Understating Baltimore: The Visual Politics

Baltimore is regarded as one iconic yet fascinating city. Some exciting features that have continued to attract most visitors are the people’s culture, infrastructural development, and cuisine in the region (Snyder, 2020). The members of the Baltimore community are hospitable and accommodative. In terms of development, the region has a shimmering world of manicured green spaces with modular glass towers. Subsequently, the Baltimore people enjoy rich food coupled with varieties of rye drinks. These unique features have made people visit and continue to be urged to revisit.


Baltimore city is also one of the most convenient places people can efficiently meet. The city can be effectively accessed via a scenic cruise on the region’s water taxis. Luxury housing, shops, and hotels have proved critical in promoting the accommodation of tourists who want to visit the region (Snyder, 2020). Baltimore city has also acted as the region’s significant economic, health, and recreational center. The good road network and sewer lines have proved to be critical in navigating the area. Such characteristics have made Baltimore a social center for most people to meet, integrate and enjoy their activities.


Baltimore has proved to be a unique place compared to other cities across the globe. The city’s waterfront is separated from the iconic inner harbor (Snyder, 2020). Subsequently, the town has high-growing glass-ceiling green towers built to help accommodate the growing population. Notably, the flourishing maritime city port has further made it have a blue color heritage that is envied by most of the global population. The area has also proved to be serene with cool climate and vegetation with distinct characteristics. These features have proved that the region is one of the world’s most iconic and unique regions.


Snyder, B. H. (2020). “Big Brother’s Bigger Brother”: The Visual Politics of (Counter) Surveillance in Baltimore. In Sociological Forum 35(4), 1315-1336. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Understating Baltimore: The Visual Politics." December 14, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/understating-baltimore-the-visual-politics/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Understating Baltimore: The Visual Politics." December 14, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/understating-baltimore-the-visual-politics/.

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