Impact of US Gun Laws on Homeland Security and Safety

The government of the USA has developed a range of gun policies that are meant to ensure the security of its population. They affect homeland security strategies, making it easier to prevent and investigate crimes associated with the use of firearms. The effects of these laws do not only decrease violence but also protect the lives of the US population.

US Gun Laws

Research findings reveal that the number of suicides and unintentional injuries or even cases of lethal outcomes can decrease significantly due to the successful implementation of laws that prevent the access of little children to guns (Dearie & Kaplan, 2017).

The prevalence of the crimes is likely to reduce due to the necessity of background checks. As individuals with mental illnesses are not allowed to use firearms, less violence should be observed. Stand-your-ground laws, in their turn, motivate the representatives of the general public to use guns to protect their lives and the lives of their relatives. The prohibition to sell assault weapons can potentially increase the price of those guns that are not allowed by the law, which may minimalize the number of crimes associated with their use (Abdullah, 2014). Minimum age requirements that are set by the government of the USA are likely to ensure that firearms are not used by those people who are not able to understand their danger.

In this way, gun laws that are adopted in the USA control the use of firearms. They ensure that these weapons are used only by those individuals who can clearly perceive the situation and consider whether the use of firearms is needed. Moreover, they provide citizens with additional tools to secure their lives.

Influence on Homeland Security Strategies

Homeland security strategies are enforced by the governmental agencies in order to ensure that the population of the country is protected. Much attention is also paid to the use of firearms (Office of Inspector General, 2017). On the basis of associated laws, the Department of Homeland Security develops law enforcement strategies that control the use of guns. For example, it requires people who use firearms to provide lifecycle accountability for all associated elements so that they definitely know that those individuals who are not allowed to use guns will not have access to them (Morral & Robak, 2018). Professionals are encouraged to obtain certification that ensures that they have required skills and will not hurt others unintentionally (Dearie & Kaplan, 2017). Moreover, all users of firearms are to provide their personal information and information about their weapon. As a result, their involvement in a crime can be easily identified. The necessity to obtain job-related training and serialized assets is emphasized because officers need to cope with armed citizens and should be easily distinguished.

Much attention is paid to gun control because the Department of Homeland Security realizes that even though it allows people to use guns to protect themselves, this options makes it easier for individuals to hurt each other and increases the prevalence of crimes. Homicide rates may increase because of the improved access to firearms. Thus, it is vital to ensure that citizens use them only for protection.


Homeland security strategies depend greatly on the gun laws adopted in the USA. They provide professionals with an opportunity to identify the owner of a gun and facilitate the investigation. Moreover, they presuppose that those people who use weapons are able to understand the consequences of their activities so they can be punished according to the law. Finally, gun policy motivate professionals who work with firearms to obtain needed documentation and accomplish training so that they enhance their skills and increase responsibility.


Abdullah, H. (2014). The battle over gun policy: Old fight, new strategies. 

Dearie, C., & Kaplan, P. (2017). Firearms, armor, and credentials tracking system (FACTS). Web.

Morral, A., & Robak, W. (2018). Gun policy in America. 

Office of Inspector General. (2017). DHS’ controls over firearms and other sensitive assets. 

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