Charlotte’s Web and Hana’s Suitcase: A True Story

Children’s literature about good and evil, about various events, invented or occurred in the past, but simultaneously related to the present, allows readers to take part emotionally, empathize. Such books are an opportunity for kids to learn about many people and hear different opinions, ideas, and thoughts. Such literature is...

“Going to Meet the Man” Story by James Baldwin

Koritha Mitchell’s Living with Lynching and James Baldwin’s “Going to Meet the Man” In the book Living with Lynching, Koritha Mitchel studies the so-called “lynching drama” and the role that lynching played in the American culture. She claims that the depictions of racial violence produced by the black and white...

The Idea of Robert Frost’s Poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay”

The poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay” by Robert Frost is only nine lines long, but the author discusses complex topics through it. In early spring, the golden buds appear on the trees, but soon their color fades. Then flowers bloom, but they also soon turn into fallen leaves, reminiscent of...

The Tragedy of “A Streetcar Named Desire” by T. Williams

Tragedy, as a form of drama, is defined not necessarily by the overall sorrowful atmosphere of a literary piece, but by the comeuppance that the protagonist receives due to their faults. With this distinction, the calamity of the situation is achieved using having no one to blame for the ending...

Analysis of Stephen Jay Gould’s Writing Style

Introduction Most talented authors have their own style, which is reflected in the topics, structure, and word choices of the writer. Stephen Jay Gould also has a “voice” in literature, which allows readers to recognize his work from the first lines and attracts most of them. This paper will explore...

Inspiration by Rudyard Kipling’s Poetry

Art Creation It is impossible to overestimate the necessity of inspirational poems for people of all ages. Thanks to the works of the greatest writers of all times, persons can find meaning in their lives, strength to hold on, and motivation to continue whatever they are doing. After reading such...

The Portrayal of Schizophrenia in a Beautiful Mind

Mental health is an important aspect of people’s lives that requires immediate attention and careful consideration. However, the topic of mental illnesses has been a taboo to discuss and portray for many years. Today it becomes more and more acceptable to talk about one’s health freely, especially in art. The...

“The Unknown Citizen” by Auden

Each poem carries a unique style of its author and a message that reflects the trends of society. An author conveys these meanings through elements and details such as images, rhythm, and tone to create a coherent story. This paper will interpret the meaning of “The Unknown Citizen” by Auden,...

Odyssey, the Man and Myth

Homer’s work The Odyssey has a vast number of features, which are studied from the literature point to this day. This epic poem tells about the return of Odyssey to Ithaca after the Trojan War. The analysis of Odysseus’ books allows readers to recognize the temper and change the perceptions...

Money Theme in Moliere’s Tartuffe and Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House

The plays of Moliere’s Tartuffe and Henrik Ibsen A Doll’s House are some of the most famous literary works. Both plays explore the all-consuming topic of money and the obsession with money, which are still relevant in modern society. A Doll’s House and Tartuffe depict the influence of money on...

Poems Comparison and Analysis

The poems below describe children playing and then one of them getting hurt by the door. Although the first poem starts on a cheery note, it ends with a sad mood because the child needs tending and the games stop. The poems are connected based on the content because both...

“The Moldau” by Bedrich Smetana

The Moldau is the symphonic poem of the Czech composer Bedrich Smetana. The poem illustrates the flow of the Moldau river from its spring in the Bohemian forest to Prague. The Moldau theme is played five times and could be characterized as proud and playful by the character. Such an...

Greek Drama. “Medea” by Euripides

There are several elements that can outright describe and reflect Greek drama. The play “Medea” by Euripides is a mythical tragedy that was written in 431 BC. One common element in such plays that is also reflected through the drama is the presence of mythical gods. The story gives relevance...

“The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe: Review

“The Raven” is one of the most well-known poems by Edgar Allan Poe. This work of art can be seen as a hymn to remorse and emotional distress. The story starts with a description of a man who is “weak and weary” whose negative emotions and despair intensify with every...

“The Retail Revival”: A Review

Over the last decades, the conventional retail model underwent significant changes as technological advancement, globalization, and major socioeconomic shifts occurred. Currently, traditional shopping centers yield power to the Internet, and from activity in which word of mouth was authoritative, it transformed into one where influencers impact buying decisions. Doug Stephens’s...

The Canterbury Tales by G. Chaucer: The Miller’s Position about Marriage and Power

Introduction At the end of the 14th century, Geoffrey Chaucer introduced his Canterbury Tales, where several people share their stories about British history, identities, and values. Each tale has a narrator and main characters who make mistakes, develop relationships, and analyze their achievements through the prism of the already established...

The Tragedy “Hamlet” by Shakespeare: Evidence of Religious Beliefs

The Tragedy of Hamlet is among Shakespeare’s notable plays which have been performed across the world. In the tragedy, the ghost of the King of Denmark tells his son, Hamlet, to avenge his death by murdering the new king who is Hamlet’s uncle. Hamlet pretends to be mad, envisions life...

The “Sula” Novel by Toni Morrison

Introduction In the middle of the 1900s, the United States of America survived hard times when racism, poverty, and inequality shaped human standards. There are many literary works where authors tried to share their opinions and describe specific situations, conflicts, and lessons. One of them is Sula, a novel written...

“Richard Cory” by Edwin Arlington Robinson

The poem Richard Cory by Edwin Arlington Robinson is one of these works which overthrow readers’ expectations. At the very beginning, the main character is presented as a successful and wealthy man who can afford anything he wants. Richard is envied by people he meets every day in the streets...

“Trifles” Play by Susan Glaspell: Deductive Analysis

Trifles by Susan Glaspell highlights perceptions, thought processes, labels, and stereotypes surrounding the inferior perception of women during the early 19th century. The play illustrates repeated neglect and alienation of three females by male colleagues, symbolizing their suffrage at the time of the play. Although the female gender was regarded...

“Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” Short Story by Joyce Carol Oates

The plot of the short story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” by Joyce Carol Oates centers around the encounter of a girl and a mysterious man who tries to seduce her. It has both realistic and allegorical levels of meaning and is generally viewed as an illustration...

The Short Story “Cathedral” by Raymond Carver

Brief and simple in its language, Raymond Carver’s short story Cathedral is packed with imagery and themes that vividly and powerfully depict real life issues. The immediate impressions of the text were that Carver successfully uses an unlikely scenario- a casual interaction between the narrator and a blind man- to...

“I, Too, Sing America” by Langston Hughes

African American literature focuses on the description of this population group’s struggles and dreams, and the poem “I, Too, Sing America” written by Langston Hughes, is no exception to the rule. In this piece, the author emphasizes the difference in the perceptions of the place of workers in the house...

Grief and Blight in Poem “Spring and Fall” by Gerard Manley Hopkin

Introduction Gerard Manley Hopkin’s poem “Spring and Fall” is centered around one’s perception of death and mortality. The central figure of the writing is a girl called Margaret, who is crying over dead leaves and ordinary seasonal changes. However, the narrator understands that the underlying reasons for such an emotional...

“On Compassion” by Ascher Analysis

Compassion is a feeling one experiences when confronted with the suffering of someone else; it results in the motivation to release a certain person from the anguish. The world is full of torments for the homeless, and facing the reality, where people without a permanent home live, can teach others...

“One Today” by Richard Blanco

Introduction Reading the poem One Today, I think that the most important phrases start with the word “one.” One sun, one ground, one sky. These lines mean that all people in the USA live in one state, and they are all united by this fact. The author also refers to...

Longing in Literature by Rodriguez, Du Bois, Perrault

Writers, activists, public speakers, poets, and other creators tend to influence people around them and society as a whole through their unique depictions of a journey. Some individuals share their emotions and ways to understand them. Others document their political aspirations and means to achieve peace or social equality. Overall,...

Othello Versus Shakuntala: Ultimate Lessons

The importance of love and affection in literature is permanently reinforced by secondary ideas that emphasize the eternal influence of higher feelings on the human race. The idea of pure love has been investigated by many authors, and Shakespeare’s Othello and Kalidasa’s Shakuntala may be considered rather similar in terms...

“The Traumatic Experience of Maturation in Quinceanera” by Cofer

Quinceanera is a poem by Judith Ortiz Cofer, published in 1991. The poem vividly represents the Hispanic tradition of celebrating a teenage girl’s coming of age. This transition is a rather troublesome and confusing experience, as the narrator balances between the polar opposite emotions. The author applies several literary elements,...

The Lesson by Bambara: Summary of a Short Story

The injustice of life is widely spread across the world and throughout time. Poverty and disparity are the critical elements of societal distress, and numerous national and ideological attempts have been made in order to eliminate societal and financial inequalities. However, most of these attempts have failed to exempt people...

English Introduction to Literature: “Journey Into Literature” by R. Clugston

In his book “Journey into literature”, Clugston provides an engaging and informative outlook on varied aspects of the process of reading. Clugston shows reading as an interesting and inspiring journey into the world of human wisdom. In the following paper, I aim to address particular concepts from Clugston’s text to...

Stephen King’s 1408: The Image of Death in Contemporary Gothic Literature

Modern gothic literature involves the use of terrifying, horrifying, and uncertain death events. A gothic story requires a frightening setting and unusual characters. 1408, a story by King, is a reflection of modern gothic literature. It is composed of elements of terror, horror, death and suspense. Great parts of the...

“The Clock” by Christian Marclay

Introduction Christian Marclay’s famous The Clock (2010) is a 24-hour video that can be discussed as looped in its structure. The video consists of a variety of clips that represent clocks, and the time a viewer can notice in the film is synchronized with the real time. From this perspective,...

The Poem “Everyman”: Author’s Perception of Death

Introduction As the adage goes, ‘…two things are certain in this life: Death and Taxes.’ Although one can escape the latter, the former is like a change, it is inevitable, and inasmuch as people continue to hate it, they must encounter it anyway. Everybody has an assigned day of answering...

An Analysis of Desdemona’s Intellect in the Play

In Shakespeare’s Othello a very unique and intriguing society is shown. A relationship between a man and a woman is described in detail, illustrating their inner emotions and passions. Desdemona is without a doubt an intelligent and understanding woman, who is determined to accomplish anything she sets up to do,...

Symbolism and Social Issues in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter”

“The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne is an excellent piece of literature enabling to examine the way symbolism may be applied in order to reveal the most appealing ideas and address the most complicated issues of human life. This romantic work discusses a row of important problems existing within the...

Objectivism in “Anthem” Novella by Ayn Rand

The novella Anthem by Ayn Rand describes the dystopian strange world, where everything is subdued to the wills of the society. There is no place for personal interests or for your own feelings. The society is of the main priority and no one is allowed to go against it. The...

Works by Carl Sandburg and Robert Frost Review

The first two poems are good pieces written by Carl Sandburg. The First poem is titled “A Fence” and the second one “Onion Days”. The third poem is a very interesting piece by Robert Frost titled “Mending Wall”. The three poems have apt language of metaphorical compositions. The themes in...

“Oedipus Rex” Tragedy Play by Sophocles

Becoming one of the most well-known Greek tragedies, Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex is a sophisticated playwright masterpiece. Written in 430 BC, exploring so many aspects of the human condition, the play’s themes are applied through the centuries. In the tragedy, Oedipus is ultimately responsible for his demise, even though fate uncontrollably...

Oral Histories of China’s Revolution by Jicai Feng

The book Ten Years of Madness: Oral Histories of China’s Cultural Revolution by Jicai Feng depicts political situation in China during the period of 1966-1976. The author presents information about the decade in the form of interviews (the book contains about 100 of them). This form of narration both demonstrates...

The Story ‘A Rose for Emily’ by Faulkner

The story A Rose for Emily by Faulkner is being told in several time periods not following one after another linearly. This is called nonlinear narrative. The author first describes Miss Emily’s funerals and then the events that took place before her death and led her to such a miserable...

Plays: The Works of Sophocles and Lorca

English literature is presented by numerous writers and poets, which present their pieces of work on different topics and various styles. Those books, that describe certain periods in history are of greater interest among the readers, as they give complete imagination of the period that is known only from history....

Tayama Katai’s the Quilt the Ancestor of “I-Novel”

Introduction At the end of the nineteenth century, Japanese literature experienced many striking moments. In particular, in the late 60th, it endured the most deplorable declines under the governance of Emperor Meiji. The famous authors were doomed to resort to writing books about formless and meaningless gossips. So far, having...

Bonny George Campbell Ballade Review

Bonnie George Campbell is a very good child ballade that you actually do not understand when at childhood so deeply and thoroughly as you do when being a grown-up. Partially, because there are those words you do not understand and partially because adults apply more personal life experience. Overall, it...

“Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury: The Roots of Fear

Introduction The novel Fahrenheit 451 by Bradbury is a fiction story which unveils the untold and underlying lawlessness in anti-intellectual teenagers in America; who engage in various anti-social activities. In his novel, Bradbury brings the corrupt and evils society build on the fear of unknown as a result of inferiority...

“The Red Convertible” by Louise Erdrich: Symbolism

As the title shows, “The Red Convertible” is the main fulcrum of the story and the entire plot is built around it. It is used as a symbol of happiness with its color ‘red’ denoting passion and life. At the beginning of the story, the car belongs to both Lyman...

Traditions of Magical Realism in Juan Rulfo’s Short Novel Pedro Paramo

Juan Rulfo’s short novel Pedro Paramo is one of the most eminent Latin American works in literature along with novels by Marquez and Borges. In this respect, the analysis of the novel gives a specific evaluation of it in terms of the traditions of magical realism. The reality which is...

The Theme of Success in “Winter Dreams”

Literary works of F. Scott Fitzgerald are very famous in the whole context of 20th-century American literature; the writer managed to win fame due to his artistic and gentle language, the ability to conform to the views, tastes, and attitudes of the beginning of the 20th century and his skillful...

Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri

Introduction Written by Dante Alighieri in the fourteenth century, The Divine Comedy is considered to be one of the most captivating epic poems in literature. Dante’s Inferno paints an edgy and imaginative vision of the Christian afterlife by combining classical Christian influences with a classic touch of Renaissance culture. The...

“Afterimage” by Helen Humphreys

Literature is a source for human imagination. It is impossible to imagine our world without literature. When people read a book they are involved in the process with such power that it is sometimes impossible for them to tear themselves away from the book. People relax when they read books,...

Literary Analysis of “Summer” by David Updike

It has been very truly said that “To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven…” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8). Seasons play a vital role in the ever changing moods of a person’s life and they even portray the different phases of life, from youth to middle...

Internal Strife and Conflict in Literary Works

Outline The paper is about to discuss the literary elements of inner struggle and meditation in various literary works such as Frost’s poem ‘The Road Not Taken’ Theodor Roethke’s ‘My Papa’s Waltz’ and the play ‘All My Sons’ by Arthur Miller. It begins with a thesis statement. The body of...

“The Souls of Black Folk” by W.E.B. DuBois

Biographical Information William Edward Burghhardt (W.E.B) DuBois (February 23, 1868) was an esteemed African American civil rights activist, historian, sociologist, author, editor, and Pan Africanist. A respected and prolific writer, DuBois authored 22 books, including five novels and three autobiographies as well as helped establish four academic journals. Some of...

“Ordinary People” and “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”: Book Report

Fault and Responsibility Taking People apart in the Ordinary People The major theme of the book by Judith Ann Guest in 1976 is education and upbringing conflicts that follow both parents, Cal and Beth Jarrett. The reason for such discrepancies is first of all their background – Cal is the...

“One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” : The Book Analysis

Background “One Flew over the Cuckoo´s Nest” is a story of lives within a group of people with different psychological approaches. The characters in the book are definitely with peculiarities as of their psyches and Billy Bibbit is a great example of a man with a psychiatric disorder. Ken Kesey...

Emily Dickinson’s “Because I Could Not Stop for Death” Poetic Techniques

In the vast literary heritage left by one of the world’s unique poets, Emily Dickinson, the topics of death and immortality appear to occupy a prominent position. Among multiple poems dealing with that issue, “Because I Could Not Stop for Death” is notable for the author’s fearless attitude to death...

Cinderella’s Stepsisters As Saviors

The story of Cinderella has been told in most cultures but the European version is the best known, partly because that version has been modified as times changed. It is mostly read as a rags-to-riches story of a virtuous girl who gets her just reward in this life rather than...

The Unique Writing Style of William Faulkner

Introduction William Faulkner is regarded as one of the leading authors of 20th century American literature (Lombardi). Listed among his many works are the book “As I Lay Dying” and the short story “A Rose for Emily,” both of which depict several similar features that are typical of the author’s...

Characters in A Doll’s House Play by Henrik Ibsen

Introduction Henrik Ibsen’s play, A Doll’s House (1879) is mostly remembered for its heroine, Nora, slamming the door behind her as she abandons her husband and children to find herself. In this essay, however, Nora will be regarded as a secondary character because she reacts to people more than she...

Ancient Literature. Decision Making in Iliad by Homer

The story of the Iliad is a famous one. When the cruel Trojan prince Paris abducts the queen of Agamemnon, Helen, war ensues between the two countries across the seas. Many heroes and gods take sides and fight the war. It is the first famous book written in Europe, written...

A Clean, Well-Lighted Place: Plot Analysis

Hemingway’s “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” is very simple story. An old man, aged about eighty years, tries to spend his night by drinking brandy in a Spanish café, but the young waiter becomes impatient, as he wants to join his wife at home and enjoy a sound sleep. At the...

Emily Dickinson’s Poetry of Privation

The collected poems of Emily Dickinson include joyful ones and despairing ones. Some two hundred of them are regarded as poems of despair, some of them about literary recognition, others about her inability to engage with formal religion but most are about the absence of love in her life. As...

Langston Hughes’ and Sylvia Plath’s Poetry Comparison

It is hard to think of two poets whose lives are more different from each other’s than Langston Hughes and Sylvia Plath. Hughes was born in 1902 in Joplin, Missouri of mixed-race parents, and was mostly raised by his grandmother in Lawrence, Kansas. He worked odd jobs, including a six-month...

“Shooting an Elephant” by George Orwell

George Orwell, the birth name Eric Arthur Blair, was a famous British author whose literary works showed his love for simplicity in language. Most importantly they reflect Orwell’s “profound consciousness of social injustice and belief n democratic socialism (Orwell Archives).” As Orwell states in his 1946 essay “Why I Write,”...

“Son of the Revolution” Memoir by Liang Heng

Introduction The Chinese Cultural Revolution of the 1950s, when the Communist Party of China came into force to build the socialist country based on fear, absence of freedom of speech, and the need to strictly follow all the guidelines of the Party is one of the brightest examples of usurping...

Cathy Song’s “The Youngest Daughter”

The generation gap is one of the popular themes addressed in the literature, as the lack of understanding between the older and younger family members often causes conflicts and life dramas. Cathy Song’s poem “The Youngest Daughter”, however, is distinguished for its delicate depiction of the relationship between the narrator...

Analysis of Labute’s Play “The Mercy Seat”

Introduction LaBute’s play The Mercy Seat was one of the first key theatrical rejoinders to the September 11, 2001 assaults. Set on September 12, it disquiets a man who worked at the World Trade Center but was absent in the office while the attack took place – with his love...

Sophocles’ Oedipus the King and Rita Dove’s “The Darker Face of the Earth”

Rita Dove’s “The Darker Face of the Earth” is a poet reading that narrates the Oedipus drama, fabricated in terms of the African-American experience of slavery. Oedipus the King’s reading is enriched with the beauty and richness of ancient images and distress dynamics of Greek myths. The transcendent power drawn...

“The Secret Agent” Novel by Joseph Conrad

Introduction “The Secret Agent” by Joseph Conrad is based on the Greenwich Bomb Outrage of 1894 when a man named Martial Bourdi, had, like Stevie Verloc, the main protagonist of “The Secret Agent”, killed himself setting off a bomb in Greenwich Park near the Royal Observatory. Thus, the terrorists in...

William Trevor’s ”Felicia’s Journey”

The novel “Felicia’s Journey” by William Trevor presents a story of a young girl who had a tragic love experience in her life. She had a love affair with Johnny Lysaght who abandoned her when he found out that she was pregnant. Some readers keep to the point that the...

Anne Sexton’s “Cinderella” Analysis

Introduction Many people take pleasure from reading fairy tales, whose endings are normally happy and which depict the triumph of “the good” over “the evil”. Anne Sexton is among the writers, who have a non-traditional vision of fairy-tales, as she creates her own interpretations of fantasy narratives. As Sexton is...

Comparison of Machiavelli and Don Quixote

Introduction Both Machiavelli and Don Quixote can be said to have contributed greatly to the period of the renaissance. In their different settings, they both seem to uphold the same views on the concepts of providence, prudence, fortune, and virtue. Don Quixote, in his madness, actually manages to defend the...

“The House of Mirth” Novel by Edith Wharton

Introduction In the novel, The House of Mirth Lily’s development as a character is certainly not negligible to the novel, her primary role is as the means through which Wharton reads and writes this culture. Thus, The House of Mirth is not primarily the story of Lily; it is rather...

Derek Walcott’s “Egypt, Tobago” Poem

The history of writing this poem is not widely known, but it is stated, that it was written in the surroundings of the Egyptian oasis, as such clear and detailed images of the scenery may be attained only after immersion into the atmosphere of the Egyptian surrounding and feel the...

The Theme of Bravery in Antigone: Research Paper

The ancient Greeks, with their pantheon of gods, had deep religious convictions that reinforced many values we continue to hold sacred today, such as honor and loyalty to family and loved ones. Bravery was typically measured by one’s performance in battle or their ability to stand up to strange mythological...

Beowulf: Comparing the Movie and the Book

The story of Beowulf has remained a significant work for centuries not only because it is one of our first lengthy works of English, but also because of the timelessness of the themes it contains and its applicability to a modern audience, regardless of the period in which ‘modern’ is...

Women in Oedipus Rex and Death of a Salesman: Compare & Contrast Essay

Introduction The leading females in Oedipus Rex and Death of a Salesman are submissive characters who are unable to avert the imminent tragedies of the dominant protagonists in both the plays. In fact, both works tell the stories of the tragedies that the women characters themselves have to undergo; however,...

Rita Dove: Analysis of Chosen Poems

Rita Dove was born in Ohio in 1952. Their family was neither rich nor poor and had four children. Rita’s father had a master’s degree and worked as a chemist for the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company in Akron. When she finished school she was put on the list of...

Women in Joyce’s “The Boarding House” & Glaspell’s “A Jury of Her Peers”

Introduction Literary devices constitute certain elements of the story, without which literature would make little to no sense. One of the centerpieces of any story are their characters, since they are the driving factors behind certain events as well as the eyes and ears, through which the readers are allowed...

Science Fiction: Wells’ “The War of the Worlds”

Science fiction and fantastic literature has been fascinating the readers since its very appearing. It is quite natural for people to dream, and imagine either alternative ways of history, or far future. As the discovering of the secrets which are concealed in space and far galaxies, and also the possibility...

Sir Gawain Character Analysis

As portrayed in the first two parts of Sir Gawain and The Green Knight, Sir Gawain, a legendary member of Arthur’s knight, is a paragon of virtue and modesty. He describes himself as the least of the knights both in mental and physical prowess, and at the first glance appears...

A Clean, Well Lighted Place: Book Review

There are times when a person would just want to find solace in a place where they can hang out and do nothing but feel they are just drifting over their weary existence in the outside world. It is just one of the nights when depression sets in and a...

Women’s Position in Kate Chopin’s Short Stories

Introduction Kate Chopin is an outstanding American author of novels and short stories. She is currently recognized as one of the first feminist writers of the 19th century as in her works, she focuses on women and their controversial position in marriage, and social oppression. For this essay, two works...

Know Thyself: Sophocles’ “Oedipus the King”

The famous saying “Know Thyself,” which is written on the temple at Delphi, is one of the main messages of the Sophocles’ play “Oedipus the King.” Taking into account the historical context, it is easy to explain the problem that appeared at the end of the fifth century. “Know Thyself”...

Death of Loved Ones: Foer’s “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close”

The death of a loved one causes torment and anguish pushing the mind to try everything possible to get close to the lost loved one more time. This premise comes out clearly in Jonathan Safran Foer’s Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close publication. The book is a narration by a nine-year-old...

The Nature of Revenge Prior to and After the Creation of Hamlet

Introduction One of the most famous plays created by William Shakespeare is Hamlet. The play deals with multiple themes. However, the most dominant theme that overshadows everything else in the play is the theme of revenge. The issue of revenge is questioned from the point of view of violence. This...

Rian O’Doherty’s “Inside the White Cube”

Introduction The book comprised O’Doherty’s famous essays “Notes on the Gallery Space,” “The Eye and the Spectator,” and “Context as Content,” published in 1976 in Artforum magazine. It also includes the article “The Gallery as a Gesture,” published ten years later. In these writings, the author explores the social and...

The Reliable Narrator in Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart”

In the story The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe, the narrator tries to convince the reader that he is sane. However, he is also a murderer that killed a person with no tangible motive. He claims that the reason why he has killed his beloved benefactor because one of...

Metamorphosis in “A White Heron” by S. O. Jewett

The idea of personal change as an unavoidable aspect of growing up and coming of age is one of the core themes in Sarah Orne Jewett’s “A White Heron.” The story follows Sylvia, a young girl who moves to the country and meets an ornithologist who wants to capture a...

Flannery O’Connor’s Life Seen in Her Short Stories

Introduction Flannery O’Connor is one of the renowned American writers who had a unique style and addressed quite sensitive topics. She was born and lived most of her life in the South, which affected her writing since the majority of her stories were set in this region. She was a...

Female Identity in Ortiz Cofer’s “Quinceanera”

Judith Ortiz Cofer Judith Ortiz Cofer (1952-2016), who wrote Quinceañera, was a Puerto Rican American author critically acclaimed for her poetry, short stories, essays, fiction, and autobiography. She was born in Hormigueros, Puerto Rico, in the family with a military father, J. M. Ortiz Lugo, who took his closest relatives,...

Fiction Elements in Russell’s “The Bog Girl”

The story under discussion is “The Bog Girl” by Karen Russell. It revolves around the bog girl found by a boy. She becomes the major concern of the whole text as it represents a certain kind of non-personality that can be used for various purposes. These might include the desired...

Morality Play: Everyman

This paper discus Everyman, a morality play performed during the medieval ages. The morality plays are also known as allegory essays and focuses on the behavior of man in earth and life after death. In this play, the main character is Everyman who has been used symbolically to represent the...

“Kafka on the Shore” a Novel by Haruki Murakami

Kafka on the Shore Telling two entangled stories that seem irrelevant to each other but later on prove intertwined, the book is split into two parts. While the odd chapters lead the reader down the life path of a boy of fifteen named Kafka, the second one narrates the story...

Killings for Love in Shakespeare’s and Garcia’s Works

In both Shakespeare’s Othello and Garcia’s Chronicles of a Death Foretold, the themes of love, passion, and death are connected. In most cases, death occurs as a result of the violence that is ignited by passion, which seemingly originates from love. However, a critical reading of the texts begs the...

Annotated Bibliography: Shakespeare Studies

Chedgzoy, Kate. Shakespeare, Feminism, and Gender: Contemporary Critical Essays. New York: Palgrave, 2001. Recently, feminist criticisms of Shakespeare’s works have greatly expanded. Chedgzoy notes that the modern field of feminist criticism is not as obsessed as it once was on whether Shakespeare’s works were feminist or proto-feminist, or in the...

Identity and Philosophy in “Sophie’s World” by Gaarder

The problem of identity has perplexed great philosophers for many centuries and has resulted in differing philosophical views. Many philosophers hold that identity is an inherent characteristic that lies deep in the nature of human existence and attempts to unravel it calls for the understanding of other entities that intricately...

“The Real Raymond Carver” by James Campbell

The article The Real Raymond Carver by James Campbell opens by confirming that Carver usually went through various drafts of all his work before settling on a final copy for print. Campbell claims that the joy in reading Carver’s work comes from enjoying the strange scenarios that the author presents...

Stylistics and Ideas in Mark Twain’s Short Stories

The Mysterious Stranger by Mark Twain The setting and atmosphere at the beginning of the story The story begins with the description of the country: “It was in 1590 – winter. Austria was far away from the world, and asleep” (n. pag). Thus, the author immediately connects the beginning and...

Hans Christian Andersen’ Works Analysis

Introduction The term ‘author’ can be used to refer to someone who “…….originates or gives existence (or life) to something” (Hodges 2002). In the context of literature, an author can be described as an individual who originates or gives existence to a piece of text. This is for example a...

Feelings in “Araby” Short Story by James Joyce

Written by James Joyce, Araby is a short story describing young adolescent boys eager to learn about sexual awareness. The narrator who is a young boy falls in love with his neighbor the Mangan’s sister. However, he has poor skills on how to approach a girl and therefore secretly admires...

Style of Columbus’ Letters to Spain’s King and Queen

The tone Christopher Columbus used in his letters to the Queen and King of Spain is very official, professional, optimistic, and positive. Christopher Columbus as a person, who was directly involved in the process of discovering new lands had the best level of education and was very well informed about...

Mirror Reflection as a Symbol in Wiesel’s “Night”

Elie Wiesel’s “Night” is a detailed description of the processes that happen in a young boy’s heart, soul, and mind, when he observes people being tortured, starved, and burnt alive, when he gets betrayed, insulted, and humiliated. This short but shocking book contains preserved images and evidence of how far...

“Leaves from a Slave’s Journal of Life” by Lewis Clarke

Type Although the story is narrated from the third-person perspective, the primary source chosen for the analysis can be defined as an autobiography since the events described in it occurred in the authors’ life as well. Title The autobiography was published under the title of Leaves from a Slave’s Journal...

Machiavelli’s The Prince and Its Modern Importance

Introduction Machiavelli’s “The Prince” is a powerful masterpiece that presents the best leadership concepts. This political treatise was written by Niccolo Machiavelli. According to many scholars, “The Prince” was the first political text to examine the issue of leadership ethics (Machiavelli 27). The book presents meaningful arguments that are applicable...

Women’s Oppression in The Yellow Wallpaper

The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is one of the best examples of Gothic literature. Being considered as the scary writing at the times when the story was written, however, some time passed and the story has been interpreted from different perspectives involving various angles of consideration. A close...

Identity in “Sophie’s World” by Jostein Gaarder

Problem of identity The problem of identity has perplexed great philosophers for many centuries and has resulted in differing philosophical views. Many philosophers hold that identity is an inherent characteristic that lies deep like human existence and attempts to unravel it calls for an understanding of other entities that intricately...

Chinese Intellectuals’ Moral Dilemma in Dafu’s “Sinking”

Introduction Sinking is a chef-d’oeuvre piece of classic literature written by Yu Dafu. The story revolves around an alienated and depressed nameless protagonist whose life is sinking and he cannot seem to rescue himself. However, the author’s subtle message addresses a crisis that many Chinese intellectuals have continued to face...

Slavery in the Novel “Satyricon” by Gaius Petronius

In the ancient Rome, slavery was common, and it was highly significant for the growth of the Roman society and its economy. Apart from participating in manual labor, slaves were also tasked with several other domestic services, with others engaging in skilled professions. However, slaves from Greek were highly educated....

Characters in E. Welty’s “Why I Live at the P.O.”

Motivations of the main characters Discovering characters’ motivations may be challenging in Eudora Welty’s “Why I Live at the P.O.” because the reader sees the story from just one perspective: that of Sister, the main character. Sister is not truthful about her motivations even with herself, so she decides to...

Petrarchan Woman in Wyatt’s and Marvell’s Poems

Renaissance poetry has become influential in many ways. While not being followed directly, it has been incorporated in many areas of art and served as a source of inspiration to several generations of poets. A great example of this is Francesco Petrarch, whose poetry of the early Renaissance was both...

Jane Austen’s Novels: Pastiches’ Analysis

Pastiche of Jane Austen’s Novels The Use of Pastiche in Jane Austen’s Novels Jane Austen is regarded as one of the best English novelists of all time. In fact, some critics have compared her to Shakespeare, and her six novels have inspired and formed the basis of various contemporary works...

Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” Poem

Robert Frost is one of the most renowned poets in the twentieth century. Frost’s poem, “The Road Not Taken”, has remained an influential literary piece over the last few decades. Robert Frost uses a distinct mastery of the colloquial language as well as vivid depictions of rural life in most...

Feminism in “Two Sisters” and “The Chirashi Covenant”

Thesis Statement This paper proposes to explore female characters and their contribution to modern feminism based on works by E. Pauline Johnson and Naomi Hirahara. The characters described by these authors highlight the aspiration to be respected, obtain equal opportunities with men, and express their opinions. Outlined in symbols, actions,...

Hilda Doolittle’s Poems, Themes and Style

Hilda Doolittle Hilda “H.D.” Doolittle was an American poet who was born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and lived between the years 1886 and 1961. She gained fame in London through her published works. Her charisma and literary prowess earned her the leading role within the Imagist movement that was rapidly growing...

Theme in Henry James’s “Daisy Miller”

“Daisy Miller” is one of the most remarkable novellas written by Henry James in 1878. In his novella, James focuses on the opposition in visions typical for the Americans and Europeans living in the 1870s. From this point, “Daisy Miller” addresses the question of the morality based on certain social...

Burdens’ Impact in “The Things They Carried” by O’Brien

Tim O’Brien’s short story “The things they carried” is a set of short pieces of narratives that tell the experiences of young American soldiers during and after the involvement in the Vietnam War. O’Brien took part in the Vietnam War in his early 20s. O’Brien was born in Austin, Minnesota...

Henry David Thoreau and Virginia Woolf’s Essay Comparison

Introduction Henry David Thoreau, an essay writer, social critic and editor, has been considered as the father of the American nature literature. In his book ‘Walden’, Thoreau, a naturalist, provides several short stories that relate to the natural aspects surrounding him. In particular, he uses natural things such as animals...

“The Canterbury Tales” by Geoffrey Chaucer

Introduction The Canterbury Tales is perhaps one of the most popular collections of tales from the 14th century. It is a collection of stories told by Geoffrey Chaucer who remains one of the significant contributors to literature in the 14th century. In this collection, Chaucer who doubles up as the...

Williams Shakespeare Biographical Interpretation

Does the life of an author have a significant influence on his work? Do the author’s experience and surrounding wield influence on his writing? How much does an author’s life impact his work? The effect of an author’s life experiences on his writing is often unquestionable. The impact Shakespeare’s life...

Elie Wiesel and His Novel called “Night”

Elie Wiesel is a well known American author of Jewish origin and a Nobel Prize winner. His novel called “Night” is a significant and meaningful work that carries multiple functions. Apart from being an outstanding literary masterpiece, the book has a historical character because it is a reflection of Elie...

Conflicts between Antigone and Creon

What is the conflict between Antigone and Creon? This paper has the answer. Read it to learn all about the conflict between Antigone and Creon.  Antigone Summary This story begins after banishment of Oedipus, the king of Thebes. His son Eteocles takes over the throne. Eteocles brother Polyneices refutes this...

The Poem “El Gato” by Jimmy Santiago Baca

Introduction Literature acts as a store for people’s culture. It also communicates one’s feelings as it shows how people in society do things. Poems are forms of literature that are essential in modern life. People use poems to express their feelings or happenings that exist and take place in society....

Literature Studies: “Blue Winds Dancing” by Tom Whitecloud

Conflict in the attitude of the narrator Tom Whitecloud presents his work by using conflict in the attitude of the narrator. Conflict is the primary element that drives the plot of this short story. It shows how the narrator struggles with both the inner self and outside forces of societies,...

“The Wife of Bath’s Tale” by Geoffrey Chaucer

The wife in “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” dismisses authorities’ criticism on women but also goes ahead to state and refute her own words which make her appear to be contradicting herself and going against her own conviction. For instance, she is eager to know from her husband to be,...

“Night” by Elie Wiesel Literature Analysis

Introduction Night is a captivating piece of literal work that is the brainchild of Elie Wiesel, which gives a personal account of his experiences in the Nazi concentration camps at Buchenwald and Auschwitz, at the sunset of the Second World War, and the apex of the holocaust in 1945. He...

Conflict in A Rose for Emily Essay Example

The critical theory by Lois Tyson offers a literary analysis of the psychoanalytic theory whereby it seeks to explain individual character depicted in an individual who is lacking in terms of character and moral standing in his or her actions. The short story A Rose for Emily takes on a...

Literature: the Play “Macbeth” by William Shakespeare

The art of drama was very popular in Elizabethan England. Among the great number of theaters, the Shakespearean Globe was one of the most famous. It was just a simple wooden building where the audience was sitting close to the stage, that gave Shakespeare the opportunity to use “asides and...

“Trifles” by Susan Glaspell

The one-act play Trifles by Susan Glaspell, presents both a riveting murder mystery and commentary on social justice at the same time..This play reflects the status of women in the era of 1916. It makes fun of the attitudes of men towards the women who share their world, at a...

The Way of the World by William Congreve

Foible is lady Wishford servant who seems to be closest to her. Mistress uses her to enquire more about what is happening to the servants. She at one point advised her mistress on who should marry her. “Lady Wishford who is encouraged to marry ‘Sir Rowland’ – Mirabel’s supposed uncle...

“Behind the Beautiful Forevers” by Katherine Boo Literature Analysis

Boo investigated and wrote in detail about the cultural influence of western society on the Indian mindset. Many writers reviewed her analysis and also criticized her in a few areas. To support her analysis, Boo referred to the incidents that took place in Annawadi. Annawadi is full of individuals who...

“Woman Hollering Creek” by Sandra Cisneros

Referring to the folklore stories, women are often expected to do a lot of things in sake of men and sacrifice their vision of happiness and real love for the family’s needs. While focusing on the cultural differences, it is possible to note that the Mexican women are expected to...

“The Dreamer” by Junot Diaz

The Dreamer is an essay written by Junot Diaz, a well-known Dominican writer, who immigrated to New Jersey. This piece of writing describes the story of a little girl who had a great dream that seemed to be impossible to live out. This girl was the author’s mother, who occurred...

Character Development in Interpreter of Maladies

Most writers rely upon the crucial point, which the stories they create reach, in order to develop fully some characters. Through relating the interaction of characters with others, their dialogues and actions, the readers get a clear picture of their true nature. Without it, there is no other way the...

Economy’s Influence on “The Grapes of Wrath” by Steinbeck

The Grapes of Wrath, written by John Steinbeck and published in 1939, is a novel set in the Dust Bowl of the 1930s and follows the Joad family as they move from Oklahoma to California, seeking a better life. The novel is a reflection of the economic conditions of the...

Briar’s Role as a Symbol, a Catalyst, and a Character

Despite decades’ worth of endeavors to address the issue of racism within American society, it remains a notorious source of concern and cause of injustice suffered by numerous African American people. Entering a new era of sociocultural relationships enhanced by innovation and cross-cultural communication has not helped alleviate the issue,...

Fear and Guilt in Poe’s The Tell-Tale Heart Story

Introduction Poe’s story, “The Tell-Tale Heart,” features a man who plans and murders his elderly next-door neighbor. The story rushes into the action, leaving the reader with no time to get to know the characters or learn about their relationships with the environment. Although the male protagonist of story adaptations...

The Poem “Woman’s Work” by Julia Alvarez

The poem “Woman’s work” by Julia Alvarez shows that nothing is impossible in this world. She discusses women’s domestic role and their contribution to the family (Hussain). Alvarez looks at how the mother’s story about obsessively cleaning the house affected the lives of many people around the world. Based on...

Rhetorical Devices in “The Monkey’s Paw” by Jacobs

“The Monkey’s Paw” is a short and famous horror story written by William Wymark Jacobs. Thus, foreshadowing is one of the stylistic devices the author employs to create a unique atmosphere in the text. For instance, Sergeant-Major Morris says the paw’s first owner wished for death (Jacobs, 1902). This fact...

Individual Power in Ibsen’s A Doll’s House

“Behind every great fortune lies a great crime.” This line from Honore de Balzac relates to the main conflict in Ibsen’s play “A Doll’s House” which is the struggle for individual agency in a conformist society. The protagonists in this play, which is set in late 19th-century Norway, struggle with...

Reflection on the “I, Too” Poem by Langston Hughes

Introduction Langston Hughes’ poem “I, Too” is a stirring portrayal of the African American experience in the United States, highlighting the struggle for equal treatment and dignity in the face of pervasive racism and discrimination. The poem speaks to the resilience and strength of those who have been marginalized, and...

Is Shakespeare Still Relevant Today?

The human experience is complex and multi-faceted, encompassing many emotions, experiences, and qualities. Throughout history, writers and artists have attempted to capture what it means to be human, exploring the universal qualities that connect us all. During the Renaissance in Elizabethan England, a time of significant cultural and societal change,...

Symbolism in the “Ghost” Story by Jason Reynolds

The story Ghost by Jason Reynolds tells the story of a boy named Castle who grows up in difficult times for him. His family almost fell apart due to the fact that his father is a prisoner and his mother is practically on the verge of poverty. Thus, the author...

Legend of King Arthur: Unsolved Mysteries of History

It might be argued that myths like King Arthur play an important cultural and historical role in their belief. Legends like King Arthur frequently have their beginnings in genuine historical personalities and events, reflecting the values, beliefs, and aspirations of the civilizations in which they developed. For example, the story...

The Necklace Setting Analysis

Introduction In “The Necklace,” Guy de Maupassant depicts Mathilde’s character transformation through her interactions with various settings. Discussion The protagonist begins the story as an unhappy woman dissatisfied with her life and longs for wealth and luxury. However, as the story progresses and Mathilde experiences the consequences of her actions,...