The health and well-being of individuals is a top priority when implementing any initiatives or policies in society. In particular, this aspect concerns the field of healthcare and the prevention of the spread or deterioration of the situation with the spread of communicable diseases. Vaccination for all children in a local school district is a policy that aims to ensure the greater good of society and has several vital justifications that should be considered by school board trustees before deciding on a vote.
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First of all, it is essential to note that the issue of vaccination of individuals to ensure the greater good of society is a complex and ethical issue. This is due to the fact that in this context, it is necessary to consider the welfare of society through the control of communicable diseases. On the other hand, this policy affects individual autonomy with public health considerations. Thus, the first justification for the need for this initiative is the provision of health and community welfare. The research emphasized that “vaccines are some of the most cost-effective public health interventions for reducing disease burden and mortality” (Majid & Ahmad, 2020, p. 1762). Thus, with the introduction of vaccination at school, it is possible to spread herd immunity among students, providing preventive measures for them and others. Moreover, this measure contributes to protecting those groups of the population who cannot be vaccinated due to personal intolerance and unique health conditions.
Another justification for vaccination is disease prevention and limited opportunities for outbreaks in the future. Research stated that “global vaccination coverage has dramatically improved, and mortality rates among children due to vaccine-preventable diseases have been significantly reduced” (Mantel & Cherian, 2020, p. 25). Therefore, vaccination is essential in school since infectious diseases spread quickly. Due to this circumstance, students and other people working at the educational institution are at risk of infection.
Despite the importance of preserving public well-being regarding health and disease prevention, individual autonomy must also be taken into account. This aspect implies showing respect for the rights of people who decide not to vaccinate their children. This aspect can be caused by multiple factors. Among the most common are previous experiences, distrust in the health system, and mandatory vaccine policies (Majid & Ahmad, 2020).
Therefore, when implementing a vaccination policy, it is necessary to take into account that many parents have the right to make decisions about the health of their children. For a possible change in their opinion, it is necessary to carry out educational measures to provide a complete understanding of all aspects and nuances of the proposed policy. Respecting individual rights and autonomy is a cornerstone of many democratic societies. Parents often have the right to decide about their children’s healthcare, including whether to vaccinate them. This stems from the belief that parents are best positioned to make choices for their children’s well-being.
In conclusion, vaccination among all children in a local school district is a choice parents should make first. This is because they are the primary caregivers responsible for minors. However, agents, healthcare providers, and school board trustees must spread awareness about the need for this measure. This aspect includes providing knowledge regarding the preventive contribution of this policy and providing community welfare.
Majid, U., & Ahmad, M. (2020). The factors that promote vaccine hesitancy, rejection, or delay in parents. Qualitative Health Research, 30(11), 1762-1776. Web.
Mantel, C., & Cherian, T. (2020). New immunization strategies: adapting to global challenges. Bundesgesundheitsblatt-Gesundheitsforschung-Gesundheitsschutz, 63(1), 25-31. Web.