Understanding And Exploring Deviant Behavior


Deviant behaviour is a stable way of acting and performing, which differs from statistical norms that are not typical for the general population. As a rule, such behaviour does not correspond to officially established or actually designated moral and legal norms in a particular society. At the moment, the features of the manifestation of “strange manners” are quite challenging to study and explain since there is still no single mechanism that allows this to be done. Since ancient times, people have established specific rules, standards and restrictions, which are recommended to be followed by every citizen of a certain nation. These social norms have changed, improved and continue to develop in a specific direction. Hence, for example, if one century ago some forms of behaviour were taken into account and perceived, today they may seem unnatural or in some sense indecent. Deviant behaviour is a complex, complicated, insufficiently studied phenomenon that many researchers and scientists are actively interested in this “digression.”

Considering Deviant Behavior

Based on the theories of deviations, the following principles and concepts should be taken into account. Thus, with the help of these aspects, it is possible to explain what my parents’ generation once considered deviant and no longer indecent in modern American society. At the moment, several examples that have been rejected in the past come to my mind at once. These include vegetarianism, specific cosmetic procedures and operations, motherhood outside of marriage and many other “samples” considered abnormal and even immoral. However, I would like to highlight one of the exciting, essential and significant examples for me – a bright appearance and external signs that allow one to stand out from the crowd.

For example, when my parents were young, tattoos, piercings and punctures, and bright hair were considered deviant behaviour signs. According to the theory of labelling, these actions were determined not only by one person or a group of people but due by the reaction of others to such behaviour (OpenStax, 2017). Indeed, a bright appearance attracts attention, but, primarily, it is a reflection of the individual’s soul. At the moment, a tattoo, piercing or non-standard hair colour is quite a natural choice for people to transform and become someone special. According to Emile Durkheim theory, in a way, such “deviance” is an integral part of progress in society, which challenges the current views of people (OpenStax, 2017). Furthermore, sociologist Robert Merton also agrees with his “colleague” that “unacceptable behavior” should be perceived as something natural if humanity wants to move forward into the future (OpenStax, 2017). Consequently, it should be noted that the moments that were once considered deviant are now the norm. However, in a sense, this arrangement is considered more plausible, natural and necessary for the survival of society and the development of the state.

Moreover, in many countries, such changes in appearance are treated more neutrally than positively. Sometimes, bright hair, a tattoo or a piercing can even today become a reason for refusal to get a job. As for subcultures, since the 70s, punks, hippies, and rockers have sought to break existing stereotypes and continue to do this, stand out and show their non-standard personality in the appropriate way. If one considers the culture itself as a whole, then, for example, the British love tattoos, not only since the 70s but even since the beginning of the 19th century. Hence, the future King George V, at the age of 16, made himself a tattoo, and it was even considered a universal hobby of the nobility.


In conclusion, deviant behaviour is a rather complex and multifaceted phenomenon that still does not have objective and absolutely accurate explanations from researchers. “Indecent” actions and deeds can take hold and be only a part of individuals and groups of people isolated and alienated from society. However, the opposite is also likely, because deviant behaviour can transform into something more after a while and become part of not only a particular person but also the entire state.


OpenStax. (2017). Introduction to sociology (2nd ed.). 12th Media Services. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Understanding And Exploring Deviant Behavior." March 21, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/understanding-and-exploring-deviant-behavior/.


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