Why Modern Communities Are Prone to Violence Compared to the Ancient World

Violence is the use of physical force against two or more people that results in injury, psychological torture, or death. Violence can be between individuals, communities, or countries. Factors that cause violence are numerous, and they vary depending on the causes. Behaviors such as drinking and insults also trigger violence. Someone who is under the influence of alcohol is similar to those people who are not in their right senses since they behave strangely. Violence is preventable in many ways. People who live in areas prone to violence are always highly advised to engage in initiatives that promote peace. Analyzing violence has numerous advantages for individuals and communities. Examples of causes of violence include overcrowding and alcohol consumption. Through analysis, rival groups can assess what they loose during the aggression. From the lessons learnt, communities can address the causes of violence and realize how much they loose during the war. This paper will compare how the modern world considers violence to the ancient world.

The distant past was more prone to violence compared to the ancient world since dialogue was not a solution to problems. In the past, communities were more prone to violence compared to the ancient world. Leaders of different communities would call for war simply to battle for supremacy between them. Compared to the modern world, the ancient world engaged in war for issues that would see leaders come together and solve through dialogue. The leaders created a rivalry between members of communities by polluting the minds of their locals about the negative part of other communities.

In the text Individual and the Ultimate Consciousness by Rudra Vaisnaya Saampradaya, Brahma Vaisnaya Sampradaya, Sri Vaisnaya, and Kumpara Vaisnaya Sampradaya, the authors describe Bhagavad Gita as a battlefield for Krishna, who inevitable is conventional to changes in language and style. The authors further state that Bhagavad Gita advocated for self-mastery that required every human being to struggle through all means to ensure they become successful in life. Bhagavad Gita promoted war as the practices it advocated for promoted war against communities.

The Hindu leaders bowed down to war upon the realization that their loved ones were loosing their lives. Bhagavad Gita has ensured achievement of the Hindu synthesis by incorporating various religious groups. Bhagavad Gita believed that people killed during war ascend to heaven, and those who win during battles enjoy the comforts of the earthly kingdom. Through such messages, Bhagavad Gita promoted war since the movement incited people to fight with determination. The movement also believed that both those who win the battle and those who loose are warriors. Bhagavad Gita do not support war as a solution to problems facing people after there leader realized that by fighting, they killed their relatives.

In the text Songs of Roland translated by Jessie Crosland, the author introduces Roland as a hero. The author further describes Roland as someone who is high tempered. In addition, the author further describes Roland in the text as someone who wishes to defeat all nations and challenge other lands (Crosland 9). Roland encouraged war by inciting his followers to fight their rival communities for supremacy. Roland also indicated that warriors do not die at war (Crosland 24). Through his utterances, Roland encouraged Muslims to fight other people because they also believed that those who die during war battles ascend to heaven. Roland also encouraged holy war (Crosland 31). Holy war was a war against Muslims that encouraged civil war against communities. Roland was a ruler of the land whose words promoted war. All his followers implemented his words by fighting each other. In addition, Roland never gave up on fighting other communities (Crosland 36). He never gave up on the fight even though many people lost their lives during the war.

People do not celebrate war the way it was in the past. Different communities embrace dialogue whenever they clash with each other. In addition, the authors indicate that Bhagavad Gita together with the Hindu asked its followers to avoid fighting each other because it only led to the loss of lives of people they loved. Many countries have come up together to form organizations that encourage peace, love and unity among states. These organizations also support initiatives and projects to promote peace. Muslims encourage peace among themselves and fellow community members. Muslim leaders encourage their followers to assist the needy and the poor by giving out food and non-food items. Through these practices, leaders enhance peace among individuals and community members.

In conclusion, war is never a solution to any problem that faces individuals or community. Leaders promote peace within their countries and communities by involving every citizen to come together and engage in peace initiatives. In addition, leaders have decided on a day in their calendar year and declare them holidays just to promote and enhance peace. Leaders have also engaged in peace initiatives such as planting trees as a means of promoting peace. During war, innocent people loose their lives through brutal killings. Many countries have also joined hands to form peace unions as a means of shunning violence. Developed countries are also assisting underdeveloped countries to initiate peace and love. Developed countries further offer financial assistance to fund projects that are peace related. Many countries have also established military personnel to protect their countries from war crimes that they may experience.

Works Cited

Crosland, Jessie. “The Song of Roland.” Yorku University, 1999. Web.

Saampradaya, Rudra, Sampradaya, Brahma, Vaisnaya Sri and Sampradaya, Kumpara. “Bhagavad Gita.” . Bhagavad Gita Trust, 1999. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, December 4). Why Modern Communities Are Prone to Violence Compared to the Ancient World. https://studycorgi.com/violence-in-modern-versus-ancient-world/

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StudyCorgi. 2020. "Why Modern Communities Are Prone to Violence Compared to the Ancient World." December 4, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/violence-in-modern-versus-ancient-world/.

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