Developing a Personal Nursing Philosophy as a Trauma Nurse


To develop a personal nursing philosophy, it is essential to overcome particular challenges in one’s practice. Therefore, the following paper is to cover my experiences as a trauma nurse. Moreover, the following paragraphs are to provide some thoughts that I realized during my work in a hospital and gained from reading credible information.


The first thing that is essential to grasp for every nurse and doctor is that a patient has to be provided with medical treatment under any circumstances. There is no possible way for a medical worker to say that this case is not in one’s competency. When I was working as a trauma nurse, I had many patients that could not bear the pain that was caused by different foreign bodies in their organisms or compound fractures. Indeed, there were some instances that I was not aware of, but my obligation was to provide a suffering person with medicine to relieve one’s pain (Pols, 2013). After that, I had some time to gain additional knowledge in order to solve the present problem.

I always consider this statement during my work, which tells that any nurse or doctor cannot become professional by simply using other people’s theories and conclusions (Marchuk, 2014). Instead, one is obliged to elaborate, discover, and explore different theories. My philosophy always says that I can serve the world and my future colleagues by explaining or detecting the problem that was never paid attention to. This might help other people to cope with a particular issue easily and faster.


My philosophy is to help people as much as I can and to try to find an explanation of uncommon cases in my practice. Furthermore, I think that knowledge is not able to remain useful for one’s patient if he or she does not ever try to extend it. Moreover, I think that a nursing practitioner gains more knowledge during one’s experiences in practice than he or she does at University or College.


Marchuk, A. (2014). A personal nursing philosophy in practice. Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 20(6), 266-273. Web.

Pols, J. (2013). Washing the patient: Dignity and aesthetic values in nursing care. Nursing Philosophy, 14(3), 186-200. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, November 19). Developing a Personal Nursing Philosophy as a Trauma Nurse.

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StudyCorgi. "Developing a Personal Nursing Philosophy as a Trauma Nurse." November 19, 2020.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Developing a Personal Nursing Philosophy as a Trauma Nurse." November 19, 2020.

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