Transitions of Care Interventions for Improving Life Quality


In their article, Oyesanya et al. (2021) study transitions of care interventions for improving life quality among patients that have been hospitalized for acute health conditions. The focus of the care transition in the study is the hospital setting; however, only patients with acute conditions were considered, thus excluding individuals with planned hospitalizations.


The acute conditions included but were not limited to cardiovascular disease, stroke, breast cancer, COPD, and kidney disease. An RN carried out the majority of the interventions. It was found that most care continuity interventions emphasized patient and family education and self-management, based on patient assessment, as core recovery methods.

In the hospital setting, where registered nurses carry out the majority of activities associated with care continuity, the focus is placed on teaching patients how to manage their health when transitioning from hospitals to home care. Regarding transitions of care, it was learned that there is no consensus as to which approach can address the needs of all patients because each case is different. Thus, more research is necessary to identify which components of the intervention, either separately or together, are required to improve patients’ life quality. Besides, the study enables one to consider cultural tailoring interventions that could be applied to patients and improve their recovery. The area of the continuum of the care plan to address is the need to make interventions more catered to patients’ race and culture, which could be of great benefit. For example, in patients whose culture is particularly sensitive to spiritual practices, a transition of the care plan may include suggestions for holistic practices for wellness and recovery.


Overall, the transition of care in the hospital setting does not have a one-fits-all model and can be adjusted to every individual situation.


Oyesanya, T. O., Loflin, C., Byom, L., Harris, G., Daly, K., Rink, L., & Bettger, J. P. (2021). Transitions of care interventions to improve quality of life among patients hospitalized with acute conditions: A systematic literature review. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 19(1), 36. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, October 2). Transitions of Care Interventions for Improving Life Quality.

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StudyCorgi. "Transitions of Care Interventions for Improving Life Quality." October 2, 2023.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Transitions of Care Interventions for Improving Life Quality." October 2, 2023.

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