United States v. Elwood et al.: A Case of Drug Trafficking and Juvenile Prosecution


This paper will critically examine the United States of America vs. Gerald Elwood, William Barnes, Jr., and Ernest Marrero. The three defendants in this 1993 case were accused of conspiring to possess cocaine with the intent to distribute it and possessing cocaine with the intent to distribute it (United States of America v. Elwood et al.,1993). They were also charged with carrying and employing a firearm for drug trafficking.

Description of the Case

The St. John Parish Sheriff’s deputies’ ongoing investigation into drug trafficking gave rise to the case. Elwood, Barnes, and Marrero were in Room 102 when surveillance was conducted at the Holiday Inn in LaPlace, Louisiana. Marrero went to a nearby car and returned with a bag that contained 2,027 grams of cocaine spread across more than 200 packets, according to later analysis (United States of America v. Elwood et al., 1993). Marrero and Dennison left the room, and Elwood and Barnes entered two cars and left. Due to suspicious activity, both of them were stopped, and a search of the vehicles turned up several weapons and drugs. The four were all detained and accused of the offenses mentioned above.

Objectionable and What I Learned from the Case

The prosecution’s choice to charge Marrero as an adult, even though he was young at the time of the offense, was what I found objectionable about this case. While this decision was necessary given the gravity of the crime, it also told young people that their actions would be taken seriously and treated as if committed by adults, regardless of their age. The prosecution’s surveillance of cash payments and phone calls disturbed me, as it could target innocent people. This case has shown me how crucial it is to defend and uphold the legal rights of criminal defendants, something that can only be done by carefully examining the case’s facts.


Finally, the 1993 case of US vs. Elwood, Barnes, Jr., and Marrero explains the St. John Parish Sheriff’s Deputies’ continuing inquiry into narcotics smuggling. It is critical to consider what the prosecution chose to do in this case, as well as whether any violations of privacy occurred in order to bring the defendants to justice. Furthermore, Juveniles face the same consequences as adults for their actions.


United States of America, Plaintiff-appellee, v. Gerald Elwood, A/k/a Nap, William Barnes, Jr., and Ernestmarrero, Defendants-appellants, 993 F.2d 1146 (5th Cir. 1993). (1993). Justia Law. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2025, January 8). United States v. Elwood et al.: A Case of Drug Trafficking and Juvenile Prosecution. https://studycorgi.com/united-states-v-elwood-et-al-a-case-of-drug-trafficking-and-juvenile-prosecution/

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"United States v. Elwood et al.: A Case of Drug Trafficking and Juvenile Prosecution." StudyCorgi, 8 Jan. 2025, studycorgi.com/united-states-v-elwood-et-al-a-case-of-drug-trafficking-and-juvenile-prosecution/.

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StudyCorgi. (2025) 'United States v. Elwood et al.: A Case of Drug Trafficking and Juvenile Prosecution'. 8 January.

1. StudyCorgi. "United States v. Elwood et al.: A Case of Drug Trafficking and Juvenile Prosecution." January 8, 2025. https://studycorgi.com/united-states-v-elwood-et-al-a-case-of-drug-trafficking-and-juvenile-prosecution/.


StudyCorgi. "United States v. Elwood et al.: A Case of Drug Trafficking and Juvenile Prosecution." January 8, 2025. https://studycorgi.com/united-states-v-elwood-et-al-a-case-of-drug-trafficking-and-juvenile-prosecution/.


StudyCorgi. 2025. "United States v. Elwood et al.: A Case of Drug Trafficking and Juvenile Prosecution." January 8, 2025. https://studycorgi.com/united-states-v-elwood-et-al-a-case-of-drug-trafficking-and-juvenile-prosecution/.

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