Victimization Rates and Characteristics Assessment

Victimization Rates Outline

The victimization rates vary considerably depending on region, nationality, and various social and ethnic factors.

  • Region
    • Metropolitan areas have more crime victims and violent death risks than rural countries inhabitants;
    • The country’s sections analysis demonstrated that the highest risk rate was observed in the South (6,6% – 100,000), and the lowest one in the Northern part (4,5% – 100,000);
    • Larger cities are under high risks of victimization, such as Philadelphia, Detroit, Houston, and many others.
  • Population density conditions
    • Local economy covering the rate of unemployment, social status gap, wage scales, and poverty, impact the increase of victimization risks.
    • Special problems caused by drug trafficking extent and police strategies ineffectiveness, as well as illegal handguns, stimulate crime promotion;
  • Customs and traditions, covering subcultural persistence condoning violence;
  • Demographic factors
    • Social status
    • Divorce rate
    • Minorities oppression
    • Race turns
  • Living standards within the country
    • High risks of victimization take place in low-income neighborhoods, but not in wealthy communities.
    • The worsening or improvement of local conditions can impact crime rate development.
  • Sex
    • The highest rate of victimization risk covers the male population; for the last several statistical rates of murdered men grew considerably.
    • Females are at the risk of being raped.

Victim Characteristics

Crime Name of
Age Race Gender Occupation Income
SES Other
1 Murder-suicide 45 African-American Male Worker Low
2 Attack with fire 22 British Male Admin assistant average Mid class Attack by youth
3 murder 60 female retired Mid class Killed by son
4 Homo-phobic attack 22 American male Assaulted by young people
5 murder 45 British male Chief Executive top high Killed by driver
6 murder 40 American female manager average mid Attacked by husband
7 Attempt to murder 40 American male average mid Poisoned by wife
8 Unprovoked attack 16 African male schoolboy
9 murder 43 American female housewife The murder caused by divorce
10 Brighton murder 35 American female Studying for a masters degree at Sussex University average mid


The table illustrated above disclosed the most recent crimes and victims’ characteristics; the analysis of statistics allows stressing that one of the central causes for murder promotion is connected with financial instability and social problems. Divorces and uncontrolled children lead to the increase of murders and violence within the population throughout the world.


Comparative analysis of possible victimization risks characteristics with crimes committed over the previous month demonstrated some similarities; demographic characteristic, such as race, is one of the central factors stimulating crimes. Besides, family problems, which are predominantly caused by social status and financial inequalities of its members, lead to high murders rate. A high risk of victimization is observed among the youth; it can be explained by weak control and lack of developing activities provided for the young population.


Crime in the News. (2009). Web.

Karmen, A. (2009). Crime Victims: An Introduction to Victimology. Cengage Learning.

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