Deep Packet Infection: Packet Sniffing of Network

In the modern world, there is increasing popularity of online services. As shown in appendix A, there is also an increase in data breaches, malware infections, and intrusion attempts due to the enormous amount of data and file transfers that people are doing every day due to modernization and advancement...

Renewable Energy Sources for Saudi Arabia

Introduction In the modern age, the transition to renewable energy sources may be inevitable. The continuous depletion of oil, environmentally unsafe measures of resource gathering and utilization, as well as the technological advances in the field of alternative energy, have shown that traditional energy sources are not going to be...

Women Entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia

Introduction Over the years, women have faced discrimination and other forms of challenges in society. This is especially so in the business world, where the market seems to be controlled by men alone. Many business fields are dominated by men, and women control only a small portion of the market...

Emirates Airline: Leadership Styles and Performance

Abstract This research addresses how different leadership styles impact the organizational performance of Emirates Airlines. The scope of this study was narrowed down to four leadership styles: autocratic, democratic, transformational, and cross-cultural. A questionnaire including 17 elements, 5 of which concerned demographic and work-related characteristics, was distributed online to 200...

ABC Company Opens Father Branch in Jeddah

Introduction When planning to open a new branch in the market, it is important to monitor external environmental forces that may affect the level of success of a firm. Forrest et al. explains that the ability of a firm to sustain its operations depends on how effectively the management and...

The Impact of Racism on Globalization

Abstract The term globalization has been used in the literal sense to mean the transformation process of regional phenomenon into global phenomenon where the entire world’s population is united into a single society.Globalization combines forces of the economy, technology, sociology and politics. In most cases, Globalization term is used to...

European Economic Integration: The Case of Hungary

European economic integration is a complex and ongoing process that is associated with both advantages and certain obstacles for European countries. To understand how economic integration is influencing the current members of the European Union (EU) and what changes in their economies can be predicted, it is necessary to analyze...