connected to the Internet, which provides them with the capability to transmit information (data) (Federal Trade Commission [FTC], 2015). FTC (2015) reports that by 2020, around 50 billion things are expected to become...

How Hospitals Approach Price Transparency?

Article Summary The article “How hospitals approach price transparency: the issue of price transparency has become more prevalent in health care recently, but hospitals may have different views of the concept depending on their relative charge levels” by Houk and Cleverley (2014) has addressed the problem of price transparency in...

Nurses’ Policy: Influence, Development, and Implementation

Policy and Politics The case studies show that private initiatives can be crucial for changing existing policies for the better. For example, Margaret Sanger was a public health advocate whose contribution to healthcare was vital. To make changes in the existing system, she organized protests, demanded services for the poor,...

Pressure Ulcer: Safety Score Improvement Plan

Introduction Each medical facility should make an effort to create and maintain a culture of patient safety and quality care. However, the maintenance process is reliant on the actions of nursing professionals. The presented general hospital allows for more than 1,200 patients to be treated at the same time in...

Readiness and Barriers to Change in Nursing

Introduction Just like in any other field, the implementation of change in nursing designed to facilitate an organizational improvement may result in a disruption of operations and confusion of the staff. That is why the planning and implementation of organizational change are to be carefully planned before putting into practice....

Professional Ethics in Nursing Practice

What are the skills necessary for the provider to identify, address, and assess this clinical ethical issue? Professional ethics cannot be ignored in providing health or nursing care. It is hard to give some general guidelines and recommendations on how to stay ethically correct in all cases. A provider must...

Cardiac Patient’s Nursing Care Plan

What additional history would you obtain from this patient? In the case under discussion, the patient has no significant cardiac, hypertension, and dyslipidemia history. After the placement of a drug-eluting stent (DES), slight lipid elevation and high blood pressure are observed. Therefore, it is required to pay attention to additional...

Jean Watson’s Nursing as Caring Theory

Meaning Jean Watson is a nursing living legend, who developed a theory and proved the importance of a transpersonal caring-healing moment in nursing (Clark, 2016). The main idea is to put the care of science as a core value in nursing. Caring should not be defined as a discipline that...

Florence Nightingale’s and Jean Watson’s Nursing Theories

To understand a nursing theory better, it can be helpful to explore the background of the theorist. This is particularly relevant for the founder of modern nursing as a separate discipline—Florence Nightingale. She was the first theorist to create a conceptual framework of nursing and to define key terms. Moreover,...

Nursing: Social, Political and Cultural Developments

To be a nurse means to be a person, who is ready for many challenges and the demonstration of their personal and professional skills. There are many issues that an ordinary nurse has to take into consideration. In this paper, several social (nurse shortage and the economic crisis), political (the...

Nurse Educator Core Competency

Every medical worker has his or her core competencies. There are two types of care provider roles specified in this study (indirect and direct). Such professionals as nurse administrators, informaticists, and educators are considered to be indirect care providers, whereas nurse practitioners have to communicate, examine, and help their patients...

Legal Issues of an Advanced Practice Nurse in the Workplace

One of the major goals of the healthcare sector entails ensuring that all stakeholders, including nurses, employees, and patients, operate in a secure environment. Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) play a major role in helping to realize the above objective by assuring all interested parties of a workplace setting that is...

Nurses in the Process of Quality Improvement

Introduction The issue of quality is one of the leading concerns in healthcare. Quality improvement should become a continuous intervention to provide better patient outcomes and increased safety. However, quality improvement usually involves many stakeholders and demands funding (Sollecito & Johnson, 2013). Primary care is a rapidly changing sector and...

Diabetes Management for Older Adults in Long-Term Care

Diabetes mellitus maintains a high prevalence in long-term care facilities and creates a consequential disease burden which results in higher costs. It is common in older adults who are a substantial portion of long-term care patients and can have significant health risks due to the heterogeneity of comorbidities in this...

Nurses and Patients’ Communication

Introduction There is no doubt that communication between nurses and patients can influence the process of treatment, and this is why it has to be studied. Among other things, nurses are supposed to be ready to provide the patient with emotional support because it is also a factor contributing to...

Advantages of Pilot Studies Over the Randomized Controlled Trial

Introduction There are two types of research in nursing. Pilot studies are usually minor experiments that are aimed at proving different hypotheses. RCT (randomized controlled trial) is used for making various tests and analyzing the acquired results at the end. The following paper is intended to discuss some advantages of...

Breastfeeding Quality Improvement Project

Tending to the needs of newborns represents a particular challenge for a nurse since the specified demographic is especially vulnerable to a vast variety of threats. Therefore, ensuring that the breastfeeding process remains consistent and that newborns are provided with a sufficient amount of nutrients during it are crucial steps....

Childhood Obesity and Self-Care Deficit Theory

Theoretical Framework Among all factors that affect obesity, eating habits and lifestyles can be deemed the ones that have the greatest effect on the development of the problem. Therefore, it is reasonable to suggest that changing the child’s behavior and habits as far as the physical activities and a diet...

Nursing: Human-to-Human Relationship Model

Introduction In the Unit 5 assignment, Joyce Travelbee’s human-to-human relationship model was analyzed and evaluated according to four main stages of research. It is essential to restate the immense importance of this model for the development of contemporary nursing. As it was concluded in the Unit 5 assignment, Travelbee’s model...

Hygiene as an Evidence-Based Practice

Introduction Hospital-acquired infections are associated with a high level of patient morbidity and mortality. According to Shiva (2014), nearly 1.5 million hospitalized individuals around the globe suffer from the healthcare-related infections, and about 37 percent of patients referring to intensive care units catch them. Hospital personnel is considered to play...

Betty Neuman’s System Model for Patients’ Stresses

Prevention of Stress Protection of the normal line of defense Strengthening the flexible line of defense Preventing internal resistance lines from strengthening Reducing the reaction to various stress factors Increasing stress resistance qualities of the patient Note: Betty Neuman was a professional nurse that specialized in stress reduction and management....

Evidence-Based Practice: Diabetes Prevalence

The prevalence of onset type-II diabetes remains the major health concern in the Eatonville population. The rate of the disease and its diagnosis remains at approximately 24.4 percent. Overall, this level of morbidity in a population is particularly high for disease and can be technically considered an epidemic. Towns around...

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Diagnosis and Causes

Thesis statement Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) or “Lou Gehrig’s disease” refers to the common neurological disease that is caused by progressive and unabated degeneration of the motor neurons located in the spinal cord (particularly the ‘ventral horn’) and cortical neurons. The effect of the disease is to cause; weakness in...

Hialeah Gardens in Dade-County Community Needs

Introduction Hialeah Gardens in Dade-County, Florida, will be the focus of the study. The community can be described as rather peaceful and quiet. According to the recent data on the identified community, it is represented largely by Hispanics (57.3%), whereas the White and the Black members of the population constitute...

Importance of Nursing in Women’s Health

Introduction It is worthy of noting that nurses should aim to make the practice environment more welcoming and safe. It implies the inclusion of sensitive population groups. It is important to educate both patients and the residents to be health literate and to promote safe practices for better patient outcomes....

Johnson’s Behavioral System Model in Nursing

In nursing, theories are used as systematic explanations of a certain event and concepts which may be identified in terms of their relations and possible impact on people. Each nursing theory is the possibility to structure and organize nursing knowledge in a proper way (McEwen & Wills, 2014). It is...

Transformational Leadership and Patient-Centered Care

Nursing leadership is marked by a range of theories, models, and frameworks that are beneficial in planning, designing, and implementing changes. Based on my current nursing practice, it seems that the transformational leadership theory and patient-centered care as an organizational behavior theory should be discussed. In particular, I work for...

Intravenous Catheter Insertion Improvement

One of the nurses’ common responsibilities in the workplace is performing venipuncture for intravenous injection which allows liquid substances to be distributed evenly and have the desired effect on a patient. There is evidence that a significant number of nurses lack appropriate training which complicates catheter insertion. One of the...

Otitis Media Treatment for a School-Aged Patient

Assessment of Data Subjective A 10-year-old female reports ear pain that has worsened during the past three days. Fever and discharge from the ear are not observed. A good appetite is present. The patient does not provide a clear description of pain expect, stating that it is of a reproducible...