Wendy’s: Analysis of Building Marketing

Wendy’s in an international fast food restaurant chain and claims to be much better than other fast food places. The commercial shows that even in the height of recession, Wendy’s provide 3 varieties of economical burgers at less than a $1 apiece.

The commercial was created by Wendy’s for selected branches of the chain in US that are participating in the economic deal thus it is Wendy’s US that is paying for this advertisement.

Being a self-created advertisement it is clear that the creators of the advertisement (Wendy’s) are biased towards their product and promoting it as the best and most economical product available in the market. The advertisement focuses on the current recession in the market thus it shows people that even at such bad times, Wendy’s is still cheap.

The advertisement on Wendy’s claims that the international chain provides much better fast food from other fast food restaurants. However this is a tag line that Wendy’s uses for all its commercials and not specifically for this advertisement where the only piece of information provided it is that Wendy’s is cheap even in economic recession.

The advertisement effectively caters to the fear of people of not being able to afford food restaurants. Since eating-out culture in US is quite high, Wendy’s addresses the fear of the people by offering low priced burgers and at the same time fulfills the desires of the people to eat fast food. Economic recession is upon everybody already so taking an existing fear Wendy’s moves ahead with this strategy.

The advertisement is quite blunt and unattractive since it neither use any celebrity appeal and nor does it is invokes any personal emotion however the advertisement solves a common problem for the people.

Wendy’s is a credible organization and serves quality food. Thus when it offers an attractive and cheap offer as presented in the advertisement, I would certainly make the purchase.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, November 22). Wendy’s: Analysis of Building Marketing. https://studycorgi.com/wendys-analysis-of-building-marketing/

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'Wendy’s: Analysis of Building Marketing'. 22 November.

1. StudyCorgi. "Wendy’s: Analysis of Building Marketing." November 22, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/wendys-analysis-of-building-marketing/.


StudyCorgi. "Wendy’s: Analysis of Building Marketing." November 22, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/wendys-analysis-of-building-marketing/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Wendy’s: Analysis of Building Marketing." November 22, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/wendys-analysis-of-building-marketing/.

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