Vending Machines in Schools

In coherent society the issue of education is of a great importance. Millions of children go to school every year and, that is why, it is vital to guarantee good conditions for their study. Usually, it is for a state to decide what things will be better for pupils, what information they should be given.

Additionally, the health of pupils is also of a great importance and the government also tries to take care of it. Common pupil spends a greater part of his/her life in school and, very often, he/she eats there. It is obvious that the issue of food is especially significant as it influences the health of pupils greatly.

Nowadays, one can see a great number of various vending machines in schools. They suggest different kinds of food for pupils. No wonder that children choose the sort of good which seems the most delicious for them. However, very often it turns out to be not useful for the health of a child, and, moreover, its constant usage can lead to the appearance of serious problems.

The thing is that very often these machines offer only “fats and sweets” (Peryea, 2004, para. 4). Due to this fact nowadays a great number of different debates appear. There are people who support the idea that quality of food, which is sold with the help of vending machines, should be reconsidered and there are also adherers of the idea that the process of reconsideration will be inefficient. Both these sides have their arguments

First of all, it should be said that healthy food ,which could be easily obtained in school, will have positive influence on the health of a pupil. Though, very often this sort of food is not so tasty as some sweets. Under these conditions, the question whether pupils will prefer healthy food to sweet or not appears.

The last researches state the fact that a common pupil would rather prefer to drink soda, like Cola or Pepsi, and eat some chocolate bars than some kind of healthy food (Khazan, 2014). That is why, the change of goods, which vending machines sell, can have no effect.

As it becomes obvious, the problem is rather topical today and a great number of people try to attract attention to it. Additionally, they want to lay this problem before the government of a state. Thus, there are many different perspectives connected with this issue. Some people think that it should be for the local governments to decide this problem and determine what to sell.

However, taking into account the great importance of the issue, it is possible to say that the problem should be solved on federal level. It is for the federal authorities to choose the sort of food which will be sold. They can have consultations with some health specialists and make their conclusion basing on the information obtained due to this dialogue.

Having analyzed the given issue, it is possible to make a certain conclusion. First of all, it should be said that the importance of food, which is sold in schools, is obvious as it influences the health of children. Some people try to draw attention of authorities to this issue, however, the problem is still not solved. Nevertheless, it is possible to recommend consideration of this problem by federal authorities as it is for them to determine the general course in accordance with which vending machines in schools will be equipped.


Khazan, O. (2014). Making School Lunches Healthier Doesn’t Mean Kids Will Eat Them. The Atlantic.

Peryea, A. (2004). Washington State Legislature Considers Restricting Food in School Vending Machines. Seattle Times.

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