Trash Talking Issues in Society

Individual and interpersonal normality is a conduct that can be considered normal for a person if it is aligned with that individual’s relatively typical behavior. Individual conduct that corresponds to the most typical behavior and practices in a social setting, generally referred to as conformance, might be described as normal. In general, the majority of civilizations have a sense of “normal,” although the definition varies from one to the next. Normal conduct is excellent or right, whereas aberrant behavior is considered as maladaptation or adjustment problems. Normalcy is typically associated with a comfortable state of mind and way of life, whereas irregularities can contribute to psychological or emotional suffering.

People do not criticize the regular since it is usual; they doubt the atypical due to the fact that it is out of the ordinary, but how do they define the norm? There does not appear to be a clear line distinguishing the ordinary from the aberrant, and if there were, it would be a more significant contradiction. In overall, there is a widespread belief, which is one of the fundamental rules of life, and which consists in the need for a person to oppose good to evil. In other words, any manifestation of hostility, aggression, violence, or foul language, which is identified as evil deeds, as a rule, must be decisively suppressed firstly by a single person, and then by society.

Especially in the sports environment, there is a specific term that is called “thrash talking”, which implies actions of a provocative and aggressive nature. I came across this phenomenon since it is highly popular in sports and games industries and, as an initially aggressive type of behavior, is interesting to be studied. As a rule, such anti-social behavior should be criticized by a person and society, since it contradicts the basic foundations of life and a correct, respectful attitude towards people. At the same time, at the moment, this phenomenon is an integral part of not only the gaming and sports fields, but also events that encompass the presence of a competitive environment and rivalry. In fact, it is not simple to determine whether the trash talking process is acceptable and normal or whether it opposes societal and ethical norms.

Trash-talk is a type of insult that is commonly seen at sporting events; however, it is not limited to sports or comparable activities. It is frequently used to scare opponents or make them doubt their own talents in order to win more easily, but it may also be employed in a lighthearted manner. While the majority of trash talking is intended to knock other opponents off their rhythm, taking it personally may be harmful. In contrast, it is feasible to emphasize the notion the trash talking activities were found to be beneficial in terms of a game rivalry. For example, trash talking raises the mental stakes of rivalry and encourages competitors to exceed one other (Yip et al. 125). According to the scientists, trash talking activities can improve the quality of performance and increase the probability of succeeding.

With regard to more comprehensive evidence related to the influence of trash talking processes on people and performance results, it is possible to highlight several notions from the research. Opponents who obtained trash-talking texts outscored those who got neutral remarks in effort-based activities (Yip et al. 138). Scholars discovered that trash-talking causes rivalry beliefs, and that competition views buffer the link between trash-talking and effort-based achievement (Yip et al. 138). Trash-talking aims gain psychological gains from conquering trash-talking adversaries, regardless of the economic consequences (Yip et al. 138). Rivals are eager to recognize their trash-talking competitor fail, even if it means sacrificing their own chances of winning (Yip et al. 138). Hence, trash talking can be considered as a widely used psychological technique that can heavily impact the mental state of the opponent and create psychological benefits.

Trash talking is often recognized as a valid aspect of sport by players and the athletic culture; nonetheless, it is ethically wrong. The morality of utilizing trash-talk as a tactic is debatable, as it is typically considered unsportsmanlike in competitions, as shouting obscenities at rival players extends beyond the format’s bounds and norms. Some individuals react best to trash talk by simply disregarding it, while others reply best by responding with their personal trash talk. In fact, it is arguable whether trash talking is normal in the society since it was proven that it can both enhance performance outcomes and diminish the adherence to the ethical and moral principles. In contrast, if the world of sports, games, and competition transparently utilizes this technique, that it can be considered as normal in the modern society due to its application in the field of fair play.

Work Cited

Yip, Jeremy, Schweitzer, Maurice and Samir Nurmohamed. “Trash-talking: Competitive incivility motivates rivalry, performance, and unethical behavior.” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, vol. 144, 2018, pp. 125-144.

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