Sundiata Epic: Culture and Traditions of West Africans

Sundiata epic indicates that in West African history before the arrival of Europeans, power was hereditary. King Maghan, who was the king of Niani city, had to have one of his sons as the heir of his throne. According to a prophecy that he heard from a hunter, his heir...

Development and Application of New Media

In the 21st century, researchers no longer understand media as just the communications and the Internet. The media environment is the entire space of interactions that surround a person. New media types have influenced how people communicate, how they produce material goods, consume them, and even the hierarchy in modern...

Racism May Be Natural in Modern Society

Introduction Human existence has more than one thousand years, during which humanity has changed both biologically and spiritually. It is possible to notice, how through tens of past epochs, the structure of society changed: the ideas and opinions put in consciousness reflected a degree of development and tolerance of people....

Case Scenarios in U.S. Labor Laws

Situation A: Provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993 The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) became effective on August 5, 1993, after former President Bill Clinton fulfilled his campaign promise and signed it into law in his first term of office. In its provisions, an...

Evaluation of the Scholarly Debate Regarding the Rise of the National Minimum Wages

The possibility of increasing the national minimum wages is discussed in detail by the scientific community, introducing the potential advantages and disadvantages of this action. Although some scholars believe that improving the minimal possible salaries of the employees could benefit the economy, others dispute this approach, arguing that such changes...

Gene Editing as Humanity’s Possible Doom

Gene editing is a promising new developing biotechnology that can significantly expand our power to modify human beings. Although, questions have been raised about the potential use of genetic information in ethics, religion, law, and society since completing the Human Genome Project. Concerns about the disastrous consequences of this technology’s...

How the Beatles Changed the American Culture

Introduction The Beatles took England by storm with their rock and roll music in the late 1950s, and by the early 1960s, their influence had reached the United States. The band comprised Paul McCartney, George Harrison, John Lennon, and Ringo Starr, commonly known as the Fab Four. The band, originally...

Mysteries about President John F. Kennedy Assassination

JFK assassination is a mystery, and no one knows exactly what happened. After more than half a century of research and discussion, there are still discrepancies in peoples’ understanding of the mystery. The murder of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy 50 years ago remains unsolved; for this reason, many conspiracy theories...

Blue Bell Ethical Dilemma Case

Introduction According to the case, Paul Kruse faced a situation in which he had to make ethical decisions that would not adversely affect the organization’s reputation. Irrespective of how Paul Kruse handled the case, his decision and course of action did not change the fact that sanitary measures were not...

Incompatibilism and Determinism in Human Life

When it comes to the philosophical aspects of life, many people support the idea of free will. This idea is deeply ingrained in their actual experiences to the extent that it is nearly hard to consider the possibility that their perspectives are incorrect. For example, when individuals contemplate various actions...

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Influence of Brand Characteristics on Marketing Strategies

Introduction Modern marketing strategies for promoting products and brands through social media are extremely diverse and vary depending on the characteristics and goals of companies. This study seeks to explore how key brand characteristics influence the choice of marketing strategies and the formation of the target audience’s purchasing behavior. Additionally,...

Appearance and Reality in “Du Tenth Sinks…” by Feng Meng-Long

Introduction Appearance is a subjective notion regarding structural ideologies, such as perceived respect among the wealthy while the reality enshrines incongruent personality traits among individuals on ethical virtues. The short story, ‘Du Tenth Sinks the Jewelry Box in Anger,’ fosters an apt evaluation of the contrast in the human behavioral...

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Cultural Variation Across International Organizations

Executive Summary The present report is devoted to the issues of cross-cultural management in the international business environment and the situations of mergers and acquisitions, in particular. It is argued that cultural adjustment is essential for effective organizational operation in the context of global business. To understand why it is...

Antecedents of Organizational Citizenship Behavior Article Review

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Personal Communication Development and Action Plan

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Attracting Consumers with Blogs, Vigilante and Counter-Blog Marketing

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Life and Artistic Work of Jean Michel Basquiat

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Organizational Culture and Diversity: Zappos and Amazon

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Honor in Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing”

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Juvenile Crime: Punishment of Juvenile Crime

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Challenges of the Creative and Cultural Industry

Background and History For the first time, the term “creative economy” was used by the New York magazine Businessweek in 2000, and since then, it has only become wider (Brouillette, 2020). Although the term “creative industries” has been in the vocabulary of cultural economists for over 20 years, discussions about...

Care and Death Rates Among Nursing Home Residents

A nursing home is a place where the elderly and the disabled get support with nurses’ aid. A nursing home can also be referred to as a convalescent home. Three types of nurses can work in these convalescent homes. The nurses can either work full-time or part-time, depending on the...

The Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre Society

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Beethoven’s Influence on Later Artists

Introduction Ludwig van Beethoven is one of the greatest German composers of the 19th century. Polyphony, which J.S.Bach and his contemporaries represented, was replaced by a bias towards homophony, mainly represented by Haydn and Mozart’s greatest symphonists. They created a new form that combines elements of harmony and counterpoint. Beethoven...

Medical Application Critical Appraisal Guidelines

The usage of mobile phones and other electronic devices is becoming more widely recognized as an essential healthcare tool, increasing medical software application development. Data collection, patient management, monitoring, and clinical decision-making are all things that this software may assist healthcare providers with (Durfee & Iaizzo, 2019). Care staff profit...

Autism, Autism Spectrum Sisorder (ASD), and Theory of Mind

Introduction The tendency toward inclusivity in education implies a more significant number of children with disabilities and developmental issues included in the classroom activities. One of the most prevailing issues relevant to education is autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which predetermines children’s cognitive, social, and physical complications. Children with autism have...

National Dental Franchise Planning

Strategic planning is the process or procedure associations use to foster intention to accomplish long-haul objectives. The National Dental Franchise will be located in Texas and later expand to other parts and cities. The Healthcare organization, The National Dental Franchise, will have several branches in the city, especially around schools...

Annual Burnout and Turnover Rates of Addiction Treatment Counselor in Chicago

It is known that working with certain groups of patients is an additional psycho-traumatic factor for doctors. These patients include the elderly, the chronically or terminally ill, patients requiring intensive care, and newborns. The mentally ill and psychoactive substance users deserve special attention; they are often patients with aggressive and...

The Evidence-Based Practices in Business

Introduction Quality improvement is a process in which the effectiveness of all existing systems in the business is evaluated. Changes usually take place based on a structured approach and qualitative analysis of all work areas of the company. To organize successful improvements, regular data collection and analysis are accomplished. Business...

Opening and Developing the Business: A Mobile Game

To open a business, one should carefully design a business plan, calculate all possible expenses, and learn the necessary skills. I want to start a mobile game business, as it is a business that can be started with almost no physical expenses and requires only PC, mobile coding, design, and...

Egypt’s Population, Languages, Religion & Culture

Introduction Egypt is a transcontinental nation that extends to the southwest corner of Asia and the northeast corner of Africa. Moreover, the country is bordered in the north by the Mediterranean Sea, east by the Red Sea, south by Sudan, and west by Libya. Its capital city is Cairo, with...

Suicide Prevention Strategies in Sioux Lookout

Introduction Suicide is the deliberate self-infliction of harm that leads to the inflicting individual’s death. When someone damages oneself intending to end their life but does not pass away because of their acts, it is considered a suicide attempt. There is a link between suicide and other types of harm...

Victimization in the Criminal Justice System

Introduction Victimology is a criminology branch focused on exploring the link between a victim and the offender by examining the causes and the extent of suffering the injured person underwent. In other words, victimology presses on whether the perpetrator was a stranger, an acquaintance, friend, or family member and the...

African Americans in the USA: Transformation 1941-1980

There is a claim that from 1941 to 1980, fundamental changes took place in American society, which contributed to a change in the position of African Americans. It is worth noting that this historical period is filled with various political events that had a direct impact on the transformation of...

Microcytic Hypochromic Anemia: Medical History

Patient’s Information Age: 43 years Sex: Female. Subjective Chief Complaint “Coming to learn the information about test results.” History of the Present Illness The patient has come to learn about her test results. The patient states that her symptoms of a seasonal allergy have improved, as well as her symptoms...

Psychology: Personal and Career Development

Although many thinks that focusing on self can be a destructive force, the psychological research has evidence that it is an important component to some positive changes in life. A great amount of theories related to self-regulation underlines the idea that positive changes, given the positive type of the individual’s...

Nightingale’s Environment Theory Analysis and Relevance

Introduction Florence Nightingale is a renowned English theorist and the founder of contemporary nursing. She was born in the 1820s and died in 1910. Regarding accomplishments, Nightingale served as a social worker who played a huge role in attending to injured soldiers during the Crimean War. Her main task involved...

Organic Garment Market in the United Kingdom

Executive Summary Oriental Organic Garments is the name of the proposed retail unit that will deal in T-Shirts for men and women made out of 100% organically grown cotton. The company has an excellent supplier from Hong Kong and is confident that the products can be competitively marketed in a...

Historical and Cultural Understanding of Sexuality

Masculinity and femininity are terms used to refer to the gender classification of human beings as either male or female. In this classification of human beings using gender, a human being is either a man or a woman. Gender is a characteristic that is social rather than biological in nature...

What Is the Best Way to Stimulate Economic Growth?

“What we know about the global financial crisis is that we don’t know very much” Paul L. Samuelson. The historical examples of economic growth and downturns and economic theories propose different ways out and solutions to overcome the financial crisis and stabilize the economic situation in a country. I am not...

English Lecture Plan From 4th to 5th Levels

Course 4th -5th level inclusion ELA lecture Ela Siop Criteria Level 1: Pupils will listen, write, and interpret information and understand the nature or implication of a written or printed substance Level 3: Pupils will listen, write, and interpret information and understand critical examination and assessment (Echevarria, Vogt, & Short,...

“What We Talk About When We Talk About Love” by Raymond Carver

Introduction What We Talk About When We Talk About Love is a concluding story in a self-titled collection of short stories written by Raymond Carver. It sets to explores various notions humans have about love. The title itself suggests that there are different perceptions people can have about this concept,...

Depiction of Slavery in Tarantino’s “Django Unchained”

Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained (2012) represents a vivid reconsideration of the American slavery experience. The director employs a range of unexpected steps to describe the U.S. past. In particular, Django Unchained follows Tarantino’s traditional narrative style, which strongly relies on the audacious interplay with genres and interactive dialogue with the...

The Concept of Labelling Theory

Introduction Labelling theory is a sociological approach to identify and distinguish individuals based on their roles. In general, this hypothesis is applied in the criminological environment and discusses the consequences of stigmatization. For instance, the theory analyzes how deviant labels, such as a ‘criminal’ or a ‘rapist’, might affect the...

Full Renewable Energy Plan Feasibility: 2030-2040

Global warming has become a pressing concern for the global community, as developed societies have reached critical levels of environmental impact. As the impact of various industries on the environment has attained a global and barely deniable level, new perspectives have been introduced. More specifically, humanity has come to realize...

Addressing Social and Digital Anthropology and the Role of Humans as Social and Digital Beings

Online communication has become an inevitable component of social relationships and everyday interactions between members of society. It is a tool for helping prevent social relationships from diminishing over time. Thus, the interactions within the context of kinship have also been occurring online, with sociologists exploring the ways in which...

Environmental Studies: Life & Culture in the Pacific

The journal “Culture and Sustainable Development in the Pacific,” by Antony Hooper describes how different cultural beliefs in the Pacific affect development. According to Hooper, culture and development are factors that are always intertwined. The relationship is affect in every aspect of life including the media and political debates. Most...

Examining the Potential of Digital Earth Services in Connection to Global Warming

Introduction Environmental issues surrounding the subject of the Earth’s condition are a crucial topic of scientific discussion. The numerous problems concerning the changes in natural welfare require grounded interpretation and subsequent search for suitable solutions to maintain our home planet’s state. Over the course of humanity’s existence, the characteristics of...

Care Coordination Plan: Analysis

The practice of giving patients the best treatment possible is referred to as care coordination. In order to enhance the delivery of healthcare, integrating diverse components of the process in a logical way is required. Undoubtedly, a care coordination plan’s performance depends on a number of factors, including health policy,...

Global Changes in the Hospitality Industry

Introduction The modern world is constantly changing and extremely quick: amounts and information flows are significant and continually increase. Increasing the information and its unification is globalization: it leads to the interference of various information flows and results in the modern global culture. Globalization breaks existing borders and creates new;...

The Novel “A Thousand Splendid Suns” by Khaled Hosseini

Introduction The issue of women’s rights has always been an acute topic since while women in developed countries have the privilege of education and a career, having a sense of security and protection, many women in developing countries are restricted in their freedom. The novel A Thousand Splendid Suns was...

The Concept of Resilience in Literature

Introduction As psychologists understand it, resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity. The concept is especially pertinent in war and other catastrophes that cause significant harm to individuals and groups. The concept of resilience has always been wide-ranging in its scope, from its core philosophy from social psychology...

Police Violence and Subterfuge Cases

Introduction Police violence and subterfuge are the phenomena that unite the cases of Joy Gardner, who died in custody in 1993 and those of young Mike Brown or middle-aged Eric Garner who both died in 2014 (Erfani-Ghettani 102; Miah 2-3). Both Gardner and Garner died of suffocation because of the...

Cancer Diagnostics, Staging and Complications

Introduction Today, an entire branch of medicine is engaged in oncology. Specialists study tumors, treat patients, and try to find various ways to prevent the emergence of cancer. Those patients who can recognize the symptoms of oncology at an early stage have the maximum chances of survival. Cancer is manifested...

Lockheed Company’s Unethical Behavior and Recovery

Abstract This paper attempts to analyze the case study of Lockheed Martin, a large weapon and aircraft manufacturing company that was involved in a series of unethical behaviors throughout the 1950s and 1980s. The paper follows the company’s development into a powerful domestic and international competitor forced to function in...

Conflict Resolution in Professional Nurse Activity

Introduction The activities of professional nurses require not only high professionalism and compliance with all necessary rules but also the ability to find the right approach to a patient. In the practice of many medical workers, conflicts caused by different reasons occur quite often. If it happens, it means that...

Emergency Medical Services and Staff Challenges

Introduction Emergency medical services include medical services offered to patients away from the hospitals as well as the transportation of patients to hospitals. Other names given to emergency medical services include life squad, ambulance services and first aid. Emergency medical services are entitled to patients requiring urgent medical attention; for...

Ronald Reagan – President of the United States of America

Introduction Ronald Reagan, who is regarded as the greatest communicator of all time, was the 40th president of the United States of America. An American president has a big significance in the world. It is widely known that the most powerful person on earth is the American President. Being the...

Health Law: Pre-Existing Conditions Protection Act

Introduction The bill H.R. 1121 was introduced in the House of Representatives in February 2017. The issue that needs to be resolved by the given bill contributes to improving the Public Health Service Act (PHSA) to provide medical services to American citizens because sometimes their expenses are not covered by...

Christian Symbolism and Imagery in “The Matrix” Film

Check out our essay sample on The Matrix symbolism. Learn more about what symbolism in The Matrix represents by reading our sample! Symbolism in The Matrix Essay Introduction The Matrix is a film, which depicts the condition of the world in the view of civilization in terms of machinery and...

Accountants and Professional Self-Actualization

Discuss Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg and show how ethical values and culture played a role in the success or problem of the situation Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, as well as their companies Facebook and Tesla, are commonly assumed to be exemplifying the viability of the ethically sound approach...

The GARS-3 Test Analysis

Abstract Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disorder that requires early diagnoses within the individuals. As a tool for diagnosing the patients in the age between 3 and 22 years, GARS-3 was introduced. GARS-3 represents the third edition of the original scale that was modified in response to the emerging...

International Organizations Role in Globalization Process

In recent decades, the process of Globalization has been changing the very theoretical premise, upon which the concept of international relations was based, throughout the course of the last three centuries. Whereas, before the advent of Globalization and the rise of neoLiberalism, only the independent states were considered legitimate actors...

Exegesis of Job 23: 1-17, The Book of Job

Introduction The Book of Job can be considered as one of the most philosophical works of the Old Testament. The uniqueness of the Book of Job is in its “depth and thoroughness in dealing with the relationship of human suffering to divine justice” (Gaebelein, 1979-1992, 843). The commonly accepted notion...

Healthcare in Haiti: No Map, No Plan, No System

Introduction: Haiti Haiti is one of those places that every tourist wishes to visit for the sake of exotic impressions, yet not a single soul wishes to live in because of the dreadful state of economy, an upsetting political situation and deplorable healthcare services. Though Haiti is primarily known for...

Advertising to Children & Social Responsibility

Advertising is a device by which “artificial” tastes are created. Advertising is one of numerous elements that influence a consumer’s spending decisions. Because advertising is available to all who would sell a product or service, no single message can possibly dominate our attention. This applies as much to decisions between...

Toyota in Crisis: Denial and Mismanagement

Introduction At present, Toyota faces challenges caused by production globalization, market development, and increasing product complexity. In 2009 due to a pedal problem, Toyota recalled millions of automobiles because of unintentional acceleration and inability to manage the crisis. A quality problem for a brand that has been renowned for its...

Methodology and Data Analysis of Maternal Mortality

Introduction The research methodology determines the direction the study intends to develop, how the data are collected, and the type of research conducted. It also specifies the quality and reliability of the data gathered. The methodology can also identify the analytical tools that the researcher will use to analyze the...

Researching of Concept of Justice

Feminist equity philosophy is a woman rights activist moral perspective that desires to connect with and ultimately transform traditional international ethical viewpoints. Feminist justice morals, like most collections of feminist ethics, examine how gender is left out of common ethical concerns. Although mainstream ethics is said to be male-oriented, feminist...

Women’s Rights: Judy Brady’s “I Want a Wife”

The rights of women have grown from being just a single movement to an ongoing struggle. Women across the world are continuing to fight for their rights in almost every aspect of life. Judy Brady satirically championed for the rights of women in her classic writing “I want a wife”....

Healthy Lifestyle Management Program

Healthy living is vital for a person’s physical and emotional wellness. Additionally, healthy living is necessary to prevent the development of chronic illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Unhealthy living may cause psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress (Penninx & Lange, 2022). Healthy lifestyle management...