University of Mississippi Medical Center

The University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC) is the only academic health science facility that is located in Jackson. It was created in 1955 with the mission to improve community health and well-being (The University of Mississippi Medical Center, n.d.). Its development and growth are characterized by a number of social and historical events; however, one of the major points in its history is the Mississippi Legislature by a one-vote margin in 1950 (The University of Mississippi Medical Center, n.d.). At the beginning of the 20th century, there was one two-year medical school in the region, and to obtain their certificate, graduate students had to go to another state. It was not convenient for the population, and the local government supported the idea of the creation of a four-year medical school where interns and residents could apply for degree programs and get their certification.

Today, UMMC plays an important role in providing high-quality care and compassion for its patients. Volunteer services include weekly interventions for patients, their families, and the staff in terms of primary and specialty care. One of the common volunteer services is education for people to prevent diseases and explain the importance of regular check-ups. Sometimes, families neglect visiting doctors when they do not have serious complaints. UMMC underlines the importance of voluntary free education to promote consistency, career exposure, and exchange of new skills. Primary care and education focus on immunization and chronic disease monitoring, which underlines the role of technological development. UMMC health information management is based on the Telehealth trend when patients cooperate with care providers remotely and learn how to control such conditions as diabetes or heart diseases. All these steps and opportunities strengthen the relationships between the medical center and the community and improve healthcare delivery.


The University of Mississippi Medical Center. (n.d.). History. Web.

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