“The Lottery” a Short Story by Shirley Jackson

For the success of the writer’s intention, a number of literary devices play a decisive role. One of those devices is the narrative point of view, a term used to define the perspective, or the point from which the narrator of the literary piece views everything that takes place in...

The Break Book by Katherena Vermette

Katherena Vermette’s narrative details the circumstances under which a family in North Winnipeg is forced to deal with a violent sexual assault that occurs in the full view of a young Metis woman. Stella must contend with the fact that the young girl she witnessed being molested was her niece,...

Carter’s The Bloody Chamber vs. Stoker’s Dracula

Notably, the gothic genre has some common features regardless of authorial differences and the nature of the artwork. For instance, The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter and Dracula by Bram Stoker were both set in the 20th and 19th centuries, respectively. As a result, The Bloody Chamber and Dracula are...

Grotesque in “The Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka

The apparent expression of Kafka’s Metamorphosis is the battle to discover and express one’s individuality in a world of constant, all-consuming commitments. For instance, The Metamorphosis discusses a ludicrous occurrence “as Gregor awoke one morning from an uneasy dream he found himself transformed into a gigantic insect.” (Kafka 1), which...

The Mirror Scene of Shakespeare’s Richard II Play

Introduction Shakespeare’s Henriad is not only a brilliant example of English literature but also a valuable source on the social, political, and even legal reality of the time when it was written. Among other things, it covers the perception of monarchic power and its nature, which was a particularly acute...

Similarities and Contrasts between “Fences” and “Death of a Salesman”

Comparison of “Death of a Salesman” by Arthur Miller and “Fences” by August Wilson Both plays are works that question the right of the average American to be a tragic hero. The central conflict of both works is consistent with the laws of tragedy. Thus, they assert the possibility of...

How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff: A Novel Analysis

How I Live Now is a novel written by Meg Rosoff that centers on the life of Daisy, a 15-year-old girl. The novel presents a coming-of-age story of Daisy and her relatives. In a way, the novel represents the author’s perception of what will happen if a third world war...

New Historicism: “Big Black Good Man” by Wright

Introduction “Big Black Good Man” is a story by Richard Wright published in 1958. This narration helps the reader to grasp not only the author’s ideas about kindness and prejudice but also reflects the attitudes and racial prejudice that existed in the 1950s. The reader can use the events described...

Literary Skills in “Interpreter of Maladies” by Lahari

Introduction Literary techniques are the distinctive way of language used by authors to illustrate their intentions or meaning in their work. Usually, authors can apply a group of words, a phrase, or simple words. The literary forms are identified after a critical analysis of the piece of writing by a...

Dramatic Purposes of Roderigo in Shakespeare’s “Othello”

Othello is Shakespeare’s play driven by its characters whose traits, moods, or relationships are told by the words, rhythm, and structure of the drama. The story therein is about a general in the army fooled into questioning his wife of adultery; and his name was Othello, so he is considered...

Close Reading and Analysis: Layli Long Soldier’s “38”

Layli Long Soldier’s “38” is an interesting case of writing in many respects. First and foremost, while it mostly follows the grammatical and syntactical conventions of formal English, it emphasizes these choices specifically and explains their meaning instead of leaving them “as is.” Apart from that, even though the text...

“Anansi and the Tar-Baby”: The Folklore Story

Common to many cultures around the world, folklore acts as both entertainment for the children and a way to teach them lessons. “Anansi and the Tar-baby” is one of many Jamaican folklore stories collected by Martha Warren Beckwith (1924). These stories, passed on through generations, were preserved relatively well from...

“The Trial” by Steven Berkoff Review

Introduction The selected drama, “The Trial” by Steven Berkoff, follows the life of Josef K. The story was written just as World War I began (1914-1915) and is adapted from a novel of the same name by Franz Kafka. Josef K. is arrested for an unidentified crime by two agents...

Analysis of “The Handmaid’s Tale”

The Handmaid’s Tale is a novel in a dystopian style written by Canadian author Margaret Atwood and was published in 1985. The set is based on the near-future state called Gilead, which has dethroned the United States government. The new state is strongly patriarchal, where the main character, a woman...

Blues for Mister Charlie Play by James Baldwin

Blues for Mister Charlie is a play in three acts by James Baldwin. It revolves around the murder of Richard Henry, a black man, committed by Lyle Britten, a white store owner. The play addresses the theme of institutional racism and injustice African American community faced in the 1960s United...

“Sunflower Sutra” and “Der Gilgul” Analysis

Introduction The historical periods in the development of literature often play an important part in the creation of specific literary pieces. Various movements initiated by famous authors and poets can heavily impact the contemporary literature of that age, conveying prominent ideas and personal thoughts. The evolution of American post-modernist poetry...

Frankenstein vs. Monster: Characters Comparison

Introduction Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus is a novel written by Mary Shelly that was first published in 1818. The author tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist who artificially animated a body assembled from parts of corpses. Although Victor intended to create a beautiful creature, the result...

Gender, Racial Discrimination, and Exclusion in Toni Morrison’s “Paradise”

Introduction Racism and other forms of discrimination are among the major social issues affecting millions of people in modern society. Toni Morrison addresses these issues by narrating a story about African Americans who move to the town of Ruby. Here, residents lack trust in outsiders, especially people of other races....

Politics and Government in the Epic of Gilgamesh

Introduction The Epic of Gilgamesh is an instrumental literary work not only because it is one of the earliest surviving pieces of literature but also because it offers an insight into the lives of earlier societies. According to many scholars, the epic focuses on the figure of a real Sumerian...

Macbeth, Macduff, and Banquo in Shakespeare’s Play

The play Macbeth depicts the similarities and differences between the characters Macbeth, Banquo, and Macduff as they play different roles in the tragedy. Both Macbeth and Banquo receive a prophecy about kingship, and this prediction directs the events in the play. On the other hand, Macduff is King Daniel’s trusted...

“The Family: Diversity, Inequality, and Social Change” by Philip Cohen

In the first chapter of The Family, Cohen (2018) describes different definitions of family and the major factors that shape roles and decisions within family members. According to the text, three main definitions are considered: personal, legal, and institutional (family as an institutional arena). The first one, according to Cohen...

The Theme of Love in “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” by Victor Hugo

Introduction As noted in the plan mentioned above, this work is an analysis of the novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo. It will present the results of a study of the past writer, narrative, characters, and various opinions related to the work. Also, this paper explores the...

The Short Essay “Good People” by David Foster Wallace

David Foster Wallace utilizes his short essay, “Good People,” to depict how individuals receive and respond to unexpected problems, including the role played by emergencies in shaping their thoughts. Wallace starts the story by presenting the reader with a picture of Lane Dean, the protagonist, and Sheri, his girlfriend, seated...

Analysis of Wolfgang Schivelbusch’s Chapter “Coffee and the Protestant Ethic”

Wolfgang Schivelbusch, in the chapter titled “Coffee and the Protestant Ethic,” talks about the consequences of the introduction of coffee for the European countries in the context of the Age of Reformation. He argues that coffee satisfied the needs of the period of Protestantism and rationalism, and had significant political,...

The Great Gatsby as a Reflection of American Culture

The Great Gatsby by Francis Scott Fitzgerald is considered one of the cult books of the 20th century. The protagonist, Jay Gatsby, was the forerunner of an entire literary dynasty of rich personalities with a mysterious past. The novel, which draws the reader into the atmosphere of a continuous holiday,...

Jane Austen and Her Accomplishments

Jane Austen was born on 16th December 1775 and died on 18th July 1817 at the age of 41. She is considered to be among the world’s greatest novelists and she is mainly known for her six major novels which portray the British manners, customs, and beliefs of landowners near...

Oedipus & Macbeth: Comparison

The given writings’ central theme is a fulfillment of the prophecies in a highly tragic manner, where the main characters learn about their demise beforehand and make attempts to either make it the reality or avoid it. In the case of Oedipus, the prophecy is manifested in the fact that...

Hell and Heaven in Milton’s “Paradise Lost” Poem

Throughout the decades, various intellectuals had their own view of the universe and understood the concepts of Heaven and Hell differently. The distinction in perceptions depended on various factors, such as the historical period, societal rules, personal experiences, and philosophies. For instance, an English poet and philosopher John Milton viewed...

The Exploring Freud’s “Uncanny”

Argument The main argument laid out by Freud in The Uncanny is that there is strangeness in the ordinary. Psychoanalysts rarely investigate the subject of aesthetics understood as a feeling of the qualities of feeling. However, the uncanny interested Freud as something belonging to all that is terrible, which arouses...

Magical Realism in “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” is a brilliantly written short story that leaves the reader with questions about society, acceptance, and sacrifice. The way the author has delivered the content normalizes its fictional side and makes it uncertain whether presented events have occurred. This essay...

“Paradise Lost” by John Milton’s: Review the Poem

Introduction “Paradise Lost” – John Milton’s epic poem, visually describing the risen Satan and his overthrow from heaven down to earth, in many respects popularized the representation of Satan as a personality. The live and vivid representation of Satan’s image, as well as other biblical characters drawn by Milton, strongly...

Gary Soto: Biography and Soto’s Poems Analysis

Gary Soto is a Chicano writer born in Fresco, California in 1952. Even as a child, he used to work as a farm laborer, which had a significant effect on his works resulting in their reflecting the whole reality of life. His works have taken this direction owing to the...

Characteristics and Similarities Between Realistic and Historical Fiction

Realistic fiction Similarities between the Realistic and Historic Historical fiction Realistic fiction is the outcome of the real situation which happens in one’s life. Both in realistic and historical fiction the characters and settings resemble the real life Historical fiction is the outcome of the story which happened in the...

Symbols and Metaphors in A Good Man Is Hard to Find

The story by Flannery O’Connor describes the particular event which was of terrific coloring. In this respect the term of murder is pointed out. The world of a man is not so easy to understand. Most of human beings are intended to believe in their righteousness more than to admit...

Social & Personal Values in Death of a Salesman

Introduction The play ‘Death of a Salesman’ by Arthur Miller depicts contradiction arisen in the industrial society and personal values shared by a new man. Through the characters of Willy Loman and his sons, Miller criticizes society and its false values, consumerism and mass culture. Stylistic devices and unique vision...

Symbolism in Steinbeck’s Story “The Chrysanthemums”

A reader who makes serious effort to analyze the short story The Chrysanthemums,/can comprehend the signs of the autobiographical elements of the writer John Steinbeck. The story is considered one of Steinbeck’s most gifted short stories. Author builds up the story through the eventful life of woman named Elisa Allen...

“The Telephone” by Robert Frost

Robert Frost is one of the most respected poets. He appears in his poems in different guises, but whatever character he assumes, he is very honest and provides the readers with delight and wisdom. The poem, “The Telephone” under discussion here, is a love poem, though it is open to...

Sexual Violence in The Handmaid’s Tale by Atwood

Introduction The Handmaid’s Tale narrates about the events in the Republic of Gilead, a State, which was proclaimed on the territory of the contemporary USA after nuclear, biological, and chemical pollution, which made the most citizens infertile, and after the terrorists killed the president and all the members of Congress....

The Theme of Deception in The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant

Despite Guy de Maupassant’s ‘The Necklace’ being written in the late XIXth century, this story successfully transports its moral lessons to modern life. The author engages symbolism around the main object of the story, the diamond necklace, and the deep character portrayal of two heroines to reveal the common deceptiveness...

Willy Loman Death of a Salesman: Character Analysis

Introduction The Death of a Salesman vividly portrays a life of a middle-class salesman who tries to achieve the American dream and realize his life hopes. Miller writes that, in Loman, he has attempted to personify certain values which civilized men, in the twentieth century, share. In Death of a...

Sophocles’ Oedipus, the Ideal “Tragic Hero”

Introduction Oedipus has been one of the most well-known characters who has been mentioned by many art critics, artists, writers, and even psychologists. Oedipus Rex is a remarkable masterpiece created by Sophocles as it contains all the elements of a classical tragedy. Aristotle described the components of this type of...

Interpretation of Symbols in “Young Goodman Brown” a Story by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Introduction “Young Goodman Brown” is a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne depicting the eternal battle between good and evil. It is a tale of a young man walking through a gloomy forest with an elderly companion to perform a wicked deed. Throughout the journey, the main character, Goodman Brown, doubts...

“The Anxiety of Influence: A Theory of Poetry” by Bloom

Introduction The book The Anxiety of Influence: A Theory of Poetry presents a detailed model for understanding poets’ artistic styles and their precursors. Since its publication in 1973, it has remained a source of argument or debate among literature students and educators. This short essay gives a personal reflection of...

Canto III in The Divine Comedy by Dante

Introduction Canto III describes Dante’s first acquaintance with Hell and the interpersonal changes that occur in the pilgrim’s inner world as a result. This part demonstrates to the pilgrim the sufferings of those people who did not strive hard during their earthly life to make the right choice between the...

Octavia Butler’s Kindred: Essay Example

Kindred Essay: Introduction “Kindred” is a novel written by Octavia Butler, American writer who created an extraordinary combination of science fiction events and the issue of slavery. The book was published in 1979 and became popular in no time because it discusses the problems that are on the front burner...

Common Sense by Thomas Paine Summary & Analysis

Certain literary works stand as transformative forces that stimulate the flames of change and alter the course of nations. Among these seminal texts is “Common Sense” by Thomas Paine, a groundbreaking pamphlet that reverberated throughout the American colonies, sparking revolutionary fervor. In this summary of Common Sense by Thomas Paine,...

Environmental Ethics in Oryx and Crake by Atwood

The central narrative line in Margaret Atwood’s dystopian tragedy Oryx and Crake is built around the story of a man named Snowman, who lives in a post-apocalyptic world alongside humanoid-like creatures called Crackers. At first glance, this story may seem to be about a fantastical, unreal world and Snowman’s adventures...

“Old Man and the Sea” by Ernest Hemingway

Introduction Ernest Hemingway was a master of short, expressive prose. Moreover, he considered his “best prose” to be the story of a man who never gives up – “Old Man and the Sea.” The harmony of man and nature can be considered one of the main ideas in this work....

Freedom in Kate Chopin’s “Story of an Hour”

Introduction As with many of her works, Kate Chopin’s The Story of an Hour is an impressive illustration of the growing gender equality dynamics in the 19th Century European and American world. The author’s choice of characters, semantics, and cultural context articulately captures the growing desire for freedom by the...

The American Dream Theme in Ginsberg’s “America”

Introduction Allen Ginsberg’s 1956 poem “America” recounts the tumultuous Time following WWII when the country’s prospects were bleak. By opening the veil of national passivity, the poem expresses those times of political insecurity and asks for positive change. This poem appears many major subjects, including earlier conflicts, nuclear weapons, and...

Plot, Themes, and Characters of “Othello” by Shakespeare

Introduction Othello is a tragedy about heavy and terrible trials that the sublime and deep love of two beautiful people underwent. The noble Moor – Othello – who absorbed the culture of the Italian Renaissance, an experienced warrior, wounded by years and suffering, turns out to be powerless before the...

Themes in the Novel “Invisible Man”

The novel Invisible Man is rightfully perceived as one of the pillars of American classical literature. Its main themes include identity, racial oppression and prejudice, civil rights, radicalism, and the contradiction between an internal and an external vision of oneself. The identity turmoil specifically acts as a central conflict of...

Women in Ancient Greece in Euripides’ Play “Medea”

The struggle for women’s rights has been fierce, lengthy, and challenging to achieve. Women all around the world continue to work relentlessly towards achieving gender equality. Although a significant progress has been made, it is important not to forget where it all started. For this essay, the focus is on...

Environment in “Royal Beatings” Short Story by Alice Munro

Alice Munro’s “Royal Beatings” is a story that describes the life of a poverty-seeking society and families at the time of the Great Depression. The main characters of the tale Rose, her father, her stepmother, and her half-brother, present the image of the average family occupied by all hardships of...

Power and Ambition in Shakespeare’s “The Tragedy of Macbeth”

Introduction “The Tragedy of Macbeth,” one of the first works to be associated with the name of William Shakespeare, doubtlessly is more than a story with a moral. It serves to illustrate the common laws of life, which work on human beings even without their understanding of them. In fact,...

“My Last Duchess” Poem by Robert Browning

Summary The poem, “My Last Duchess” was written by Robert Browning in 1842. The work can be described as one that’s the prime example of a dramatic monologue in the form of a poem. The dramatic monologue, as a genre is a self-conversation that is presented from a particular character’s...

Analysis of Social Issues Raised in American Literature

Any literary work raises an issue related to a political or social problem in society. An examination of a narrative’s historical context, its literary features, and plot helps identify and understand such societal issues. The poem “Ballad of Birmingham” by Dudley Randall, the poem “The Star-Spangled Banner” by Francis Scott...

The Concept of Sight in “Oedipus the King” by Sophocles

The concept of sight is one of the most complex metaphors used in the Greek tragic play “Oedipus the King” by Sophocles. As a metaphor, sight refers both to the literal meaning of seeing, as well as to the figurative sense of knowing and understanding. The relevance of this concept...

The Poem “Loose Woman” by Sandra Cisneros

“Loose Woman” poem by Sandra Cisneros is the last poem in the collection that presents her vision of herself and women in general. In this poem, it is possible to recognize a woman who speaks about how others perceive her, calling her a beast, bitch, and macha. The main character...

“Room” Story by Emma Donoghue

In the world of the 21st century, people seem to have forgotten about the cruelty of being deprived of freedom. With the impression of living as a free man, they have now become more focused on the notions of respect and equality. Only few, however, realize that every human being...

“Emotional Intelligence” by Daniel Goleman Book Review

Overview The main reason why intelligent tests were initially conducted was to determine the level of mental ability among students (Matthews, Zeidner & Robert, 2002). However, it is still debatable whether one’s intellectual ability is similar to the IQ ratings. However, it is evident that most people who are perceived...

“Houseboy” by F. Oyono and “Things Fall Apart” by C. Achebe Comparative Analysis

The European colonists dominated over the Africans by disempowering them by introducing religious ideas that openly challenged their beliefs from an outside perspective. These white settlers managed to cause conflicts between those who are learned and then plant in those new Christian ideas. They also established a government that harassed...

The Story of Asdiwal: Indian mythology

Introduction Indian mythology is rich in legends and stories about the lives of various tribes. One such example is The Story of Asdiwal, which was told by Tsimshian Indians, natives of the Northwest Pacific coast of Canada. The story provides the reader with a detailed overview of the lives of...

Statuettes in “Thinking as a Hobby” by William Golding

Introduction ‘Thinking as a hobby’ is a story written by William Golding where he explained how he considered thinking as his hobby. From the study, it can be revealed that Golding was introduced into the field of thinking by his headmaster who used statuettes in his study. On this basis,...

George Orwell’s “1984” Analysis

Introduction / Thesis Ever since George Orwell’s famous novel “1984” has been published in 1949, its semiotic significance was being discussed from a variety of political and sociological perspectives, with most literary critics concluding that “1984” was meant to increase people’s awareness as to the sheer wickedness of Communism, as...

Othello and Antigone: Compare & Contrast

Introduction There can be little doubt as to the fact that Sophocles’ “Antigone” and Shakespeare’s “Othello” are highly emotional dramaturgic pieces: in both tragedies, the motifs of love, treachery, misunderstanding, honor and one’s call of duty, actually define the semantic subtleties of a plot. Both plays represent the very best...

Lydia in Pride and Prejudice: Character Analysis

The novel “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen is considered to be a masterpiece of classical literature that has gone a long way due to the vivid presentation of the conflicts and interaction of the characters of the protagonists, Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy. These characters have been the subjects...

Analysis “Road Not Taken” by Robert Lee Frost

Robert Lee Frost was a Pulitzer award-winning poet who was highly regarded for his realistic depictions of rural life and his use of American colloquial speech (Encyclopedia Britanica). His works typically involve settings of rural New England life from the start of the twentieth century. His works contain complex social...

Nature of Name in “The Namesake” by Jhumpa Lahiri

Introduction In most cases our backgrounds characterize us, for instance, where we grew up, our beliefs as well as traditions, the forms of education we acquire and the friends we make. It only becomes a problem when your background clash and as a result we are left torn between the...

Gender Roles Within Greek Society

Introduction Gender roles in Greek society were determined by social and cultural traditions, position of women in society and their significance as citizens. The position of women in society was determined by absence of political rights acquired by men. Many Greek plays portray women as canny and jealous. The play...

“Life of Pi” by Yann Martel Review

Introduction The book “Life of Pi” by Canadian writer Yann Martel, winner of the 2002 Booker Prize narrates delightfully, the story of Piscine Patel, who shortens his name to Pi. An elderly man in Pondicherry, India, tells the author that he has a story that can make him believe in...

Masculinity in Shakespeare’s “Antony and Cleopatra” Play

Introduction “Antony and Cleopatra” is one of Shakespeare’s most dramatic plays; however, it has not been staged nearly as many as plays such as Hamlet or Macbeth because it is such a hard play to produce due to its enormous variety of content. However, the mere strength of the characters...

Marriage in Pride & Prejudice: Research Paper

Outline The paper deals with the marriage as dealt with in the book by Jane Austen, The Pride, and Prejudice. The book espouses evidence of being inspired by writings of that era. Typically, there are instances when the women’s liberation as visualized by Mary Wollstonecraft and the woman as visualized...

Nora’s Character in A Doll’s House Analysis

Introduction There are many different meanings to the concept of feminism in modern literary criticism. The most common definition of feminism is the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes (Hannam 7). Operating this definition, the paper will examine Nora’s character from feminist perspective....

“Inside the White Cube” the Book by O’Doherty

Summary of the Book The book, Inside the White Cube, by O’Doherty focuses on the concept of the gallery space, how it has evolved over the years, and its significance in passing a specific message to the audience. In this book, the author explains the relevance of neutral patterns in...

John Smith’s Style in “General History of Virginia”

John Smith, the author of “General History of Virginia, New England and the Summer Isles” does not seem to be a reliable narrator, even though he is talking about his adventures from the times of colonization, he makes the story sound like an ode to himself and his deeds. The...

Robin Hood’s Problems from Strategic Perspective

Introduction Robin Hood faces a number of problems. The first of these problems is that he intended to dispose the High Sheriff of Nottingham from power. This led him to launch a rebellion against him. What began as a personal crusade developed into an idea that many people came to...

“The Underground Railroad” by Colson Whitehead

Introduction Modern authors often choose to explore different parts of their ancestors’ history that were unavailable to them before (Maus 37). Many of the writers do not only retell the stories of the past but also use some fictional elements to create a narrative that will show the struggles of...

Negritude: Aime Cesaire and Leopold Sedar Senghor Works Comparison

The issues of racial diversity and equality have been some of the most frequently discussed subjects for many centuries. The racial diversity used to be referred to as the racial “difference” meaning that the individuals of different racial backgrounds were treated based on rules and laws supporting the fact that...

Cloning in Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro

Cloning is a medical process whereby organisms that are identical are produced through the process of somatic cell nuclear transfer (Griffin 650). It is a very complicated process, but the bottom line is that an independent human being can be created by cloning. Cloning has brought about a lot of...

Literary Devices in The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe

The Raven Literary Devices: Essay Introduction Literary works are often analysed in terms of literary devices and themes outlined. However, it is also important to understand how linguistic features help people reveal their ideas and enhance the impact of the text. Yeibo and Alabrabra (2011) note that linguistic tools have...

The Emotional Meaning of Home in Literature

Home has an emotional connection to each one of us: it is the place where we feel safe, where we grew up, where we go for security, and to find love. It means different things to different people, mostly sentimental and heart-warming. For example, Silas the dying old servant in...

“The Tyger” and “The Lamb” by William Blake

William Blake’s poems called “The Tyger” and “The Lamb” belong to the collection of the poet’s works called “The Songs of Innocence and Experience.” This collection is divided into two parts. The first part, called “The Songs of Innocence” was published in 1789, this part contains various poems, one of...

“The Library of Babel” by Jorge Luis Borges

Introduction Jorge Luis Borges is a talented writer and a gifted personality who has created many wonderful and influential literary works. Perceiving the library in the context of his multifaceted picture of the world, Borges wrote a significant work, “The Library of Babel.” This narrative focuses on the description of...

Analysis of “The Second Coming” Poem by William Butler Yeats

The poem The Second Coming by William Butler Yeats is a wonderful and thought-provoking piece of poetry. Written in 1919, following the ordeal of the First World War, one of the deadliest struggles in human history, the poem embodies the uncertainty and anguish of a post-conflict world. Despite being penned...

Phyllis Wheatley and Philip Freneau: Poems Comparison

In the poems “On being Brought from Africa to America” by Phyllis Wheatley and “On the Emigration to America and Peopling the Western country” by Philip Freneau, a few similitudes and differentiations are portrayed. First, taking a gander at the similarities, the two writers discuss a place known for trust,...

Alan Moore’s Rhetoric and Writing Style in Watchmen

Alan Moore’s comic book Watchmen was a phenomenal breakthrough in the production of the comic. It was unexpected but a negative story about superheroes who, at the same time, reject the typical superhero canons and touch readers’ hearts. Many critics rightly consider Watchmen as an independent graphic novel, not a...

Analysis of Desiree’s Baby by Kate Chopin

Summary The short story “Desiree’s Baby,” written by Kate Chopin, touches upon various cultural, psychological, and philosophical topics. Within this story, Chopin discusses the issues of unconditional love, acceptance, self-identification, and race (Hassan and Tayib 139). The last problem has always been the severe obstacle to establishing understanding within different...

Analysis of “The Song of Roland” Poem

Introduction Based on the poem The Song of Roland and its significance and relevance, French literature from the eleventh to thirteenth century is a crucial concept and topic for literature studies. The work is based on old French epics of the “chanson de geste” type and was composed in the...

Absence in War by Candlelight by Daniel Alarcon

In his story, Daniel Alarcon, raises an important topic and conveys the secret of all immigrants from disadvantaged countries. The author says: “leaving is no problem. It’s exciting actually; in fact, it’s a drug. It’s the staying gone that will kill you. This is the handed-down wisdom of the immigrant.”...

McPhee’s Essay of “The Search for Marvin Gardens” Analysis

McPhee’s essay The Search for Marvin Gardens has a unique structure as it is divided into parts that describe the Monopoly game and the real world. The author alternates these themes making a reader unconsciously connect them and seek similarities in how the game is built and how life in...

Religion in Emily Dickinson’s Poetry

Emily Dickinson was a famous American 19th-century poet born on December 10, 1830, in New England to a Puritan family that had lived in Massachusetts since the 17th century. Emily’s father, Edward Dickinson, was a lawyer and politician, who for a long time resided in the House of Representatives and...

Mark Twain as a Master of Irony and Satire

Introduction The adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a controversial 19th-century humorous novel. Twain is “the leading humorist whom the United States has produced in any century” (Dudden, 1987, p. 38). Twain uses a variety of techniques to create a humorous atmosphere, which nevertheless hides a violent social satire. As with...

Style of Sam Shepard’s “Buried Child” Play

Introduction Sam Shepard wrote the play Buried Child in the year 1978. The play is an extraordinary piece of work, and it received the Pulitzer award in 1979. Buried child is part of a family trilogy by Shepard, and it gives us a clear glance into a broken American family....

Loyalty as a Source of Tragedy in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”

Introduction Being a thematically intricate and unbelievably nuanced work, Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” incorporates a plethora of ideas. However, of all concepts that the play embraces, the one of loyalty seems to be particularly persistent and ubiquitous throughout the narrative. Although vengeance and the corruption of power are usually regarded as the...

Analysis of Sonnet 75 by Edmund Spencer

Sonnet 75 was written by Edmund Spencer, a famous English writer who popularized special sonnets named after him. This poem has a typical Spencerian structure that includes three interlocked quatrains, early Volta, and a couplet that provides a solution. It has a more complex rhyme system than the typical English...

Reflection About Teaching Patriotism in Schools

Introduction As a concept, patriotism has been subjected to multiple interpretations, which range from quite neutral to outstandingly positive to downright negating its significance. The perception of patriotism, has become particularly complicated over the past decade due to the rise in political tensions among representatives of different countries, as well...

Values in Native American Oral Literature

Literature emerged as a way for people to describe what they held dear and what constituted a significant part of their lives. Many nations developed their art to convey their values and reflect their worldview, and Native Americans were no exception. Indigenous people had established their oral traditions before Europeans...

Analysis of “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare

Shakespeare’s Hamlet has attracted abiding interest due to its aesthetics and the exceptional complexity of the author’s masterpiece. Deep reflections on life and death invariably attract the readers’ attention and push each to their interpretations. Every generation can identify with the problems touched upon in the play. Shakespeare’s work remains...

Nora’s Inner Transformation in A Doll’s House

Conforming to the way society defines a woman has made many people live in a shackle, thus, forgetting their true inner identity like Nora. For many decades, domestically abused women have been portrayed to be having revengeful needs which linked to abuse. This assumption is wrong, and thus the pursuit...

“Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” by T. Williams

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof is a classical Tennessee Williams’ play that examines the themes of an unhappy marriage, social hypocrisy, sexual repression, and masculinity crisis. It follows an unhappily married couple, Brick and Maggie, as they attempt to navigate the rocky phase of their union, Brick’s alcoholism, and...

James Joyce’s “Ulysses”: Literary Analysis

Introduction Ulysses is a novel by James Joyce, which was published in 1922. This work of classic 20th century Irish literature is known as the Bible of Modernism, and it became a unique phenomenon in the history of the English-language novel. The theme of the novel is one day from...

The Problem of Power and Powerlessness in “Hard Times” by Charles Dickens

Introduction The problems of public life and power are central in any culture, and their poignancy is expressed throughout the history of literature: literary forms are often seen as a safe place for ideas to dwell. The desire to achieve a lawful legal order and a moral and ethical climate...

Dagoberto Gilb’s Story “Love in L.A”

Theme and Character Analysis Dagoberto Gilb’s story Love in L.A is an indication of how love in the modern society is considered. The story presents an ironic scenario of love in the modern society. Traditionally, two strangers would meet and after a short time of interaction, the strangers would fall...

Symbolism in “Death of a Salesman” Play by Arthur Miller

The play “Death of a Salesman” by Arthur Miller is a story of a salesman, Willy, who is trapped by his daydreams. The story revolves around flashbacks of Willy’s dreams and reality, which reveal a lot of symbolism about Willy’s failure to fulfill the American dream. In the “Death of...

Pip in “Great Expectations” by Charles Dickens

Introduction As the title suggests, the novel ‘Great Expectations’ is about the expectations of a young man as he moves into the harsh cruel world of reality outside his home. His tryst with destiny, first at the hand of a golden hearted criminal, Magwitch, and then at the hands of...

“Mexicans Begin Jogging” by Gary Soto

Introduction In his free verse poem “Mexicans Begin Jogging,” Gary Soto addresses the issues related to the employment conditions of Mexican Americans. The story of illegal factory workers who have to run when the police arrive for inspection explicitly demonstrates the existence of ethnic problems in society caused by disparities....

Family Conflict in A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry

A Raisin in the Sun is a story about an African American family trying to overcome poverty and find a place in the middle class written by Lorraine Hansberry. The main plot which the reader can identify in the first half of the work is the conflict between the sixty-year-old...

“Gentle Ben” by Walt Morey: Review

Gentle Ben is a novel by Walt Morey set in the Alaskan wilderness. The main character, Mark Andersen, experiences loneliness after the death of his older brother Jamie; however, he finds comfort in Ben – an Alaskan brown bear. A family-oriented adventurous story of a boy’s friendship with a terrifying...

“The Book of Questions” by Pablo Neruda

The Book of Questions by Pablo Neruda is a complicated and stimulating poem that encourages readers to delve deeper into the fundamental questions of life and reality. From the very beginning, the speaker asks a set of four questions that are seemingly unrelated to one another at first glance. The...

Alexie’s “What You Pawn I Will Redeem”

Introduction Literature has a unique connection with the real world as, through literary works, writers reflect the complexity of human nature and relations. Especially through a first-person perspective, readers have an opportunity to understand a different mindset and culture better. In particular, in Alexie’s short story What You Pawn I...

“The Love of My Life” by T. C. Boyle Critical Analysis

“The Love of My Life” is a fictional story by T. C. Boyle, an American short story writer, and novelist. The narrative presents the dramatic events in the lives of the two young characters, China and Jeremy, whose irresponsible behavior forced them to make a cruel life-changing decision and question...

Marriage in Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House Play

A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen is an interesting play that considers a variety of themes, including morality, law, social standing, and gender equality. However, the central theme of the play – and the one reflected in its name – is marriage. Torvald and Nora appear to be a happy...

The Fancies of the Novels by Charles Dickens and Oscar Wilde

Introduction Dickens and Wilde were both writers gifted in portraying human conditions in an individualistic and unique way focused on correcting residents in the Victorian period. By 19th century, these literature artists had become famous in articulating Britain’s societal aspects. The 19th century remains a memorable time for Britain, in...

Resilience in “Oedipus Rex” by Sophocles and “Hamlet” by Shakespeare

Both Sophocles’ tragedy Oedipus Rex and William Shakespeare’s Hamlet can be viewed as illustrations of the resilience of human beings. Resilience means one’s capability to adapt and recover quickly from stressful events. Both Oedipus and Hamlet have difficulties accepting horrible truths about themselves and their families; however, Hamlet seems to...

The Justification of Hamlet’s Revenge on Claudius

The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is the most recognized play written by William Shakespeare and one of the most influential works in the history of world literature. The issue of revenge is the central theme of Shakespeare’s play, which concerns the main confrontation of two protagonists, Hamlet, and...

Philosophy of “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” by Le Guin

“The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” is a philosophical short story that deserves the public’s attention. In her work, Le Guin describes a utopian city in which all people are happy, but their happiness rests on the misery and suffering of one child. The short story is filled with...

“A Worn Path” by Eudora Welty: Point of View

A Worn Path is a short story laden with meaning and symbolism wrote by Eudora Welty. The narrative is about an old African American woman, Phoenix Johnson, walking a familiar path in the rural areas of Natchez, Mississippi, seeking to get medicine for her ailing grandson. The story is written...

Three Little Pigs: Analysis of Three Different Versions

The story about the three little pigs is a very popular story that served as a basis for numerous fairy tales created all around the world in different languages, and the most varied interpretations. Its value is hard to be underestimated as it teaches a lot of important lessons concerning...

“A Walk in a Workhouse” by Charles Dickens

Introduction Charles Dickens is one of the most celebrated story tellers because of his unique description of existing realities. This uniqueness can be seen in the character development of the story. He uses similes, metaphors and imageries in all his writings. This story “A Walk in a Workhouse” is one...

“Beloved” by Toni Morrison: A Symbolic Importance of the Novel

Outline Thesis Statement: Mysteriously, the phrase “It was not story to pass on” evolves and echoes in the succeeding words of chapter, like a warning: “This is not story to pass on”. In this way, Morrison conveys a more sophisticated idea about history of slaves that have been eradicated over...

“Lineage” by Margaret Walker

Margaret Walker was an African American poet and writer who wrote on a level comparable to such well-known names as yesterday’s Langston Hughes or today’s Gwendolyn Brooks, but her name is often not recognized outside of academic circles. Coming out of the oppressed South into the North for her university...

The Elements of Fiction in Hawthorne’s “The Birthmark”

To an eager reader works of literary fiction represent an inexhaustible source for exploring and deriving the senses encoded in the texts by writers. For the purpose of gaining a deeper understanding of the text, it is crucial to analyze such fundamental basics as the elements of fiction. In the...

Byron and Browning: “Don Juan” and “Andrea Del Sarto”

Lord Byron is a romantic poet and Browning is a Victorian poet. Byron is a nihilist and pessimist. Browning, on the other hand, is known for his robust optimism. However, both are very great as poets. Their poems deal with various aspects of love, and their capacity to depict the...

How Tennessee Williams’s Life Influenced His Work

Introduction Tennessee Williams is considered one of the most successful American playwrights of the mid-1900s. Ben Brantley’s summary on ‘A Century of American Theatre’ states that “by the mid- 1950s, “the burden of American drama rested mostly on the shoulders of two men, Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller.” In the...

Characters in A Doll’s House: Analysis

The play A Doll’s House has several instances of restrictions in life that mainly applied to women who lived in the 1870s. Ibsen demonstrates specific gender roles and tags to his advantage to show the distinction between absolute and conditional love. In his imagination, Ibsen combined with the drama the...

The Role of Women in Pride and Prejudice

The Role of Women During the 19th century, one major priority of women was marriage. In most cases women married for attraction and social status. It was hardly for true love. At times cases of happiness within the marriage context was purely based on whether the female was beautiful and...

Heroine Analysis: Helen and Penelope in “The Iliad” and “The Odyssey”

Introduction The story of Helen and Penelope in both works by Homer displays different destinies of the two most eminent heroines in terms of their participation in the development of actions shown in both books. In this respect it is necessary to admit that The Odyssey and The Iliad touch...

Milkman in Toni Morrison’s “Song of Solomon”

Song of Solomon is one of the most famous novels by Toni Morrison written in 1977. Milkman Dead III is the main character of the novel who embodies both the positive and negative features of a man. Morrison depicts Milkman in mythic terms. Not only does his story follow a...

The Modernist Movement in the “Odor of Chrysanthemums”

Introduction The modernist movement (1900-1940I in literature was a move away from Romanticism and Realism to create new tools and methods of self-expression. Modernism implies an unceasing process of revisionism, and linguistic strain in the literary avant-garde while renouncing the imperialism that underwrites the “discovery”. The main characteristics of the...

Literary Topics in “The Bog Girl” by Karen Russell

The Bog Girl is a short story by Karen Russell that was published in The New Yorker in 2016. It describes a fictional scenario where Cillian, a teenager born to a single teenage mother, finds a well-preserved dead girl in a bog and falls in love with her. His environment...

Gender Discrimination in “Disgrace” by J.M Coetzee

Introduction Coetzee is regarded as the first South African novelist who had the courage to cover the miseries that people went through, particularly during the post-apartheid period. This book appeared after the country enacted a new constitution that gave people equal rights regardless of their gender or race. His novel...

Lessons Learned from “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad

Marlow left for Africa specifically to Congo in the service of the Belgian company occupying Congo as its protectorate (Conrad 3). However, when Marlow was presented with the map showing the Belgian empire, he raised concerns with the effects of imperial presence in Africa. For instance, the Congolese viewed the...

“Gulliver’s Travels” a Book by Jonathan Swift

Introduction The novel ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ was written in Europe in the early 16th century. It was published in 1726. The novel was written by Jonathan Swift. He was a writer of Anglo-Irish origin. Initially, the title of the book was ‘Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World in Four...

Flannery O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”

Introduction In the story “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”, Flannery O’Connor focuses on the lack of the ‘good’ aspects that are supposed to lead to ‘grace’ among human beings. The author shows the frailty of human beings and how they lack in spirituality. The story is presented through...

The Lottery Essay: Literary Analysis Example

Check out this essay sample to get more ideas for your The Lottery analysis essay. Here, you’ll find the story’s summary, main theme analysis, and the aftermath explanation. Learn more about the story with our The Lottery essay example’s help! Shirley Jackson wrote several short stories, but she is broadly...

Fahrenheit 451 Book Review – Essay & Analysis + Topics

Fahrenheit 451 is considered Ray Bradbury’s masterpiece. The society that he depicted in the novel is so far removed from the one we live in today. At the same time, they are so similar. This is just one of the Fahrenheit 451 essay examples. You can use it as an...

“Schoolsville” a Poem by Billy Collins

The Introduction: The Author’s Humorous Tone First of all, I would like to point out that the poem Schoolsville reminded me of my own school life. Of course, it is obvious, that the writer Billy Collins used expressive language devices to impress the readers. In other words, his speech is...

“The Time Machine” by Herbert George Wells

The Time Machine is a science fiction story by Herbert George Wells, and it was published in 1895. The story involves fascinating narratives with unparalleled implications on contemporary social concerns, and it gives insight to numerous scientific theories. Wells wrote the novel based on personal social and political views that...

Henrik Ibsen ‘A Doll’s House’

Introduction Henrik Ibsen’s play ‘a doll’s house’ is intriguing as it provides insight into love and relationships. The author uses several characters to depict various forms of relationships and how each is perceived in the society. From the play, major characters are Nora and Torvald Hermer, Christine Linde, Nils Krogstad...

Transformation of Kurtz’s Character in “Heart of Darkness”

Introduction Characters represent the essence of the plot as their experiences and perspectives shape the attitudes of readers toward the story being told. Without characters and their development during the narrative, the story cannot progress. Thus, the characters of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness had to be memorable with their...

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein: Masculinity and Feminism Theory

Introduction Today, feminism is widely discussed in both academic and popular spheres. However, it is often forgotten that the origins of feminism can be traced back to early works of literature. One such work is Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, in which she challenges traditional gender roles and offers a more nuanced...

Critical Analysis of “Othello”

Individuals tend to perceive the meanings of the words ‘dignity’ and ‘confidence’ differently, depending on their nature and nurture. For some people, honour, and certainty can be obtained and restored via power and money. Others believe praise and assurance come from hard work, honesty, and a pure soul. William Shakespeare...

Analysis of Othello Speech With Brabantio

It is important to note that identifying rhetorical situations and strategies is critical in order to comprehensively understand the underlying message behind a character’s speech. The key elements of such an assessment involve purpose, audience, speaker, and occasion, where the rhetorical strategies can be centered around pathos, logos, or ethos....

“Waiting” by Judith Wright: Poem Analysis

Summary The poem “Waiting” was written by Judith Wright and was added to her first book of poetry published in 1946. The author, famous Australian poet, and environmentalist dedicated The Moving Images to the themes of love of the environment, the dispossession of the Aborigines, and the possibility of changing...

“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson: A Story Analysis

In Marxist criticism, the rich exploit the poor to become more powerful and wealthy. In The Lottery story by Jackson, Mr. Summer is seen to entice the poor to play the lottery to gain more wealth. In a capitalist world, the rich protect their family from exploitation by the capitalist....

Pride of Oedipus in Oedipus Rex by Sophocles

Oedipus is the main character of Sophocles’ tragedy titled Oedipus Rex, a book recognized as one of the most important in Ancient Greece. Oedipus is a complex character who has both virtues and negative traits, one of which is “hubris,” the Greek word for pride. Eventually, hubris expressed by Oedipus,...