Vision of Abundance: UPEI University’s Strategic Planning Elements

Articulating a vision of abundance includes five core elements. They are focus on positive deviance; include a left-and right-brain image; make the vision interesting; ensure source credibility, and attach the vision to a symbol (Whetton and Cameron 558). The following paper will consider these elements for the University of Prince Edward Island in Canada.

Positive Deviance

The university has many opportunities for successful development. It is one of the oldest and the best universities in Canada. Its large campus places six faculties and two schools that provide students with a great choice of educational programs (About UPEI par.2). UPEI takes efforts to maintain its particular environment and preserve rich cultural heritage because these are the features that make it unique among other educational institutions of Canada.

Include Left-Brain Images

Thinking logically, the strengths of UPEI include long-term sustainability, opportunities for research in different fields, concentration on students’ experience, and the creation of vibrant communities (A UPEI Strategic Plan 14). However, there are some problems faced by UPEI. First of all, it is a problem of funding, which usually takes much time. Another recent problem is a slight decrease in the number of undergraduate students (UPEI by Numbers 1).

Moreover, there is a need for the reconstruction of buildings. One of the reasons for it is environmental responsibility because old buildings are not energy-saving. It is supposed not only to improve the image of the university but also to save resources. If such a policy could be accepted by many universities, it would make a contribution to the economics of the countries.

Include Right-Brain Images

It can be useful to consider the possibilities of combining old school design and modern building technologies to preserve the spirit of the university and make it sustainable and environmentally friendly. On the whole, the reduction of human production and consumption impact on the local lands should become a primary concern and be included in the education policy of UPEI.

Make the Vision Interesting

The vision can be made more interesting by stating the core values of the university. For UPEI, these are accountability and integrity (means to be “accountable for those we serve”; excellence (the desire to excel in education, research, and service); respect and collegiality (“respect for self, others”); and shared responsibility (sharing responsibility for all stakeholders leads to the creation of an enriched learning environment) (A UPEI Strategic Plan 3).

Ensure Source Credibility

For any company, source credibility is crucial in the Age of information. In the context of the university, it is important to ensure the sources of information it uses and creates are trustworthy. Students and their parents need firsthand information on education opportunities, and the institution which manages to satisfy this demand will have privilege before the others.

Attach the Vision to a Symbol

A good symbol embodies the vision of the university and thus reminds the people of it. The symbol of UPEI is its coat of arms, which comprises images of its founding institutions. The shield depicts a book, which is a traditional symbol of knowledge. Gold and green colors are also traditional for UPEI. The motto in Latin states, “FIDES SCIENTIA BENEFICIUM,” which means “Faith, Knowledge, Service.” The motto also represents the values and the vision of UPEI.

Another treatment of the symbol can be as follows. It tells people that knowledge is power, education is important, and that includes environmental practices and sustainability. Something along the lines of an open book with lush green trees popping out from the pages. On the whole, the University of Prince Edward Island aims to reconnect its students to the environment and aid in their life’s journey of continued education, sustainability, and conservation. We will do this by continuing to provide the best education in all disciples while maintaining a sustainable campus in which they will learn not only traditional academic principles but also innovative, creative, and everlasting ways in which to reduce their carbon footprint.

Works Cited

A UPEI Strategic Plan. University of Prince Edward Island. Charlottetown, 2013. Web.

UPEI by the Numbers. University of Prince Edward Island, 2015. Web.

About UPEI. University of Prince Edward Island, n.d. Web.

Whetton, David A., and Kim S. Cameron. Developing Management Skills. 9th ed., Pearson Education Inc., 2012.

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