Urban Vision of Antonio Sant’Elia vs. the Built Unite d’habitation of Le Corbusier

Antonio Sant’Elia’s style and its impact on Charles-Édouard Jeanneret’s urban vision

When speaking about urban vision of Antonio Sant’Elia, some important components of the architect’s futuristic perception must be highlighted. First of all, it should be pointed out that the peculiar feature of Sant’Elia’s design is the so-called autonomy of constructions. In other words, the architect tries not only to reflect the beauty of motion, but also to show the channels of transportation. Generally, one is to keep in mind that Sant’Elia’s constructions are associated with the architect’s obsession with circulation. It seems that Antonio’s urban vision is closely related to utopian societies and ideal cities. On the one hand, the idea of ideal city seems to be unrealistic, as the complexity of the present world is considered to be one of the major obstacles, which architects cannot overcome. On the other hand, one is to keep in mind that “ideal cities can never compete with literary utopias, but they have one thing in common: all are based on the belief of betterment and a good order of the community” (Skroblies n. d., p. 120). Antonio Sant’Elia’s urban vision seems to be a new perception of American model. Thus, the ideas of the architect had a great impact on the vision of other famous urbanists, including Le Corbusier. Charles-Édouard Jeanneret was inspired by Italian futurist, and created the contemporary dream of order, i.e. Unite d’habitation. In other words, progress of technology is recognized to be one of the most important aspects of the style of modern architect. However, the main difference between the visions of both architects is considered to be urban planning. “The image of modernism became the dominant guiding principle in 20th century urban planning – but it lost its utopian and ideal character” (Skroblies n. d., p. 125).

Le Corbusier’s style vs. Italian futurist’s perception

Generally, it is difficult to define whose urban vision is more interesting and complex. The works of both architects cannot be compared, because they are different. In spite of the fact that Le Corbusier was inspired by Sant’Elia’s style, it is necessary to remember that a French architect brought a new wave into the world architecture. “Le Corbusier used one of the strangest, but also one of the most sculptural forms it is possible to imagine. A dark roof with complex curvature floats over curving walls” (Chapel of Notre Dame du Haut – 1950-53 n. d., para. 1). Moreover, one is to keep in mind that the architect also radicalized cultural education. Nobody will deny the fact that Le Corbusier’s vision of modernism reflects simplicity and consistency. The representative of modernism in architecture found the so-called principles of functionalism. Many other architects became the followers of Le Corbusier’s style and created similar models.

So, the impact of both designers on modern architecture development is obvious. Originally, Le Corbusier’s urban vision is based on Sant’Elia’s style; however, on the other hand, it reflects new ideas. Unite d’habitation created by famous French architect expresses progressive influences.


‘Chapel of Notre Dame du Haut – 1950-53’, n. d., Coker.edu, 2012, Web.

Skroblies, H n. d., ‘Ideas and Visions in the 20th Century Urban Planning’, Areforum.org, pp. 119-135, 2012. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, June 21). Urban Vision of Antonio Sant’Elia vs. the Built Unite d’habitation of Le Corbusier. https://studycorgi.com/urban-vision-of-antonio-santelia-vs-the-built-unite-dhabitation-of-le-corbusier/

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"Urban Vision of Antonio Sant’Elia vs. the Built Unite d’habitation of Le Corbusier." StudyCorgi, 21 June 2022, studycorgi.com/urban-vision-of-antonio-santelia-vs-the-built-unite-dhabitation-of-le-corbusier/.

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StudyCorgi. (2022) 'Urban Vision of Antonio Sant’Elia vs. the Built Unite d’habitation of Le Corbusier'. 21 June.

1. StudyCorgi. "Urban Vision of Antonio Sant’Elia vs. the Built Unite d’habitation of Le Corbusier." June 21, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/urban-vision-of-antonio-santelia-vs-the-built-unite-dhabitation-of-le-corbusier/.


StudyCorgi. "Urban Vision of Antonio Sant’Elia vs. the Built Unite d’habitation of Le Corbusier." June 21, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/urban-vision-of-antonio-santelia-vs-the-built-unite-dhabitation-of-le-corbusier/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Urban Vision of Antonio Sant’Elia vs. the Built Unite d’habitation of Le Corbusier." June 21, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/urban-vision-of-antonio-santelia-vs-the-built-unite-dhabitation-of-le-corbusier/.

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