Elements of Traditional US Business Law: Foundations and Applications

Importance of preventing the business from criminal activities

Robbery is the act of taking over the personal property of an individual against their will. The act is executed by force or by causing fear to the individual in question. In most cases, the act is executed via violent means and may also involve the use of weapons. In the case of business premises, the owners can prevent the occurrence of such incidents by protecting their assets. For optimum protection of business’ property, one must deliberately prevent any unlawful entry into the premises and deploy other protective and restraint actions.

Most criminal incidents can be prevented by installing security systems. For example, individuals can use administrative security tools in investigating suspicious activities, trespassers, and other criminal activities involving business property. This can play a significant role in preventing anticipated criminal activities (Baron’s educational series, inc., 2000, para. 1)

On the other hand, falling from a ladder or from a high point is a work-related accident that can cause injuries, disability, and sometimes death. It is important for every business owner to ensure that his/her business premises bear a liability cover for its operations. This is because the occurrence of risks in the firm’s course of operation is unpredictable and sometimes unavoidable.

Slips and falls can be dangerous to the victims. As a result, it is paramount for any business involved in construction activities to ensure that it has integrated a works-man compensation policy in the course of its operation. This will ensure that costs that may result from accidents involving employees in the course of executing their duties are covered (Nolo, 2010, para. 1-6).

Defending a case involving real property versus intellectual property

Real property entails a variety of assets, which include land, land resources (for example, oil and minerals), and other properties that are solidly attached to land (for example, buildings and trees). The property laws indicate that if an individual has rare plants that are protected under other Acts of law, the regulations limit how the individual utilizes the land (Meiners, Ringleb & Edwards, 2006, p.197).

Intellectual property consists of such elements as goodwill, the Intellectual effort that creates an intellectual property, and invisible labor. Intellectual property also consists of trademarks, copyrights, patents, and trade secrets. It is very hard to attach value to these elements of intellectual property in comparison with the physical property. In the 21st century, intellectual property has gained immense popularity in comparison with other forms of property. Most firms attach a high value to an intellectual property compared to real properties owned by the firm (Meiners, Ringleb &Edwards, 2006, p.1-2)

However, it is easier to defend a real property case compared to a case involving intellectual properties in a court of law. Intellectual properties are intangible efforts and, therefore, hard to precisely define limitations in their use. To protect intellectual property, the owner of the property files a suit in the event of the occurrence of unlawful or unauthorized use of the property. This means that there is a violation of the owner’s rights. In order to attain this, proof and expertise should be considered. It is, therefore, easier to defend a real property case since the regulations are based on the asset.

Effects of US trade laws on international business

The US trade laws affect international business in many ways. For example, there are regulations, procedures, and practices that exporters must comply with. These stipulations have been incorporated in the U.S laws. Exporters must observe these laws to ensure a successful export transaction. In addition, there are some programs and certain tax policies integrated into the country’s law. These create new markets, thus providing great financial benefits to exporters.

However, free trade means that no duties would be charged to member countries when they export their goods to the developing countries. These laws are a necessary evil. The quality of the imported goods is checked since the trade partners have to meet or exceed US’ own quality standards. Therefore, US laws protect both the citizens of the country and its own economy (Reynolds, 2008, para. 1-4).

The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and its adoption

The Uniform Commercial Code is paramount when extending large amounts of credit for a long duration. To secure the amount advanced strengthens a firm’s position incase of one’s customer having financial problems in future (Uniform Commercial Code, 2010, para. 1-3). In such instances, the protected creditor has a stable position compared to the creditors that are not secured. Uniform Commercial Code is useful especially when conducting significant transactions or if the transactions are non-routine in nature. More so lawyers do not have to check one’s documents periodically. However, they have to ensure that the standards are observed (Uniform Commercial Code, 2010, para.1-3).

Reference List

Baron’s educational series, inc. (2000). Office burglary and robbery insurance. Web.

Meiners, R.E., Ringleb, A.H., & Edwards, F. L. (2006). The legal environment of business .Mason, Ohio: Thomson.

Nolo, (2010). Legal solution for you, your family and your business: Slip and fall accidents: proving fault. Web.

Reynolds, F. (2008). International Legal considerations. Web.

Uniform Commercial Code, (2010). Obtaining & keeping a secured position as creditor. Web.

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