The Roles of Nurses in Providing Nutrition Safety

Abstract The research on the roles of nurses in providing nutrition safety has been proposed for submitting to the American Journal of Nursing. The paper at hand gives the description of the study, including a brief overview of the nursing issue, the purpose of the research, research question, methodology, implementation...

Moral Status of the Human Embryo

Introduction The moral status of the human embryo is one of the most important issues in the modern bioethics. It is the foundation stone of medical, philosophic, and legal discussions which divide the scientific community into two parts one of which ignores embryo’s right for being called a human, and...

Tuberculosis: Case Study Assessment

People at Risk When it comes to contracting tuberculosis from Jose, Jill’s patient, it is essential to take into consideration that the employees working at the farm where he is employed are at a higher risk because they did not have knowledge about their co-worker’s illness and thus did not...

Injury Risk Reduction and Nursing Intervention

Identifying and Prioritizing the Problem One of the problems that can be distinguished in this case study is the risk of injury. Considering the women’s age (the risk of injury increases with age) and her current medical condition, she can accidentally fall and seriously hurt herself. The problem is of...

Clinical Problem and Current Research

Stakeholders The main stakeholder groups that are important for the future change project include patients older than 65 years, their closest family, the nursing staff of the healthcare institution, and the hospital’s administration. The primary stakeholders are patients and the staff since they will be directly engaged in project implementation...

Self-Management Skills in Chronic Disease Management

Problem Statement If a patient does not know how to manage his or her condition and engage in effective self-care, negative health outcomes can be expected, including the worsening of present conditions or the development of complications. Healy, Black, Harris, Lorenz, and Dungan (2013) found that inpatient education (provided to...

Healthcare Organizations Issues: Shared Vision Development

To Staff Members The healthcare sector has continued to provide quality medical support to many citizens. However, the practice has been characterized by a number of challenges. Proper knowledge of some of the issues affecting the sector can encourage more professionals to identify the best solutions (Buchan & Aiken, 2008)....

Nightingale’s Influence on Millennium Development Goals

Introduction There are numerous problems that modern society faces, and that needs to be solved if humanity is to develop. However, as the life and activity of Florence Nightingale show, the solution to these problems should not be expected to be attained from politicians only, because people without particular political...

Healthy People 2020 and Comprehensive Health Assessment

Ladies and gentlemen, the Healthy People 2020 program can inform every aspect of a comprehensive health assessment (CHA). A CHA is an examination of the behavioral, social, and economic aspects dictating the lifestyles of family members, caregivers, and patients (Aschengrau & Seage, 2013). The CHA evaluates the cultural needs, strengths,...

Risk Assessment Models for Diabetes Complications

The patient is an 80-year-old man Sherman Yoder, referred to as Red. He lives in a farmhouse with his son Jon and his family. Red was diagnosed with diabetes six months ago and started taking medications, but three weeks ago the doctor changed the treatment to insulin injections. Soon After...

Nursing Change Models and Theories

Practice Model of Nursing for Health for All Developer: Faye Glenn Abdellah. Description of the theoretical perspectives The key focus of the theory is on the promotion of more efficient nursing education tools. The strategy is supposed to improve the quality of nursing services (Bluhm, 2014). Pros and cons concerning...

Vacuum Assisted Closure Treatment: Assessment Plan

Developing an Evaluation Plan This paper is devoted to the creation of the evaluation plan and the disseminating evidence of the results of the project. In particular, the paper develops the assessment plan of Vacuum-Assisted Closure (VAC) treatment that appears to be the most appropriate solution for treating diabetic foot...

Healthcare Conditions of Vulnerable Population in Miami

Introduction The community discussed in this assignment is the city of Miami in Florida. The population of Miami is diverse; hence, the city is filled with ethnicity-based communities of various origins. Approximately 38 million tourists come to Miami every year. Finance, business, and tourist industries play a major role in...

Patient with Fatigue: History and Physical Examination

Comprehensive History Identifying Data: Ms. J. A.; 27 years old. Chief complaint: “Debilitating fatigue accompanied by shortness of breath, dizziness, and chest pain. Cannot spend too much time on my feet because I get lightheaded. Dizziness can get worse because of sudden physical activity such as standing up too quickly...

Haiti’s and Ireland’s Nursing Education Comparison

Introduction Haiti and Ireland were chosen for comparison because the two countries have curiously different histories of nursing education development. In Ireland, the development of nursing education was similar to that of the countries of Western Europe and North America: after decades of prevalence of the apprenticeship model, the necessity...

Advanced Nursing Education and Barriers to It

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) report “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health” focuses on a number of initiatives that can be implemented to ensure nurse practitioners (NPs) meet the needs of more underserved populations. The report was informed by the major gaps that were making it impossible for...

Caucasian Family Background and Nursing Diagnosis

Family composition The outfit identified is a nuclear family with five members. The father is 38 years old and the mother 33 years old. The firstborn is 12, the second born is 8, and the last born is 5 years old. Out of the three children, only the last born...

HIV/AIDS Prevalence in African-American Population

Introduction Nursing has developed into a unique profession that combines medical techniques with humanitarian and leadership skills. Advocacy for vulnerable populations and social justice is a fundamental aspect that defines nursing practice. It is the ethical duty of nurses to advocate for equitable health care and develop a vision of...

Oncology Patients’ Hospital Readmission Prevention

Introduction The project is focused on finding pre-discharge and post-discharge techniques that can help reduce hospital readmissions of adult oncology patients. One of the best potential solutions belongs to Merkow et al. (2015), who suggest that the major evidence-based way to decrease the readmission rate is scheduling follow-up visits for...

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Its Symptoms

Client Complaints The patient suffers from an itchy and painful rash on her face for one week. They are located across the client’s face and bridge of the nose. HPI The client is a woman of 35 years old. She states she had no such problem in the past. Currently,...

Prevention of Nausea and Vomiting after Chemotherapy

The study under discussion is focused on the prevention of nausea and vomiting after chemotherapy. This theme is in need of a deeper research because nausea and vomiting present two very significant outcomes of chemotherapy that produce an adverse effect on the quality of life, as well as the ability...

Nursing Concepts and Philosophies

The Four Metaparadigms There are four key components of health care that are also called metaparadigms. The first one revolves around the receiver care and is also known as the person component. This particular paradigm also involves family members and other individuals that are closely related to the receiver of...

Kendall Regional Medical Center: Dissemination Strategies

This document set outs preliminary ideas for the activities of the interdisciplinary team at Kendall Regional Medical Center to support the dissemination of the research and practice for an administrative change project of complication prevention and PICC reinsertions. Because PICC presents a range of complications associated with placement (Kornbau, Lee,...

Prevention of HIV Prevalence Among Latinos

Introduction HIV is a severe issue that affects the world’s population regardless of numerous initiatives implemented in order to minimalize its prevalence. Within the diverse population of the USA, “gender and sexual minority Latinxs [Latino population] are at particularly high risk for infection” (Page at al., 2017, p. 390). Being...

The Total MD Family Medicine & Urgent Care Management

Introduction Management implies the governance of the socio-economic performance of the company in the market economy. It is an area of knowledge and professional activity aimed at creating and ensuring organizational goals through the rational use of available resources. One of the main tasks of management is to manage human...

Information Technology Governance in Healthcare

They reviewed video was attached to an article by Cattell, Chilukuri, & Levy (2013) dedicated to the issue of big data in pharmaceutical research and development. The presenter—Sam Marwaha, Director of McKinsey & Company—primarily stresses that modern technologies change the area of research and development in health care fundamentally because...

Research Utilization: Chronic Kidney Disease

Abstract Today, chronic kidney disease (CKD) is recognized as one of the most pressing problems all over the world. While CKD is difficult to diagnose and other disorders, such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, often complicate it, the treatment is still imperfect. To elucidate the problem, four articles pertaining to...

TeamSTEPPS and Communication in Clinical Settings

The multi-team system implemented in all hospitals and the majority of healthcare facilities suggests the implementation of numerous coordinated activities in order to ensure safe and efficient patient care (AHQR, 2013). The most common types of teams found in a hospital setting are nursing teams and contingency teams working in...

Alcohol Intervention in the Primary Care Setting

Introduction Nowadays, many people have problems with alcohol and get addicted to it as they grow up. It is essential to address this issue by implementing an appropriate intervention to the patients who misuse high alcohol beverages. The following paper will discuss and analyze scholarly research on the topic of...

Urinary Tract Infections and Indwelling Catheters

Abstract This paper concerns the issue of indwelling catheters being able to lead to urinary infections in acute care settings. This issue affects a great number of people and the pain caused by such reactions makes them a significant problem that requires research. The purpose of the study is to...

Nursing Philosophy and Occupational Sustainability

Personal philosophy plays an important part when it comes to professional sustainability. As for such field as nursing, it involves a wide range of practices that allow specialists to achieve the following goals: Promote and protect the health of different groups of the population, mitigating the consequences of dangerous health...

The Becker’s Hospital Program

The purpose Leadership is a crucial part of the functioning of any organization, collective, team, etc. It contributes to better cooperation and mutual understanding. For this reason, the creation of efficient leaders and their becoming major actors who contribute to the improved functioning of an organization could be considered one...

Diabetes Among Hispanics in Miami: Risk Factors

Introduction Diabetes is one of the most serious health-related threats in the world as well as the USA. Almost 10% of Americans had diabetes in 2007, and twice more had pre-diabetes conditions (The state of diabetes, 2010). Hispanics are more likely to be diagnosed with diabetes type 2 (Tavernise, 2015)....

Nurse Education Comparison in Poland and Jordan

Introduction Poland and Jordan were selected for comparison. The primary motivation for choosing them was the desire to obtain new knowledge on the operation of the nurse education system because I had some background knowledge of the education systems of other countries. Moreover, I wanted to find whether my initial...

Health IT: Peripherally Inserted Central Venous Catheter

Health care technologies play an important role in not only ensuring better outcomes for patients but also making the work of practitioners easier and impactful. One of the recent technologies is the Peripherally Inserted Central Venous Catheter (PICC), which offers a new approach to providing intravenous access. As an alternative...

Team Strategies and Tools in Nursing Practice

TeamSTEPPS Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (TeamSTEPPS) is a system of evidence-based tools with the primary goal to improve patients’ outcomes through the development of teamwork skills among health care providers (Clancy & Tornberg, 2007). TeamSTEPPS can be used to improve the quality of medical...

The Needs of Family Members of Patients in Intensive Care

Yinet Literature Review Paper Critical illness denotes a severe condition that is usually fatal (McAdam, Fontaine, White, Dracup, & Puntillo, 2012). Therefore, critical illness signifies a condition, disease, or sicknesses such as cancer, renal disorder, heart surgery, myocardial infarction, coma, stroke, loss of sight, transplant of a major organ, and...

The American Holistic Nurses Association Programs

The American Holistic Nurses Association membership costs $125 for the standard membership and $55 for a full-time student. Annual meetings take place in Rancho Mirage, CA, every summer. The cost of the annual meeting is included in the membership cost (housing expenses are not included). The American Holistic Nurses Association...

Mental Health Problems: Physical Activities Importance

Introduction Today, nurses observe that not many adult patients like to spend their time outdoors and be involved in physical activities. Thus, according to Hallal et al. (2012), about 43% of American people reported being physically inactive. Then research proves that there is a linear correlation of age and inactivity...

MAP-IT Model: Evaluation of Plan Effectiveness

Tracking of the progress during the intervention implementation is the fifth step in the MAP-IT model. Various assessment activities can help identify barriers to success and make necessary corrections promptly. In the given paper, the significance of the preliminary environmental assessment, as well as post-assessment activities, will be discussed. Environmental...

Wrong Time Medication Administration Errors Study

This paper is an in-depth critique of the study by Taufiq (2015) that focuses on wrong time medication administration errors (WTMAE). The selected research is conducted in accordance with the quantitative research approach and presents empirical data related to the prevalence and causes of medical errors. This critique integrates various...

Cervical Cancer in the UK

Research question What policies and measures have been instituted in the UK to prevent and treat cervical cancer among adult women, how effective they are, and how can they be improved? Introduction Carrieri and Bilger (2013 p.543) have defined cervical cancer as “cancer of the entrance to the uterus (womb)....

Clostridium Difficile and Evidence-Based Practice

Introduction Clostridium difficile (C.diff) is an infection that triggers an immediate development of nausea, diarrhea, and fever in patients. Although the infection can be contracted in a variety of environments, it is commonly known as a nosocomial one (i.e., a hospital-acquired health issue). According to the statistical data provided by...

Continuous Professional Education in Nursing

Introduction Nursing is a field in which constant professional development is essential. Numerous researches reveal new facts in the sphere of nursing. Consequently, a nurse should improve the knowledge to meet professional demands. It may be a good idea to go back to school for a certificate or another degree....

Low-Income Children’s Health Literacy Program

Why Is Information on Health Literacy Essential for This Group? Health literacy programs are essential for children in low-income urban areas. It can be explained by several factors. First and foremost, this group of the population belongs to the vulnerable ones. It means that they do not have adequate access...

Duration of Antibiotic Treatment in Medical Practice

Introduction The discovery and widespread introduction of antibiotics into medical practice was seen as a revolution in medicine. Since then, these drugs have become faithful assistants to doctors in the struggle for patients’ lives. The substances of this medical group serve as a powerful weapon in the fight against dangerous...

Early Elective Delivery and Associated Health Risks

Research Question The objective of this study is to determine the health risks associated with early elective delivery as a primary nursing problem in the United States. Therefore, the research question is: What are the health risks related to early elective delivery? Research Methodology The success of the study will...

Hospital-Acquired Infections and Change Plan

The issue of hospital-acquired infections (HAI) is rather important in the context of hospital nursing care as it affects quality of health care delivery and deteriorates patients’ outcomes. In this regard, this paper will propose potential evidence-based practice (EBP) plan to enhance the current situation. Focusing on nursing care, it...

Instructional Plan of Healthcare Ethics

Abstract Development and adaptation of simulations in corporate training and learning is a modern tendency that is based on the fact that such tools are effective to make learners develop their skills and apply knowledge to real-life situations. In healthcare administration, many issues and topics can be learned with the...

Nursing Further Education, Development, Career

Introduction The nursing area presents plenty of professional opportunities. Nowadays nursing environment focuses on continuous development to ensure that a nurse possesses appropriate skills and knowledge related to his or her work. The participation in various programs and projects is likely to keep a nurse interested in and aware of...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Therapy

Interpretation of the Arterial Blood Gasses Results Acute respiratory acidosis; significantly lower Pao2 (norm 80-95 mm Hg); 68% Spo2 does not present high risks of a complete loss of breathing. Ventilator Settings SIMV of 12/min means that the patient is getting twelve mandatory breaths provided by the ventilator per minute;...

The Case of Memorial Hospital

Crisis and emergencies can lead to dramatic consequences if there are no effective emergency plans that are followed in healthcare facilities. However, the example of Memorial Hospital in New Orleans demonstrates that these plans should have strict ethical and practical instructions, and the staff should be trained to work in...

Medical School Strategies Learning

Introduction Learning is a quintessential process, upon which all education is based. There are numerous teaching strategies out there, designed both for individual and group learning. These strategies have their advantages and disadvantages. Medical schools put great emphasis on developing critical and clinical thinking through problem-solving and collaborative learning strategies....

Policy Analysis: Abortion Clinic Access

Introduction Abortion clinical access is one of the major current policy issues in the United States. Abortion clinical access refers to the ability of women to have access to safe and affordable abortion services on demand (Saurette & Gordon, 2015). The debate about abortion access has attracted the attention of...

Prevalence and Effectiveness of Laxative Use

It is necessary to admit that not all laxatives may be safe for patients and can be used for a long period. Sometimes, dependency and the worsening of bowel functions may be developed regarding the age of the patient (Chen et al., 2014). There are many reasons why nurses should...

Nursing Care Models Effectiveness

Introduction In recent years, much scholarly debate has been focused on understanding the effectiveness of various models of nursing care on important care indicators, such as medication errors, patient falls, pain management, patient satisfaction, and staff job satisfaction (Fernandez, Johnson, Tran, & Miranda, 2012). The broad consensus existing among nursing...

Aspects of Delivering Culturally Competent Care

Introduction Culturally competent care in nursing practice is critical for delivery of an effective health service. Comprehensive guidelines can help nurses to treat minority populations within community settings competently. Hispanics compromise approximately 57 million or 16% of the United States population which is the largest minority in the country (Centers...

Patient Faith Diversity in Healthcare Practices

Nurses often encounter patients with diverse faiths when treating the sick or the injured (Burkhardt, 2007). Given this, providers in healthcare practice should know the behavioral patterns of patients, especially as concerns their faith. Several studies show that religion affects the behavioral patterns of all people involved in healthcare settings....

Nursing Understaffing: Problem and Intervention

Introduction Nursing understaffing is one of the major problems that exist today, and it is associated with fast aging of the personnel and shortage of the workforce in the labor market (Summers & Summers, 2014). As a consequence, it causes a rapid increase in mortality rates of surgical patients, and...

Resilience and Work-life Balance in First-line Nurse Manager

Title: Resilience and Work-life Balance in First-line Nurse Manager. Kim and Windsor are likely to discuss how critical for efficient and effective work are the maintenance of resilience and work-life. Intended audience: The intended audience includes mainly scientists, researchers, and professionals who represent the sphere of healthcare, nursing, in particular....

Teenage Pregnancy and Bioethical Decision-Making

Introduction Nurses have a variety of responsibilities when providing care for their patients. In particular, one such responsibility is advocating for the patient if a need to do so arises. In this paper, a hypothetical situation in which a patient is threatened will be identified; the bioethical decision-making model will...

Adverse Drug Events: Evidence-Based Project

Introduction An issue of adverse drug events is a crucial point in nursing practice. Having substantial knowledge about the ways of predicting the negative outcomes of the problem allows a nurse to provide the best care for the patients. The current paper presents a narrative description of ten peer-reviewed articles...

Family Health Interview and Assessment

Introduction The paper aims to assess data collected during the interview of a family. The family consists of four members: M., a 46-year old male who is a spouse of L., a 42-year old female, S., a 20-year old female, and H., a 15-year old male (who are the children...

Community Windshield Survey in Miami and Its Issues

Introduction to the Community The Miami community is rarely viewed as the one with problems. However, a closer look at some of the aspects of its life will show that the economic and infrastructure-related issues demand immediate resolution. Thus, the foundation for a healthier environment and, therefore, a drop in...

The Role of Nurses in the Obesity Problem

Literature Review There is no doubt that the present situation with childhood obesity is a serious problem in our society. Due to that, there is an urgent need to study the discussed topic more thoroughly to be able to answer the most important questions and develop the necessary solutions. It...

Electronic Health Record Systems: Benefits and Drawbacks

An electronic health record (EHR) is a digital storage of a patient’s medical information that can be accessed from any location and at any given time. EHR systems facilitate the seamless flow and exchange of information within hospitals and health care settings in order to improve the quality of medical...

“Are Fad Diets Worth Their Weight?” by Timothy Crowe

Title: Are fad diets worth their weight? Crowe (2014) is likely against the so-called fad diets. He argues that the real way to success in the area of weight control is the development of a realistic strategy focused on health promotion and the elimination of harmful eating habits. Intended audience:...

Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in China

Article Selection The quantitative article selected is titled “Case Management of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Cross-Sectional Survey in Chongqing, China.” The main finding of the study is that case management for Chinese patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is not effectively implemented in terms of regularity...

The Problem of Nursing Shortage

The problem of the nursing shortage in the United States is primarily connected with three factors: permanent poor health care workforce planning, ineffective system of payments, and disadvantageous geographic distribution of nurses. According to MacLean, Hassmiller, Shaffer, Rohrbaugh, Collier, and Fairman (2014), in 2008 almost 50,000 applicants to nursing programs...

Forgoing Treatment in Nurse Robaczynski’s Case

Ms. Robaczynski Killed Mr. Gessner In the case under analysis, the nurse killed the patient through forgoing treatment. Forgoing treatment is the withdrawal from or withholding of treatment (Butts & Rich, 2015). Ms. Robaczynski disconnected the respirator, which led to the patient’s death. If the nurse had failed to provide...

Alteration in Comfort and Impaired Skin Integrity

Introduction The rash on the face, as well as such attendant factors as fever and excessive fatigue, are an excuse to determine which nursing intervention can be helpful in treatment. As a patient, thirty-five-year-old Mary is presented, and her main problem is itching and redness on her face. Also, the...

Logistic Regression and Healthcare Research Design

Quantitative Design Considering the topic of the perspective investigation as well as its goals, the method of logistic regression may be applied in terms of the quantitative design. Logistic regression is a useful classical tool for resolving the issues of regression and classification, serving as an apparatus for analyzing the...

Infinite Home Health Service

Executive Summary In this capstone project, the analysis of the healthcare industry in the United States will be developed relying on the recent achievements and reputation of Infinite Home Health, one of the local healthcare services in Woodland Hills, CA. During the last 15 years, Infinite Home Health has gained...

Teenage Pregnancy, Its Health and Social Outcomes

The teen pregnancy rate is one of the most persistent issues in the modern community. Thanks to the coordinated efforts of the federal, state, and local players, the incidence of the phenomenon was steadily decreasing over the last decade. However, the overall decrease does not represent the complete picture as...

Transformational Theory for Efficient Nursing Services

Management of Power at SLMC Addressing the needs of patients from different backgrounds and with different health issues, at the same time managing the work of nurses, scheduling essential activities and handling the available data appropriately are crucial components of a nurse executive (NE) in the environment of the Saint...

Health Promotion: Benign Prostate Hypertrophy

Introduction In contemporary communities, the elderly population is more vulnerable to a range of chronic conditions and disorders than other age groups, necessitating the need for the promotion of its health. According to the 2012 estimates, the elderly population (65 years or older) was about “43 million and it is...

Medical Errors and Effects on Hospitalized Children

Medical errors are one of the most pressing problems that health care workers have to solve at the present stage of development. The patient safety approach demands to provide high-quality services and treatment and reduce the number of errors that occur in the medical environment. There is no doubt that...

Occupation and Health in Saudi Arabia

Abstract Occupational health and safety are emerging as an important social issue in Saudi Arabia. In this report, the researcher was interested in analysing the status of this issue, with the aim of determining how health and safety of the workers in this country can be protected. The study relied...

The Issue of Obesity in Youth in the U.S.

Childhood obesity is a serious public health problem in the US that is associated with significant health complications, including elevated cardiovascular risk, pediatric hypertension, and diabetes. Since children spend most of their daytime at school, school food programs are touted as effective interventions for reversing this epidemic. In this section,...

Miami-Dade Community Needs: Alcohol and Drug Addiction

Overview In Miami-Dade, people receive health care depending on their needs However, people with alcohol/drug addiction are underserved Many drug/alcohol-dependent persons live in Miami Campaigns to address their needs are required One campaign – discourage people from becoming addicts Another campaign – help those who are addicted Effectiveness of campaigns...

Circumcision’s Ethical and Medical Implications

Infant circumcision is highly disputable. Researchers and health practitioners have different perspectives on the significance of the procedure. Moreover, the recent study findings indicate substantial ethical controversies regarding infant circumcision. While some people suggest that circumcision provides medical benefits for both males and females, the others consider it an unreasonable...

Cardiovascular Lab’s Quality Improvement Project

What a Senior Leader Is Looking for in an Executive Summary The interview with the director of a cardiovascular lab, Mr. B., has shed some light on the main components of a good executive summary of a quality improvement (QI) project. The first question the interviewee was asked was about...

Hospital Staff-Dementia Patients Interactions

The First Point of View Suggested Type of Communication Technique The problem is that some healthcare providers do not use effective approaches to communicate with patients who have dementia. In their article, Weitzel et al. (2011) propose to improve the communication with these patients with the help of such techniques...

Quality and Safety Education for Nurses: Conceptual Model

It should be noted that QSEN (Quality and Safety Education for Nurses) is a project that has been initiated to promote essential security features into health care specialists’ preparation. Its aim in terms of undergraduate baccalaureate education is to expand the liability and autonomy of nurses through effective training and...

Kendall Regional Medical Center’s Change and Negotiation Plan

Abstract This paper is a change and negotiation plan. It aims at determining central aspects of a change implementation design. The problem under consideration is the severity of complications and frequency of PICC line reinsertions in Kendall Regional Medical Center. Therefore, preventing complications and reinsertions is a proposed change that...

Diabetes and Status among Immigrants in California

Problem Statement Diabetes is a severe disease that may impair an individual and considerably decrease their life expectancy and overall quality of life. According to a 2014 estimate, nearly 29.1 million people in the U.S., or approximately 9.3% of the U.S. population, suffer from diabetes; out of these, only 21.0...

Medial Use of Marijuana in Texas: Pros and Cons

Texas, just like most of the other American states, is facing several political issues that must be addressed to support the welfare of the greatest majority. One of these issues or problems revolves around the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Within the past decade, the attempts and conversations aimed...

Hospital Falls and Related Injuries in the Elderly

Introduction The purpose of the study is to address the causes that lead to hospital falls and fall-related injuries in elderly patients with mental illnesses. In this part of the paper, the demographic data about the sample size, the results of the study, and the discussion of the interviews will...

Vanguard Healthcare Systems: Rehabilitation and Nursing

Introduction Vanguard Health was founded in 1997. It is one of the long-term care providers in the United States of America. Vanguard Health has many facilities that provide rehabilitation and nursing services to patients who are recovering from injuries, surgeries, and other illnesses. The current headquarters for the health system...

Staff Policy at the American Nurses Association

Rationale An institutional policy is derived from the state one so that the crucial principle should remain intact, whereas the regulation could be adjusted to align with the values and mission of the organization in which it is implemented (Samadi & Jamshidi, 2016). Chart (Expert Policy (American Nurses Association, 2016a)...

Human Trafficking and Its Signs in Patients

The problem of human trafficking is a health hazard for the victims of this form of modern day slavery. According to Niewiarowska (2015), out of the 21 million victims of human trafficking, 9.5 million are men while 11.5 million are women (Niewiarowska, 2015). The prevalent human trafficking behavior predisposes victims...

Patient Education Technology and Its Significance

Introduction There is no doubt that healthcare remains one of the most important fields of activity as numerous practices applied by healthcare professionals allow to improve the average quality of life significantly. It is common knowledge that nurses and other specialists are supposed to be ready to take decisive actions...

Healthy Way of Life’ Popularization: Falls Prevention

Preventive Strategies The preventive strategies were directed on the decrease in the number of falls in the elderly. The issue has been examined from two main dimensions, namely aging people who live at home (lonely dwellers) and elderly who live in nursing homes. The intervention plan provided some insights regarding...

Obesity Among Children of London Borough of Southwark

Introduction Obesity has become a serious problem in the modern society. Gradually more evidence surfaces regarding the social nature of the issue. Some researchers argue that in modern society, urbanisation plays a major role in the increase of obese people. This view, known as the sick city hypothesis, highlights a...

Heart Failure Causes and Readmission Factors

Introduction The primary goal of this research paper is to discover the main causes of heart failure and factors that have a direct impact on readmission rates of patients with this medical condition. It is of paramount importance to study this problem since its consequences are often associated with high...

Bedside Report vs. Handoff During Nurses’ Shift Change

The PICOT question In acute care patients (P), does the implementation of bedside report or handoff during shift change (I) for 4-6 months (T) improve the quality of care and patient safety (O) as compared to the handoffs performed away from the bedside (C)? P- (Patient, population, or problem): acute...

Professional Nursing Roles at Bachelor’s Level

Introduction The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) is an organization that develops eminent standards for nursing practice and education. The institution presents evidence-based concepts to improve different health care delivery models (Anbari, 2015). AACN promotes nursing education through continuous research and inclusion of different stakeholders. The association has...

Advanced Practice Nurses: Key Roles

Advanced practice nurses (APNs) prepared to fulfill a variety of roles, which tend to differ in their core activities and fields of practice. However, the distinction between the roles does not appear restrictive. Moreover, all the roles are united by the same aim, which consists of providing high-quality care and...

The Future of Nursing: Professional Development

Introduction In 2010, the U.S. government ratified a law that immediately changed the fortunes of at least 30 million Americans. After years of struggle, the Obama administration engineered a massive change in the delivery of health insurance coverage. As a result, the aforementioned number of Americans is going to experience...

Conflict Resolution Decision in Healthcare Institutions

In any environment that involves people’s communication, there is a possibility of conflict situations. Disputes may arise because of unfair or unsatisfactory working conditions or because of poor performance of some employees. Some people prefer to share their feelings and apprehensions whereas others keep the situation to themselves. Some employees...

Health Information and Its Affecting Factors

Introduction Many factors and issues influence health information. People look at health care differently, but it is essential to pay more attention on access and use of health information. People suffering from chronic illness should be given first priority to access health information. Heath information is crucial as it educates...

Community Resources for Older People in South Florida

Those older adults who are aged 65 years old and over usually require the community’s support and additional care provided by nurses, physicians, and social workers. In South Florida, the number of older people is extremely high, making Florida one of the states where the proportion of older adults is...

Problem of Conflict Situations

Conflict situations are impossible to avoid in any settings. Some people even consider disagreements as a positive trend since they can lead to significant changes and help to resolve the misunderstandings between the individuals or groups. Most commonly, conflicts occur in busy work environments when there are many employees each...

Holistic Healthcare and Patient Satisfaction

Introduction The modern environment of economic growth, technological advances, and the quick pace of urbanization have led to a significant increase in patient expectations, and, subsequently, the decrease in satisfaction rates (Kravitz, 1998, p. 280). Therefore, there is an expanding gap that arose between what general practitioners consider important and...

Personal Care Philosophy in Professional Practice

Introduction A nurse’s philosophy usually reflects her values, ideals, attitudes, and beliefs related to professional practice. Therefore, a good personal nursing philosophy should include concepts that guide a nurse’s decisions and actions, the personal interpretation of nursing meta paradigms, their association with the nursing practice, as well as possible strengths...

Health and Illness in Community: Stereotypes

Introduction Unfortunately, just like many spheres of life in contemporary society, medical decision-making and the overall attitudes in healthcare settings are often impacted by stereotypes concerning multiple groups of the population and communities. In healthcare, stereotypes affecting patients create observable threats and risks to the health of the latter; in...

Foley Catheter Use in Surgical Patients: Stakeholders

The paper identifies appropriate stakeholders related to prevention of complications of foley catheter use in surgical patients at Kendall Regional Medical Center. Registered Nurse (RN) Position in the Organizational Hierarchy RNs are in the middle level of the hierarchy and report to a nurse manager (Hierarchy Nursing Jobs, n.d.). Influence...

Pressure Ulcer Protocol in the Emergency Department

PICOT Question In patients that are identified as high risk for developing a pressure ulcer (P), does the implementation of a pressure ulcer protocol initiated in the emergency department (I) as compared to patients who receive usual care (C), reduce the incidence of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers (O) on day 3...

Nurse’s Level of Care and Educational Preparation

Introduction Depending on their aims and future career plans, students can choose the associate-degree level of nursing education or the baccalaureate-degree level. The levels differ in various aspects: the duration of the study, competencies that the nurse will have after he or she graduates, tasks that he or she will...

American and Icelandic Healthcare Systems

Introduction Iceland was selected in this case because its healthcare system is viewed as one of the most efficient. It would be reasonable to compare the situation in these regions to get a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, and it will be possible to identify the areas that...

Nursing Practice: Knowledge and Care

History It was revealed that 35-year-old women have a rash on her face during the past one week. She has never experienced such problems before. Mary noticed the rush after spending one week in the Appalachians. However, she states that no new food, medication, or lotions were used. Speaking of...

Cancer Effects Management Methods

Introduction Cancer is one of the most severe diseases that may affect an individual. It is also a rather widespread illness that is usually very difficult or even impossible to cure. On the whole, there exist a wide array of types of cancer, for cancerous growth may develop from various...

Healthcare Quality and Price in the United States

The main problem with the economic aspect of healthcare in the U.S. is its inability to deliver the necessary level of quality at a reasonable price. This issue becomes especially apparent when compared to a similar system in other countries. For instance, the longevity of both male and female population...

Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Programs in the US

Cardiovascular disorders are one of the top causes of death in the USA. It has been estimated that over 92 million American adults have some type of heart disease (Benjamin et al., 2017). The major factors contributing to the development of these illnesses include smoking, physical inactivity, nutrition, excessive weight,...

Nurse Staffing and Scheduling Options

Discussion There are a number of available options when it comes to staffing and scheduling of nurses. This paper will provide an overview of two vastly different options: self-scheduling and mandatory staffing ratios. Self-scheduling allows nurses to create flexible schedules based on their needs. This type of scheduling has proven...

Nursing Care Delivery Models Utilized by Caregivers

Introduction The modern healthcare sector could be considered an important sphere that is focused on the improvement of the quality of peoples lives and delivering care to all individuals in need. However, the increased complexity of the challenges a health worker faces results today in the appearance of new models...

Disparity or Inequality in Health Care

Introduction There are many studies dedicated to the significance of culturally competent care in contemporary nursing. The diversity of the population, which resulted from the global migration, demands knowledge of racial and ethnic peculiarities of health and diseases to provide adequate care and reduce the existing health disparities. The module...

Nursing Care’s Personal Philosophy

Introduction Nursing is a profession that focuses on providing health care to individuals, families, and communities to restore, maintain, or enhance their wellbeing. It involves the application of knowledge gained through practice and nursing research in different fields (Powers & Knapp, 2010). Quality nursing is based on the development and...

Health Reimbursement Systems in the US

The modern healthcare sector remains one of the most important aspects of the evolution of our society. The fact is that the health of the nation depends on the efficient functioning of the given sphere and its ability to provide care to all individuals who have a need for it....

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Description

Pathophysiology of COPD According to the statistics that are presented by the WHO, hundreds of millions of people could have chronic respiratory diseases despite the fact that this type of disease could be prevented and treated properly (Varkey & Maier, 2015). In the list of chronic diseases, COPD takes a...

Non-Pharmacological Intervention: Mr. Jones’ Case

In this discussion post, it is important to explain the reasons for selecting the medication to treat community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in Mr. Jones, a 65-year-old male with a 30-year history of smoking. CAP is an infectious disease that is observed in patients who become infected in their communities in contrast...

Global Climate Change and Health Concerns

It is particularly critical to evaluate the potential impact of global climate change on human health now when the global community has enough time to work out the relevant prevention strategies. The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the most critical points of concern and provide an overview of...

Care Services for Elderly People with Dementia in China

Introduction In China, the prevalence of health issues that relate to aging, as well as the longevity of the Chinese people, increases from time to time. According to research estimates, the proportion of the country’s population that comprises persons with 65 years or above is likely to increase by more...

“Right Step” Fall Prevention Program in Florida

Facility Introduction Nowadays, many elderly people prefer to be the patients of specialized nursing homes and be under control of professional nurses and doctors instead of being cared for in their own homes and create numerous challenges and responsibilities for their relatives. As a rule, nursing homes are the places...

The Child with Status Epilepticus: Diagnostic Assessment

Abstract The objective of this paper is to provide a critical review of the article Practice Parameter: Diagnostic assessment of the child with status epilepticus (an evidence-based review) by Riviello et al. The objective of the article is to evaluate current clinical evidence which concerns the value of different types...

Childhood Obesity Risks and Preventive Measures

Introduction The social ideology of consumerism along with other aspects of progress brought new issues to society. One of them is obesity, a problem that is continuously becoming more severe in many countries. The rates of obesity in all age groups are steadily increasing every year. However, the issue of...

Doctors’ Ethics of ‘Cherry-Picking’ Patients

Introduction The ethical issues in medicine are among the most complicated and most frequently discussed. One of the problems that recently appeared is the cherry-picking of patients by doctors. Another topic with ethical roots is an old one and is related to keeping patients alive and doctor’s decisions. The opponents...

Cultural Competence in a Nurse’s Work

Introduction Cultural competence, respect, and tolerance receive priority in nursing care nowadays. It is related to globalization and the fact that people become more mobile. Due to the process of globalization, the countries and nationalities become closer the nurses should be flexible and be able to cooperate with the individuals...

Opioid Use Disorder and Central Nervous System

CDC guidelines for prescribing opioids to manage Central Nervous System complications encompass a range of recommendations to advise primary care clinicians regarding the prevention of opioid use disorder. There are three key points on which the CDC guidelines focus: When opioid prescription should be initiated or continued for managing CNS...

Patient-Centered Care: New Approaches

The increased demand for the level of services provided by the healthcare sector resulted in a significant reconsideration of the main approaches used to attain success and improve existing practices to guarantee delivery of the most important healthcare services. With this in mind, the given sphere passes through the period...

Respiratory Complications Reduction: Barriers

Proposed Change Preventing Respiratory Complications in Patients Undergoing Interventional Radiological Procedures under Conscious Sedation at Kendall Regional Medical Center Non-Human Barriers to Change Implementation The process of change implementation implies overcoming numerous obstacles and barriers. Practice shows that it is human-related difficulties that are particularly problematic to manage (Rosenberg &...

Miami Community’s Health Strengths and Concerns

Community Resources The findings presented in the report are based on the information retrieved from a diverse range of sources. The primary destination of the inquiry was the information databases of the local, state, and federal scope. The most relevant community resource is the Miami Matters database, an intelligence platform...

HIV/AIDS Infection among Women

The authors of the first study provide two main hypotheses in their research study (Baker, Rodgers, Davis, Gracely, & Bowleg, 2014). Apart from just addressing the hypotheses, they are later tested in order to determine their validity. In order to establish the first hypothesis, the researchers conducted a bivariate analysis....

Physical Exercise Effectiveness for Obese Adults

Introduction In healthcare, practice change is a common phenomenon because medicine changes quickly, and so do social trends and tendencies. Healthcare strategies aimed at the resolution of various public health problems usually target large population groups and communities known for the inhomogeneity of their demographics. As a result, implementing a...

Early Social Interaction: Children with Autism

Introduction The bulk of the available literature and research does not explore the different factors that contribute to the effectiveness of the Early Social Interaction (ESI) program. Therefore, this paper analyzes an article addressing how the involvement of parents in the ESI programs affects the outcome of improved social and...

Ways of Treating Obesity in Older Patients

Introduction The area of clinical practice that is particularly interesting to me is the treatment and management of health issues in the elderly population. In most developed countries, including the United States, there is a general trend towards the aging of the population, which means that the share of older...

Nurses on Hospital-Acquired Infections Prevention

The nursing field has scientific research as an essential part of its development. Issues are solved by the variety of methods, from the literature review to experiments and observations in the field. Most research works are based on two traditional methods, which are the qualitative and the quantitative approach. The...

Cancer Burden and Prevention Strategies

Introduction Cancer remains to be among the leading killer diseases in the United States and most countries across the world. The pathologic condition involves the uncontrolled division of anomalous cells, which invade and spread to other tissues through the lymphatic and circulatory systems. To enhance the understanding of cancer, this...

Medical Errors, Economic Effect and Patient Safety

In spite of the fact that the United States spends more on healthcare than any other developed nation, the quality of health care remains low. In order to improve the quality of care, it is necessary to consider the potential role of medical errors in the context of patient safety....

Vaginitis Diagnosis: Discussion and Analysis

Vaginitis is a common medical condition among women in the reproductive age group and is responsible for numerous visits to healthcare facilities and much distress due to its capacity to negatively impact the overall quality of life (Guedou et al., 2013). Although vaginitis is basically the most common gynecologic diagnosis...

Approach to the Care of Cancer

Introduction Cancer is known to have existed for nearly 4000 years or perhaps longer. The oldest piece of evidence indicating the existence of cancer was found in Egyptian mummies dating back to 1600 BCE. Ever since different civilizations throughout history have attempted to cure the disease. According to Elliss-Brookes et...

Nursing: Qualitative Research and Ethical Considerations

Available nursing scholarship demonstrates that a research critique is often undertaken to not only provide feedback for improvement, but also to contribute to the body of nursing knowledge (Bosewell & Cannon, 2012). In this regard, it is important to undertake an in-depth review of how each step of the research...

Healthcare Access Improvement Process

Identification of the Problem Number of patients continues to grow; Number of medical specialists is in decline; Bad healthcare infrastructure; Narrow medical networks in all healthcare spheres; Long waiting times; Lack of insurance coverage. What Can Be Improved Higher medical training of nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and pharmacists; New coordinated...

Invasive Pneumococcal Infections in Young and Old

Identifying the Problem Epidemiological diseases have always been the most significant factors influencing the human mortality. However, the life expectancy increased during the 20th century due to the improvements in child survival, which is associated with the decrease in infectious disease mortality, caused by immunization (Immunization and infectious diseases, 2018)....

Health Promotion Among Hispanic Population

The Hispanic population is becoming the largest minority group in the USA. The Latino population makes up over 16% of the US population, and it is growing at a considerable pace. Thus, it has been estimated that Hispanic people will constitute 30% of the American population by 2050 (Edelman, Mandle...

The Hmong Community’s Health Program Development

Overview The Hmong community is one that has strongly followed its cultural practice until today. The medical domain is one of the major instances where cultural values and practices are highly held. Conflict exists between the Hmong community and the healthcare providers, and in a recent tragedy, conflict emanated after...

Transitional Care Model: Planning Phases

Introduction Transition care becomes a topical issue nowadays as patients with complex medical needs might suffer from poor outcomes. These are preconditioned by medication errors, and other drawbacks in the communication between care providers and patients. Additionally, older patients mainly comprise the risk group. For this reason, the problem of...

Primary Care Case Manager’s Interview

Introduction The interview for this assignment is A., a case manager working in the sphere of primary care. She is a Registered Nurse (RN) with significant experience in primary and acute care. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and has been working as a case manager for three years....

Madagascar’ Risk Factors and Health Service

Brief Country Profile Madagascar is an island nation located off the South East Coast of the African content which has a population of roughly 18.5 million people and specializes in the export of agricultural products and textiles. Unfortunately the country has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the...