“Unleash the Power of Storytelling” by Biesenbach

In his book “Unleash the Power of Storytelling,” Rob Biesenbach presents the readers with the importance of good storytelling and its implications in the wider world. This practical guide, as the author himself refers to it, introduces the reader to the idea of storytelling as a tool for communication both in the professional and personal lives. Biesenbach’s advice ranges from where to find inspiration and confidence to performing and expressing oneself (2018). Furthermore, the chapters are concise and engaging, which makes the book easy to read. As someone who, literally, wrote a book on the subject, Biesenbach is incredibly convincing in his stance on the importance of storytelling. I agree with the sentiment, since we constantly find ourselves in situations that require some sort of communication – be it at a job interview, on a date, or during a drive-through at a fast-food chain.

Therefore, perfecting the skill of engaging the other party, and conveying your message across, is vital. In a lot of ways, good storytelling can help us sell ourselves to others, which can be helpful in many situations. Furthermore, hard power might be useful in the short-run but convincing the people around you to do what you want them to do with words is much more beneficial in the long-run. In the business world, this could mean getting the long sought-after promotion, or getting hired to your dream job. In personal communication, this could mean talking oneself out of trouble, or mesmerising your Tinder date. Or, as a tool in leadership, storytelling could help convey the required changes to the employees in a way that is respectful and engaging. As a result, this book can be useful to most people, whatever is their path in life. If used properly, this guide can serve as a powerful tool for improving one’s interpersonal skills, as well as storytelling in its conventional meaning.


Biesenbach, R. (2018). Unleash the power of storytelling: Win hearts, change minds, get results. Eastlawn Media.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, February 20). “Unleash the Power of Storytelling” by Biesenbach. https://studycorgi.com/unleash-the-power-of-storytelling-by-biesenbach/

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StudyCorgi. (2023) '“Unleash the Power of Storytelling” by Biesenbach'. 20 February.

1. StudyCorgi. "“Unleash the Power of Storytelling” by Biesenbach." February 20, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/unleash-the-power-of-storytelling-by-biesenbach/.


StudyCorgi. "“Unleash the Power of Storytelling” by Biesenbach." February 20, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/unleash-the-power-of-storytelling-by-biesenbach/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "“Unleash the Power of Storytelling” by Biesenbach." February 20, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/unleash-the-power-of-storytelling-by-biesenbach/.

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