Trends in Effectiveness of Organizational eHealth Interventions

This memo’s material is consistent and logical, the key issues have been summarized, and convincing theoretical justifications have been given. The validity of using research design is also well-developed and supported by research references. However, the theoretical justification lacked an assessment of the current situation, how Google is doing with productivity and what methods the company uses to increase employee engagement. When designing the study, all factors were considered, such as the individual needs of employees, participants’ sample, and a clear schedule was provided.

It should be added that Google specializes in innovative ways and artificial intelligence, so it is essential to adapt to new trends in order to change its position and strategically increase productivity and future opportunities (Google, 2022). Therefore, developing competencies that allow navigating in a world where people interact with intelligent digital technologies is crucial. Research tools should also be explored with a particular focus on artificial intelligence (Yorks et al., 2022). Therefore, it is reasonable for employees creating and developing innovative technologies to take into account individual needs to increase productivity at this level.

Furthermore, it is crucial to consider employees’ psychological state in modern trends. Companies should no longer ignore mental health issues among employees. Experts say that failure to address employees’ mental health needs adequately can limit an organization’s success (Stratton et al., 2022). Most workers experience anxiety or depressive symptoms, which can reduce productivity at work. Therefore, it would also be essential to study the impact of psychological well-being on improving individual productivity. It is also possible to explore the need for personal training.

To summarise, in general, this work covers all critical issues. Still, it is vital to consider current trends, paying attention to artificial intelligence and mental health.


Google. (2022). About Google. Web.

Stratton, E., Lampit, A., Choi, I., Gavelin, H. M., Aji, M., Taylor, J., Calvo, R. A., Harvey, S.B. & Glozier, N. (2022). Trends in effectiveness of organizational ehealth interventions in addressing employee mental health: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24(9), e37776.

Yorks, L., Abel, A. L., & Rotatori, D. (2022). Strategic human resource development in practice. Leveraging talent for sustained performance in the digital age of AI. Springer.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, August 27). Trends in Effectiveness of Organizational eHealth Interventions.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Trends in Effectiveness of Organizational eHealth Interventions." August 27, 2023.


StudyCorgi. "Trends in Effectiveness of Organizational eHealth Interventions." August 27, 2023.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Trends in Effectiveness of Organizational eHealth Interventions." August 27, 2023.

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