Transient Ischemic Attack or “Mini-Stroke”

A transient ischemic attack (TIA), or so-called “mini-stroke,” is a short-duration stroke that may last only for several minutes. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, it is traditionally caused by the brief blockage of the blood supply to the brain’s part (MedlinePlus, n.d.). TIA’s symptoms are similar to the symptoms of stroke, however, they do not last for a long period of time. In general, the symptoms of mini-stroke include weakness and numbness, especially on the body’s one side, face, legs, and arms, visual disturbance, trouble speaking, barely understandable speech, difficulties with walking, dizziness, and the loss of coordination or balance. As a matter of fact, the majority of TIA’s symptoms disappear within an hour, however, in certain circumstances, they may last for 24 hours (MedlinePlus, n.d.).

It is highly essential to apply to the hospital having the described symptoms as it is almost impossible to conclude whether a person has a transient ischemic attack or stroke. In any case, TIAs may be regarded as a warning sign for strokes in the future, and the administration of appropriate medications, such as blood thinners, may substantially reduce its risk (MedlinePlus, n.d.). TIA treatment depends on the patient’s medical history and age and traditionally implies lifestyle changes – regular exercise, limiting alcohol, smoking cessation, and a healthy diet for weight maintenance. The individual’s control over other health problems, including diabetes, atrial fibrillation, cholesterol, and high blood pressure, helps to minimize his or her stroke risk, as well (MedlinePlus, n.d.). Under certain specific conditions, a carotid endarterectomy is required in order to unblock the patient’s arteries that supply the brain with blood.


MedlinePlus. (n.d.). Transient ischemic attack. Web.

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