Violence, Beatings, and Domination Over Women

One of the groups exposed to violence and cruelty is women. According to World Health Organization (2021), a third of women, namely 27% aged 15 to 49 years, have been subjected to violence by men. In this case, statistics are global and do not include cultural background or socioeconomic status. Violence, beatings, domination over women entails psychological trauma, health problems, infection with various infections, and sometimes death. The reason is that women are so intimidated by the dominance of men that they are afraid to turn to local governments and remain living in dangerous conditions. Even though some services aim to prevent violence, the indicators are still relevant today and demonstrate that violence continues and does not decline. The effectiveness of these organizations and the search for new ways to punish criminals against women provide an extensive field for future research.

There are quite a lot of questions that nurses ask women, and they all depend on the severity of the violence itself. Examples of such questions may be information about the frequency of forced sexual intercourse or the number of beatings for a selected period. In addition, nurses need to know whether the child was present during violence and cruelty. These questions are imperative to correctly determine the subsequent actions of medical personnel and the police. Psychologists should also be present at the woman’s interview to draw up a clear plan of work with the patient and, if necessary, conduct a psychological study of the child who witnessed the act of cruelty. The research data still cannot be reliable in detail since the victims may be in a specific psychological state that will force them to report incomplete or unreliable information that will distort the study.


World Health Organization. (2021). Violence against women. Web.

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