Hardships of Coming of Age in Updike’s “A&P”

Introduction The charm of Updike’s slice-of-life stories may seem to come from the hidden layers of meaning that they contain, yet, on closer inspection, one will find out that they are quite straightforward. However, this discovery does not reduce the attractiveness of Updike’s nuanced storytelling; instead, it amplifies the lingering...

Community in O. Butler’s “Parable of the Sower”

Introduction Community is a critical aspect of Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Sower as it is vital in the struggle for existence for people in a chaotic world. The evolution and adaptation of change, which are common themes in the novel, reflect Charles Darwin’s theories in The Origin of Species....

Pride and Social Struggle in Maupassant’s “The Necklace”

Introduction Guy de Maupassant is one of the most prominent writers who enriched French literature with a plethora of brilliant short stories. One of his most famous short stories is built around the main character’s distorted self-identity. This essay will provide a brief summary of The Necklace that will cover...

Werewolves: Meaning Behind Monsters

Introduction Werewolves are one of the most recognizable types of monsters in modern culture. They are almost constantly featured in both mainstream and niche fiction, and the number of interpretations of the same creature grows every year. While the details of the stories vary, the core idea of a werewolf...

“The Blind Men and the Elephant” Poem by Saxe

Introduction The poem “The Blind Men and the Elephant” by John Godfrey Saxe depicts the actions of six blind men in their attempt at trying to discern what an elephant is like based on their perceptions. The result is a series of rather humorous descriptions wherein each man ascertains the...

Symbol of Laura in Williams’ The Glass Menagerie

Abstract This paper provides an interpretation of one of the aspects of Tennessee Williams’ play The Glass Menagerie. It is stated that the collection of glass figurines in the play symbolizes one of the characters of this piece of literature, Laura Wingfield. The paper argues that the glass animals, being...

“The Carpenter’s Pencil” a Novel by Manuel Rivas

Introduction When it comes to writing a novel, authors must first make sure that the would-be produced literary work will have what it takes to prove discursively relevant. This, in turn, can only be accomplished if the novel’s themes and motifs are consistent with the prevailing socio-cultural climate, on the...

The War Prayer Mark Twain

The War Prayer Analysis: Essay Introduction Mark Twain, officially known as Samuel Langhorne Clemens, is a celebrated American author whose work and practice both in academic and political fields contributed immensely to shaping American literary history, socio-political environment, and global academic development. The author, a critic of American discriminative leadership,...

“Fences” a Play by August Wilson

Introduction One of the main themes in The Fences is the theme of parenting. Both Troy’s and Bono’s sad recalls offering background for considering the similarities and dissimilarities of the generations unraveling Troy from Cory and Bono from Lyons. The one feature Troy appreciated was a sense of accountability, and,...

Injustice in Shelley’s Frankenstein and Milton’s Paradise Lost

“Th’ infernal Serpent; he it was, whose guile Stird up with Envy and Revenge, deceiv’d 35 The Mother of Mankinde, what time his Pride Had cast him out from Heav’n” (Milton Lines: 34-37) The monster created by Mary Shelley in Frankenstein (henceforth mentioned as Frankenstein) and the character of Satan...

Relationship with Father in the Book Night by Elie Wiesel

Elie Wiesel’s book, Night, recalls about his experiences as a young Jewish boy; throughout the events and occurrences, Eliezer develops new relationships with his father as they surpass challenges they faced on their journey towards freedom. This paper addresses how Eliezer’s relations with his father change throughout the novel. Wiesel’s...

“Jonathan Livingston Seagull” by Richard Bach

I perfectly realize the unique mission our newspaper accomplishes, the role it plays in the formation of peoples mentality, and the impact it has on their minds. For this reason, I am sure that only worthy artworks could be published by it. Thus, considering the unique goal and a specific...

“I Dwell in Possibility” Poem by Emily Dickinson

Introduction Authors usually have unique personalities that make them stand out more than people from other professions. They either live controversial lives or die mysteriously and leave people wondering what makes them prefer these lifestyles. Emily Dickenson has a strange history that surpasses the mysteries of Shakespeare and other ancient...

“Ain’t I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism” a Book by Bell Hooks

Introduction Ain’t I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism is a book that was written in 1982 by Bell Hooks and was titled after the Sojourners Truth’s speech, Ain’t I a Woman. The writer is a feminist theorist, a cultural critic as well as a writer. Her work is a...

The Theme of Reflection in the Poems

Introduction The poems, “When I Consider How My Light is Spent” by John Milton and “Sad Steps” by Philip Larkin, provide a reflection of how individuals can utilize their lives, especially from their youthful period through into their old age. The poems highlight the lives of individuals during their youthfulness...

Shakespeare’s “Much Ado about Nothing” Literature Analysis

Introduction William Shakespeare was an actor, a poet, and a playwright. He is still one of the most popular figures in the literary field many decades after his demise. His expertise in poetry earned him several titles in the field. For example, he was fondly referred to as the ‘Bard...

Does Poetry Still Really Matter in the Modern World?

Critics have shown that poetry in the modern times is a specialized occupation of a small and isolated group of individuals, yet it was a major form of communication and expression of intelligence a few decades ago (Arana 91). The poets command only a small residual prestige but they are...

Franz Kafka’s Novel “The Trial”

Some time ago I reread one of the most famous novels of the 20th century, Franz Kafka’s The Trial (Kafka, 1925). Unlike my first experience of reading it, this occasion of reading, along with some other information I run across soon after, has driven me to many conclusions about the...

Hamlet by William Shakespeare: Summary of the Play

Introduction The play begins with Prince Hamlet going back home for his father’s funeral. The prince feels depressed when he finds out that his uncle, Claudius, had already remarried Gertrude, his mother. Claudius immediately becomes the king after the death of King Hamlet, yet Prince Hamlet is the right heir...

Analysis of “The Death of a Salesman” by A. Miller

The Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller is a play that sheds light on issues several individuals in America experience in their quest for the American Dream. The story’s protagonist, Willy Loman, is caught up in a web of self-denial, contradiction, and desperation. Like many individuals, he envisions living...

Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales Analysis

Introduction The middle Ages was a period in European history where religious beliefs, jobs, and money separated individuals. During this time, a class system began to emerge. The middle class emerged, a social group between the working and upper class, including professionals, business employees, and their households. Chaucer’s The Canterbury...

Pride and Prejudice: Personal Integrity as the Driving Force

Introduction From the very beginning of Pride and Prejudice, written by Jane Austen, the readers understand that Elizabeth Bennet is a person with a high standard of integrity. Nevertheless, it seems more of a burden for her because life is majorly disappointing to Elizabeth when she sees other people’s behaviors....

Love Theme in Ovid’s Pygmalion Story

Introduction In the mythology of the Greeks, Ovid, a Roman poet, is credited with writing the epic poem Pygmalion, published many years ago but has maintained its relevance throughout history and into the modern day. The love Pygmalion feels for the creature he has created is the story’s primary focus....

Gender Divide and Solidarity in Susan Glaspell’s ‘Trifles’

Characters Trifles is an one-act play written by Susan Glaspell. The play is considerably short, and features a modest cast of 7 characters. The crux of the story is the murder of John Wright, and the subsequent investigation of this event by other characters. A local sheriff and a farmer,...

“The Tragedy of Julius Caesar” by Shakespeare

Literary Element Act I Act II Act III Act IV Act V Archetypes A common type of character, conflict, or plot seen in literature Scene:II Explanation:The archetype in act 1 focuses on Brutus, representing the tragic hero, who is usually a protagonist. In this scene, Brutus is proven to be...

The Kafkaesque Experience in “The Metamorphosis”

After Kafka published his novella “Metamorphosis”, it became a classical piece and continues to be relevant nowadays. “Kafkaesque” is applied as a term describing an experience in which the person does not have control over and loses the connection with the existing reality (Edwards, 1991). Frederick R. Karl highlights that...

Responsibility in Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein”

The novel Frankenstein is Mary Shelley’s most famous novel. It is a story about a young scientist Victor Frankenstein who wants to learn how to animate lifeless matter and, as a result, an ugly monster. The novel touches on many fundamental themes and ideas of a philosophical nature, one of...

“Désirée’s Baby” by Kate Chopin: Themes and Symbols

Désirée’s Baby, a short story written by Kate Chopin, depicts a woman’s life with unknown origins in Louisiana. The dramatic story includes her Southern husband, who exiles her from home because of her African – American origins. Chopin utilizes various symbols to raise themes of racism, hypocrisy, love, and woman’s...

The “Borders” Short Story by Thomas King

Thomas King explores one of the many challenges of living in a world where his race has been marginalized in “Borders.” It is challenging to uphold culture and self-identity in a nation as diverse as America. The dilemma in King’s short story “Borders” is one that concerns the issue of...

“The Divine Comedy” by Dante Alighieri

It is hard to argue that Dante Alighieri’s work has had a resounding influence on the cultural stratum throughout the world. Many writers have said that Dante and his Divine Comedy inspired them when working on their novels. The work itself was written a long time ago, but it has...

The Novel “Passing” by Nella Larsen

Introduction Passing is the ability of an individual to exist in a different social class, such as race, ethnicity, social group, and gender, to gain social acceptance. The term appeared in the United States in the 1920s and described mixed-race people who referred to themselves as white when legal and...

Review of “Still I Rise” Poem by Maya Angelou

Introduction Maya Angelou was born in 1928 and died at 86 years in 2014. Despite being a poet, Angelou was also known for her civil rights activism, acting, dance, screenwriting, and authorship. The poet was best known for her 1969 memoir, I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, and the...

The “Middle Passage” Poem by Robert Hayden

The Middle East is regarded as the cradle of civilization, whereas Africa is the cradle of humankind. Approximately 60,000 years ago, Homo sapiens started leaving northeast Africa, crossing the Middle East and populating Eurasia (Hawley para. 1). The African region has a long and eventful history, one of the most...

Symbols of the “Riders of the Sea” Play by Synge

The main theme of the play “Riders of the sea” is to represent conflicts between religion and nature. The sea is a representation of fate and tragedies in the play. It is a great factor for the people living on Aran Island. It is a source of living as it...

Discussion of “Atonement” by McEwan

“Atonement” by McEwan is an amazing in its sincerity chronicle of lost time, which is led by a teenage girl, in her bizarre and childishly cruel way, overestimating and rethinking the events of adult life. Having witnessed the rape, she interprets it in her own way – and sets in...

A Descriptive Analysis of a Mash-Up Poem

This paper provides a descriptive analysis of a mash-up poem created by mixing lines of two poems by José Olivarez and a song by The Beatles. The poems’ names are River Oaks Mall and You Get Fat When You’re in Love, and the song’s name is All You Need Is...

Passage Analysis from “The Odyssey” by Homer

Introduction “The Odyssey” is one of the famous and classic poems of the ancient Greek poet Homer, familiar to every thinking person. The book’s plot is built around the main character – Odysseus, the king of Ithaca. He is clever, innovative, and resourceful, and these character traits help the man...

Romanticism Poetry by William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth was born in 1770 in Cumberland, England, under the reign of Queen Victoria. He began his poetry in England as a young boy while in school before completing his college studies. Wordsworth related his composition to the people’s affair with nature and advocated language utilization including, the lecture...

Righteousness and Innocence: The Lamb by William Blake

Introduction William Blake, a native of London, is one of the significant figures in poetry and the fine arts of the Romantic era. His literature is refined and full of meaning: he grew from rebelliousness and a spirit of rebellion into a creator with ideas of forgiveness and self-sacrifice. Blake...

Humor and Horror in Poe’s “The Cask of the Amontillado”

Introduction In works of literature, authors rely on several stylistic devices to convey their message. One of Edgar Allan Poe’s literary devices in “The Cask of Amontillado” is the combination of horror and humor. Poe is a witty author who uses literary elements like point of view, place, and word...

Analysis of the Superman Character in a Comic Book

Superman is a monumental character in the DC Comics universe. He may or may not like it, but it is impossible to deny his contribution to world culture and influence on generations of readers and viewers alike. Superman has had a significant impact on popular culture and is a role...

Literary and Psychological Prowess of Shakespeare’s “Othello”

Shakespeare’s literary and psychological prowess went undetected primarily since he was ahead of his time. Because of this, people in Elizabethan society had no idea that people might be afflicted with mental illnesses, let alone have them depicted in a play! Othello, Shakespeare’s play, was plagued by bizarre behavior issues....

The Theme of Social Pressure in “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” by Ken Kesey

“One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” is a novel, created by Ken Kesey in the middle of the 20th century. The actions described in the book happen in Oregon psychiatric hospitals, and in general, this work of literature is devoted to the exploration of the human mind. It includes opposition...

“Water by the Spoonful” by Quiara Hudes

Water by the Spoonful is a play written by Quiara Hudes. The play narrates to the reader the story of the Iraqi war veteran and the group of drug addicts, including his biological mother. The author of this work raises several acute social problems, trying to address them through the...

The Essay “The Dreamer” by Junot Diaz

Introduction It is complicated for young people to imagine that once upon a time, women and certain sections of society were deprived of the opportunity to get an education and their dream profession. Women, in accordance with paternalistic attitudes, had to work in the household and devote themselves to exhausting...

The Theme of Slavery in Poetry

Introduction “On Being Brought from Africa to America” by Phillis Wheatley and “The Slave Mother” by Frances E.W. Harper are two poems that convey the harsh reality of slavery. The people of African descent had to experience inequity due to their ethnic background for centuries. In the poems, the central...

American Writers and Their Writing Styles

American writers set themselves apart from their European counterparts due to their varying writing styles and focus on the continent’s development. One could determine that an individual is an American writer if their stories indicated a plot of decline. Writings such as The Great Gatsby begin on a high note,...

“To His Coy Mistress” by Andrew Marvell Review

To His Coy Mistress, written by the 17th century English poet Andrew Marvell, is an extremely interesting blend of two poetic genres. On the one hand, this poem is written as an appeal to a mistress in an attempt to gain favor from her, as evidenced by the title of...

“The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant

The Necklace is one of the best-known short stories by Guy de Maupassant, the French novelettist of the second half of the 19th century. Similarly to a range of his other works, this one describes the life of the middle class along with a fate of a woman. A peculiarity...

“Celia’s Song” by Lee Maracle: Analysis of Novel

The manner in which the women organized in the face of adversity is highly descriptive of their character. Upon hearing the abominable news about Shelley, Momma was able to keep herself as cold-headed as possible in such a situation. This inspired a similar state of mind in other women: despite...

Analysis of “The Little Book of Restorative Justice”

Definition of the Concept of “Restorative Justice” At the present time, there are different approaches to justice, although restorative justice is considered one of the most effective ones. In fact, this model is based on the idea that it is crucial to arrange a meeting between the victim and the...

“Slight Rebellion Off Madison” by J.D. Salinger

J.D. Salinger’s short story Slight Rebellion Off Madison is a beautiful portrayal of youthful rebellion and nonconforming nature. Holden Caulfield is overpowered with thoughts of leaving everything behind and getting married to Sally in a new city. Hoverer, neither Sally nor the other friends take Holden seriously. The rest of...

The Problem of Heritage in Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use”

Knowing, preserving, and passing on one’s cultural heritage are significant components of one’s cultural identity. In her story “Everyday Use,” Alice Walker addresses the problem of African Americans’ heritage, namely, what they considered to be their heritage and how they treated it back in the 1960s. In David Cowart’s article,...

“Citizen: An American Lyric” and “Stop and Frisk” by Rankine

Claudia Rankine is a writer, poet, dramatist, and anthology editor from the United States of America. The author published five collections of poems, two plays, and several articles. The two works of hers that were proposed for the analysis are Citizen: An American Lyric and the poem Stop and Frisk....

“Why Don’t You Dance?” Book by Raymond Carver

In “Why Don’t You Dance?”, Raymond Carver tells a story about a man who puts most of his belongings for sale. As he takes the furniture out of the house, cars pass by until one of them stops. A boy and a girl exit the vehicle and start examining the...

Setting Matters: “Cat in the Rain”, “A Rose for Emily”

A person telling a story is likely to provide some setting to help listeners acknowledge relevant contexts. The setting, being one of the central components of literary works, serves as a background where certain events take place (Khrais, 2017). Some may even think that authors mention the place where their...

Feminism and Femininity in “Death by Landscape” by Atwood

Introduction The rebellion of women against the roles, characteristics, and behaviors imposed on them and expected from them by society is quite successful and popular in the modern world. Although it began centuries ago, at those times, few women saw a need for it. Most females saw specific sustainability in...

Ray Bradbury’s Critique of the American Society in “The Veldt”

“The Veldt” is a short science fiction story by Ray Bradbury published in 1950. Concerned with rapid technological development and the spread of consumerism philosophy among Americans, the author sought to warn his readers about the possible negative impacts of these tendencies on individuals and society. The writer argues that...

“Paper Moon” as a Symbol of the American Dream

A Streetcar Named Desire is a play written by Tennessee Williams, which premiered on Broadway in 1947. The play touches upon a variety of themes and subjects, such as masculinity and femininity, sexual desire, reality, and illusion; however, it also provides a substantial commentary on the concept of the American...

Ferdinand and Miranda in Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” in Terms of Postcolonial Theory

Shakespeare’s last plays belong to the genre of tragicomedy – plays devoid of genuine tragedy, which, while slightly disturbing for the audience, were still mainly intended to entertain them by delivering a sharp and entertaining experience. Nevertheless, Shakespeare brings an exceptional tone to them, switching them into the fairy tale...

The Triumph of Death: A Prominent Theme in Gothic Literature

No species is more deserving of accolades than humans for consistently executing the dual role of creating problems and solving them. While some challenges predate humanity, many wrongs people seek correct are artificial. Mired in the endless maze of thanatophobia, the fear of death, people have grown overly preoccupied with...

Song of the Hummingbird by Graciela Limon

Introduction: Summary and Major Themes The book, Song of a Hummingbird by Graciela Limon, describes the story of an indigenous woman named Huitzitzilin who narrates her experience to a Spanish monk. The setting is in 1582, when Huitzitzilin, the 82-year-old protagonist, talks about her encounter during the Spanish conquest and...

Young People’s Lives in Nadine Gordimer’s “A Company of Laughing Faces”

In Nadine Gordimer’s short story “A Company of Laughing Faces,” Kathy Hack’s dynamic character reflects many teenage girls’ lives in contemporary society. Kathy is provoked by the life around her; she seems lost in the struggle to tap fantasy while embracing reality. She reflects many young people blinded by ambitious...

‘Everyday Use’: A Deep Dive into Rural Black South vs. Progressive Movement

“Everyday Use” is a short story written by Alice Walker, which depicts a family gathering where one of the two daughters comes home to visit her mother and sister. Dee studies at a University and her perspective on the African-American heritage differs from that of her relatives. Moreover, for her...

“Theatre 6” by Sarah Hall

Introduction It might be difficult for people to openly discuss the moral dilemmas that can cause one to choose between abiding by the law and helping others. The story that is described in this essay discusses this issue by placing the reader out of his or her comfort zone and...

Short Story Analysis “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner

Introduction Miss Emily, the main character of Faulkner’s story “A Rose for Emily,” is a controversial figure who evokes rather mixed feelings, but pity prevails in this plethora of emotions. On the one hand, she is a mentally ill murderer who kept the body of her victim in her house...

Greek Heroic Motifs in “The Iliad”: Agamemnon and Priam

Introduction Greek history is frequently discussed in many literary works, and Homer’s Iliad is probably the most famous and successful story about the Trojan War and its participants. In this epic poem, heroic motifs are determined by harsh social obligations and definite cultural beliefs, underlining the role of gods and...

Self-Referentiality in Jorge Luis Borges’ “Blindness”

“Blindness” is an essay written by Jorge Luis Borges in 1977. In this work, much attention was paid to self-referentiality because the author’s experience is extremely important to support his writing (Block de Behar, A Rhetoric of Silence 279-281). To understand the purpose of this essay, it is critical to...

Elements of Poetic Form in “Go Down, Moses”

“Go Down, Moses” is a poem that became a folk song, calling for the freedom of slaves in the US back in the nineteenth century. It links the story from the Bible with the situation happening in South America before the Civil War. The work constitutes of several poetic form...

The Symbolic Nature of Franz Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis”

Introduction Kafka’s The Metamorphosis is oftentimes seen as an allegorical, psychological, and quintessential exploration of the author’s inner state. However, despite the core of the story centering on the physical transformation of Gregor Samsa, the real metamorphosis occurs in his family which demonstrate a dramatic shift in attitudes at his...

“The Bell Jar” by Sylvia Plath

Introduction The Bell Jar is a chef-d’oeuvre semi-autobiographical novel by an American poet and writer, Sylvia Plath, in the 1950s, but it was first published in 1963 in England. However, as one interacts with the contents of the book and the writer’s life, the novel becomes more of an autobiography...

The Short Story “A&P” by John Updike

In “A&P,” one of John Updike’s widely read and critiqued short stories, the author presents three barefoot girls, who walk into a local A&P grocery store while wearing bathing suits. While the rest of the people, including the Store manager, Lengel, and customers, two young men emerge as exceptions when...

“The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin: House as a Symbol

In “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin, the house of the protagonist, Mrs. Mallard, has a symbolic meaning. It is connected to the main character’s circumstances and the condition of mind, representing her state of being bound, lacking personal freedom. However, she does not realize it until the...

The Book “A Vindication of the Rights of Woman” by Mary Wollstonecraft

Introduction Mary Wollstonecraft, an 18th-century British author and philosopher, was among the first people who openly drew the public’s attention to women’s rights in society. Her fundamental work, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, explores several important topics, and education is one of them. The situation in this regard...

Comparing Two Kinds and Everyday Use

The activity of civil rights activists was one of the indicative marks of the 20th century, which was largely reflected in the literature. A bias against such themes as culture and conflict appeared, and it is portrayed in Two Kinds and Everyday Use. Both of the stories focuses on culture...

Hemingway and K. Chopin: Stories Comparison

Introduction Life has many turning moments that make people realize that there are on the wrong path, and that allows them to change their lives for the better. “Hills Like White Elephants” written by E. Hemingway and “The Story of an Hour” by K. Chopin both tell stories of such...

“Thank You, M’am” by Langston Hughes

I have never read anything more touching than Thank You, M’am by Langston Hughes. There are just two main characters in this story: an old woman Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones, and a young boy, Roger, who appeared to be a pickpocket. The last tried to still Mrs. Luella’s purse...

An Act of Vengeance by Isabel Allendi

Isabel Allende is now viewed by many literary critics as one of the most distinguished feminist writers in the twentieth century. Among her most famous novels, we can mark out the following ones:”Daughter of Fortune”, “House of Sepia”, “Paula” and many others. She is also renowned for her short stories,...

Shakespeare’s “Othello”: Iago’s Honesty

Introduction In Shakespeare’s play Othello, the character Iago is the most well-known and multifaceted. To the characters in the play, he is a trustworthy and honest person who everyone in the community is willing to confide in. The audience on the other hand can note that he is the evilest,...

Themes and Styles in Anne Bradstreet’s Poems

Introduction The three poems by Anne Bradstreet, namely: In Honor of That High and Mighty Princess Queen Elizabeth of Happy Memory, To the Memory of My Dear and Ever Honored Father Thomas Dudley Esq. Who deceased, July 31, and of his age 71, and Contemplations have a number of elements...

Vernaculars in “The Weary Blues” by Langston Hughes

In the Norton Anthology of African American Literature, there is a long discussion of vernacular, The Vernacular Tradition, and how it impacts the meaning and our understanding of the meaning in African American literature, particularly the blues. The article begins with, “In African American literature, the vernacular refers to the...

Death of a Salesman: Plot Analysis

The events of Arthur Miller’s play Death of a Salesman take place in 1949, four years after the Second World War has come to an end. America is enjoying a postwar economic boom, but the World War has caused a shake-up in American society, changing the way people view business,...

“Midaq Alley” Novel by Naguib Mahfouz

Introduction The novel “Midaq Alley” by Naguib Mahfouz is a novel with many characters that live in a poor neighborhood called Midaq Alley during the Second World War. Among the protagonists are Umm Hamida, a marriage broker and bath attendant, her daughter, who was pimped by Ibraham Faraj; Hussain Kirsha,...

Mark Twain’s Argumentation in “The Damned Human Race”

One of the most outstanding writers in the history of world literature, Mark Twain, was talented in describing people’s characters and nurturing inside them the truth of life experience and values that impact a person’s mindset and keep him safe from wrong in life. A teaching approach in his works...

“A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings” by G. G. Marquez

The title refers to the angel in the story and how he made such a difference in the life of a small town couple. Marquez injects a great dose of whimsy by portraying his angel as an old man, frail and seemingly defenceless, except that he had very large wings....

Family Members in “Without My Cloak” by Kate O’Brien

Introduction In different epochs and changeable cultural values, different restrictions are put by the society on its members. In that sense, absolute freedom of choice was not a term that was known for any ordinary person in any chosen time or space. The main issue of contradiction is to what...

Comparison: The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Iliad

The attitude towards death in the epic literature symbolizes the wish of people of those epochs to be heroic, ready to sacrifice their lives for the holy aims. Even literature of different epochs represents comparatively similar attitudes towards death. The Epic of Gilgamesh touches upon people’s nature profoundly and still...

Mateship in Australian Literature & History

Literature is rather a particular topic to write on because it presupposes that the person who writes on it has a profound knowledge not only of the topic he or she deals with but also has a great amount of background knowledge of a certain country’s history, culture customs, and...

“Sweat” Short Story by Zora Neale Hurston

Introduction “Sweat” is a fictional short story in Southern American literature written by Zora Neale Hurston. Telling an unfortunate and dark story of domestic abuse, the focus of this fiction focuses on the struggles and perseverance of the hardworking protagonist Delia. “Sweat” demonstrates a feminist perspective of overcoming abuse and...

Mathilde in “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant

Introduction The Necklace is a short story written by French writer Guy de Maupassant at the end of the 19th century. In the story, the main character Mathilde Loisel lives a humble life of a middle-class housewife believing that she is meant to be rich. She borrows a diamond necklace...

Herd Behavior in “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

Introduction The story innocently titled “The Lottery,” written by Shirley Jackson would be generally expected to have a positive theme. However, the plot narrates the events of the annual lottery, which takes place in the most ordinary setting of a small village (more specifically in its main square). The purpose...

Poems Explication: Works by Rita Wong

Canola Queasy It is not easy to create an educative and interesting eco-poem to support the chosen position and help the reader to understand how unfair or unpleasant human activities may be. In her Canola Queasy, Wong underlines the importance of environmental pollution and human direct participation in it and...

Trauma of Internment for the Nikkei Family in No-No Boy

Introduction John Okada’s No-No Boy recounts the story of challenging cultural identity of a Japanese American young man named Ichiro. In the midst of a bloody conflict with the Japanese, the United States undertook a radical move of creating concentration camps for those of Japanese origin, whilst still requiring these...

Gender Roles: “What’s That Smell in the Kitchen” by Piercy

Introduction “What’s That Smell in the Kitchen” by Marge Piercy is a poem that relates to my childhood experience. Since I was young, I have been taught by my parents and grandparents that my role as a woman was to perform domestic chores like cooking, cleaning, etc. On the contrary,...

Loneliness in The Diary of Anne Frank

Summary The novel is based on real-life events that happened during World War 2. The main character of the novel, which was a Jew, narrates how the Jews survived during the holocaust. The diary of Anne Frank is an account of a young girl’s experience. The diary narrates the ordeal...

“Henry IV, Part 1” Play by William Shakespeare

Introduction “Henry IV” is the most popular of William Shakespeare’s plays. “Henry IV, part 1” was acted in 1597 and 1598. The play is set up in London, where it began at the palace, where King Henry IV addressed his council about the civil war in England. In “Henry IV,...

“Not Either an Experimental Doll” by Shula Marks

Nowadays, it represents a commonplace practice to refer to the policy of apartheid in South Africa, as having been innately racist – something that serves as the best indication of this policy’s sheer inappropriateness. The main assumption behind such a point of view is that the policy’s practical implementation used...

The Theme of Death in “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin

Introduction Dramatic events associated with death have always been a compelling topic in fiction. However, in addition to creating a straightforward appeal, they can be used as devices for the exploration of deeper themes. In “The Story of an Hour,” Kate Chopin uses the theme of death to successfully reveal...

“The Guild” a Poem by Sharon Olds

The Guild by Sharon Olds is one of the several poems in which the poet attempts to produce some description of her father and his negative influence on the family. The relationship between the daughter and the father is clearly dysfunctional, and in The Guild Olds shows that such difficulties...

Imagery in “The Great Gatsby” by F. Fitzgerald

Although “The Great Gatsby”, a novel of the American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald, was written almost a century ago, in 1925, it still remains an unparallel classic of both the American and global literature, and is often considered to be one of the greatest literary documents capturing the fickle spirit...

Who Moved My Cheese? Reaction Paper

Who moved my cheese? by Spencer Johnson is a little story that encompasses an ever-present drawback of a human mindset – resistance to change. There are four main characters in this story: two mice Sniff and Scurry and two little people – Hem and Haw, who are put into a...

Social Class and Difference in Theatrical Comedies

Class difference is an inevitable constitute of literary work. A drama that reflects the social construct of time is an indispensable source to understand class and societal structure of an era. In an attempt to portray, the world dramatists demonstrated the littlest equations that set the people apart. Most prominent...

David and Lucy in “Disgrace” by John Coetzee

Introduction ‘Disgrace’ is a contended fictional book by J. M. Coetzee that is dedicated to several common issues of post-apartheid South Africa. What makes this novel compelling and exceptional is presenting the existing problems of the society through the prism of perception of the book’s protagonist David Lure and his...

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick

Introduction The problem of the relationship between humans and technology is often discussed nowadays. In the 20th century, when Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? was published. This problem was no less important than now. Many post-apocalyptic novels depicted the horrible future that could follow the future...

“Arraignment of the Men” by Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz

Introduction Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz was the famous Mexican poetess of the XVII century and the outstanding personality of her time. She went into a convent when she was young and devoted her life to serving God. Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz was one of the most...

The “Angels and Demons” Novel by Dan Brown

Angels and Demons is a perfect narrative for those readers who love fast-paced storylines and drama. Imperatively, this is a fantastic thriller by Dan Brown, the same author who wrote Da Vinci Code. The story has a protagonist, Robert Langdon, who is an iconology professor. In addition, the narrative is...

The “King Lear” Play by William Shakespeare

Introduction King Lear, a tragedy by William Shakespeare, is a play that creates an alarming mental picture of different societal structures, for instance, the political, social, and familial. These reflect the other broken orders in the whole play. For example, earlier in space, King Lear breaks the order of a...

The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway

Introduction Faith and resilience stand out in the novel The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway, particularly in the older man’s story. Reading about Santiago’s experiences allowed me to view life from a hopeful perspective. The old man’s life is an inspiration to deal with life’s challenges without...

The “Oil” Play by Ella Hickson

Essay Summary In the essay under analysis, the author examines the play Oil by Ella Hickson through the lens of postcolonial ecocriticism and such concepts as environmental activism, place, and borrowed time. The writer introduces the playwright and briefly describes the play, its structure, and style, giving an example of...

Puritan Characteristics in Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown

Puritan faith was defined by several key characteristics that made it unique among other Christian denominations. In particular, the Puritans shared an exceptionally powerful religious fervor, believing that one should strictly adhere to the Bible and live as close to the model of Jesus Christ as possible (Mark). As a...

Compare and Contrast Essay: Magical Realism

One of the most popular genres of fiction is magical realism. Magical realism is an artistic method in which supernatural elements are incorporated into a realistic world picture. A striking example of the works of this genre is the works of Nikolai Gogol, The Nose and Mikhail Bulgakov Master and...

What Does It Mean to Be a Hero in Literature?

Introduction Since the dawn of time, there has been intense discussion about the definition of a hero. The original heroes were sons of humankind and deity who first appeared in classical Greek literature. There are significant differences between the Ancient Greek and contemporary ideas of heroism. A hero in the...

Hamlet’s Vulnerability in “Hamlet” by Shakespeare

The sadness of Hamlet is not the most apparent theme of the work, which, as a rule, fades against the background of madness. However, the protagonist’s anxiety and depression can be read in the lines of Hamlet’s dialogue with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, two unusual but very similar characters. This fact...

Antagonist in “Fences” Play by August Wilson

Fences is a fascinating story and a play written by August Wilson in the 20th century, exploring the evolving African American experience and racial relations. The playwriter depicts the story of African American character, Troy, earning a living by collecting garbage. Troy Maxson is not only the protagonist of the...

Comparison of Rip Van Winkle and Young Goodman Brown

One of the aspects that are similar in stories that happened both to Winkle and Brown is that the culmination of events happens concerning them falling asleep. Winkle meets a man who is dressed in old clothes and goes to an amphitheater with him. When the man suggests a drink,...

“Not Waving but Drowning”by Stevie Smith Review

“Not Waving but Drowning” was composed by British poet Stevie Smith in 1957. The poem consists of only three stanzas about a man who is drowning while the observers think he is merely waving hands and enjoys swimming. Even though the idea is clear on the surface, the text’s true...

Mother-Daughter Relationship in “Flowers in the Attic” by Andrews, Virginia C.

Flowers in the Attic deeply explores various topics related to child neglect, abuse, unhealthy parental dynamics, and family patterns. However, one of the most prominent themes that had been reflected in the book is the characteristics of the mother-daughter relationship. An evident general pattern related to this dynamic is the...

Cinderella and Girl: Feminist and Gender Critique

Introduction Gender roles have long been a predominant issue in society. The male sex is expected to be virile, aggressive, risk-taking, and the breadwinner of the family. The female sex is presented as caring, responsible, gentle, polite, and amiable. Anne Sexton, in her poem Cinderella focuses on the position of...

Poe’s View on “The Masque of the Red Death”

Introduction One of the most important themes explored in The Masque of the Red Death is the inherent equality of death. Edgar Allan Poe uses the word “masque” in the title to symbolize a one-of-a-kind celebration where people cover their identities behind masks to foster safety and experience joy. Shortly...

“Legal Alien” by Pat Mora: A Poem Analysis

Addressing the phenomenon of ethnic diversity and the problem of ethnic minorities’ underrepresentation in her poem “Legal Alien,” Pat Mora points to a complex sociocultural and sociopolitical issue of the present-ay American community. The central theme of being ostracized and alienated despite the very nature of American culture as an...

The Feeling of Lost in Hemingway’s “Soldier’s Home”

Introduction Ernest Hemingway (1899–1961) was one of the most popular and successful American writers of the 20th century and is now considered a modern classic. His novels and stories revolve around bullfighting, big game safaris, and war. Ernest Hemingway is probably one of the best and most influential short story...

The Novel “Peace Shall Destroy Many” by Rudy Wiebe

Rudy Wiebe’s novel “Peace Shall Destroy Many” surrounds the lives of the pacifist Mennonites in Saskatchewan during World War II. The main protagonist, Thom Wiens (a young farmer living in the most isolated community in Saskatchewan) makes the book fascinating by posing challenging questions. During wartime, local males would either...

Literary Analysis of the Iroquois and Cherokee Creation Stories

Introduction One of the essential and eternal questions that have been worrying people since ancient times is the history of the creation of this world, nature, and humanity as a whole. Some persons are content with the existence of several different assumptions and simply prefer to concentrate on their daily...

“Nisei Daughter”: Secret of Mixed Cultural Identity

Introduction The Issei, Nisei, and Sansei experienced many hardships in identity formation as being connected with two cultures: Japanese and American. One of the most popular resources reflecting the culture and problems the Japanese experienced is the Nisei Daughter memoirs. Using the biographical format, Kazuko Monica Itoi describes her own...

“How I Met My Husband” Story by Alice Munro

In the short story, How I Met My Husband, the author Alice Munro decries the imaginary love affair that a young girl has for an uninterested pilot. Eddie is working for the rich Peebles family who has just settled in the countryside. Both Dr. and Mrs. Peebles portray a little...

Modernist and Postmodernist Techniques and Themes in McEwan’s “Atonement”

An example of free indirect style in Atonement by Ian McEwan can be found in chapter six as the author describes the acts and thoughts of Emily Tallis. The author takes on Emily’s thoughts and expressing that she considered it important not to provoke the pain in his head lest...

Fictional Elements in “The Awakening” by Kate Chopin

Introduction The Awakening is one of the most popular novels by the American writer Kate Chopin, who is famous for her brave illustration of sexuality in her works. The story tells about a woman named Edna, who struggles to fight the societal perceptions of motherhood, which define her as the...

Edwidge Danticat’s “Brother, I’m Dying” Themes

Introduction In her memoir published in 2007, Edwidge Danticat tries to gather the whole picture of her broken family’s life: when Edwidge was four, her mother left the children with their uncle in Haiti to join her father in New York. At the age of twelve, Edwidge reunited with her...

Under Fire by Henri Barbusse: Novel Analysis

Under Fire by Henri Barbusse is a masterpiece that belongs equally to literature and history. An unforgettable and immortal document of the era remains the best book of all written about the war of 1914-1918. The book received a profound response not only in France but also in almost all...

Characters Conflict in “The Hound of the Baskervilles” by Doyle

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Hound of the Baskervilles is the continuation of the adventures of the genius detective Sherlock Holmes, who, in this case, faces the conflict with the main villain, Mr. Jack Stapleton. The title suggests to an unfamiliar reader that the story revolves around a mysterious and...

Racism in “Being Brought From Africa to America” and “A Letter From Phyllis Wheatley”

Phyllis Wheatley, the first African American to publish a book of poetry in 1773, was the author of the poem “Being Brought from Africa to America.” Wheatley represents the start of a long tradition of African American poets. She described her African ancestors as non-Christian (“Pagan”) and believed that she...

“The Lost Letters of Pergamum” Analysis: Honor and Shame

The Lost Letters of Pergamum is a collection of letters in which prominent people from the nobility and churches of the century first communicate and discuss various matters. In general, this book shows people writing letters about how Christianity gradually and appeared influenced the world around. The plot describes the...

Discrimination Against Women in Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale”

Description of the issue The issue of discrimination among women continues to influence the experience of females in the modern world. Mainly, society continues to depend on prejudices that concern the role of women in society. Coffey demonstrates that this part of the population suffers from inequality in India because...

Theme of Sexuality from Both Fiction and Non-Fiction Context

Sexuality is a significant aspect of a person. It is never about who he or she has sex with or how frequently they have it. It is basically about one’s sexual feelings, ideas, interests, and behaviors towards other people. Both fiction and non-fiction contexts depict differences in matters of sexuality....

Communism in Dave Eggers’s “The Circle”

Dave Eggers’s The Circle is a novel about a same-name web organization that offers innovative products and services to ordinary citizens. Even though the literary piece considers the American context in the present time, it introduces some dystopian principles because the organization, the Circle, has a few features of a...

“O Captain! My Captain!”: Symbolism, Imagery, and the American Dream

Introduction The famous “O Captain! My Captain!” written by Walt Whitman is a short literary work encompassing several complex topics important to each American. It is personal and national mourning for Abraham Lincoln as well as a retrospective of the events of the Civil War and previous major historical events...

Communication in “Sticks” Story by George Saunders

“Sticks” is a short story by George Saunders that famously contains only 392 words but packs an emotional punch. The narrator’s father builds a “kind of crucifix out of a metal pole” in the family backyard and puts it in costume for various holidays (Saunders 63). After the children move...

Formation of Gender Identity in “Fun Home” by Alison Bechdel

Throughout Alison Bechdel’s tragicomic Fun Home, the author demonstrates her and her father Bruce’s opposing views on the concept of sexuality. Their different definitions of the significance of gender roles cause tension in their formation of sexual orientations in the presence of each other. The distinct ways in which they...

Book Annotation: Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Purple hibiscus is the first published book by Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. It was published in 2003 and was shortlisted in 2004 for the Orange Prize for Fiction. The narrative includes many themes that intertwine and form the story of the protagonist. The central topic of discussion in the...

The Novel “The Road” by Cormac McCarthy

Introduction Although nowadays, in the 21st century, the threat of global war is insignificant, many other dangers have appeared that humanity did not worry about before, including human-made, information, and ecological catastrophes. The theme of the apocalypse, in this context, is of mounting concern to society, reflected in the development...

Interpretation of “Why I Live at the P.O.,” and Its Literary Elements

Plot and Setting In Why I Live at the P.O. by Eudora Welty, a youthful anonymous lady has all the earmarks of investigating the envy and struggle in her family. The setting of the story is the family home in Mississippi at the turn of the 20th century. By bringing...

“The Handmaid’s Tale” Fanfiction by Margaret Atwood

Introduction This paper is a fanfiction of the Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood. It explores a different story that the novel could have written about when Ofglen and her underground resistance movement are introduced into the account. The Meeting When Offred met Ofglen, she would not have expected that she...

“Sonny’s Blues”: Relationships Between the Brothers

Introduction One of the main themes in the short story “Sonny’s Blues,” written by James Baldwin, is family support, which is essential for uniting the characters and allowing them to solve their problems. However, it is mostly described in a negative light throughout the narrative, which changes to a more...

Plaatje’s Mhudi on South Africa in the 19th Century

Introduction Sol Plaatje’s Mhudi is an incredible full-length book written in English by a black writer from South Africa. It is a romantic epic with its setting in the early nineteenth century during the South African wars. The main action is centered around an extermination campaign by King Mzilikazi against...

Greek and Roman Tragedy. Euripides and Seneca

Euripides Euripides was a Greek writer who wrote about women and mythological themes like Madea and Helen troy. He was considered to have a great contribution to the Greek creation of new comedies. Life and Career Euripides was born in or about 484. He was well educated, attending the lectures...

Analysis of “The Ark of Bones” Story

“The Ark of Bones” is a short story written by African American author Henry Dumas. The setting of the story is in the 1900s at the shores of the Mississippi River, a place with myths and misconceptions among the African Americans and the whites as well. The story involves two...

Analysis of “The Portrait of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde’s book The Portrait of Dorian Gray has constantly been mentioned everywhere in the world. This is understandable because the book presents a hedonistic worldview that was completely new back then. One of the quotes to be analyzed in this essay goes like this, “None of us can stand...